Wow. Best thing Ive read on excess mortality. God bless.

Too bad every other. Commercial on tv is a selection of doctors pushing these shots on our children.

Do you guys think this will ever be covered by media that isnt just on substackistan? Will people realize what the government has done? Would love to hear opinions.

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As long as MSM maintains its grip over the masses, it can neutralize or minimize any revelations thereto. MSM must be dismantled through antitrust laws

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Hear, hear. And there must never, EVER, be any "pandemic law" that supersedes the Constitution, from the WHO, or any other malevolent entity.

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Roger that!

There's NO circumstance where government has right to infringe on our freedom. A pandemic or natural disaster are NO exceptions. The government DOES NOT know what's best for each individual American when it comes to health & safety. The whole "It's for the greater good of humanity" & "You don't want to kill Nana do you"? is a bunch of BS & those who went along with these tyrannical policies are communist supporters & a danger to society.

If the government is giving out FREE anything, especially vaccines you can bet there's a nefarious agenda behind their generosity.

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Damn straight, Skippy! ^_^ I would only argue one thing... the people going along with the mandates and such are not communist supporters, they're FASCISTS. But the point is, you're RIGHT, it's a bunch of BS, and if we don't want absolute TYRANNY on our heads we need to get up and get feet in the street ASAP. Cheers.

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Cheers to you as well.

I suspect Trump never left Office based on several Executive Orders he signed in 2018 regarding actions that would be taken in event of foreign/domestic election interference. I believe Trump & Military have been taking down Deep State since January 20, 2017 (covert military operation) & that last 6 years has been an awakening period to unbrainwash the public.

Top 5 Reasons why I Believe Trump is still President:

1. If Biden were truly President/Commander in Chief Trump would either be dead or thrown in prison long ago.

2. Never in history of our country has "outgoing" President departed on Air Force 1:)

3. If Biden were President/Commander In Chief, Gitmo would be closed. Instead, a second courtroom for war crimes is currently being built.

4. No way Roe v Wade gets overturned under a legit Biden presidency.

5. If Biden/Deep State were truly running the show, Andrew Cuomo & de Blasio would still be Governor/Mayor of NY & Zucker, Chris Cuomo, Stelter & Don Lemon would still be employed at CNN, but they all went bye bye - In addition, Dorsey & Jeff Bezos would still be at helm of Twitter & Amazon, but they're NOT. Chief Operating Officer at Facebook also "resigned".

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I'm really not much caught up in the Trump thing. Another billionaire, and while he may be interesting and a bit of a rebel, and it seems he did try to do some good things, I'm thinking the next leader maybe ought to come out of the PEOPLE, and not out of money. But... I'm not really all that interested in that. I'm MUCH more interested in putting down the cabal that is taking over our liberties, shutting down the free press, and generally trying to destroy democracy once and for all. THEY are far more of a threat than anything else, and all the rest feels like a distraction.

I want to see MASSIVE PEACEFUL PROTEST until we can get these rabid oligarch parasites OUT of our business, and take their money away for the genocide they've committed, and feed/house everybody with it. Everybody. They have 90% of the world's wealth.

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I'm of the opinion that "Just another billionaire" would never think to give-up a life of luxury, peace & safety to get brutally abused 24/7 & know that every time he walks out door he's at risk of being gunned done by a Deep State lunatic.

President Trump sacrificed everything to save our country's sovereignty.

One of Trump's first Executive Orders involved putting end to child sex trafficking. He also implemented "First Step Act" prison reform bill, lowered taxes, created millions of jobs, got millions of people off welfare, woke up millions regarding FAKE NEWs media (which is HUGE) & secured our border & that's just for starters.

I so look forward to President Trump stepping back into spotlight & continuing on with his presidency- only this time the swamp will be drained, our freedom secured & he'll be working with constitutionalists who know that their #1 priority is to protect our constitutional rights & that there's NO circumstance where our God given rights can be infringed upon- not for a "pandemic" or a natural disaster. I'm confident that upon Trump's return, law & order will be restored as well.

I believe that Trump would NEVER throw us to the communist wolves & that when he said, "The best is yet to come", he meant it.

Lastly, I hope that when the time comes, Don Jr. takes the reins to ensure his father's legacy continues.

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I think you're high... And that last line is really really bizarre... Are you even American? Because democracy. If you like monarchy and power passed down the by heredity, you're in the wrong forum. Education is key, so good luck with that.

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"I think you're high"? isn't something that an open-minded, educated person would say.

In addition, you might want to educate yourself on the definition of monarchy.

Here in America we ELECT our Presidents. In Monarchies, leaders are NEVER elected. They are replaced by inheritance/chosen through birth.

The wonderful thing about living in a democratic republic is that the People get to choose their leader. Therefore, if Don Jr. is elected by We The People based on his commitment to carry on his father's agenda (An agenda that greatly benefited Americans) then it would make sense to want him to take the reins:)

As long as the person at the helm has best interest of the American people, can run country efficiently, is committed to upholding the Constitution, protecting our rights & keeping us safe then it shouldn't matter who they are related to. It's a person's actions that matter, not the labels that are placed upon them or what the Fake News MSM says about them.

In your words, not mine,"Education is key, so luck with that"

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I don't know why you're fixated on arguing with me. I disagree with your views, it's nothing PERSONAL. You'll never, ever, convince me of whatever it is you're espousing, billionaires running the world, nepotism, whatever. This is not meant as an insult, it's just that I do not wish to continue to see your rantings. I don't find conversations with zealots to ever be worth my time.

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This ☝️.

I will never forget what was done and continues.

I'm a single issue human and I will hunt them down 50 years from now.

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Psychopaths NEVER quit. I'll be dead in 50 years, but maybe I'll reincarnate as your partner.

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read yesterday that Soros Groups have purchased a huge block of Hispanic radio stations...don't you think that'll be a propaganda machine for the uneducated?

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And the CIA is heavily involved in this "plandemic"

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Indeed-- And a long history, their entire history actually, of much fuckery.

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and as long as big Pharma has it's grip on MSM, no revelations will be forthcoming. So, I don't feel hopeful.

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We don't know the future yet... So why lose hope already? WE have the power to stop this. This is not the time to give up, we haven't even really gotten started! Hang in there, Star!

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Love your positivity. I’m more and more cynical. And tired of the BS.

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I'm cynical too, in some ways... it's easy. ;) And tired of the BS? Ooooh, yeah. But nothing much worthwhile happens quickly. Patience and sticking to the goal... It's always the positive actions that get things done. Nothing easy about it, tho. xo

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It’s starting to unravel! Yay.

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YAY is right! It will come. ^_^

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Here's the thing...I was part of an activist group in the late 80s who pushed back against the AMA/big pharma when they shut down the office of a naturopath in our city. We got NOWHERE. they were too powerful. This is why it's easy for me to be cynical, impatient. However, I AM seeing change, and yes, there's always hope.

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WE, the ones who actually understand what's going on, must speak up. ALL of us, so it's not just one or two here and there. We have to plant doubt in the tired and brainwashed, so they will question things. So, perhaps not giving out THE ANSWERS, as it were, but ASKING QUESTIONS in a way that gives the sleeping cause to wakey wakey. CLUES, questions, and skepticism where it's clearly needed...

I agree, too, that the Medical Mafia is extremely powerful. All the more reason to plant the seeds of DOUBT.

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Yes! Ask Questions, especially to those who seem immovable. Questions help people think. When people think for themselves they are more likely to reconsider their assumptions, perceptions, etc...

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Unfortunately, I agree with you

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You'd be going up against the CIA as well. They control much of what the MSM reports....and doesn't report.

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The only way it won't –eventually–be noticed is escalating war.... and even then, probably only delaying things, unless true apocalypse (which psychopaths seem predisposed towards exploring that path anyway (per BoJo etc]!

Extrapolating for covaxx injury to armed forces personnel – plus possible reproductive effected outcomes – and we're in deepest shit in the West!

Only solutions I can see:

1. Immediate Covaxx cessation (prevent worse genocide)

2. Bluff China/ economic winter/ ☢ (they didn't use spiky jabs)

3. Prosecute those responsible for Jabbageddon (sends a message we're serious to non Westerners (ie needed if* we're also ~responsible for Covid19]

By doubling down on West-is-best trope – in the face of decreasing evidence – we've got a massive % of world population hating us, to increasing levels.

We Need all adults standing up NOW!


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I suspect they'll blame a new variant for the excess deaths, or even a new virus entirely (they seem to be cooking up bird flu again)...

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If you want the journos of MSM to even look at it needs to be on ONE sheet of paper cause they Don't Read Shit! Same for the sheeple. Keep It Simple Stupid!

Oh! And our free and democratic press get at least 75% of their Ad revenue from Pharma and GATES! Might have something to do with it?

(A BRILLIANT piece of work! Thank you! )

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If you are a media company that takes money from Pharma you cannot cover this. The best you can do is ignore it; more likely Pharma will put the arm on you to debunk it. He who pays the piper calls the tune.

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Real talk.

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a reckoning is coming, there are a bunch of brilliant people with assets and will to pursue the criminals

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I hope youre right but i dont see them paying the price. There will be no investigations—deep state wont let republicans win the elections—not that they would get anything done anyway.

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House GOP hearings!

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it will not get done in Congress, it will get done in the courts

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The corrupt courts?

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It will be done via shift in zeitgeist and only if not disrupted by world war (or other false-flag). Imho

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many of them are corrupt, but there are still legislators and judges that retain some moral courage, and therefore, moral authority. But the state of the nation is not looking good.


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Unlikely, unless the corporate media fails. THAT's unlikely, too, since it's a monopoly of nearly all the TV and radio stations...

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Plus, it’s 75% supported by big pharma.

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Only 75% ?? Arrrrrrrgh. My elderly parents watch MSNBC every fricken night, and the commercials for drugs are almost constant, and they are pernicious and manipulative and utterly PUTRID... like most of their products... I like the idea of Pirate Radio, that they had a while back, where people broadcast from secret locations over radio waves, and then just MOVED. We can outsmart these fux... all they know is brute force. The creativity is OURS.

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100% of the networks are supported by Pharma. 75% refers to the percentage of revenue ad dollars they contribute.

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Would you have a reference? Also any idea on how funding/control behind the science journals?

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OK, ty. Makes perfect sense.

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when cigarettes were thrown off tv ads, drugs became the fill-in revenue stream

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Welcome to X...

Imo it could become a real alternate to current corruption by MSM)!

° all of that ^ is if Elon doesn't shit the nest (who knows: maybe, we're actually witnessing controlled opposition, by psychopathy)


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Right!! And the very, very few times I can stand to actually watch TV (extremely rare, as it causes me to be filled with both homicidal urges AND a strong desire to puke), I see pharma ads almost every single commercial! Vomitous.

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the commercials are 'negative mental programming and grooming', Not one positive or emotionally helpfull thing in it! Pure evil, manipulation and fear inducing. I ALWAYS TURN THE STATION. Even on christian radio I keep hearing one about "my young son diagnosed with cancer blah blah"....cannot change channel quick enough. Remember when all of the cancer commercials started 15-20 yrs ago? and the mega-cancer centers. It's all negative programming which I believe affects ppl's health over time...the mind is powerful with good or wrong/bad information.

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Zeitgeist is fatally corrupted by juvenality at this point...

(Only widespread psychological mini-death possibly turns around 'this')!

° fingers crossed, some in the psycho-class don't find Religion and meanwhile launch nuclear war


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every week strange deaths announced at my small-mid sized church. "Last week was miscarriage at 4 months", Lung cancer stage 4. The first I knew to be vaxx related was Oct '21 35 year old man heart embolysim followed by a personal friends 35 yrs old disabled military son died in his sleep 3 wks after booster. Both felt ill leading up to death.

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Brilliant analysis. And it is personal for me, as I’m 67 and have had two pulmonary embolisms WITHOUT being vaccinated, and I strongly suspect it would be three strikes and out.

Your analysis is supported by the Human Mortality Database, which shows 619,000 excess US deaths in 2021 vs 2015-2019 as a baseline. This is an increase of 23% over all ages.

It is natural to assume this is covid related, but the excess mortality in 2020 - no vaccine - was ‘only’ 599,000. Excess mortality INCREASED the year vaccines were introduced.

The HMD does not address the cause, only the bottom line. Suicides, overdoses, etc likely are a major factor. But as you show, the ‘vaccines’ are almost certainly killing healthy people.

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"It is natural to assume this is covid related,"

People were tagged with COVID, then denied early and appropriate treatment and given late and inappropriate treatment. For every patient tagged as COVID and placed on a ventilator, the hospital received a bonus of over $100,000 from the USA government. Most of those 599,000 excess deaths were not from COVID, but rather due to improper treatment.

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It could be as easy as WiFi in the home, under certain circumstances, such as having metals from various sources in the body, injected in, or otherwise taken in.

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Can you elaborate?

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Well, EMF's are dangerous all by themselves. Our bodies aren't designed to live in electrical fields. If you then also have metals inside you, such as from a jab, which have been shown to contain graphene, aluminum, mercury, etc, the EMF's can cause those metals to react, in effect, to "come alive" in such a way that can cause your blood vessels to be literally shredded... I'm no expert in this area, but these are the kinds of things I've read in various places. There is some thought that the bee die-off and insect die-off generally speaking, is caused by not pollution or pesticides, necessarily, but by 5G. There has been a lot of hush-up regarding the dangers of 5G, but there are plenty of people trying to shout about it, including many doctors.

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Here's a good site for info: rblank@shieldyourbody.com

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True. I wonder if it will ever be possible to back out the "fraud" that Coquin alluded to in his post, and to get to the true numbers of Covid deaths in 2020. People tout 500,000, roughly half a million C19 deaths in 2020, but Dr. Peter McCullough and others have estimated that 90% to 95% of these deaths were not from the disease, but from the Fauci protocol; i.e. False positive PCR test, claim it's a Covid case, isolate victim from family, inject with Remdesivir to induce pulmonary edema, flood lungs with water, claim it's Covid pneumonia, put patient on ventilator, kill the subject, collect government payout for the hospital. The change from 2020 to 2021 would be more striking if we could back out medical murders from the stats.

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Indeed!!! And also, just look to the life insurance payouts, not from 2020, but from the second half, or post May, perhaps, of 2021. The insurance companies are flipping out, having such massive payouts that only happen MAYBE every 200 years or so, because of wars, or something like that... It's quite telling.

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Ed Dowd’s new book is out…

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Try to find out how many defibrillators and pacemakers were implanted. One of each in our family from Massachusetts.

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Anyone got an update on the UK nursing homes' midzolam deaths? I pray it is not true, that they were intentionally drugging the elderly..

I guess the US equivalent would be inappropriate ventilation, & use of Remdi$ivir, which hospitals are incentivized to use, despite the liver/kidney toxicity. Even WHO does not recommend "Rundeathi$nir".

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Not exactly the same as what you asked but still egregious and related to hospital directly causing a young woman’s death.

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I've heard/read some cases of people witnessing literally starving old folks to death, often under sedation, but not always... The cruelty of that is stunning. And I'm talking about IN hospitals or senior facilities...

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Good thought

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We’re all in it together- young people dying to protect the dementia patients (being half of all Cv deaths in Canada).

From our official statistics bureau, Statistics Canada:

“Provisional death counts and excess mortality, January 2020 to December 2021

Overall, from the end of March 2020 to the end of October 2021, there were 4,009 excess deaths for this age group [under 45], or 17.6% more deaths than expected. This age group often experienced excess mortality at times when the number of deaths attributed to COVID-19 were lower. From March 2020 to October 2021, there have been fewer than 400 deaths attributed to COVID-19 for Canadians aged 44 years and younger.”

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Unfortunately, the data was deliberately changed. In the following article, they used the wayback machine to capture the original published data and found how terrifying it really is:

Triple vax have aids


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This is incredibly well articulated. The question is, will a single Dr or Scientist who has ignored the reality change their tune after reading? Sadly I doubt they will.

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They won't read it, in the main. Heads are in sand, or up arse.

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We have to just keep on doing what WE'RE doing, ie, bringing out bits of truth, talking about it, pointing fingers at the evidence... Sooner or later, the Truth will be enough to reach a tipping point.

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Or get you sent to jail or worse

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In my very small pond, I am feeling the effects, too... for speaking out.

Here's a little Good News: The terrific David E. Martin, together with attorney George R. Wentz, powered by Leslie Manookian, are bringing a Federal case against the Bad Guys of Pharma, in Utah. Oral arguments start on July 6.

If I know anything about these people, I think this will be a HUGE blasting hole into this global fraud, and will set a precedent for more cases like this one, and give more attorneys ammunition to bring this house of cards down, for good. Hold Fast.

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And now, in November 2022, I'm having some second thoughts about LM...

Keeping an open mind on this, but I have hardly ANY doubts about David E. Martin. He ROCKS.

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Excellent, thanks!

The overall US excess mortality supports this, see https://www.usmortality.com/excess-absolute and https://www.usmortality.com/excess-percent -- you can click on "filter" and check "all ages" to get more detail.

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This is also excellent info. Thank you. What I don’t understand is MA all cause was actually less in 2021 than 2020 According to the link.

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Yes, why is that?

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? I don’t know. But there appears to be conflicting info.

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That's because Massachusetts had a big wave of deaths in the spring 2020, attributed to COVID (although who knows, given the revelations about how some NYC hospitals were murdering patients and calling it COVID, and how remdesivir was the only approved drug for COVID and also killing people). The data in the two links above are consistent with the charts in this article, not conflicting.

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Thank you! Something else to ponder? How many excess deaths worldwide from the over use of ventilators because of mass formation? Meaning, doctors and nurses strapping it on patients because of fear of infection?

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And what about the Mass Formation around the concept of contagion? It's interesting to note that contagion has never been proven!

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Superb work, truly impressive ,and must have been exhausting! We in the Commonwealth of Maskachusetts owe you a debt of gratitude. And I can see why you and Marc are friends.

If an incorrigible copyeditor were permitted one terminology comment: I might change most instances of the word "pandemic" to "epidemic" -- not presuming to correct the author's vocab use, but to remind the public who have either lost or never had an understanding of the difference between the terms.

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I recommend "virus panic" because that describes both the spread of the virus and the reactions of a fearful populace and government officials to it.

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Clearly painfully teased out so that ANYONE can get it. Many thanks for this. Much to consider here.

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Will be interested to learn how this compares to the DOD data analysis.

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Huge amount of work. More than sad. Thank you for this. ❤️🙏

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Thank you for all that you've done, Dr. Marble.

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A great statistical analysis of Massachusetts excess deaths with clear explanations. Thank you Coquindechien!

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But then someone posted a link above re: all cause mortality state by state and MA was higher in 2020 than in 2021. So I’m confused.

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Curious to know the hours it took to assemble this. 🙏. Since the NH town fire departments around me keep hosting mobile vax clinics, I’m of a mind to hit Staples and make stacks of this analysis to hand out to the largely volunteer ranks. They are under stress to meet their day job responsibilities and emergency calls. They are essentially driving their own problem thru mass vaccination.

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Please provide links to state data and screenshots of the original sources of the data you cite. Thanks.

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Lots of questions. If the excess death calculations are accepted, it is still a stretch to conclude they are due to the vaccine. Respiratory infection and its effects were noted to be primary early in the pandemic. However systemic clotting was also noted in many, hence the utilization of anticoagulants. Additionally it was recognized that Covid was a disease that effected the endothelial cells ie; the entire vasculature. The lungs, due to the rich capillary bed were an obvious point of vulnerability. The pulmonary component may have resolved sufficiently to allow one to survive the acute phase, yet the systemic effects could continue, ie; “long covid” with resultant effects due to diffuse ongoing systemic vascular injury. This would also be occurring with a ramp up of the vaccination program. Additionally there was no “standard” therapeutic regimen utilized across the country. This creates additional problems with interpretive data analysis. Also, we do not yet know the long term impact on the body of the infected but asymptomatic cohort. Lots of questions yet to be answered. The vaccine may not be what we hoped, but i am not ready to conclude that it is responsible for the excess deaths you site. We need lots more data.

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if your hypothesis above is true that it is the virus that created the increase.. then we would have seen a ramp up starting with the initial wave of infections. It would be fairly obvious. We do not see this pattern, the ramp up doesnt start until the vax was introduced and ramps up as number of vaccinations in arms goes up (especially in the young)

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In fact we see exactly that: https://imgur.com/a/6V3ECJ4

The excess deaths correlate with infections very well, including the initial wave.

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No that is not what we see.. If we saw that we would see an uptick 6/5 to 12/8. We do not see a steady increase. Also in the the excess deaths in 7/13-12/16 do not follow the disease curve like excess deaths did in previous waves. There would be no LULL in excess deaths if Long covid was causing pulminary deaths

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> "If we saw that we would see an uptick 6/5 to 12/8"

Yes, and active infections increased 10-fold in that period, from 5k to 50k.

See the figures below.

Are you looking at the *generated* (and therefore irrelevant) curve the author used or the *actual* case counts? (See my link above which replaces the imaginary curve with the actual case numbers curve. They correlate very well.) Then ask why they would use a graph made with "equations used to get the desired shapes" instead of actual infection counts. (Spoiler: Because that reality quickly invalidates their thesis of an anomaly.)

Since I can't embed the image here and for anyone else having trouble seeing that the "anomaly" (above average excess deaths late July-Dec 2021) is mirrored by C19 cases counts, here are the figures…

MA daily active C19 cases


5,664 : June 12 <-- long decline plateaus at 4-5k

4,231 : July 01

4,233 : July 13 <-- Delta wave start

7,693 : Aug 01

13,632 : Aug 13

18,171 : Sep 01

20,201 : Sep 13

22,801 : Sep 20 <-- Delta wave peak

19,586 : Oct 01

16,946 : Oct 14

14,413 : Nov 01 <-- Omicron wave start

20,683 : Nov 14

33,667 : Dec 01

55,865 : Dec 15

124,670 : Dec 31

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you again missed the entire point. Your claim was that it was LONG covid, that means we would see it high EVEN WHEN THERE WERE NO HIGH ACTIVE INFECTIONS and RISING since more people would have been infected over time. we in fact did not see a steady increase until much much much later

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I never mentioned long covid at all, nor implied anywhere that it's involved.

My argument is solely this: the excess deaths are very well correlated with and readily explained by acute C19 infections.

If it were the vaccine causing the above-average excess deaths, then we would see such deaths occurring independent of acute C19 infection numbers. But we do not.

To expand on that: if it were the vaccine causing them, we would expect to see excess deaths exceed the historical average by more than they had due to the virus alone, before the vaccines. And, in particular, we would expect that effect to be most pronounced April-July '21, when the majority of vaccinations occurred. Instead, we see excess deaths were actually entirely consistent at the historical average during that period, and only rose above the average again in late July, precisely when infections also rose at the start of the Delta wave.

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Apr 22, 2022Edited
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sflr, I missed this before. From what I've seen there is sufficient reason to suspect there is non-trivial incidence of negative outcomes from the mRNA vaccines. What I've seen hasn't been sufficient to convince me that they're worse than the no-vaccines counterfactual. (Versus vector vaccines might be different story, though.)

There are absolutely intense forces trying to snuff any questioning of the safety. Sadly, the anti-scientific Believe Science! partisans and the extreme, hyperbolic theories on the opposite extreme (e.g., this post with "the C19 gene modification injection") are making nearly impossible for the more measured, reasoned inquiry to get traction.

I completely concur that it would be worthwhile and possibly very revealing to see this analysis repeated with the data from Dec 21-April 22. Likewise, I wish the OP had published their data sets & code. That would have gone a long way to boost credibility and facilitate further investigation.

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Kotbeutel, the person who started this sub-thread of comment was the one that suggested it's long term effects of COVID that is killing people by circulatory diseases.

Your statement that the excess deaths correlate exactly with COVID infection trend, ignored the fact that this article mentioned several times, namely, that during the first half of 2021, the anomalous rise in all cause deaths already began, "but was obscured by lower than normal deaths of 85+yo’s due to culling from C19 in spring 2020". That fact is much more consistent with the vaccine being responsible.

Plus your hypothesis would then need to answer why COVID in 2021 causes, in the acute phase, mainly circulatory deaths rather than respiratory deaths.

The fact that these death statistic is provided by the govt WITHOUT VACCINATION STATUS INFO is enough to suggest there's definitely something to hide!

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Remember, officially we're in the last phase of clinical trial of the "vaccines", with the whole population being test subjects. So why is the crucial information about vax status not recorded or published along with mortality and morbidity data? It's criminal.

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It’s fallacious for you to base conclusions on raw data without adjusting for variations in testing cycles and other factors which incorrectly skew results aimed at confirming official narratives.

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Let me see if I have this straight… We have two independent data sets that correlate closely. They fit the most straightforward explanation of events, namely that the number of infections is directly related to the number deaths. Then, despite this strong support for the infection incidence data from an independent data set, you want to claim that it should be ignored because it was intentionally manipulated with "testing cycles".

Implicit in this claim is that someone had the prescient knowledge necessary to use "testing cycles" to skew infection counts to ensure they continued to correlate closely with all deaths attributed to C19, i.e. both vaccine-caused and true disease deaths, thus covering up evidence of the vaccine's harms. Specifically, the claimed manipulation would require prescient knowledge of the true, *future* numbers of infections and deaths.

This extraordinary claim is made without any evidence to support it, let alone the extraordinary evidence it requires. Nevermind that the claimed manipulation would have to have also been done concurrently in every other state's DPH *and* in every other nation using the mRNA vaccines.

And finally, let's not lose sight of what you're choosing to believe instead of the supposedly manipulated infection counts: an entirely artificial curve, trivially generated with "equations used to get the desired shapes". You can choose to believe *admittedly fabricated data* if you want; just don't ask the rest of us to.

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You go through tortuously challenged mental gymnastics just to magically arrive at a conclusion that PCR testing cycles cannot be arbitrarily made in order to skew results. Take a break and step back for a minute

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Ahh, yes, "take a break". The online tap-out du jour.

Before I let you out of this discursive armbar, I'll just point out that there is a MASSIVE difference between A/ PCR testing cycles can be arbitrarily made to skew results and B/ infection prevalence correlates with deaths attributed to C19 because someone was actively manipulating tests to achieve that result. You want to wave your hands and gesture in the direction of test manipulation to justify ignoring data that falsifies the deadly vaccine theory, because thinking through what that would actually entail for a moment reveals it to be, indeed, tortured.

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….or take one of today’s reports pouring in from around the world that are showing “safe and effective” is a lie that can no longer be denied;


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I think Joel Smalley sums it up fairly convincingly for any critical thinker to arrive at a conclusion that “safe and effective” is just a Montra peddled buy those who either have something to gain or who worship the vaccine god. You might find a logic in Joel and Steve’s work that comfortably agrees with reality;


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What explanation do you postulate for ACM’s sudden rise across the board?

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