Only 75% ?? Arrrrrrrgh. My elderly parents watch MSNBC every fricken night, and the commercials for drugs are almost constant, and they are pernicious and manipulative and utterly PUTRID... like most of their products... I like the idea of Pirate Radio, that they had a while back, where people broadcast from secret locations over radio waves, and then just MOVED. We can outsmart these fux... all they know is brute force. The creativity is OURS.
Right!! And the very, very few times I can stand to actually watch TV (extremely rare, as it causes me to be filled with both homicidal urges AND a strong desire to puke), I see pharma ads almost every single commercial! Vomitous.
the commercials are 'negative mental programming and grooming', Not one positive or emotionally helpfull thing in it! Pure evil, manipulation and fear inducing. I ALWAYS TURN THE STATION. Even on christian radio I keep hearing one about "my young son diagnosed with cancer blah blah"....cannot change channel quick enough. Remember when all of the cancer commercials started 15-20 yrs ago? and the mega-cancer centers. It's all negative programming which I believe affects ppl's health over time...the mind is powerful with good or wrong/bad information.
Plus, it’s 75% supported by big pharma.
Only 75% ?? Arrrrrrrgh. My elderly parents watch MSNBC every fricken night, and the commercials for drugs are almost constant, and they are pernicious and manipulative and utterly PUTRID... like most of their products... I like the idea of Pirate Radio, that they had a while back, where people broadcast from secret locations over radio waves, and then just MOVED. We can outsmart these fux... all they know is brute force. The creativity is OURS.
100% of the networks are supported by Pharma. 75% refers to the percentage of revenue ad dollars they contribute.
Would you have a reference? Also any idea on how funding/control behind the science journals?
OK, ty. Makes perfect sense.
when cigarettes were thrown off tv ads, drugs became the fill-in revenue stream
Welcome to X...
Imo it could become a real alternate to current corruption by MSM)!
° all of that ^ is if Elon doesn't shit the nest (who knows: maybe, we're actually witnessing controlled opposition, by psychopathy)
Right!! And the very, very few times I can stand to actually watch TV (extremely rare, as it causes me to be filled with both homicidal urges AND a strong desire to puke), I see pharma ads almost every single commercial! Vomitous.
the commercials are 'negative mental programming and grooming', Not one positive or emotionally helpfull thing in it! Pure evil, manipulation and fear inducing. I ALWAYS TURN THE STATION. Even on christian radio I keep hearing one about "my young son diagnosed with cancer blah blah"....cannot change channel quick enough. Remember when all of the cancer commercials started 15-20 yrs ago? and the mega-cancer centers. It's all negative programming which I believe affects ppl's health over time...the mind is powerful with good or wrong/bad information.
Zeitgeist is fatally corrupted by juvenality at this point...
(Only widespread psychological mini-death possibly turns around 'this')!
° fingers crossed, some in the psycho-class don't find Religion and meanwhile launch nuclear war