Well, EMF's are dangerous all by themselves. Our bodies aren't designed to live in electrical fields. If you then also have metals inside you, such as from a jab, which have been shown to contain graphene, aluminum, mercury, etc, the EMF's can cause those metals to react, in effect, to "come alive" in such a way that can cause your blood vessels to be literally shredded... I'm no expert in this area, but these are the kinds of things I've read in various places. There is some thought that the bee die-off and insect die-off generally speaking, is caused by not pollution or pesticides, necessarily, but by 5G. There has been a lot of hush-up regarding the dangers of 5G, but there are plenty of people trying to shout about it, including many doctors.
Can you elaborate?
Well, EMF's are dangerous all by themselves. Our bodies aren't designed to live in electrical fields. If you then also have metals inside you, such as from a jab, which have been shown to contain graphene, aluminum, mercury, etc, the EMF's can cause those metals to react, in effect, to "come alive" in such a way that can cause your blood vessels to be literally shredded... I'm no expert in this area, but these are the kinds of things I've read in various places. There is some thought that the bee die-off and insect die-off generally speaking, is caused by not pollution or pesticides, necessarily, but by 5G. There has been a lot of hush-up regarding the dangers of 5G, but there are plenty of people trying to shout about it, including many doctors.
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