As always, well done. I do believe that there will be a time when people demand justice. The Pharma/government hegemony has been maintained by public shaming of anyone who criticizes vaccines. For years, calling someone "anti-vaccine" has kept the plug in the volcano. That strategy is wearing thin. One can feel the lava building. The eruption is coming.

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Malone insists that there is no entity that has malicious intentions... hmmm...


I see you Robert.

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That's naive isn't it? Most authoritarians think they're doing the "right" thing. That's ultimately the problem. They're not evaluating their position based on the impositions it places upon others because their position is "correct" in their view and justifies it.

In reality whether you're actually malicious or just an authoritarian, it's the same effing result and that's more important.

I read something a long time ago, it might be from Wayne Dyer, but amounts to "First, don't be an authoritarian". Then it doesn't matter nearly as much what your political/social views are.

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Indeed they do ... and that is all that matters...

The winners write history -- and they never label their actions 'evil'.

Keep in mind the United States dropped two atomic bombs on civilian populations --- history justifies this because it ended the war and saved lives.

However surely they could have dropped a bomb on the emperor's palace... and for good measure one on the military HQ of Japan... surely that demonstration would have been just as effective in convincing the Japanese to surrender.

The banality of evil ... not really my thing... there is no evil... there are only ... interests....

And governments use propaganda to generate support for their interests...

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Everyone who abused his or her power to impose toxxine mandates must be hanged

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After your talk in Keene last week, I visited an aunt and uncle. In 2021, he got very sick (“covid”). Despite my sharing some articles with him, with which he seemed to agree, when I was there about September of 2021, he told me he never again wanted to get that sick and that he was going to get a shot the following day - if they could find one for him. I guess they were running short at that time. My cousin, his daughter, an R. N., assured him that she would make sure he got one. He did, and was very sick. Despite that, he went ahead with a second shot. He again got very sick, with lingering trouble for quite some time. [He did say at that time that he would never get another one. He was done.]

After all that, he told me last week that he was glad he got the shots. What???

How do you even communicate with people that are this dense? How do you crack open their thick skulls to get some other information in for them to consider? If I were to send your stuff to them, they would dismiss it, if they even bothered to look at it.

I read something earlier today that could have been written about covid:

“Every strong upsurge of power in the public sphere, be it of a political

or of a religious nature, infects a large part of humankind with folly.

It would even seem that this is virtually a sociological-psychological

law …. under the overwhelming impact of rising power, humans are

deprived of their inner independence, and, more or less consciously,

give up establishing an autonomous position toward the emerging

circumstances ... one virtually feels that one is dealing not at all with

a person, but with slogans, catchwords and the like that have taken

possession of him. He is under a spell, blinded, misused, and abused

in his very being. Having thus become a mindless tool, the foolish

person will also be capable of any evil and at the same time incapable

of seeing that it is evil. This is where the danger of diabolical misuse

lurks, for it is this that can once and for all destroy human beings.”

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, "After Ten Years" in Letters and Papers from

Prison, Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2010)

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Well put. It's basically a religion at this point. The rational mind is disconnected, nowhere to be found. I have good friend, jabbed, boosted, got covid. Planning on another booster. May have already got it. What's the definition of insanity?

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Oh, but you don’t understand… Think how much WORSE it would have been if they hadn’t gotten the shots. They might have DIED from it instead of just getting sick …

It’s a no-lose situation for the promoters. If you get sick or die from the shots, it wasn’t the shots that did it or it’s rare. If you get “covid” after getting the shots, it would have been worse if you hadn’t. This is the spiral reasoning that people are caught in. Caught, and going right down the drain.

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My wife was talking to a member of a local church this past week. She and her husband, both in their 80s, have had 5 shots and are looking forward to their 6th each. Very healthy for their age.

They both got "Covid" within the past month and took Paxlovid and got over it within 3 days each. Unfortutately( or fortunately for them) in spite of the number of vaccine deaths around us, some people have actually done well taking the jab. Hard to argue with them. Is it luck with chemistry variation from batch to batch? Is death and vaccine injury rarer than the wholescale genocide we are all fearing? I don't have the answer. I am just the messenger reporting to a wider audience some news from my own world for others to consider in their own worlds.

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These older folks have reportedly "done well" (so far...?) taking the jabs yet they still got "Covid" and then took the sh*tty oral drug...just like fearless leader Dr. W of the Flying Walensky medical circus troupe. Again, it begs the obvious (rhetorical) question: what is the point of all the shots?

It's this "looking forward to" and "can't wait for" the next shot that is strange and perplexing. Many true believers eager for never-ending injections: "Please sir, can I have some more?" - a cult-like phenomenon. A close 71 y.o. relative announced on FB that he'd be the first in line for #5. Us conspiracy theorists are well aware that even Paul Offit was against the much heralded bivalent shot!

Although it is indeed hard, we can still argue - or attempt calm discussion - with the true believers who "have done well" and point out other injectees with new onset cardiac, neurologic or dermatologic, et cetera conditions. The problem with folks 55+, physical problems can be attributed to "natural aging". I know several with new onset conditions after "vaccination" - apparently coincidences. I also know many who had no (reported) adverse reactions as well as several who complied early on, had bad adverse events, made the connection and refuse to take anymore. So, there is hope!

But please, leave them kids alone!

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There are different batch's and different people react differently with their unique immune system. But the spike protein is toxic, so even those "healthy" 80 yr olds have some damage. They might have not even caught Covid at all with no vaccination.

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To fill in the gaps, the wife and the minister caught covid from someone else while working in the kitchen for a funeral wake. They then passed it along to their husbands.

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Well said.. decades of Big Pharma Brother propaganda yields Mass Psychosis syndrome for most of the G20.. most citizens have never been taught to Question, especially Govt. Edicts and so the Sheeple will be Sheared.. What a World?...

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Any time the mainstream media is forced to say something, it’s surrounded by extra pharmaceutical commercials. Seems to help the brainwashing continue to work.

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It's just obscene.. #1 advertiser on Earth... billions spent selling Snake Oil poisons...

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What you describe is what I am seeing ... I am not buying the line (fed to use by the BBCCNN and CDC) that nobody is getting boosted... that the Rat Juice is being dumped.

I am visiting Canada and forced to interact with many CovIDIOTS --- not seeing any change whatsoever with respect to vax injuries... If I mention what is obviously a vax injury they do not connect the dots ...

I suspect the reason the PR Team is saying people are not boosting is because that creates complacency in the anti vax crowd.... people believe the tide is turning... as for the pro vaxxers that message bounces off ... they don't care if others are supposedly not injecting ... they want to stay safe so they boost.

People are not waking up to vax injuries...they are not waking up to any of this... they are watching their Tee Vees... refusing to look at any dissenting narratives... and doing what they are told. Like the compliant zombies that they are.

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My mom’s elderly companion was admitted to the hospital months ago and tested positive for Covid. He knew it wasn’t true. He agreed with me, but if he’s been watching the news, he gets wishy washy on it. Sad. And frustrating. I thought I had gotten through to him! He won’t even discuss it around my pro jab mom .

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Did this poor, innocent 12 year old receive FOUR, and the worst of the worst, vaccines at ONCE?!?

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I asked the same question. Seems insane.

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The 2 year old who died in NH received the Moderna and flu together. I thought that was awful, and I can’t imagine giving these Covid vaxxes to a child at all, but especially to pair it with all these others. Parents are incredibly clueless. So sad.

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I wondered the same. It’s shameful - diabolical even - that societies most precious assets, children, are subjected to the constant barrage of jabs of highly questionable chemicals. Insane indeed…

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I remember reading about a nurse in NY who was giving the jab to kids while handing out gift cards to wallymart as their reward. The nurse noticed a few familiar faces from another site where she had worked. She asked the parent if they had brought their children to another site recently, because no one should be getting more than one shot close together. The parent denied doing so.

Sometime much later, when the records of each jab was recorded in the system, the nurse found multiple instances of kids getting jabbed around the same time at different sites....parents used their kids just to get another gift card.

The nurse reported it to her supervisor, I doubt anything was ever done about it. After all, it involves money.

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Criminal fraud and child abuse, in my opinion.

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Brilliant, John. And sad too. I'm sure that when this finally becomes "common knowledge" to the general public, the parents of these children who needlessly died by these injections will want to sue our deceitful government and Big Pharma, and the lazy/cowardly doctors that told them that their kids should just "get the shots." And I hope that they sue all three of them! It was a failure to protect our kids at EVERY level. Shameful.

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I doubt very much there will ever be an uprising. We are two years deep...hundreds and hundreds of dead kids. Maybe the odd guilty parent...mostly cognitive dissonant parents. A freak death. Mourn...move on. Get boosters...etc.

There is a reason televisions are pretty much given away.

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Guy, you make a very good point. It's going to be VERY HARD for ANY parent who allowed, or worse encouraged, their kid to get the jab to EVER admit that they themselves had a hand in their own child's death. Only those parents with the most integrity and appreciation for God's truth will be able to bring themselves to this admission. Pray for them. They all must be going through hell at this moment in their own minds. I know that I would be broken if I had encouraged my kid into getting a jab that killed them.

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100%. McCullough spoke to this recently... there is no anger when a parent loses a kid to the Rat Juice... even if they can make a connection.

Similar to sacrificing a child to Moloch I suppose.

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We shouldn't insult parents when their child has died from the vax. It only makes them clam up. We need them to speak out so we should comfort them even though we want to wring their neck.

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The full scope of this disaster is hard to get your head around. Sometimes I have to ask myself if I'm the one going crazy. I so disappointed in so many people. Thanks for sharing the truth of what happened to these kids.

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You aren’t crazy, the world is.

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Someone needs to look into the use of acyclovir when patient presents with neuro symptoms to ED. They say “possible dx meningitis or HSV” even tho no patient history or physical presentations. Look at side effects of this med!! Coverup

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I jail broke my family member out of one hospital that was overdosing her on this (not knowing at time but trying to get a hospital that had physical neuro not telemedicine and constant try heaves/deterioration of mental capacity headaches.)


Took her to another and would not admit possible Tia, do d dimer, or acyclovir poisoning. My profession is pharma for almost 20 yrs. Never seen anything like this before! Oh fyi the nurse is Boston told me all the nurses are vaxed injured and short staff due to a lot out on fmla bc of vax injury

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Also.....this 12 yo was on antidepressants!! 😢😢 Our world is trying to destroy our children! And she really got all of those jabs in one visit??!!


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Gads, this is horrible, John....but not unexpected, and there will be more coming. I pray for every poor unfortunate child who ends up involved with DCF in this state; the agency decreed that these EXPERIMENTS were considered "routine" and therefore, all "eligible" children were expected to have them. At the time, I was working for the agency....and I was horrified. I became a whistleblower...but it did not matter. They literally just changed the definition......turned out, too, that the same thing has happened before in the agency; back when AIDs was newly discovered, when the experimental horror show that was AZT was introduced, DCF decreed that to be "routine" as well. It is only because AIDs turned out to be rare that there wasn't an epidemic of death and disability in this state from that.

- I wouldn't be surprised if other de facto agencies in Mass are also perpetrating these crimes; any involvement with the "state" and its criminal mandates makes it very likely.

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I have a cousin who is in the dental field and told me she is a “mandatory reporter.” As a homeschooler, just the kind of person I dreaded while my son was growing up, as I knew anyone could “report” on me just because they disagreed with my choices in raising my son. I didn’t worry about it constantly, but I was very aware of the dangers and threat. That is quite a fear to have - that someone could make any accusation based on nothing if they wanted to, and cause your child to be taken away simply because they got upset with you about something or disagreed with your beliefs or ideas.

I recently sent her an article about how a homeschool family was targeted, medical people conspired and lied to get them in their clutches and how they escaped. This happened in New Jersey, probably 20 or so years ago.

My cousin replied, “I am absolutely hurting and on the verge of tears today from all the hurt that I have seen children go through at the hands of their biological parents. Remember I work solely with children. I see the medical histories of the damage that many children go through medical damage caused by the severe abuse at the hands of their biological parents, hospitalizations and more. I had several of these cases today alone. Seeing the bond the children have as they have learned to trust their foster parents whether those foster parents are other family members or strangers is a beautiful thing to see. Just because some one can have a child doesn't mean they should be the ones to raise them. …. I can't continue to have this discussion with you. It hurts my heart. I am sure your heart hurts as well regarding the flip side of this discussion.“

I do not deny that there are children who are not in ideal situations, but I hoped she would take to heart the seriousness of what she is doing, and who she is turning these children over to. Once those years are taken away, there is no giving them back and I ache for the parents who are falsely accused and the agony of separation and fear from which there is no escape, but only continuing mental anguish. But my cousin won’t listen. Of course, all these children will receive the “full schedule” of toxic injections and state approved medical care.

Abuse must be rampant if she sees several cases in one day in a dental office. Where does one draw the line between abuse and less than ideal? If the kids knew what was coming, would they be so trusting of these people spying on their families by asking them questions?

Here is the story I sent her, if anyone is interested:

The New Jersey incident. What motivates bureaucrats.

Art responds to a question about something mentioned in one of his talks.The New Jersey episode went as follows:

We all traveled together in those days because the children were then ages 7, 12,12, 14, 16, and 18 and there is only one parent. I still prefer not to have them away (ages now 11-22). All of us speak by telephone every day (usually during an evening Bible reading).

We were then on a trip in a pickup truck (two doors with back seat) and were visiting Dr. R. B. Merrifield, a scientist at Rockefeller University who received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for being the first to synthesize an enzyme and for the development of related techniques. Rockefeller University is in New York City and, for the visit, we were all dressed in the best clothes we had with us. The plan was to visit the lab at Rockefeller and then spend the weekend at Dr. Merrifield’s home in New Jersey.

Matthew had developed a cough, so Dr. Merrifield suggested that Mrs. Merrifield could make an appointment with a pediatrician. The Merrifield’s raised several children, but all were grown, so she just picked a pediatric clinic from the yellow pages. We arrived there after hours at 5:30 p.m., so two women M.D.s and two nurses were on after-hours duty.

Matthew and I went in, while the other five children waited in the truck. After an about one-half hour wait and following the quickest physical exam I have ever seen, one of the pediatricians announced that Matthew appeared to have a very serious, rapidly fatal bacterial infection – which could be stopped only by immediate hospitalization and intravenous antibiotics. I called our pediatrician in Oregon, who told me that the disease, while rare, did exist – and he could not, of course, advise about Matthew without seeing him.

So, the other children went on to the Merrifield’s, while Matthew, Arynne, and I went to the hospital. (Arynne also had a cough, but wound up sleeping in the pickup that very cold night because the hospital would not allow her inside unless I admitted her.) Curiously, the Dr. did not suggest examination of the other children who had, presumably, been exposed to this dread and contagious illness. The admitting physician at the hospital seemed confused, since she could find nothing wrong with Matthew other than a bad cold – but she dutifully ordered a set of x-rays and administered the IV and an intermittent respirator, while telling me “you have nothing to worry about” and commenting that our Dr. must have “a very low threshold.” I was later to learn that the hospital record code number for Matthew designated “admitted for reasons other than a medical emergency.”

What I did not know throughout that night at Matthew’s bedside was that, when we visited the clinic, one of the staff members noticed the truck and asked the children to talk with her and to get out of the truck. She, being a stranger, they refused to do either. The Dr. then called New Jersey social services and a plan to trap us through hospitalizing Matthew was decided upon. My first warning was when a woman from New Jersey social services appeared in the hospital room late the next morning backed (in the hallway outside) by two men with guns – one detective and one police officer. She repeatedly demanded that I leave the room to meet with them, which I, fortunately, refused to do.

The interrogation of me that followed (in the room with her running back and forth to talk to the men outside) then centered almost exclusively upon our finances. How much money was in my wallet? How much did our home cost? Where did we get the money to buy it? Etc. In retrospect, I believe that their main purpose was to determine whether or not we were wealthy enough to fight them. After a couple of hours, they demanded to see the other children. So, after reaching an agreement that, if I left Matthew’s room, I would be permitted to go back in, we drove to the Merrifields – detective, social worker, and me.

Since we refused the social worker’s demand to see the children alone, she questioned them in the presence of Mrs. Merrifield and me – while the detective questioned Dr. Merrifield in another room. Before beginning, the social worker gave us a short talk on how good she was with children. After a couple of hours of this, the two conferred and then left. Professor Merrifield told me that the detective said the most suspicious evidence was that the children were “too quiet.” Dr. Merrifield said he kept telling the guy that children learn by example, but he wouldn’t believe him.

Back at the hospital, they still refused to release Matthew. However, after I agreed to participate in meetings and examinations the next morning, they let him out. We, of course, immediately drove out of the state.

When I asked later for the state records of this episode, I was told that they were sealed. I was not to be allowed to read them.

Several things should be realized. First, most states have passed laws allowing them to receive child abuse money from the federal government. When a child is seized, these programs provide over $100,000 per child which pays the people who seize the child and their retainers in the police dept., child services, foster homes, etc. Our family was worth at least $500,000 to the social services industry of New Jersey. Second, these laws specify that certain professionals – including MDs – are guilty of a serious crime if, knowing about a potential case – they do not report it. Therefore, at the clinic, once one of the staff had raised a question about the children, all of the staff members were at serious personal risk if they did not call the “social services” people. The ruse they then participated in order to snatch Matthew was, of course, highly unethical. It was after hours and the child services people needed time to get their act and paperwork together. Third, Matthew’s need for child protection was, as far as I was able to determine, of little interest to these people. If we had been relatively poor and had not been visiting a famous man. I am sure that all six children would have been seized – and I would have been involved in a long fight to get them back. Even if successful, this fight would have devastated our work, since it would have been waged 3,000 miles from home.

At present. There are more than a million allegations of child abuse each year. 80% are dropped – but usually after the children have been seized and interrogated. About 200,000 children are currently incarcerated in locations away from their parents. Federal funding of this now stands at about $3 billion per year. This pays about $100,000 per child for the seizure and institutionalization of 30,000 children per year. States supply similar amounts of money. After the child has been processed and placed in a “foster home,” Yearly tax-financed expenditures are less.

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Abuse similar to this has been in the courts, against the State, in Missouri for at least a couple of years. I have read of similar in at least two other States.

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Here is one article about Liam Scheff’s discovery of the horrors happening in NYC: https://healthwyze.org/reports/235-unwilling-guinea-pigs-using-foster-care-children-for-forced-drug-experiments

I wonder how many foster children are in clinical trials now. I highly doubt it has gotten any better. Maybe better hidden and more protected from investigative reporters, but not better for these poor children.

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I scanned it and saved it for later consumption. It is late here and what little I read tells me I would not sleep well, if at all tonight after reading it.

Serious question, even without this bit of horror, given what we know our government has done with testing and medical experiments, how are we any better than the Nazis?

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I could go on and on and on about the horror show that is "child protective services". I only worked for the agency for five years but what I saw in that time completely changed my views about the good it pretends to do. There are some very good people there, but the management structure is iron-fisted, requires absolute loyalty, and tolerates no infidels. Anyone who dares to even ask a question finds himself on the outside immediately. The few who have broken ranks are quickly ousted. Most people even in the layers of middle management have no idea of the big picture, or the agendas being shoveled down to the field to carry out like good soldiers.

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Thus it seems to be in all federal agencies. Scary in its own right but when we consider what they are doing to innocent families and children is just plain criminal. But this too is a problem of many if not all Western “democracies”. Great Britain has much the same as does the Netherlands. And not new either. Just another in a long list of problems that needed taken care of decades ago that we have left to fester.

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It's terrifying, to be perfectly honest. I was not even a clinical worker, but a regional manager for administration and finance, so what I witnessed and experienced was only the tip of the iceberg!

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Thank God I have not had any dealings with them myself, but I know several who have and what is discoverable through papers and reports is truly unbelievable. All of his need to be torn down.

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Thanks for sharing this awful story.

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Thank you for whistleblowing.

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Thanks.....it's pretty telling to me how few people even care that this is happening, but they really should care. There's also collusion between media and the agency to keep wrongdoing as quiet as possible. The agency is absolutely paranoid; all the clinical managers scour their local news channels for any sign of breaking news that involves DCF, and huge teams of staff devote all their time to writing, editing and perfecting "COINs" which are the reports on every case involving any kind of "incident". The definition of "incident" is oh so broad now, and the agency is far more concerned about covering its ass and making sure that all its minions are protected than it has ever been about actually helping children. Consider this; these people are called in to evaluate the situation by hospitals whenever there is a death of a someone known to be a parent of a young child, REGARDLESS of whether there is family or even a surviving other parent....why? Because the STATE is the only one qualified to decide whether or not it is "safe" for that child to be in that home. This is part of the so-called "Mandatory Reporting" regulations. An incident that I learned about approximately four years ago which particularly gave me chills was about a domestic violence situation that happened in New York; a battered woman with a long history of abuse by her husband killed him. The children were not home. The woman called her sister, who lived in Holyoke, and the sister beat feet down to New York to get the kids (they were young) and bring them to her home so that they could be with their aunt and cousins while the mom dealt with the fallout. It was only after the aunt was driving away that the mother called the police to report that she had killed her husband. Wellll......New York's DCF got involved immediately, and insisted that Massachusetts DCF find this aunt, take the kids out of their safe family environment, seperate them so that they could be stuck in "temporary" foster homes over the weekend......then transport them BACK to New York and into the clutches of the NY DCF and that foster care system. Definitely in the best interest of these kids, who will already be traumatized for life from the fallout of living in a DV situation, now we have the trauma of the foster care system. This is the type of shite that happens thanks to the Parens Patrae Doctrine; the State knows best, and can giveth and taketh away all parental rights.

- It also must be noted that there is a huge legal team in DCF, and that these lawyers form a feedback loop which funnels them into the family court system; there are numerous judges with ties to DCF. It is the worst example of revolving door collusion that I can think of, because the victims are innocent children and families, generally without many resources. Minorities are particularly targeted.

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I saw that too much especially in Oswego county New York, one of the poorer areas. People don’t understand how corrupt it is until they have to deal with it.

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The vaccine promoters essentially dance on the graves of these children. It needs to stop now. We need attention on the international perpetrators of this - the WEF and partners. Time to face the real monsters here - and there are many.


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As long as government keeps its citizens with their mushrooms mentality ( kept in the dark and feed them shit ) people wont know what to demand. Ignorance is what government wants. It makes people easer to control. The idea that government gives us our rights keeps people suppressed. Dividing us on every level prevents organization of any kind. We are kept busy fighting each other by blaming their troubles on the other guy. they keep us looking for the level playing field they say is unfair, claiming the rich uses us to get richer. Have we ever seen a poor politician? They seem to make millions on the 150 thousand dollar a year wages..... Now they have the solution. pandemics that cause a crisis that they use to expand their power to rule by presidential executive order. intended to convey what the president wants to the other sections of government under his control. They are now used, illegal as law for the citizens. The problem is that we accept them. It isnt only the president but the governors of many states that are using the same form of ruling. these orders are not ment to pass laws made by a single person. if we let them do this we will soon have a dictator. We must move quickly to stop the expansion of powers usurped by people who want to rule. The major problem as I see it are the many that are lazy and willing to let others run their lives. As long as the belly is full and the roof dont leak they are willing to walk thru life in their controlled fall. We dont have enough to raise above their complacent lives to better themselves against the corrupt politician. I am but one man who has a voice lost among the many games that keep us diverted and entertained. As I try to speak they talk over my talking points or tell me I am out of order and have been forcibly ejected as a threat. I the 80 year old Grampa trying to point out our problems. Sometimes I feel so alone among the cowards that agree with me privately but are silent when I speak up, Is their any among you willing to stand and protect your freedoms? Apparently not ! Having more days behind me than lay ahead I would like to see and secure the same freedoms I had when I was young. Dont hesitate people because the days are gone before you know it and you , like myself will have no voice. It is time to act.------------------- I, Grampa

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The work here is of excellent quality. I hope the light shining here emerges from under the basket which hides it.

“…..it is still happening because the now-criminal organization MA DPH is still pushing the covid-19 vaccines…”

Of course it is still happening. There are many criminal organizations in Massachusetts hiding under the umbrella of ‘Dept. of This’ and ‘Dept. of That’. It is all about the narrative, which demands adherence. The narrative is lucrative for some, particularly those in positions of power in state agencies and their quasi-agency counterparts. Truth is the casualty of this false narrative.

Money is no impediment in Massachusetts. The Commonwealth has just been required by a 1986 law to return $3 Billion dollars ( that is billion with a ‘B”) to the taxpayers. This out of an approximate $12 Billion surplus.

The legislature tried very hard to either bypass or overturn the law. Amazing as it seems, it still stands.

High salaries, great benefits, nice retirement packages… what’s not to protect? Keep to the narrative, feed the beast. What has formed is a religion from the dark side. Child sacrifice appears to be at work here.

…”This will not end until the public becomes outraged….”

Outrage? It is a huge expectation for a docile public in a nanny state to become outraged at anything fostered by the overseers of said state.

We can hope, we can pray, the only real defeat is when we stop trying. When we stop believing the light of truth shining on these crimes eventually brings the criminals to a deserved just end, only then will we find the cause is lost. Truth must ultimately prevail.

It is a long road still waiting to be travelled by anything approaching great numbers in Massachusetts.

The case here needs widespread publicity. Let us hope and advocate whenever possible for knowledge of the case to spread through this state and through the other states in this country.

My recollection is the author needs about a week of unfettered records-access in a receptive state to unmask the travesty inflicted upon the citizenry. Somewhere the tide is turning...

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Thank you John for putting light on this death report. There is so many more throttled reports and obfuscation! I'm working on a PowerPoint style page so people can see all the many ways CDC/FDA is manipulating VAERS: https://www.vaersaware.com/my-powerpoint

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"MA DPH agents neither know nor care that death causes are spiking in heart, stroke, clots, and bleeding causes."

I bet they know...ya know?

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Submitted date of VAERS report has been wiped "00/00/0000".

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Perhaps you are wrong. Sadly, I wouldn't bet on it. Very frustrating to read this after shouting about it from the rooftops for one and a half years.

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Many frail elderly and vulnerable children told to get the covid jabs as a priority, pushed over the line. Their bodies unable to withstand the assault of these “bioweapons”? We are continuing to see turbo cancers among the elderly in our community. One family member with brain damage (28 y.o.) abused by an automobile accident twenty years ago, experienced an increase in her seizures, post multiple covid jabs. Her parents were told she must get the covid injections I because she their daughter was considered “high risk”. I have to believe they regret their decision.

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