Another Innocent Child Died of Stroke in Massachusetts
Strokes and heart attacks were not this common before 2021
Important information to get to the public ASAP.
Welcome the Eagle, aka Albert Benavides, sent me a VAERS report of the death of a 12-year-old girl today because I asked him to send me any new Massachusetts deaths suspected to be vaccine-caused. The record he just sent me was entered only ten days ago February 15, 2023, but the death apparently occurred on August 29, 2022, which I found in the Massachusetts Death Certificates. The VAERS report has the wrong date of death and onset of symptoms by one day. Why did it take almost six (6) months to enter the report, especially when it involves the death of a child?
The Death Certificate is, coincidentally, certified by one of the named Defendants in my federal lawsuit against agents of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Another child died of a stroke and instead of investigating, they covered it up and waited half a year to enter it into the VAERS system that they don’t even look at. I wonder if the authors of Brianna’s Brief Report in the Neurohospitalist journal will still say that these are “extremely rare.”
Inorder to sidestep author biases, below are the VAERS record and the Death Certificates of five(5) 12-year-old girls, who died in 2022 in Massachusetts.
Can you match the right one?
After you match the VAERS record to the right Death Certificate, notice how much you begin to wonder when the other four (4) 12-year-old girls were vaccinated, and what was the root causes of death that set off their causal chains of death. How many have “G” and “I” codes associated with their deaths?
VAERS Report
Before I post the five (5) Death Certificates, notice the last line in the VAERS report above.
Sudden Death after headache episode Post shows Cerebellar tonsillar and bilateral uncal herniation in the seting of “mild” cerebral edema …
Deaths Certificates
It’s not very difficult to find the correct Death Certificate, is it? Imagine the work of a Medical Examiner or an attending physician at time of death. Imagine the extra work it would take to find out her vaccination date. Will you believe it takes less than two (2) minutes to look up the vaccination date in the Massachusetts Immunization Information System (“MIIS”) database?
At this point, you should be wondering what the MA Department of Public Health actually does because they surely don’t track causes of death, which one should expect to be their most important mission. MA DPH agents neither know nor care that death causes are spiking in heart, stroke, clots, and bleeding causes.
Another Coincidence
My presentation on strokes is almost completed and here is one slide from the presentation. Notice that “G938” was listed as a cause of death on this little girl’s Death Certficate.
Please look at the line graph on the right at the top. See the purple 2022 line. The only reason that line is approaching the blue 2021 line at the end-of-yea, is because the latest Death Certificates from 2022 have not been resolved, meaning that many of them carry the cause “PENDING” and it will take several months for them to resolve into real codes. It is highly likely the trajectory of the purple line will be much higher, thus indicating a wild and out of control death curve by cerebral causes.
More children died from the covid-19 vaccines in 2021 and 2022 than anyone knows or wants to know. It happened. And it is still happening because the now-criminal organization MA DPH is still pushing the covid-19 vaccines.
This will not end until the public becomes outraged. And when they do, I hope that all the evidence I have compiled will be used to criminally prosecute those whose job it was to keep the public safe from these DEATH LOTTERY shots. They are not only shirking responsibilty. They are purposely hiding data from the public and telling the public the opposite of truth, which puts the public in danger from more injections.
As always, well done. I do believe that there will be a time when people demand justice. The Pharma/government hegemony has been maintained by public shaming of anyone who criticizes vaccines. For years, calling someone "anti-vaccine" has kept the plug in the volcano. That strategy is wearing thin. One can feel the lava building. The eruption is coming.
After your talk in Keene last week, I visited an aunt and uncle. In 2021, he got very sick (“covid”). Despite my sharing some articles with him, with which he seemed to agree, when I was there about September of 2021, he told me he never again wanted to get that sick and that he was going to get a shot the following day - if they could find one for him. I guess they were running short at that time. My cousin, his daughter, an R. N., assured him that she would make sure he got one. He did, and was very sick. Despite that, he went ahead with a second shot. He again got very sick, with lingering trouble for quite some time. [He did say at that time that he would never get another one. He was done.]
After all that, he told me last week that he was glad he got the shots. What???
How do you even communicate with people that are this dense? How do you crack open their thick skulls to get some other information in for them to consider? If I were to send your stuff to them, they would dismiss it, if they even bothered to look at it.
I read something earlier today that could have been written about covid:
“Every strong upsurge of power in the public sphere, be it of a political
or of a religious nature, infects a large part of humankind with folly.
It would even seem that this is virtually a sociological-psychological
law …. under the overwhelming impact of rising power, humans are
deprived of their inner independence, and, more or less consciously,
give up establishing an autonomous position toward the emerging
circumstances ... one virtually feels that one is dealing not at all with
a person, but with slogans, catchwords and the like that have taken
possession of him. He is under a spell, blinded, misused, and abused
in his very being. Having thus become a mindless tool, the foolish
person will also be capable of any evil and at the same time incapable
of seeing that it is evil. This is where the danger of diabolical misuse
lurks, for it is this that can once and for all destroy human beings.”
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, "After Ten Years" in Letters and Papers from
Prison, Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2010)