After your talk in Keene last week, I visited an aunt and uncle. In 2021, he got very sick (“covid”). Despite my sharing some articles with him, with which he seemed to agree, when I was there about September of 2021, he told me he never again wanted to get that sick and that he was going to get a shot the following day - if they coul…
After your talk in Keene last week, I visited an aunt and uncle. In 2021, he got very sick (“covid”). Despite my sharing some articles with him, with which he seemed to agree, when I was there about September of 2021, he told me he never again wanted to get that sick and that he was going to get a shot the following day - if they could find one for him. I guess they were running short at that time. My cousin, his daughter, an R. N., assured him that she would make sure he got one. He did, and was very sick. Despite that, he went ahead with a second shot. He again got very sick, with lingering trouble for quite some time. [He did say at that time that he would never get another one. He was done.]
After all that, he told me last week that he was glad he got the shots. What???
How do you even communicate with people that are this dense? How do you crack open their thick skulls to get some other information in for them to consider? If I were to send your stuff to them, they would dismiss it, if they even bothered to look at it.
I read something earlier today that could have been written about covid:
“Every strong upsurge of power in the public sphere, be it of a political
or of a religious nature, infects a large part of humankind with folly.
It would even seem that this is virtually a sociological-psychological
law …. under the overwhelming impact of rising power, humans are
deprived of their inner independence, and, more or less consciously,
give up establishing an autonomous position toward the emerging
circumstances ... one virtually feels that one is dealing not at all with
a person, but with slogans, catchwords and the like that have taken
possession of him. He is under a spell, blinded, misused, and abused
in his very being. Having thus become a mindless tool, the foolish
person will also be capable of any evil and at the same time incapable
of seeing that it is evil. This is where the danger of diabolical misuse
lurks, for it is this that can once and for all destroy human beings.”
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, "After Ten Years" in Letters and Papers from
Well put. It's basically a religion at this point. The rational mind is disconnected, nowhere to be found. I have good friend, jabbed, boosted, got covid. Planning on another booster. May have already got it. What's the definition of insanity?
Oh, but you don’t understand… Think how much WORSE it would have been if they hadn’t gotten the shots. They might have DIED from it instead of just getting sick …
It’s a no-lose situation for the promoters. If you get sick or die from the shots, it wasn’t the shots that did it or it’s rare. If you get “covid” after getting the shots, it would have been worse if you hadn’t. This is the spiral reasoning that people are caught in. Caught, and going right down the drain.
My wife was talking to a member of a local church this past week. She and her husband, both in their 80s, have had 5 shots and are looking forward to their 6th each. Very healthy for their age.
They both got "Covid" within the past month and took Paxlovid and got over it within 3 days each. Unfortutately( or fortunately for them) in spite of the number of vaccine deaths around us, some people have actually done well taking the jab. Hard to argue with them. Is it luck with chemistry variation from batch to batch? Is death and vaccine injury rarer than the wholescale genocide we are all fearing? I don't have the answer. I am just the messenger reporting to a wider audience some news from my own world for others to consider in their own worlds.
These older folks have reportedly "done well" (so far...?) taking the jabs yet they still got "Covid" and then took the sh*tty oral drug...just like fearless leader Dr. W of the Flying Walensky medical circus troupe. Again, it begs the obvious (rhetorical) question: what is the point of all the shots?
It's this "looking forward to" and "can't wait for" the next shot that is strange and perplexing. Many true believers eager for never-ending injections: "Please sir, can I have some more?" - a cult-like phenomenon. A close 71 y.o. relative announced on FB that he'd be the first in line for #5. Us conspiracy theorists are well aware that even Paul Offit was against the much heralded bivalent shot!
Although it is indeed hard, we can still argue - or attempt calm discussion - with the true believers who "have done well" and point out other injectees with new onset cardiac, neurologic or dermatologic, et cetera conditions. The problem with folks 55+, physical problems can be attributed to "natural aging". I know several with new onset conditions after "vaccination" - apparently coincidences. I also know many who had no (reported) adverse reactions as well as several who complied early on, had bad adverse events, made the connection and refuse to take anymore. So, there is hope!
There are different batch's and different people react differently with their unique immune system. But the spike protein is toxic, so even those "healthy" 80 yr olds have some damage. They might have not even caught Covid at all with no vaccination.
To fill in the gaps, the wife and the minister caught covid from someone else while working in the kitchen for a funeral wake. They then passed it along to their husbands.
Well said.. decades of Big Pharma Brother propaganda yields Mass Psychosis syndrome for most of the G20.. most citizens have never been taught to Question, especially Govt. Edicts and so the Sheeple will be Sheared.. What a World?...
Any time the mainstream media is forced to say something, it’s surrounded by extra pharmaceutical commercials. Seems to help the brainwashing continue to work.
What you describe is what I am seeing ... I am not buying the line (fed to use by the BBCCNN and CDC) that nobody is getting boosted... that the Rat Juice is being dumped.
I am visiting Canada and forced to interact with many CovIDIOTS --- not seeing any change whatsoever with respect to vax injuries... If I mention what is obviously a vax injury they do not connect the dots ...
I suspect the reason the PR Team is saying people are not boosting is because that creates complacency in the anti vax crowd.... people believe the tide is turning... as for the pro vaxxers that message bounces off ... they don't care if others are supposedly not injecting ... they want to stay safe so they boost.
People are not waking up to vax injuries...they are not waking up to any of this... they are watching their Tee Vees... refusing to look at any dissenting narratives... and doing what they are told. Like the compliant zombies that they are.
My mom’s elderly companion was admitted to the hospital months ago and tested positive for Covid. He knew it wasn’t true. He agreed with me, but if he’s been watching the news, he gets wishy washy on it. Sad. And frustrating. I thought I had gotten through to him! He won’t even discuss it around my pro jab mom .
After your talk in Keene last week, I visited an aunt and uncle. In 2021, he got very sick (“covid”). Despite my sharing some articles with him, with which he seemed to agree, when I was there about September of 2021, he told me he never again wanted to get that sick and that he was going to get a shot the following day - if they could find one for him. I guess they were running short at that time. My cousin, his daughter, an R. N., assured him that she would make sure he got one. He did, and was very sick. Despite that, he went ahead with a second shot. He again got very sick, with lingering trouble for quite some time. [He did say at that time that he would never get another one. He was done.]
After all that, he told me last week that he was glad he got the shots. What???
How do you even communicate with people that are this dense? How do you crack open their thick skulls to get some other information in for them to consider? If I were to send your stuff to them, they would dismiss it, if they even bothered to look at it.
I read something earlier today that could have been written about covid:
“Every strong upsurge of power in the public sphere, be it of a political
or of a religious nature, infects a large part of humankind with folly.
It would even seem that this is virtually a sociological-psychological
law …. under the overwhelming impact of rising power, humans are
deprived of their inner independence, and, more or less consciously,
give up establishing an autonomous position toward the emerging
circumstances ... one virtually feels that one is dealing not at all with
a person, but with slogans, catchwords and the like that have taken
possession of him. He is under a spell, blinded, misused, and abused
in his very being. Having thus become a mindless tool, the foolish
person will also be capable of any evil and at the same time incapable
of seeing that it is evil. This is where the danger of diabolical misuse
lurks, for it is this that can once and for all destroy human beings.”
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, "After Ten Years" in Letters and Papers from
Prison, Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2010)
Well put. It's basically a religion at this point. The rational mind is disconnected, nowhere to be found. I have good friend, jabbed, boosted, got covid. Planning on another booster. May have already got it. What's the definition of insanity?
Oh, but you don’t understand… Think how much WORSE it would have been if they hadn’t gotten the shots. They might have DIED from it instead of just getting sick …
It’s a no-lose situation for the promoters. If you get sick or die from the shots, it wasn’t the shots that did it or it’s rare. If you get “covid” after getting the shots, it would have been worse if you hadn’t. This is the spiral reasoning that people are caught in. Caught, and going right down the drain.
My wife was talking to a member of a local church this past week. She and her husband, both in their 80s, have had 5 shots and are looking forward to their 6th each. Very healthy for their age.
They both got "Covid" within the past month and took Paxlovid and got over it within 3 days each. Unfortutately( or fortunately for them) in spite of the number of vaccine deaths around us, some people have actually done well taking the jab. Hard to argue with them. Is it luck with chemistry variation from batch to batch? Is death and vaccine injury rarer than the wholescale genocide we are all fearing? I don't have the answer. I am just the messenger reporting to a wider audience some news from my own world for others to consider in their own worlds.
These older folks have reportedly "done well" (so far...?) taking the jabs yet they still got "Covid" and then took the sh*tty oral drug...just like fearless leader Dr. W of the Flying Walensky medical circus troupe. Again, it begs the obvious (rhetorical) question: what is the point of all the shots?
It's this "looking forward to" and "can't wait for" the next shot that is strange and perplexing. Many true believers eager for never-ending injections: "Please sir, can I have some more?" - a cult-like phenomenon. A close 71 y.o. relative announced on FB that he'd be the first in line for #5. Us conspiracy theorists are well aware that even Paul Offit was against the much heralded bivalent shot!
Although it is indeed hard, we can still argue - or attempt calm discussion - with the true believers who "have done well" and point out other injectees with new onset cardiac, neurologic or dermatologic, et cetera conditions. The problem with folks 55+, physical problems can be attributed to "natural aging". I know several with new onset conditions after "vaccination" - apparently coincidences. I also know many who had no (reported) adverse reactions as well as several who complied early on, had bad adverse events, made the connection and refuse to take anymore. So, there is hope!
But please, leave them kids alone!
There are different batch's and different people react differently with their unique immune system. But the spike protein is toxic, so even those "healthy" 80 yr olds have some damage. They might have not even caught Covid at all with no vaccination.
To fill in the gaps, the wife and the minister caught covid from someone else while working in the kitchen for a funeral wake. They then passed it along to their husbands.
Well said.. decades of Big Pharma Brother propaganda yields Mass Psychosis syndrome for most of the G20.. most citizens have never been taught to Question, especially Govt. Edicts and so the Sheeple will be Sheared.. What a World?...
Any time the mainstream media is forced to say something, it’s surrounded by extra pharmaceutical commercials. Seems to help the brainwashing continue to work.
It's just obscene.. #1 advertiser on Earth... billions spent selling Snake Oil poisons...
What you describe is what I am seeing ... I am not buying the line (fed to use by the BBCCNN and CDC) that nobody is getting boosted... that the Rat Juice is being dumped.
I am visiting Canada and forced to interact with many CovIDIOTS --- not seeing any change whatsoever with respect to vax injuries... If I mention what is obviously a vax injury they do not connect the dots ...
I suspect the reason the PR Team is saying people are not boosting is because that creates complacency in the anti vax crowd.... people believe the tide is turning... as for the pro vaxxers that message bounces off ... they don't care if others are supposedly not injecting ... they want to stay safe so they boost.
People are not waking up to vax injuries...they are not waking up to any of this... they are watching their Tee Vees... refusing to look at any dissenting narratives... and doing what they are told. Like the compliant zombies that they are.
My mom’s elderly companion was admitted to the hospital months ago and tested positive for Covid. He knew it wasn’t true. He agreed with me, but if he’s been watching the news, he gets wishy washy on it. Sad. And frustrating. I thought I had gotten through to him! He won’t even discuss it around my pro jab mom .