The Clearfield Doctrine is something that the congress critters are either in ignorance of.....or are blatantly ignoring. They are NOT immune.
I copied your original notice and created an email to all the senators/representatives on your list -- and did a blind cc to a list of about 22 others on Massachusetts who I know are like-minded, asking them all to hit "reply to all" and blast the email back at them. The more people who do this, the greater the chance that these folks will start paying attention. I also cc'd you on the emails.
Thank you for your hard work! So well done. We can’t allow this to happen. Someone needs to be held accountable for the Tragic and unnecessary suffering and young lives cut short. These shots are bioweapons and need to be pulled from the market. The entire vaccine program needs to be investigated!
"All of a sudden they were rushed to market and no Democrat was going to take an mRNA vaccine as long as Donald Trump was president. Once Joe Biden was president, you demanded that everyone take this experimental gene therapy not fit for human or animal use. Why? Are you that much in a cult of politics that you'd put your own well-being in jeopardy for one party but not the other. That's insane and yet it is true."
This is so elementary obvious it is mind blowing to me that anyone would take it. The Mainstream Miscreants are complicit as well.
John, it is all coming out. The Biden administration gagged free speech on social media. Edward Dowd a former fund manager for Blackrock, has uncovered the data for disability in the UK, in 2022. The numbers are shocking and suggestive of a “black swan” event. A once in a lifetime occurrence. what could have caused the event? 2022 is an ominous picture. He anticipates 2023 to be similar once all the data has been collected. Standard deviations for specific disabilities through the roof.
He was interviewed on last night’s Highwire. He is predicting deflation in the first and second quarters of 2024. And predicting war as the only way for gov’ts to dig their way out.
Thank you, John. You give me, and undoubtedly many other people, great heart. May the members of the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Public Health come to their senses and listen carefully to what you have to say.
If anyone on that committee happens to scroll on down here into the comments section:
Many of the people who were conned by and/or went along with fraudulent "safe and effective" "one-size-fits-all" "all-must-be-injected" narrative assume that those in opposition are all nuts and cranks. That is a naive and very dangerous assumption. Many people who were conned and/or went along with "the narrative" also seem to think that, as a society, oh well, the pandemic's over, so we're all going just live and let live, assume that everyone just did their best with good intentions, forget about it, move on. This is also a very naive and dangerous assumption.
Personally I am not for vengeance, I leave that to the Divine. What I am for is living in a peaceful and lawful society wherein citizens' human and civil rights are respected. In a peaceful and lawful society, those who have commited crimes are held accountable before the law.
Your work is critically important. Please do not generate newsletters with a pithy tone, as it undermines your research. I'm sure its frustrating, but sarcasm is not useful when presenting arguments. Also the actions regarding the medical response to Covid 19 was not political. It goes much deeper than that and was coordinated on a world wide basis. Referencing politics can undermine the significance of the malfeasance that has occurred and consequently killed millions of people.
They are pressing your buttons to undermine you, they will attack your character. don't let them succeed.
Sensational, John! One of the best arguments that you've ever written! And it drives home the point. These politicians have a DUTY to the people to investigate this awful crime against humanity. And you've told them that they can start by getting off their ignorant lazy butts and spending just 5 minutes looking up the various individual cases that you have cited. These are REAL PEOPLE who were MURDERED by the jab, and then had the true cause of their deaths concealed by fraudulent doctors and medical examiners! Well done, John, for exposing these crimes and the true danger of these rotten jabs!
Turns out the guy the Placer Co Sheriff's dept is speaking about below, died within 95 minutes of being taken. by ambulance, straight from the vax site to the emergency dept.
Thanks. And it seems that the majority of people (bots?) who responded to the post were pissed that the Sheriff's dept notified the public about it! That was 2 years ago. Hopefully some of those idiots have woken up.
Very good and concise. If they read it, it should get into their heads. Unfortunately, many vaccine injury cases over the years have been difficult to link without question, but the cases you listed have no reasonable explanation other than those shots. It is so clear that normal people understand it clearly. But politicians have scales on their eyes and minds and I’m not sure they will be able to take it in.
I like this quote from a recent Madhava Setty article: “ On what grounds can one say that a vaccine caused a decrease in the disease it targets while assuring us that it was only correlated with an increase in side effects?” (Including deaths)
John, I thank you for all your work and persistence in following through on this horrific reality that most seem willing to put to the side or ignore. I do hope those who are guilty of these crimes can be held accountable, but there are so many of them.
You beat me by a few years. I left my mainstream political party 30 1/2 years ago (January of 1993). I did align with a “third party,” but the two party system and the politicians they offer as candidates are the reason we are in the situation we are in, not the solution.
The only way this madness will stop is when those like the individuals on the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Public Health fear personal criminal liability more than they fear Fauci, the loss of their job or the invented propaganda of those who foisted this monstrous Great COVID Disaster on the world for economic, political and ideological gain. Keep up your courageous work!
The Clearfield Doctrine is something that the congress critters are either in ignorance of.....or are blatantly ignoring. They are NOT immune.
I copied your original notice and created an email to all the senators/representatives on your list -- and did a blind cc to a list of about 22 others on Massachusetts who I know are like-minded, asking them all to hit "reply to all" and blast the email back at them. The more people who do this, the greater the chance that these folks will start paying attention. I also cc'd you on the emails.
Here's to turning the tide!!!
Thank you for your hard work! So well done. We can’t allow this to happen. Someone needs to be held accountable for the Tragic and unnecessary suffering and young lives cut short. These shots are bioweapons and need to be pulled from the market. The entire vaccine program needs to be investigated!
"All of a sudden they were rushed to market and no Democrat was going to take an mRNA vaccine as long as Donald Trump was president. Once Joe Biden was president, you demanded that everyone take this experimental gene therapy not fit for human or animal use. Why? Are you that much in a cult of politics that you'd put your own well-being in jeopardy for one party but not the other. That's insane and yet it is true."
This is so elementary obvious it is mind blowing to me that anyone would take it. The Mainstream Miscreants are complicit as well.
John, it is all coming out. The Biden administration gagged free speech on social media. Edward Dowd a former fund manager for Blackrock, has uncovered the data for disability in the UK, in 2022. The numbers are shocking and suggestive of a “black swan” event. A once in a lifetime occurrence. what could have caused the event? 2022 is an ominous picture. He anticipates 2023 to be similar once all the data has been collected. Standard deviations for specific disabilities through the roof.
He was interviewed on last night’s Highwire. He is predicting deflation in the first and second quarters of 2024. And predicting war as the only way for gov’ts to dig their way out.
Thank you, John. You give me, and undoubtedly many other people, great heart. May the members of the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Public Health come to their senses and listen carefully to what you have to say.
If anyone on that committee happens to scroll on down here into the comments section:
Many of the people who were conned by and/or went along with fraudulent "safe and effective" "one-size-fits-all" "all-must-be-injected" narrative assume that those in opposition are all nuts and cranks. That is a naive and very dangerous assumption. Many people who were conned and/or went along with "the narrative" also seem to think that, as a society, oh well, the pandemic's over, so we're all going just live and let live, assume that everyone just did their best with good intentions, forget about it, move on. This is also a very naive and dangerous assumption.
Personally I am not for vengeance, I leave that to the Divine. What I am for is living in a peaceful and lawful society wherein citizens' human and civil rights are respected. In a peaceful and lawful society, those who have commited crimes are held accountable before the law.
Your work is critically important. Please do not generate newsletters with a pithy tone, as it undermines your research. I'm sure its frustrating, but sarcasm is not useful when presenting arguments. Also the actions regarding the medical response to Covid 19 was not political. It goes much deeper than that and was coordinated on a world wide basis. Referencing politics can undermine the significance of the malfeasance that has occurred and consequently killed millions of people.
They are pressing your buttons to undermine you, they will attack your character. don't let them succeed.
Awesome work.
Can't like this comment enough
Very clear. They can't ignore you much longer
One is in the human party, or one is slaved or graved....
Sensational, John! One of the best arguments that you've ever written! And it drives home the point. These politicians have a DUTY to the people to investigate this awful crime against humanity. And you've told them that they can start by getting off their ignorant lazy butts and spending just 5 minutes looking up the various individual cases that you have cited. These are REAL PEOPLE who were MURDERED by the jab, and then had the true cause of their deaths concealed by fraudulent doctors and medical examiners! Well done, John, for exposing these crimes and the true danger of these rotten jabs!
Am here on Sasha's recommendation. It's laser sharp minds like yours that are cutting through their black fog of lies. Thanks and god bless you.
Turns out the guy the Placer Co Sheriff's dept is speaking about below, died within 95 minutes of being taken. by ambulance, straight from the vax site to the emergency dept.
Thanks. And it seems that the majority of people (bots?) who responded to the post were pissed that the Sheriff's dept notified the public about it! That was 2 years ago. Hopefully some of those idiots have woken up.
Thank you for this
Very good and concise. If they read it, it should get into their heads. Unfortunately, many vaccine injury cases over the years have been difficult to link without question, but the cases you listed have no reasonable explanation other than those shots. It is so clear that normal people understand it clearly. But politicians have scales on their eyes and minds and I’m not sure they will be able to take it in.
I like this quote from a recent Madhava Setty article: “ On what grounds can one say that a vaccine caused a decrease in the disease it targets while assuring us that it was only correlated with an increase in side effects?” (Including deaths)
John, I thank you for all your work and persistence in following through on this horrific reality that most seem willing to put to the side or ignore. I do hope those who are guilty of these crimes can be held accountable, but there are so many of them.
You beat me by a few years. I left my mainstream political party 30 1/2 years ago (January of 1993). I did align with a “third party,” but the two party system and the politicians they offer as candidates are the reason we are in the situation we are in, not the solution.
The only way this madness will stop is when those like the individuals on the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Public Health fear personal criminal liability more than they fear Fauci, the loss of their job or the invented propaganda of those who foisted this monstrous Great COVID Disaster on the world for economic, political and ideological gain. Keep up your courageous work!