Whistleblower Serves Connecticut Officials Notice of Covid Vaccine Deaths
On August 21, 2024, John Beaudoin, Sr., President and CEO of Summa Logica LLC, filed a whistleblower complaint with the Auditors of Public Accounts of Connecticut. The allegations pertain to forgery of death records under Conn. Gen. Stat. § 53a-139 (2023). More than 100 Connecticut death records list “Covid” as a cause of death though the deaths are certified as “accidental” and involve blunt force trauma or fentanyl overdose. Other records were found to be Covid vaccine deaths, but the vaccine is fraudulently omitted from the death records.
The whistleblower complaint was accompanied by THE CONNECTICUT MEMORANDA SERIES Volume II (CT Memo Vol. II) comprising nearly 250 pages of factual allegations gleaned from Connecticut’s official vital records database of death records.
Four death records expressly state that a Covid vaccine was involved in the deaths. One boy 16 years old died due to “Stress Cardiomyopathy Following Second Dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech.” Dalcie, 73 years old, died from Guillain Barre Syndrome. Her record also states, “second Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine 28 days before start of symptoms.” Juana, 39 years old, died from “Sudden Cardiac Death,” “Probable … myocarditis.” Juana’s record states that myocarditis resulted from Covid. This is odd because her record also states she was vaccinated for Covid. Myocarditis is known to occur from Covid vaccines, but not from Covid. Lorraine was 85 years old and died from congestive heart failure only two days after vaccination. Only the boy’s record lists “Y59.0,” which means, “Viral vaccines.” The other three records omit any code related to vaccines even though the records clearly state that a Covid vaccine was a cause or contributing condition of death.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) uses software that reads the English words in the causes of death on the records and then automatically outputs the ICD-10 codes, which are international symptom diagnostic codes. “Y59.0” is an ICD-10 code. If “vaccination” or “vaccine” are on the death record and “Y59.0” is missing after the software executes, it is highly likely that someone deleted “Y59.0,” else someone manually added “Y59.0” for the boy and did not add “Y.59.0” for the other three.
In Massachusetts, ten records state that Covid vaccines were causes of death, but only the first one is coded Y59.0. The other nine omit Y59.0. In Minnesota, at least nine records state “vaccine” or “vaccination,” but only three are coded Y59.0. And, as noted above, four records in Connecticut state that Covid vaccines caused or contributed to death, yet only one is coded Y59.0. Thus, five are coded and eighteen are not.
The CDC was asked to comment on the omissions of Y59.0 on Minnesota death records. Kristen Nordlund of the CDC responded. She stated that the word “vaccination” would not be coded, but the word “vaccine” would be coded. Nordlund’s statement is a false representation because the Massachusetts record is coded Y59.0 though the word “vaccination” was used and not “vaccine.” Nordlund’s excuse also infers that the CDC will not correct the records and alert The People of multiple deaths due to Covid vaccines.1 Omission of Y59.0 prevents researchers from finding Covid vaccine deaths because they do not have access to the source records from which the codes were generated.
CT Memo Vol. II contains about 250 pages of facts and legal analyses. More than 100 Connecticut decedents are named in the document including 14 who died on the day of Covid vaccination, 36 who died the day after, and 51 who died 2 days after. Most of the deaths involve sudden cardiac or cerebral events from clotting, bleeding, or vascular inflammation. CT Memo Vol. II also summarizes the first memorandum, CT Memo Vol. I, which elucidates an excess of 1,721 sudden kidney failure deaths in Connecticut since Covid began. This is the greatest loss of life-years in Connecticut from a single cause in one hundred years except World War II. Yet the state’s public health web pages make no mention of sudden kidney failure.
Upon receiving the whistleblower complaint and CT Memo II, the Auditors, Attorney General, Governor, and Health Commissioner have a legal duty to investigate the veracity and integrity of the allegations and facts therein. Public safety and health are the primary mission of these officials. From Connecticut death records, it is estimated that several thousand deaths occurred in Connecticut caused by Covid vaccines and hospital Covid treatment protocols.
From the evidence gleaned from Connecticut’s official records and expressed in CT Memo Vol. II, any reasonable person would find that Covid killed only a fraction of what the state purports and that Covid vaccines and hospital Covid treatment protocols killed thousands of people in Connecticut, in fact more than Covid itself.
Public health and safety require immediate and earnest investigation of the facts in CT Memo Vol. II. Omission of investigation by the state officials in receipt of the whistleblower complaint and CT Memo Vol. II is a criminal act endangering The People of the State of Connecticut.
John 14:6 TRUTH
Beaudoin, J. (2024). THE CDC MEMORANDUM - NOTICE OF CRIMINAL LIABILITY. Summa Logica LLC. Winchester, NH.
Imagine……..if we the people, would rise and do as this whistleblower did……in every state……..there’s enough proof and evidence now regarding these bioweapons! The incredible amount of death and injury is documented. Why are we as a whole, taking this??!! I do not imply nor wish any violence! They’ve caused enough heartbreak. But, really, how much more has to happen before we’ve said, ENOUGH? Actually act. Why are too many complacent? I don’t understand this at all. Have they truly lulled the masses enough to achieve complete control?! It sure appears so doesn’t it?
I applaud this man for his courageousness and bravery! He is in grave danger for doing this. Yet, we all should be emulating this person!! Men and women have sacrificed their lives for the very freedom we should be fighting for! It’s a shameful travesty that the largest majority of this nation will not do the same! Our children and grandchildren are not going to live in a free country much longer. Plain and simple. If we survive we’ll have to beg their forgiveness.
I’m ashamed, outraged, and guilty.
John, thank you for keeping us up to date on your Herculean efforts. You have done an amazing job, paying strict attention to crossing the t's and dotting the i's. Several people, or groups, have been bringing court cases in various states utilizing different strategies. Unfortunately, the courts are crooked and very little progress has been made. If more people had the courage, the knowledge and the means to slam the courts with cases maybe some real victories could be had. The truth cannot be hidden forever. (Please) Keep on fighting.