Imagine……..if we the people, would rise and do as this whistleblower did……in every state……..there’s enough proof and evidence now regarding these bioweapons! The incredible amount of death and injury is documented. Why are we as a whole, taking this??!! I do not imply nor wish any violence! They’ve caused enough heartbreak. But, really, how much more has to happen before we’ve said, ENOUGH? Actually act. Why are too many complacent? I don’t understand this at all. Have they truly lulled the masses enough to achieve complete control?! It sure appears so doesn’t it?

I applaud this man for his courageousness and bravery! He is in grave danger for doing this. Yet, we all should be emulating this person!! Men and women have sacrificed their lives for the very freedom we should be fighting for! It’s a shameful travesty that the largest majority of this nation will not do the same! Our children and grandchildren are not going to live in a free country much longer. Plain and simple. If we survive we’ll have to beg their forgiveness.

I’m ashamed, outraged, and guilty.

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Two weeks to stop the tyranny. If even just 50% of us just stopped, refused to work, just stayed at home and played with our kids or just loved our partners. In two weeks, they would realise who is really in control. In two weeks, no one would lose their homes, the world won’t implode, none of the reasons people say ’we can’t do they that!’ would prove relevant. But in two weeks, those motherfuckers would know exactly who works for who.

Will we do this?

Of course not.

Comfort and convenience, trump freedom, without even a whimper.

Enjoy the fruits of cowardice.

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I have been saying that for 4 years!! Ever since I realized that this whole thing was a scamdemic. Those "vaxx" contain some kind of nanotechnology that is going cause a mass die off soon. It's all tied in with the roll out of 5G. I don't know if people realize that there is a concerted effort to eliminate a whole lot of us from this earthly plane. Covid is just one means of doing that. They're weaponising weather, poisoning the land air and water. The list goes on but if we don't wake the f up soon, it's going to be just like the hunger games. These sick f@$ks like to use predictive programming in the shows they foist on us. Time to pay attention and start pushing back en masse. Your idea is the place to start. God bless you and yours 🙏🏼🙏🏾🙏🏿

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Absolutely! It’s hard to remember that so very many are blinded and will remain so, no matter how much proof there is of the depopulation/transhumanism agenda.

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Agreed 1000%!

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Joey, I agree with you. But I think it's important to recognize that one need not necessarily do what others are doing. Not everyone has the same energy, time, resources, inclinations, skills, or talents.

I believe that the work of John Beaudoin is vitally important, an absolute standout, and I am more grateful to him than I can say-- he's shown incredible courage and determination, he's making a difference, and it seriously gives me heart.

But I also know of someone who simply, quietly, by the by, makes an effort to educate people one on one, maybe at a farmstand, maybe on a bus, or in a shop. That, I must say, is a unique talent! I haven't been able to do that at all. And hats off to this person, one by one, she's saving lives.

I know of another person who leaves literature in public places; another who, savvy about the legislative process, and writing bills, lobbies state legislators; someone who has a background as a professional journalist and regularly reports on his Substack (Bill Rice, Jr.). A huge bunch of people make memes (and those, by the way, can be very powerful).

Some people make an effort to show up at medical freedom rallies with their sign and to loudly clap and cheer the speakers— which the speakers REALLY appreciate!!

Some write essays, some write books. Lawyers speak out, doctors speak out, nurses speak out and educate. Scientists, psychologists, so many people... Some people grapple with data (Welcome the Eagle and Craig Paardekooper among them). Me, I sit on my sofa for some hours every day and transcribe counter-narrative videos from 2021-2023. Some simply light a candle and pray— and maybe that's the most important.

In short, I say, to anyone who wonders what to do, do what is right for you to do— it's not one-size-fits-all— and only you, in your own heart, know what that is. Ruminating on the woulda shoulda couldas, and sinking into all the (very understandable) feelings of shame, anger, guilt, this doesn't get anyone anywhere but stuck in the past. Please, be here now. Humanity needs you.

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I think you might have mistaken me for a young, naive person in need of a lecture. All of your points have not escaped me, nor am I disparaging those who do the things you mentioned. Maybe I should have been more clear………the largest majority will NOT do anything! Most believe life will continue as is, and choose not to get involved at all, much less be willing to sacrifice their lives for our nation! Far from what we’ve seen in prior generations! As opposed to writing a novella here on the details, that’s it in a nutshell. There may be some stuck in the past, please do not assume I’m one of them based on my observation. No one said anything about not being here now. However, it IS shameful that most will have to hang their heads when possibly asked why they didn’t stand! Some are already asking because they understand it’s too late!

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Thanks for your reply, and no disrespect intended. I hear you.

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Oct 13Liked by Coquin de Chien

John, thank you for keeping us up to date on your Herculean efforts. You have done an amazing job, paying strict attention to crossing the t's and dotting the i's. Several people, or groups, have been bringing court cases in various states utilizing different strategies. Unfortunately, the courts are crooked and very little progress has been made. If more people had the courage, the knowledge and the means to slam the courts with cases maybe some real victories could be had. The truth cannot be hidden forever. (Please) Keep on fighting.

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Please read my amicus brief. It explains the court issues on the civil side.

I also analyzed the criminal side, but I don't discuss that publicly. Working behind the scenes on that one.

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We are supposed to believe that vaccine vs. vaccination was the cause of this error in coding. FUCK their semantics- this is manipulation of the FACTS to avoid red flags 🚩 being raised.

The arrogance in the response has my blood boiling 🤬🤬.

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Oct 17Liked by Coquin de Chien

...like a sharpened powerful buzz saw going through wood, your clarity of thought connected to meaningful and actionable mechanisms are a marvel to behold! I see you’re at least ten steps ahead...

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The work of Coquin de Chien - one man - is amazing.

There is a tipping point when things will crumble, but it never happens as quickly as we wish. When it starts, it will tumble fast.

One step at a time. There are many layers to this corruption, but truth will prevail.

Keep supporting the effort.

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Thank you, John.

One small thing we can do, is put our full, real name to our comments. I’ve no doubt that, whatever we do, all here are spied upon and recorded somewhere as delinquent.

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Did you mean to say to put our full name, or NOT to? We’re not a on a delinquent list, we’re on a domestic terrorist list along with evangelical Christians, antiabortion prayer warriors, and anyone that’s looked at a “survival” site or long term food purchases! Which Hussein promptly made law that they can take your stocks for “the good of all”! The latest they’ve added is anyone that’s recently purchased a Bible. There’s nefarious reasons the banks are reporting you for any transactions above a certain amount. They want it lowered to $600! Make no mistake! We’re ALL on the literal millions of data storage server computers where they now have at least 5 massive buildings holding them! It’s just anyone that leans towards conservative is now on the DT lists! When you think your devices are off, they’re working, sending data. Your smart tv, anything that connect to internet is busy relaying your information to those servers. Your microphones can be on, your camera, while appearing to be off! You MUST take unusual actions to assure these things aren’t happening far beyond not using your full name. They really know everything about each of us. More than you think.

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I bought both of the author's books.

Very insightful!

I have gathered information about the covid madness for over 3 years now, and I will begin writing a book on husband's kidnap case by a local Maine hospital's ER whereby a fake PCR test was utilized, and he was declared to have covid, and "locked up" for 9 days in a newly created covid unit until I could figure out how to advocate for him.

NO visitors were allowed, and NO informed consent provided.

Hospital staff had full control of the situation.

Husband went to Stephens Memorial Hospital in Norway, Maine in May 2021 regarding a small head injury and needing sutures based on a fall.

He was NOT sick and did NOT have any symptoms.

He had a small head injury instead and became a "prisoner" in a hospital setting.

The "element of surprise" was used by the staff which, in turn, removed any "comfort zone" mentality and created chaos, confusion and uncertainty.

Both of us quickly learned that we didn't have any rights even though plenty of laws were violated.

The Maine constitution says in part in Art. 1, Sec. 2 that "all power is inherent in the people" but neither of us possessed any power in this situation.

Art. 1, Sec. 1 is about property rights, and one's body is their own property.

Instead we became slaves to be used and abused.

Over time, I wrote a 15 page document citing numerous laws violated accusing the hospital of human trafficking, body snatching, and kidnaping, and sent it to the Maine AG, the local county Sheriff, and our legislative representative all to no avail.

NO one cared.

As soon as cold weather happens in Maine, and less time spent outside, I will begin writing my book.

I have already written 2 published books.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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Thank you. May truth and justice prevail.

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The covid junk inoculations and hospital protocols were likely a direct or indirect factor in the supposed covid deaths, plain and simple.

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God bless your good work.

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Bravo, John! Keep at it.

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John, thank you for your continued vigilance and courage.

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You’re a warrior John. God bless. What can we do to help?

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