Could you possibly publish a guide of how to go about collecting this data. Im in NJ and im a doc . I was dismissed from a major northern NJ hospital for deferring the vax. I would

Love to collect data like this for NJ

The NJ state government and health dept has been derelict

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NJ does collect some data. I was able to track down my town in South Jersey a year ago and find that deaths were up for my age group in 2021 over 2020. I haven't looked at in awhile. I remember it being clunky. I guess it may not be as detailed as what was found here but I remember it being interesting enough to poke around. https://www-doh.state.nj.us/doh-shad/query/result/provdth/Mort/Count.html

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Amazing you are an American hero! RESPECT

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Just a little above average intelligence?? Okay, shut UP! LOL You're like twice-brained compared to most folks, m'dear. And don't make me have to go find those stats...

If I ever somehow come across you, you're getting the biggest hug ever.

I personally am going to nominate you for Best Freakin' Feller Award (BFFA).


I want to write to the people that should have this info...

Who would that be? There could be more than one, yes? Your thoughts... courts? govt? dogcatcher?


Shall I give them links? A booklet of tables? I'm very poor, but I could print out some stuff...

Please advise... If/when you want to. I want to do my part and this is Excellent Evidence (EE) !!!!

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Wow! Thank you. Did I miss in your article, WHY you are able to get source data and others not? Thank you again. We the people need to take back our country in more ways then one.

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Insurance companies have a lot of pure uncorrupted data. I used to work in IT for a large insurance company. Back then the head actuary was a guy named John, and he was very smart. I ran tons of reports for him and if he is still there there is no way he does not know what is going on. Certainly every major life and health insurance company on the planet knows what is happening because they have raw data.

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CdC, I heard you on Daniel's CR Podcast. Great info. I believe you said you submitted a FOI request which is how you received the record level source data. Is this correct?

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Yes. State version. Public Records Request in Massachusetts.

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Great work!

If so inclined, please give us a very specific phrasing of exactly what we should seek under FOI requests to our individual states in order to get this level of data.

"Give me everything ya got on covid!" seems a little broad. :)

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How did you get the record level source data?

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Yesterday I watched in one sitting the entirety of the discussion with Mathew Crawford. Getting into the detail is definitely worth the work, and truly the only way of analysing the data. Yes, it's more time consuming and harder work, but good effort is always worth it. I am often called pedantic. To me, there is no such thig as pedanticism. Details matter. The devil is in the detail.

Thanks you CdC, deep appreciation for all you do.

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I don't see you replying to people's sincere posts asking for help in dping this in their States. Why not? If you are sincere seems you would be doing everything you could to help!

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CdC maybe time to change your nom de plume. Seriously though, thank you 🙏

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My Unjabbed aunt on Cape Cod made it out of the hospital after 2 rounds of RDIN I think bc 1) she took some HCQ b4 going in 2) the prayers of her church & family and mostly bc 3) God is not done w/ her yet ;)

It was scary watching in real time how she was trapped and she was touch & go several times.

My odds of surviving well, ANYTHING, are better at home than facing those odds in any Mass Hospital! I tell my kids to be careful when they're out playing bc I don't want to have to take them to the hospital for a broken bone! I avoid the prison deathcamps at all costs.

Thanks for this amazing work!

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The drug Remdesivir which was given to patients in hospitals has been knocking out people's kidneys in approximately 5 days. They also have been using Midazolam along with the ventilators. Aand people are dying from these in the hospitals, and it has become the hospital "protocol" handed down from the top.

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Excellent. Please drop me any further analyses to share on my Stack.

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You know I will share the hell outta this. Many thanks 🙏

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I too would like to know the report types // titles we need to request - so I can rally a few friends to help request them before they are possibly pulled/hidden/corrupted or whatever else might be possible.....

I heard you speak with Daniel Horowitz and with your most gracious offer of deciphering - will pray to find a way to cover your expenses. We NEED more states to acquire this data to ensure an ironclad case. Knowing report types needed would greatly help those of us who are a bit 'clueless' but willing step forward to action. ;)

Thank you John, for your knowledge, willingness to speak out, and offer of assistance. God Bless You.

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