I knew from day one masks had nothing at all to do with protecting people from covid. all I have is a lowly undergraduate degree, but I worked for several years doing bench work (lowest level basic lab work) for one of the Big Pharmas, and yes we wore N95's which were fit tested to each of us. It was clear as day the whole and only point of masks was to remind everyone THERE'S A HORRIBLE PANDEMIC HAPPENING BE AFRAID HAIR ON FIRE HAIR ON FIRE. Creating this level of fear primed everyone to get vaccinated. Mission accomplished. Most people got their jabs.
Yes to everything and one more thing. This operation showed how little courage the "average American" has, as well as the virtual absence of any commitment whatsoever to the cause of liberty. I will never see people in this country the same way ever again.
I am of the firm opinion that masks are nothing about "safety" or any other reasonable thing. They are about, at best, visible compliance; at second best, a very prominent and pervasive means of keeping fear in the very visible mainstream of public awareness; and third, a deliberate means of harm. If there are those of us who are still trying to explain what is going on from a standpoint of "health and safety," then there is a serious issue of denial. This is a planned, rehearsed, and utterly evil depopulation agenda. It doesn't work as well to just start killing off 8 billion people, so they are doing it by stealth. Sounds crazy, I know. It IS crazy. Utterly insane. That doesn't mean it isn't true.
It would be very informative if this could be summarized and combined with Smalley’s work, (maybe Steve Kirsch and a few others) as a complete Covid “white-paper study of MA to show how the entire world manipulated this event. Guv “Charlie Parker” isn’t alone slinging lies. And the cover-up narrative extends well beyond MA. Don’t let the rare abundance of raw MA data and FOIA emails go to waste
Lenore, you're the only person besides me that I've seen refer to that sack of crap Baker as "Charlie Parker". I remember dying laughing when the corrupt, putrid sack-of-crap-in-chief called Baker "Parker". I also remember the day I found out that this POS, "Parker, "was "ordering" the wearing of useless crap on your face. I told my husband, "That's it! We're outta here." Neither one of us have ever worn a slave rag and we never will. We left our home MA for the one in NH and never looked back. We've since left the northeast altogether. Absolute abject fraud and corruption everywhere you look in the state formerly known as "the cradle of liberty".
Masks are such an essential part of the response that many jurisdictions didn’t impose mask mandates until after the initial wave. It was simply the following faulty logic:
There’s the 2019 WHO summary of masks. They don’t work.
The whole thing is so insulting to one’s intelligence. Now Fauci is saying that only N95 works with omicron. Since the effectiveness of masks is governed by physics, not RNA, this is an admission that masks never worked (except N95, subject to the caveats in this CdC commentary)
Remember,Fauci said at the beginning that masks don’t work. Then he said he lied to protect the supply. The supply of homemade cotton face diapers for healthcare workers?
Charlie scumbag Baker is so deep in conflicts of interest that I'm surprised the shit isn't over his head by now. Not only has he owned a side corporation (called CDBII Partners, LLC and registered at the Massachusetts SOC website corporations database under ID 001112765) which " provides management services primarily to healthcare organizations", but he was also working behind the scenes with his former cronies in big tech to implement a track and trace database that interfaces with the electronic medical record that 99% of Massachusettsans have no no idea even exists. This is a real life "vaccine passport" pilot. Interestingly, when I began researching this and sharing the information with Ramola D, my journalist friend of The Everyday Concerned Citizen (everydayconcerned.net) .......someone accessed my old file of Statements of Financial Interest through the Massachusetts Gov website.
Our Public Records Request for the CV or Girish Navani and all contacts with the Baker administration and how he was chosen to be on the Governor's Reopening Advisory Board was denied. His Linked-In is scrubbed. His eClinical Works company website was taken down, but I went in through a sub-heading name and found it in the process of being deconstructed with partial pages everywhere. I did find an article about him and how the federal government fined his company over $100M for fraud in a criminal plea bargain. That's the guy Baker puts on his Reopening Advisory Board. And guess what business eClinical Works is in. Telemedicine. The greatest business to be in since covid caused shutdown and completely changed the scape of medicine to be dominantly telemedicine. Total RICO scam and Baker is right in the middle of it. Corrupt Tall Deval $$&^%#$
Total RICO scam for a definite, and I would bet a million bucks that it goes back as far as Romney with Deval & the ole Mittster all in bed together. Token RINO govs have been inserted in between the layers of Democrat puppets, and somehow they all seem to have connections in common. Recall that Romney was the one who started the universal health insurance mandates back in 2007; this was the necessary framework for the electronic medical record that we are finding now is interacting with all kinds of systems. In 2007, where was Baker? He had slunk away with his tail between his legs after his earlier stint...and epic fail.....as the massachusetts insurance czar under Weld. He was working the big tech angle, laying the groundwork. Nothing is a coincidence, and the history goes back deep.
Coquin, I just came across your Substack and wanted to thank you for all that you are doing to share and spread truth.
I also would like to share with you and your readers a relevant anecdote about Gary Kleinman, HHS's Regional Administrator for HHS Region 1 (New England): https://www.linkedin.com/in/gary-kleinman-2788925
In spring 2020, I was an employee at FEMA's regional HQ in Boston (later that year, I moved to another federal agency and I have since resigned from federal service due to my refusal to consent to the mask and "vaccine" mandates being imposed upon my employment; I choose to comment under a pseudonym for reasons that I hope are apparent).
On March 10, 2020, the day before the WHO declared the C19 pandemic, and three days before POTUS declared a C19 national emergency, Mr. Kleinman visited FEMA Region 1 HQ to address an "all-hands" meeting (which I and fellow FEMA employees attended). Mr. Kleinman's remarks focused on C19, including a demonstration of the proper handling and use of personal protective equipment (PPE) such as latex gloves as well as surgical, N95, and KN95 masks. He specifically advised against mass use of masks, citing their ineffectiveness to stop virus spread, while laying out many of the very same reasons you discussed in your article (e.g., air gaps, improper handling/contamination, need for fitting N95s, etc.).
Over the next two months, almost all FEMA employees in New England, myself included, were mobilized into emergency roles to facilitate the federal response to provide support (i.e., resources, funding, etc.) to state and local officials. FEMA and HHS (being the parent agency of CDC, FDA, NIH, etc.) were directed to co-lead the federal response; in New England this meant that the regional administrators (FEMA's and Mr. Kleinman @ HHS) would be in charge and liaisoning with state leaders such as Baker.
Later that spring during one of our daily briefings, Mr. Kleinman began his remarks by reiterating the then-newly issued CDC guidance in favor of the use of masks, reasoning that the benefits outweighed the risks, effectively and completely contradicting his presentation to our all-hands meeting only weeks earlier, with nary a mention as to why he changed course.
The shield of "in accordance with CDC guidelines", buttressed by the perversion of definitions of words like "safety" and "vaccine", the gaslighting of C19 statistics (which you so thoroughly illuminated in your most recent article), as well as outright lies sown and spread in the public sphere, constitute the justification made by all levels of gov't and institutions of society (media, entertainment, sports, education, business, medicine, etc.) for their actions throughout this plandemic.
Key players like the MA DPH officials and Mr. Kleinman know the truth, but they just. don't. care. Instead to maintain control, they strive to hide the truth, which is why this plandemic is still ongoing, despite the pandemic having been over for nearly two years.
(As a side note, I find it curious that Mr. Kleinman is still in his office as HHS regional administrator, which is a presidentially-appointed, Senate-confirmed position; most political appointees would be expected to resign and be replaced at the change of administration, especially a change in political party; he apparently has outlasted several administrations)
This is why truth-tellers such as yourself are so important, as we are in a global battle for the mind of every human being, who is constantly being bombarded with lies and propaganda in every facet of life, often without even realizing it. Thank you for all that you're doing to shine the light of truth on C19.
First a big thank you to all the pros who have weighed in on this topic and the wonderful coverage of the basic information in this blog. It takes a lot of effort to get things like this fully documented.
However where we are as a society is not well covered here or anywhere else IMHO. There is a fifty plus year old elite scheme called the "Adaptive Program for Agriculture" that started in the US what has become the global destabilization of rural society.
The Baker regime has brought it all to the surface with the MA response to the"plandemic" but I am willing to bet that there are many other less clear cut actions legislation and programs that in combination with the variety of tyranny of the past three years all are moving Sheeple" into situations where they have no means of self preservation.
For some reason I recognized this program for what it was early on and have not been trapped in any of the snares set for the unwary. It has come clear to me that the environmental movements are primarily money and control agendas. My field is forest maintenance and it took 50 years of failing to make any headway with program suggestions that could help rural families and communities have healthier and more valuable forests over time for me to realize that there was/is absolutely no interest in legal or feasible out comes for anyone. In fact the real agenda is for there to be few or no people in rural areas and for the land to be owned by the corporation we call a State of ... In the meantime the environmental watch dogs have set up forest mining as the only legal and feasible way to handle large blocks of forest.
So the take home message from this blog should be that there is no interest for healthy normal people to populate MA. The end goal is for there to only be space and resources for psychopaths. ACP
A big confounder in the mask discussion is personal protection vs source control. The first thing to realize is source control using a mask is incompatible with personal protection. If the mask has no free exhaust port then even if it was fit properly the seal to the face would quickly be compromised and the mask is then useless for personal protection.
The obvious conclusion here is that if the concern is a vulnerable person not becoming infected, who is probably not already sick, they should wear a respirator with exhaust port for personal protection.
If slowing spread via source control is desired, coughing into elbow and staying home if sick sounds like the best option
Mandating masks for all without exhaust ports probably just makes things worse.
This of course was fairly obvious from the start. It's very Kumbaya that your mask protects me, but if I care about my own protection it's much more comforting if my mask protects me.
While the FOIA evidence here is fairly damning, it seems nobody involved at the state were asking the right question about how this works in the big picture.
Actually, the right question would be along the lines of, "If contagion has never been proven, and Germ Theory has never been proven, then why on Earth would we need to inhibit breathing for something that doesn't exist (a virus)?" And even if it did exist, it's like trying to keep a gnat from flying through a giant hula hoop.
Thank you for assembling this presentation. I did my own research in Jan/Feb 2020 and pretty much figured it out. I used mostly sources outside the US, a couple of sources in the US, and concluded Baker was out of control, classic behavior for a controlling personality self-drenched with power.
Being from a healthcare background with potential for exposure to all manner of nasty stuff, I have been through fit testing. Not, in my opinion, something able to effectively be rolled out to the general public for self-implementation.
The fact, as you so precisely express, is Charles Baker knew his response to SARS-COV-2, and the misery he inflicted on the residents of MA, was based on a lie and he did it anyway.
So glad you escaped! Baker gets the best of both worlds; runs as a GOP but governs like a socialist like Hogan in MD. I have more respect for dems because you know they’re socialist whereas the GOP pretends and betrays. Pelosi never betrays her voters. Take care!
My perspective is unique- I'm an engineer and have designed, manufactured, tested, and used masks for decades. A lot of work for a company with three emms in the name...
Masks have efficiency and efficacy ratings, which I would explain/simplify as a number designating how well they don't work FOR WHAT THEY ARE DESIGNED FOR. Beyond this, a mask is simply a filter, which if designed to filter, say, sanding dust of visible size, will work well enough to allow you to work safely in a room with a moderate concentration of sanding dust.
If the sanding dust is plutonium, then that's not going to work out.
Similar for a "deadly" pathogen- if the filter has pores of say, 30 microns, and the pathogen is on average 0.5 microns, then they aren't going to work out. However, they do have substantial ability to impede your breathing and concentrate whatever your body is trying to expel so that it is repeatedly ingested until it DOES do harm.
The analogy of using a chain link fence to keep mosquitos out, is poor. If you're trying to avoid a "deadly" microscopic pathogen with a mask, it's more like taking cover behind that chain link fence while someone is blazing away at you with a belt fed machine gun. Again, it's NOT going to work out for you.
Smoking gun. So this is genocide because we know the masks killed a lot of children and caused myriad other physical and psychological harms. The decisions at DPH, which Baker rubber stamped, were negligent homicide. They did it as mercenaries for the healthcare industry and Pharma.
I knew from day one masks had nothing at all to do with protecting people from covid. all I have is a lowly undergraduate degree, but I worked for several years doing bench work (lowest level basic lab work) for one of the Big Pharmas, and yes we wore N95's which were fit tested to each of us. It was clear as day the whole and only point of masks was to remind everyone THERE'S A HORRIBLE PANDEMIC HAPPENING BE AFRAID HAIR ON FIRE HAIR ON FIRE. Creating this level of fear primed everyone to get vaccinated. Mission accomplished. Most people got their jabs.
Yes to everything and one more thing. This operation showed how little courage the "average American" has, as well as the virtual absence of any commitment whatsoever to the cause of liberty. I will never see people in this country the same way ever again.
That is for sure.
I am of the firm opinion that masks are nothing about "safety" or any other reasonable thing. They are about, at best, visible compliance; at second best, a very prominent and pervasive means of keeping fear in the very visible mainstream of public awareness; and third, a deliberate means of harm. If there are those of us who are still trying to explain what is going on from a standpoint of "health and safety," then there is a serious issue of denial. This is a planned, rehearsed, and utterly evil depopulation agenda. It doesn't work as well to just start killing off 8 billion people, so they are doing it by stealth. Sounds crazy, I know. It IS crazy. Utterly insane. That doesn't mean it isn't true.
I am so glad I am not the only one who comes back to this conclusion...
Oh, you're not alone, my friend! Not at all! One day, we will all get vindication... xo
It would be very informative if this could be summarized and combined with Smalley’s work, (maybe Steve Kirsch and a few others) as a complete Covid “white-paper study of MA to show how the entire world manipulated this event. Guv “Charlie Parker” isn’t alone slinging lies. And the cover-up narrative extends well beyond MA. Don’t let the rare abundance of raw MA data and FOIA emails go to waste
Lenore, you're the only person besides me that I've seen refer to that sack of crap Baker as "Charlie Parker". I remember dying laughing when the corrupt, putrid sack-of-crap-in-chief called Baker "Parker". I also remember the day I found out that this POS, "Parker, "was "ordering" the wearing of useless crap on your face. I told my husband, "That's it! We're outta here." Neither one of us have ever worn a slave rag and we never will. We left our home MA for the one in NH and never looked back. We've since left the northeast altogether. Absolute abject fraud and corruption everywhere you look in the state formerly known as "the cradle of liberty".
That is a very good idea. Do it. I think if it got posted enough places, people would begin to wake up.
Masks are such an essential part of the response that many jurisdictions didn’t impose mask mandates until after the initial wave. It was simply the following faulty logic:
“We must do something.
Masks is ‘something’.
Therefore we must do masks “
Welcome aboard the bandwagon.
There’s the 2019 WHO summary of masks. They don’t work.
The whole thing is so insulting to one’s intelligence. Now Fauci is saying that only N95 works with omicron. Since the effectiveness of masks is governed by physics, not RNA, this is an admission that masks never worked (except N95, subject to the caveats in this CdC commentary)
Remember,Fauci said at the beginning that masks don’t work. Then he said he lied to protect the supply. The supply of homemade cotton face diapers for healthcare workers?
Charlie scumbag Baker is so deep in conflicts of interest that I'm surprised the shit isn't over his head by now. Not only has he owned a side corporation (called CDBII Partners, LLC and registered at the Massachusetts SOC website corporations database under ID 001112765) which " provides management services primarily to healthcare organizations", but he was also working behind the scenes with his former cronies in big tech to implement a track and trace database that interfaces with the electronic medical record that 99% of Massachusettsans have no no idea even exists. This is a real life "vaccine passport" pilot. Interestingly, when I began researching this and sharing the information with Ramola D, my journalist friend of The Everyday Concerned Citizen (everydayconcerned.net) .......someone accessed my old file of Statements of Financial Interest through the Massachusetts Gov website.
Our Public Records Request for the CV or Girish Navani and all contacts with the Baker administration and how he was chosen to be on the Governor's Reopening Advisory Board was denied. His Linked-In is scrubbed. His eClinical Works company website was taken down, but I went in through a sub-heading name and found it in the process of being deconstructed with partial pages everywhere. I did find an article about him and how the federal government fined his company over $100M for fraud in a criminal plea bargain. That's the guy Baker puts on his Reopening Advisory Board. And guess what business eClinical Works is in. Telemedicine. The greatest business to be in since covid caused shutdown and completely changed the scape of medicine to be dominantly telemedicine. Total RICO scam and Baker is right in the middle of it. Corrupt Tall Deval $$&^%#$
Total RICO scam for a definite, and I would bet a million bucks that it goes back as far as Romney with Deval & the ole Mittster all in bed together. Token RINO govs have been inserted in between the layers of Democrat puppets, and somehow they all seem to have connections in common. Recall that Romney was the one who started the universal health insurance mandates back in 2007; this was the necessary framework for the electronic medical record that we are finding now is interacting with all kinds of systems. In 2007, where was Baker? He had slunk away with his tail between his legs after his earlier stint...and epic fail.....as the massachusetts insurance czar under Weld. He was working the big tech angle, laying the groundwork. Nothing is a coincidence, and the history goes back deep.
Coquin, I just came across your Substack and wanted to thank you for all that you are doing to share and spread truth.
I also would like to share with you and your readers a relevant anecdote about Gary Kleinman, HHS's Regional Administrator for HHS Region 1 (New England): https://www.linkedin.com/in/gary-kleinman-2788925
In spring 2020, I was an employee at FEMA's regional HQ in Boston (later that year, I moved to another federal agency and I have since resigned from federal service due to my refusal to consent to the mask and "vaccine" mandates being imposed upon my employment; I choose to comment under a pseudonym for reasons that I hope are apparent).
On March 10, 2020, the day before the WHO declared the C19 pandemic, and three days before POTUS declared a C19 national emergency, Mr. Kleinman visited FEMA Region 1 HQ to address an "all-hands" meeting (which I and fellow FEMA employees attended). Mr. Kleinman's remarks focused on C19, including a demonstration of the proper handling and use of personal protective equipment (PPE) such as latex gloves as well as surgical, N95, and KN95 masks. He specifically advised against mass use of masks, citing their ineffectiveness to stop virus spread, while laying out many of the very same reasons you discussed in your article (e.g., air gaps, improper handling/contamination, need for fitting N95s, etc.).
Over the next two months, almost all FEMA employees in New England, myself included, were mobilized into emergency roles to facilitate the federal response to provide support (i.e., resources, funding, etc.) to state and local officials. FEMA and HHS (being the parent agency of CDC, FDA, NIH, etc.) were directed to co-lead the federal response; in New England this meant that the regional administrators (FEMA's and Mr. Kleinman @ HHS) would be in charge and liaisoning with state leaders such as Baker.
Later that spring during one of our daily briefings, Mr. Kleinman began his remarks by reiterating the then-newly issued CDC guidance in favor of the use of masks, reasoning that the benefits outweighed the risks, effectively and completely contradicting his presentation to our all-hands meeting only weeks earlier, with nary a mention as to why he changed course.
The shield of "in accordance with CDC guidelines", buttressed by the perversion of definitions of words like "safety" and "vaccine", the gaslighting of C19 statistics (which you so thoroughly illuminated in your most recent article), as well as outright lies sown and spread in the public sphere, constitute the justification made by all levels of gov't and institutions of society (media, entertainment, sports, education, business, medicine, etc.) for their actions throughout this plandemic.
Key players like the MA DPH officials and Mr. Kleinman know the truth, but they just. don't. care. Instead to maintain control, they strive to hide the truth, which is why this plandemic is still ongoing, despite the pandemic having been over for nearly two years.
(As a side note, I find it curious that Mr. Kleinman is still in his office as HHS regional administrator, which is a presidentially-appointed, Senate-confirmed position; most political appointees would be expected to resign and be replaced at the change of administration, especially a change in political party; he apparently has outlasted several administrations)
This is why truth-tellers such as yourself are so important, as we are in a global battle for the mind of every human being, who is constantly being bombarded with lies and propaganda in every facet of life, often without even realizing it. Thank you for all that you're doing to shine the light of truth on C19.
First a big thank you to all the pros who have weighed in on this topic and the wonderful coverage of the basic information in this blog. It takes a lot of effort to get things like this fully documented.
However where we are as a society is not well covered here or anywhere else IMHO. There is a fifty plus year old elite scheme called the "Adaptive Program for Agriculture" that started in the US what has become the global destabilization of rural society.
The Baker regime has brought it all to the surface with the MA response to the"plandemic" but I am willing to bet that there are many other less clear cut actions legislation and programs that in combination with the variety of tyranny of the past three years all are moving Sheeple" into situations where they have no means of self preservation.
For some reason I recognized this program for what it was early on and have not been trapped in any of the snares set for the unwary. It has come clear to me that the environmental movements are primarily money and control agendas. My field is forest maintenance and it took 50 years of failing to make any headway with program suggestions that could help rural families and communities have healthier and more valuable forests over time for me to realize that there was/is absolutely no interest in legal or feasible out comes for anyone. In fact the real agenda is for there to be few or no people in rural areas and for the land to be owned by the corporation we call a State of ... In the meantime the environmental watch dogs have set up forest mining as the only legal and feasible way to handle large blocks of forest.
So the take home message from this blog should be that there is no interest for healthy normal people to populate MA. The end goal is for there to only be space and resources for psychopaths. ACP
A big confounder in the mask discussion is personal protection vs source control. The first thing to realize is source control using a mask is incompatible with personal protection. If the mask has no free exhaust port then even if it was fit properly the seal to the face would quickly be compromised and the mask is then useless for personal protection.
The obvious conclusion here is that if the concern is a vulnerable person not becoming infected, who is probably not already sick, they should wear a respirator with exhaust port for personal protection.
If slowing spread via source control is desired, coughing into elbow and staying home if sick sounds like the best option
Mandating masks for all without exhaust ports probably just makes things worse.
This of course was fairly obvious from the start. It's very Kumbaya that your mask protects me, but if I care about my own protection it's much more comforting if my mask protects me.
While the FOIA evidence here is fairly damning, it seems nobody involved at the state were asking the right question about how this works in the big picture.
I’m wearing garlic around my neck. To protect you.
I chant with rosary beads 108 times...then exhale
Actually, the right question would be along the lines of, "If contagion has never been proven, and Germ Theory has never been proven, then why on Earth would we need to inhibit breathing for something that doesn't exist (a virus)?" And even if it did exist, it's like trying to keep a gnat from flying through a giant hula hoop.
Thank you for assembling this presentation. I did my own research in Jan/Feb 2020 and pretty much figured it out. I used mostly sources outside the US, a couple of sources in the US, and concluded Baker was out of control, classic behavior for a controlling personality self-drenched with power.
Being from a healthcare background with potential for exposure to all manner of nasty stuff, I have been through fit testing. Not, in my opinion, something able to effectively be rolled out to the general public for self-implementation.
The fact, as you so precisely express, is Charles Baker knew his response to SARS-COV-2, and the misery he inflicted on the residents of MA, was based on a lie and he did it anyway.
And this is an excellent bit of writing!! I neglected to say that in my other comment! ack
So glad you escaped! Baker gets the best of both worlds; runs as a GOP but governs like a socialist like Hogan in MD. I have more respect for dems because you know they’re socialist whereas the GOP pretends and betrays. Pelosi never betrays her voters. Take care!
Thank you so much for your work.
My perspective is unique- I'm an engineer and have designed, manufactured, tested, and used masks for decades. A lot of work for a company with three emms in the name...
Masks have efficiency and efficacy ratings, which I would explain/simplify as a number designating how well they don't work FOR WHAT THEY ARE DESIGNED FOR. Beyond this, a mask is simply a filter, which if designed to filter, say, sanding dust of visible size, will work well enough to allow you to work safely in a room with a moderate concentration of sanding dust.
If the sanding dust is plutonium, then that's not going to work out.
Similar for a "deadly" pathogen- if the filter has pores of say, 30 microns, and the pathogen is on average 0.5 microns, then they aren't going to work out. However, they do have substantial ability to impede your breathing and concentrate whatever your body is trying to expel so that it is repeatedly ingested until it DOES do harm.
The analogy of using a chain link fence to keep mosquitos out, is poor. If you're trying to avoid a "deadly" microscopic pathogen with a mask, it's more like taking cover behind that chain link fence while someone is blazing away at you with a belt fed machine gun. Again, it's NOT going to work out for you.
In that last paragraph, you mean to say "NIOSH and OSHA"? Correct?
Smoking gun. So this is genocide because we know the masks killed a lot of children and caused myriad other physical and psychological harms. The decisions at DPH, which Baker rubber stamped, were negligent homicide. They did it as mercenaries for the healthcare industry and Pharma.