Ms. Starke, I'm the Steve that John interviewed for this article and I'm Very sorry for your loss.
I hope you'll forgive me for what might appear as insensitivity but I don't know how else to approach this topic accept directly.
States have thus far refused to produce vaccination information for John to use for comparison to death certificates. We suspect it's because the comparison will conclusively prove the "vaccine" is killing people. To circumvent this obstacle I'm bringing the question directly to you and the public at large.
If your husband was vaccinated and you have his vaxx card would you consider uploading it to my email so we could begin to compile a database for future comparison to death certificates?
Again, my deepest condolences for the loss of your husband.
We need all the help we can get by sharing information like that you're gathering. Many thanks for your work on this! We will win this long war against those who have been turning blind eyes to the jabs' real costs in lives so needlessly destroyed. "Never again!"
FYI: Below are two in California who died of turbo cancer in November 2021 very fast and on the same day. A son and his mother. I suspect they were jabbed at the same time and place because he was often his mother's caregiver. A sad truth is in Washington. D.C. normally enough "famous" people have to die for our government to sit up and take notice. Fact the US Congress opted out of mandatory jabs for its paid staffers and elected officials is so heinous I could scream.
His YouTube channel is still up. It was very sad to see how quickly his health began failing but his family took down the worst videos showing his health failing. At least he remained outwardly very cheerful to the end.
Having access to vaxx information databases would prove or disprove your theory that these two individuals were injected on the same day or from the same "batch" or "location".
If this was an ecoli outbreak health officials would be able to quickly identify what the cause was, let's say bad lettuce. Then they'd identify the lot numbers and then have the product pulled from all the stores where it was sold from. This would all happen within hours. It's not difficult.
There isn't a benign innocent reason why this same process isn't n being used for this "product". In fact not only aren't they doing what I describe above, No, They've gone out of their way to mask what this "product" is doing. They split batches up and distributed them across the country in haphazard fashion in my opinion to dilute public perception of what this "thing" was doing.
Having a vaxx card database sidesteps the government's active efforts to block people like John from answering the question "what's killing people at twice the rate as previous years". There are only two to possibilities.
1, The government doesn't want to know what's killing people at higher rates.
2, The government already knows what's killing people at higher rates.
We personally know a couple that was vaxxed on same day, same location, both early 40s. He died 18 months ago - sudden heart attack in his foyer. She died two weeks ago - heart attack but later reported "complications from Covid". A group on Twitter picked this up and found her FB posts with her vax ID card and her first dose is identified as a "hot lot" with a huge amount of serious side effects and deaths reported in VAERS. They left behind two children.
They divide up the batches after The Cutter Incident. Years ago a bunch of kids died due to a bad batch of childhood vaccines in Cutter, TN (I believe). Since then, rather than fix the problems, or stop
injecting toxins into
kids, they simply divide all batches up and send them to
multiple sights, thereby alleviating parent’s ability to put 2 + 2 together.
(This comment is more for general readers who may be new to the subject)
re: "There isn't a benign innocent reason why this same process isn't being used for this 'product'." Yes, this is so and I know an army of people have been saying this since the first injuries during the roll out, but I found this interview with Shaun Barcavage, a research nurse practitioner who was badly injured, especially telling in this regard. In his first testimony for Senator Ron Johnon's round table back in November 2021 Barcavage was careful to state that he was pro-vaccine, he wasn't politcally motivated, etc etc-- he was very far then from being in any conspiracy theory camp. So it's quite something I think to hear what Barcavage has to say more recently-- and my point is, I believe it is indicative of a broader and profound turn in public perception.
Living with vaccine injury
Tess Talks with Shaun Barcavage and Robert Fusaro from React 19. If you want to see what courage, heart and caring look like, this is the one to watch.
they don't know because they don't want to know; they can't afford to know. once it becomes common knowledge, there won't be enough security details to protect the miserable lives of every scumbag involved
Both my parents, a friend, a former boyfriend, a brother-in-law and my sister's best friend. Several more very ill. I knew what was coming when the first news stories trickled out of the msm in DECEMBER of 2019. I told everyone: don't fear the virus, fear the vaccine that is planned. Only a few listened. Now they thank me for saving their lives.
aunt got crippling sepsis, worsened her (most likely vaccine induced) RA, got covid— repeatedly, terrible cases! My fave, hysterical and fun uncle had his 12 yr-in-remission cancer
return with a vengeance— showed up at stage 3+, spread
to esophagus, which is hell, and is dying as I type. My 4x vaxxed & stupidly flu vaxxed husband developed A-Fib and hypothyroidism. He is the healthiest eater and most often worked- out person I’ve ever known. He wouldn’t listen. He’s gotten covid 4x! He’s had all kinds of little health things develop, and of all
people, he should be the
poster boy for health. I’ve had more funerals and illnesses in my
So very, very sorry you've lost so many loved ones. There are far too many people who have lost far too many beloved family and friends and are going thru sheer hell. I feel so badly for you. I have no family left but my husband, who has over 50 yrs research as virologist/immunologist so we both knew right away not to get jabbed. I"m so thankful I still have him but for those who have lost and are losing beloved family/friends, I feel so badly for you - what a horrible way to see our beloveds die. Many prayers for you, dear one, I hope you can find some comfort soon. btw, hawthorne berry is an herb which helps to strengthen the heart. I had some atrial fib for awhile and took it, it helped a great deal. It comes in powdered form in capsules, and you can on Amazon or from swanson vitamins dot com (I've bought their brand for over 10 yrs, they're good folks with good quality herbs/supplements.) Good luck and lots of hugs for you.
Wow, I didn't know they were good for Cushing's. Had a dog and a cat that both had it, poor cat was a nervous wreck. Always glad to learn something new that will help healthwise. Be well!
I’m with you Abigail. I lost two family members within four days of one another. I simply don’t understand why we call it Covid and/or vax death. Truth is our loved ones died from a bio weapon and it is time to call this tragedy by what it is.
Absolutely agree and also to make the perpetrators accountable! How has Fauci managed to slither off to some cushy retirement for instance? I truly am astonished that has happened.
According to realrawnews dot com, he was hanged awhile back. Given a traitor's death. that website is a source of military, which gives info to the website and reports on lots of traitors who worked in govt. being hung for treason etc. I come from a military family, and the site has provided evidence of their news being sourced from military higher ups. These people are being rounded up and sent to Gitmo, which got so full they had to find other prisons to put criminals and now are also using huge military ships as prisons off coast of various countries. I've seen reports from different sites, including Monkey Werx (on Yoo Toob, he's ex-military) who says Gitmo is full, as are other prisons being used. Yes, there really are that many criminals working for deep state. Fauci is probably the worst mass murderer in history.
Coquin, thank you so much for writing this article and putting together the research. It couldn't have been easy. As a person in long-time recovery who worked as a therapist in programs to help others get into and stay in recovery - this issue is very dear to my heart. As the wife of a virologist/immunologist with over 50 yrs research who knew from the start that these jabs were no good and who tried to warn others (to no avail), it deeply saddens me. Both my husband and I tried to warn others but few would hear us, it seems fear overrode alot of people's ability to make good choices. His own identical twin brother refused to listen to him, even though he's fully aware of my husband's expertise on the matter. Now he's very sick and has no energy. We are looking at a worldwide holocaust of epic proportions here and when people fully wake up it will make WW2 holocaust look like child's play I'm afraid.
And to give an idea of the political environment we're operating in, UK member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen was kicked out of the 'Conservative' Party there for quoting an Israeli doctor who was comparing the Covid/vax disaster to the Holocaust. Supposedly 'Anti-Semitic'.
Actual reason, of course, was Bridgen's pointing out excess deaths, adverse events & such and demanding answers from the responsible officials.
Who are very uninterested in being *held* responsible for their actions.
Thank you for this info. I'm not surprised really, but a Jewish person is being called out for comparing this holocaust to WW2 holocaust? That's insane, how could a Jewish/Israeli person be anti-semitic or make an anti-semitic remark? It seems to me that the terms "anti-semitic" and "racist" are being misused alot lately. Someone recently called A.I. "racist" - how can a machine be a racist or have a racial identity? This is insanity on a whole new level.
As someone also in the medical field, I initially tried to talk to my relatives but in the end, if they refused to believe there was just no getting through. It's like a mind virus that once taken up becomes an ideology that you can't get rid of no matter the reason or scientific studies shown.
To this day I'll have patients that clearly have suffered vaccine effects but even when questioned about the appearance of symptoms after the shot just cannot put two and two together. Or perhaps it's just too horrifying to know the truth and much easier to believe the lie.
Yes, the number of people in denial of their own vaccine injury is absolutely mind boggling. What a strange thing to behold. I can’t figure out exactly what’s going on in their mind but they just can’t quite break free of whatever it is that’s holding them back from seeing reality.
A different but similar situation was seeing a friend who’s elderly father died of ‘Covid pneumonia’ after having all the vaxxes, and she actually blamed his death on the unvaccinated?! How much logic do you have to suspend to make that conclusion?
WOW. See my comment just above for another example of this kind of insanity. It really is mind boggling. btw, there's no such thing as "covid pneumonia" - but I think you probably already knew that. :)
Yes, “Covid pneumonia” AKA Kidney failure from taking remdesivir.
Although, I do believe many people did die of pneumonia from inadequate care as well as kidney failure. Pneumonia is a common disease that develops after onset of flu-like symptoms and if I’m not mistaken, treating pneumonia in the hospital after someone was officially diagnosed with Covid was not allowed due to the NIH recommendations. If it wasn’t included in the NIH recommendations for treating Covid, it wasn’t allowed in hospitals due to liability protections and compensation incentives. That’s why doctors weren’t allowed to use vit C, vit D, HCQ, Ivermectin, unapproved antibiotics, etc. At least that’s my understanding.
Dr Ardis talked about how his father-in-law died due to erroneous hospital protocols, which is what guided him to learn about the remdesivir scam when Covid standard treatment recommendations were made by NIH.
I feel for you. My husband has over 50 yrs research as virologist/immunologist, worked in labs and in PUblic Health Dept. - the folks who advise public, govt. etc. on how to manage epidemics, disease. He also worked with a very fine scientist who won Nobel prize; but even his own identical twin brother refused to listen when my husband told him not to get the jabs. He didn't want to hear to so he got 3 jabs - now he can't get out of bed, lost alot of his memory etc. It's crazy-making.
If I remember right, Utah is anomalously low in average age of population, which makes the increased numbers that much worse. they might even be the lowest in USA. I'll check.
Figure 2 (the 8 most populous states) almost suggest a difference between red and blue states.
However, California also looks like it had higher “died suddenly” rates before COVID. Just spitballing: I wonder if there are regional differences in use of descriptors or hyperbole. I could imagine CA making everything, including obituaries more dramatic and hyperbolic.
The vaxx vs. death certificate analysis is so important to this situation. Perhaps it would be useful for everyone reading this to send it to their state legislators with a request they sponsor legislation requiring investigations and data release. Once one state passes a law, it makes news and other legislators can sponsor the same law without having to find someone to write it.
to get a "fairer" comparison, I also compared the "suddenly" OR "unexpectedly" mentions to the TOTAL obituaries for each year and tabulated the percentage of Suddenly/Unexepectedly listings to the total, and then compared the percentages to get a "normalized" percentage differential of "suddenly" or "unexpectedly" deaths for the years 2020 - 2023 compared to the average of 2015 - 19, with these results:
2015: 3.7% of deaths with "suddenly" or "unexpectedly"
2016: 3.2% "
2017: 3.5% "
2018: 3.4% "
2019: 3.9% "
2020: 4.3% " = 23% above '15-'19 avg.
2021: 5.1% " = 45% above '15-'19 avg.
2022: 4.7% " = 33% above '15-'19 avg.
2023: 4.4% " = 23% above '15-'10 avg.
This normalizing to the total obituaries shows a reduced increase from the first method, but still shows significant increases in the "suddenly" or "unexpectedly" listings for the "covid" years, with 2021, the first year of the bioweapon injections, showing the largest increase.
I worked as an Emergency Room coordinator before, during and after the vaccine rollout. I witnessed an absolute holocaust of strokes, chest pain, blood clots, full-body rashes, ear pain, eye pain, seizures, syncope, epistaxis, menstrual issues, miscarriages, stillborns, placenta issues, jaundiced babies--not in 2020 during Covid, but starting in March 2021, when the vaccines were first available in our area, and continuing for an 18-month period. I quit. I had already faced harassment for not being vaccinated and when people started dying and all the docs and nurses acted as if 'nothingbtobsee here,' I couldn't be associated with a hospital anymore. I think I'm going through my own version of PTSD over the matter. My joy has been gone for awhile.
These 'sudden' and 'unexpected' deaths ARE from the vaccines. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to make simple deductions using one's own eyes, common sense and data that doesn't lie.
Thank you for your efforts to uncover this debacle of medical murder. NEVER STOP.
If you can contact me privately, I have many contacts who would like to investigate, keeping your name out of it, if you want. If you don't mind your name attached, then I can connect you with some of the better False Claims Act attorneys, who are always looking for inside information. Those cases usually cannot be won without a whistleblower.
Liz I lived it as an unjabbed hospitalist, opened my mouth so much I was righteously terminated a few months ago . Worst 3 yrs of my 35 years in the medical field. Substack has been a blessing to me in order to vent and tell others. Thanks Liz for your comment, virtual hug 🤗
Man, my heart just breaks for you guys. Over time, through the hidden channels, I became aware of a group of physical therapists at the clinic connected with our Hospital that were about ready to launch a revolution against the madness. So, that was very encouraging for me to know that I wasn't the only one a crew of 85 that knew what was going on. I have to hold on to hope that God is working to upend the entire medical system as we know it through this terrible chapter in our country's life.
A sincere virtual hug back. Man, we could sure have quite a conversation, couldn't we? Kind of like two soldiers who meet up 10 years after having served in a conflict.
Disemployed after 40 years for declining the clot shot, likely in the last jurisdiction in the world still holding out with the mandate. (And snivelling vigourously about lack of physicians and nurses!)
I spent two years tormenting the chief of staff about the fraudulent PCR tests before being turfed.
I wouldn't go back now, and at the last meeting I infiltrated, 95% of the physicians were still fully committed to the beauty of the Vaxxes.
The nice thing is that I would have been done fairly soon anyway and had enough assets that we are fine. I have had 4 years of unimpeded and unstructured reading time and know a lot more immunology than I would have ever known without the plandemic.
You have 35 yrs experience in medical field and they fired you?? They are crazy and evil. You don't terminate someone who worked in the field 35 yrs, you treat them like gold and you listen to them because they know more than most in the field. I'm so sorry this has happened to you. Hope you're OK and will be able to move on soon. Prayers for your healing, that's really horrible that happened to you. Hugs for you dear.
Look at Drs. Marik / Kory or others who even lost their licenses. It’s been terrible for all of us who spoke out . Shame on the doctors who knew and never said a word, like a few of my colleagues .
Unbelievably True That. I went through the HIV/AIDs S*** show in CA. Zero appreciation, stuck twice; and, did everything I could to help People/Patients.…Could.not get gloves or masks. And, I risked My Life to do so. Ed
Shame on them indeed! I believe they should be facing criminal charges. They should have their McMansions taken away and be spending the rest of their lives behind bars! I can hardly think of my own "PCP" ( this term is ironic to me) without getting nauseated. I gave him printed information about Ivermectin from the FLCCC which he never bothered to read. He said Ivermectin was not "protocol".
Liz and all- I work with seniors at my local Council on Aging. We facilitated a clot shot clinic from Day One, signing people up to arrange for their (at the time) ONE injection. It was a nightmare. I told my boss I couldn't, with a clear conscience, sign these 75+ elders up feeling in my gut that I was essentially escorting them to their deaths. I never for one second believed the programming. I was 'encouraged' to proceed, "After all, they are asking us to do this." No, they were terrorized and fear-mongered into 'doing it'. They were bullied by their own children and families as well as the media and the State Public Health People who were rabid about it. I was a coward. I carried on. Then I watched as these people began to suffer and die- 2 shots, then the booster. They are still falling. I never got my shot and my boss did not pressure me. I would have refused if the Town had mandated it and I'd be out of work.
This year, the rumblings have already begun due to this 'new' so-called variant. I am terrified I won't be so 'lucky' this time.
You mention PTSD...I have used that very same terminology.
They talk about heroes...ha! To me, the REAL heroes are the ones who refused and took their leave. When people tell me about 'staffing shortages' I have to wonder how they have not yet put two and two together. Thank you Liz, Brandon is not your bro and all the others who refused.
God bless you for your sight, courage and wisdom Sean throughout this debacle. I can well empathize with your situation working with the elderly. An hour ago, I just visited with my uncle who has been declared to have and the stage liver cancer. He had a physical 3 months ago and was declared fit and healthy. He's 89 years old. He asked his doctor how he could develop such a sickness so quickly. His doctor said "We don't know."
My uncle, who had all three shots, and whose life is going to be shortened because of them, doesn't need to know that but I know that it will be those vaccines that destroyed his immune system to put him where he's at today. Earlier in the day, I attended the funeral of a 36-year-old former wife of my nephew. She was a nurse who had just begun an exciting job as a travel nurse in Arizona. The pastor said these words in the sermon: "The family doesn't know how she died. She had no history of depression and was looking forward to her new chapter in Arizona. The doctors are still looking for answers to the questions. They did find that her heart was under stress so it's likely that she had an underlying heart condition."
I'm hoping that I wasn't the only one in the audience that knows the truth about how she died.
This entire chapter has been beyond heartbreaking for not just our country but the globe. Someday, when people's eyes are opened to the truth behind the travesty of these vaccines, I can only imagine the sadness and anger felt.
May God look on our country and the world with favor. He certainly cannot have been pleased with the past two and a half years.
Kidney failure - and a general destruction of organs - is a 'feature' of the many 'adverse affects' of the clot shot! Very sad for your family. The #s of seniors (we arrange for medical transportation) that are now going for dialysis is shocking! Seriously- and most are required to go to the recently opened dialysis clinics three times a week. Many of those 'clinics' are pop ups that have opened in abandoned warehouses and other buildings that were shuttered during the earliest days of the 'decline'. Why do I use so many quotation marks? Irony.
And btw, Liz..notice the date on our comments! In August we were having this discussion. Godspeed. We will survive this. Keep the conversation alive.
It might have been conceivable they launched Injections 1.0 without really internalizing what it would mean in real human suffering. But now they're doing it again, starting a new round, Injections 2.0, Sept 15, next Friday. So they 100% knew the real human cost that would cascade out.
You are a true hero, Liz. Wish we had more folks like you in medical field. Hope you're OK and are recovering from your ordeal OK. Sending you lots of hugs and prayers. That had to be one helluva horrible ride - you worked in a very difficult field and were treated like the enemy by your co-workers. Take care, dear one.
I have often felt deep and sincere sympathy for anyone working in the medical field who was able to see what was going on. I cannot imagine the anguish that someone, who wanted to help people, would feel when realizing the opposite was happening. So sorry.
Thank you for your honesty and for standing your ground against the Medical Industrial Complex. No doubt after what you went through you do suffer from PTSD. You are a hero in my opinion. God bless you! ❣
If y'all are up for it, here's 17 minutes of the best evidence that any jury or judge can understand without the need for expert witnesses. Make your own judgment. I intend to ask regular people in a grand jury to make their judgment to indict. And then a petit jury to convict.
One day I will see him again and I will see him walking and not sitting. No more quadriplegia for him. He’s free! He’s whole! No more pain, sores, catheters, chairs that don’t work right. I’m glad for that. But I’m broken. Day by day.
Hang in there. He would want you to be happy. You need a grief counselor asap.
It’s not easy to take that first step and climb out of the depression tunnel but you can do it. Little by little, everyday. You can be a light for others and honor your loss that way? There is someone that needs to hear your story because they too feel defeated and alone, sad, & angry. I’m sending you a new vision of your life. God can do miracles and I’m praying you will overcome this tragedy & experience a miraculous transformation. Don’t give up and stay sad because then “ they” win. Don’t let them win. You got this. Reach out & get help. You deserve peace & a happy future. You have to fight for it sometimes but it’ll be so worth it. 🌷💕👍
I do. Just seeing these numbers and the article starts a fresh wave of pain and anger at those who pushed this lie and I asked him not to. God has a plan and I know He holds me, him, it’s just really hard without the better half! I’m grateful that Gods plan let me meet him and be loved by him.
Yes day by day. Trying to finish his story that he had wrote about the accident that caused his injuries and the hospital that caused him to be paralyzed.
The fact you'll see him again, whole & hearty & ready2rumble, means he'll be anticipating hearing of all that happened from you. Plus there's not chronological time there. It'll seem like the next day for him. So it's amazing, the adventure continues!
My sister just diagnosed with Lymphoma and masses on pancreas and kidney... four Moderna jabs. It’s quite obviously NOT DOLTS BOTCHING SHIT! it’s intentionally genocidal culling of the population. DEMAND a Nuremberg II war crimes tribunal
Can anyone get a message to Steve Connolly for him to educate himself with Joe Tippens' cancer protocol at It's a get website & there are hundreds of survivors sharing their story. Steve should not rely on the VA for any good treatment.
More info on some of the treatments mentioned below is here:
* Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer? Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Vit C and Sodium Bicarb. But don't worry your cancer is safe because the FDA would never allow it. By Dr. Syed Haider:
For the sake of "public health" we have to KILL the CDC. Nuke it just to be sure. Do the same to the NIH, NIAID and FDA as well. Throw in all the legacy news media organizations.
He didn’t die as suddenly as these ppl did but he died less than a year after he took the Pfizer shots and he would have been 59 in March. After he took the two, he was in the hospital with really tough pneumonia, and clots and then this last time with things he never had before: insulin issues, bleeding different places, two cardiac arrests, myocarditis, high blood pressure, afib, a stroke/clot, thrombosis, coronary artery disease...and of so hard to not be angry, received two extra pressure sores from not getting the right mattress for him; a uti and sepsis I believe from not changing the catheter in almost a month; not emptying his bowels (sorry), neglect and I’ve tried to get Justice. One day there will be but 😞💔.
Thankful for all that I have learned from him and how what a selfless friend and husband he was. He was always giving and thinking of others. He could have complained and played the victim but he didn’t. He was always other centered. He worked a job. He drove a van. He helped me with grocery bags, school stuff on his lap and handles in his wheelchair handles. He didn’t get and didn’t want government help. He was amazing! I’m so blessed to have had a friend that met me where I was and he truly fulfilled my heart! He was my Prince Charming and one day I will get to run into his non bent arms and non bent fingers and dance with him!!! He will no longer be sitting or laying down, no more looking at him horizontally but vertically. I will get to look at and touch his six foot frame, red hair, freckles, and blue eyes. I will get to say I love you again. I have some of his curly hair in a bag and it’s still curly and still red. Thankful for the two years of dating, eloping, being married for 17 years, almost 4 months, and 17 days. 🥹💔
And I don’t. I have his memory, our wonderful memories, the gift of mutual and unconditional love, pictures, his ashes, our home, his fight try to, his name. But i don’t have him. My best friend!
Did you ever find a support group? Maybe go to The Humanity Betrayal Project and get hooked up with a group of other women going through what you are going through.
I have that website but not sure if my case is the same. I have thought about writing his story there. I still need a dr or medical transcriber to look at his records. Want one. I did join a support group. Griefshare. Then in counseling.
Thank you. I’ll try that. I have 6,000 pages of his hospital records of the last two months and a week he passed there. I have hospital records from the February of the year he passed where they found a clot in his cartorid artery. I just need someone to connect that this actually is a results from the vaccine. I believe wholeheartedly that is what happened. I just miss my buddy. Very, very much!
My husband believed the lie: that he would be taking care of himself and me and many others if he took it. :/. Meanwhile all those or many who pushed this toxic substance are all alive and living well with their families.
My husband is another one of the numbers. :(💔💔
Ms. Starke, I'm the Steve that John interviewed for this article and I'm Very sorry for your loss.
I hope you'll forgive me for what might appear as insensitivity but I don't know how else to approach this topic accept directly.
States have thus far refused to produce vaccination information for John to use for comparison to death certificates. We suspect it's because the comparison will conclusively prove the "vaccine" is killing people. To circumvent this obstacle I'm bringing the question directly to you and the public at large.
If your husband was vaccinated and you have his vaxx card would you consider uploading it to my email so we could begin to compile a database for future comparison to death certificates?
Again, my deepest condolences for the loss of your husband.
Thank you, Steve, for making this effort to report.
It's the next logical step.
We need all the help we can get by sharing information like that you're gathering. Many thanks for your work on this! We will win this long war against those who have been turning blind eyes to the jabs' real costs in lives so needlessly destroyed. "Never again!"
FYI: Below are two in California who died of turbo cancer in November 2021 very fast and on the same day. A son and his mother. I suspect they were jabbed at the same time and place because he was often his mother's caregiver. A sad truth is in Washington. D.C. normally enough "famous" people have to die for our government to sit up and take notice. Fact the US Congress opted out of mandatory jabs for its paid staffers and elected officials is so heinous I could scream.
His YouTube channel is still up. It was very sad to see how quickly his health began failing but his family took down the worst videos showing his health failing. At least he remained outwardly very cheerful to the end.
Having access to vaxx information databases would prove or disprove your theory that these two individuals were injected on the same day or from the same "batch" or "location".
If this was an ecoli outbreak health officials would be able to quickly identify what the cause was, let's say bad lettuce. Then they'd identify the lot numbers and then have the product pulled from all the stores where it was sold from. This would all happen within hours. It's not difficult.
There isn't a benign innocent reason why this same process isn't n being used for this "product". In fact not only aren't they doing what I describe above, No, They've gone out of their way to mask what this "product" is doing. They split batches up and distributed them across the country in haphazard fashion in my opinion to dilute public perception of what this "thing" was doing.
Having a vaxx card database sidesteps the government's active efforts to block people like John from answering the question "what's killing people at twice the rate as previous years". There are only two to possibilities.
1, The government doesn't want to know what's killing people at higher rates.
2, The government already knows what's killing people at higher rates.
We personally know a couple that was vaxxed on same day, same location, both early 40s. He died 18 months ago - sudden heart attack in his foyer. She died two weeks ago - heart attack but later reported "complications from Covid". A group on Twitter picked this up and found her FB posts with her vax ID card and her first dose is identified as a "hot lot" with a huge amount of serious side effects and deaths reported in VAERS. They left behind two children.
They divide up the batches after The Cutter Incident. Years ago a bunch of kids died due to a bad batch of childhood vaccines in Cutter, TN (I believe). Since then, rather than fix the problems, or stop
injecting toxins into
kids, they simply divide all batches up and send them to
multiple sights, thereby alleviating parent’s ability to put 2 + 2 together.
(This comment is more for general readers who may be new to the subject)
re: "There isn't a benign innocent reason why this same process isn't being used for this 'product'." Yes, this is so and I know an army of people have been saying this since the first injuries during the roll out, but I found this interview with Shaun Barcavage, a research nurse practitioner who was badly injured, especially telling in this regard. In his first testimony for Senator Ron Johnon's round table back in November 2021 Barcavage was careful to state that he was pro-vaccine, he wasn't politcally motivated, etc etc-- he was very far then from being in any conspiracy theory camp. So it's quite something I think to hear what Barcavage has to say more recently-- and my point is, I believe it is indicative of a broader and profound turn in public perception.
Living with vaccine injury
Tess Talks with Shaun Barcavage and Robert Fusaro from React 19. If you want to see what courage, heart and caring look like, this is the one to watch.
Posted Jan 29, 2023
they don't know because they don't want to know; they can't afford to know. once it becomes common knowledge, there won't be enough security details to protect the miserable lives of every scumbag involved
I will. Thank you for reaching out. Thank you for helping me.
Of course.
I'll bet if you also searched for obituaries that contain the words, "unknown cause" or "cause unknown", it would yield even more results.
I see that constantly on Mark Crispin Millers substack newsletter. They hardly ever show cause of death, but I know it’s the jabs. Good idea.
Thank you again!!!
I just emailed you.
Angry Steve, did you get my email?
Both my parents, a friend, a former boyfriend, a brother-in-law and my sister's best friend. Several more very ill. I knew what was coming when the first news stories trickled out of the msm in DECEMBER of 2019. I told everyone: don't fear the virus, fear the vaccine that is planned. Only a few listened. Now they thank me for saving their lives.
My fave, fun-loving, hysterical
aunt got crippling sepsis, worsened her (most likely vaccine induced) RA, got covid— repeatedly, terrible cases! My fave, hysterical and fun uncle had his 12 yr-in-remission cancer
return with a vengeance— showed up at stage 3+, spread
to esophagus, which is hell, and is dying as I type. My 4x vaxxed & stupidly flu vaxxed husband developed A-Fib and hypothyroidism. He is the healthiest eater and most often worked- out person I’ve ever known. He wouldn’t listen. He’s gotten covid 4x! He’s had all kinds of little health things develop, and of all
people, he should be the
poster boy for health. I’ve had more funerals and illnesses in my
friends and fam than ever.
So very, very sorry you've lost so many loved ones. There are far too many people who have lost far too many beloved family and friends and are going thru sheer hell. I feel so badly for you. I have no family left but my husband, who has over 50 yrs research as virologist/immunologist so we both knew right away not to get jabbed. I"m so thankful I still have him but for those who have lost and are losing beloved family/friends, I feel so badly for you - what a horrible way to see our beloveds die. Many prayers for you, dear one, I hope you can find some comfort soon. btw, hawthorne berry is an herb which helps to strengthen the heart. I had some atrial fib for awhile and took it, it helped a great deal. It comes in powdered form in capsules, and you can on Amazon or from swanson vitamins dot com (I've bought their brand for over 10 yrs, they're good folks with good quality herbs/supplements.) Good luck and lots of hugs for you.
Thank you so much!
And thanks for the Hawthorn berry tip. We ground them up in a coffee grinder for our horse who had Cushings. It
really helped her as well.
Wow, I didn't know they were good for Cushing's. Had a dog and a cat that both had it, poor cat was a nervous wreck. Always glad to learn something new that will help healthwise. Be well!
I am beginning to think Cushings may be vaccine induced. When I was young, dogs, cats and horses mostly
died of old age. Now it seems they all come down with some sort of malady such as cancer, and they mostly
die early with suffering.
Wow. So very sorry. An uncle and a cousin for me.
I’m so sorry. My brother is. And some friends...
So very sorry.
Thank you
May he rest in peace and may you FIND peace, dear. Prayers for you and your husband.
Thank you
Sorry Abigail S .
My condolences
I'm so very sorry. I wish substack had a caring emoji.
I wish they had a hanging emoji.
You can add your own in the reply!!
I’m with you Abigail. I lost two family members within four days of one another. I simply don’t understand why we call it Covid and/or vax death. Truth is our loved ones died from a bio weapon and it is time to call this tragedy by what it is.
My 2 sisters died 11 days apart
If you can believe it my family also experienced two more deaths within twenty minutes on same exact day.
Four sudden deaths in one family in a calendar year
I will keep you and family in my prayers as losing two sisters in eleven days is devastating.
I’m so sorry.
I’m very sorry
Genocide. You are absolutely correct.
Absolutely agree and also to make the perpetrators accountable! How has Fauci managed to slither off to some cushy retirement for instance? I truly am astonished that has happened.
According to realrawnews dot com, he was hanged awhile back. Given a traitor's death. that website is a source of military, which gives info to the website and reports on lots of traitors who worked in govt. being hung for treason etc. I come from a military family, and the site has provided evidence of their news being sourced from military higher ups. These people are being rounded up and sent to Gitmo, which got so full they had to find other prisons to put criminals and now are also using huge military ships as prisons off coast of various countries. I've seen reports from different sites, including Monkey Werx (on Yoo Toob, he's ex-military) who says Gitmo is full, as are other prisons being used. Yes, there really are that many criminals working for deep state. Fauci is probably the worst mass murderer in history.
I'm so sorry
Prayers for you and yours.
Thank you
😢❤️Wishing you peace and justice.
So sorry for you!!!
My condolences. Much love to you and yours, and may the perpetrators who pushed these jabs while knowing the hazards be brought to justice.
So sorry. An uncle and a cousin for me.
My condolences on your loss
I'm so sorry. 🙏
🙏So sorry.
Coquin, thank you so much for writing this article and putting together the research. It couldn't have been easy. As a person in long-time recovery who worked as a therapist in programs to help others get into and stay in recovery - this issue is very dear to my heart. As the wife of a virologist/immunologist with over 50 yrs research who knew from the start that these jabs were no good and who tried to warn others (to no avail), it deeply saddens me. Both my husband and I tried to warn others but few would hear us, it seems fear overrode alot of people's ability to make good choices. His own identical twin brother refused to listen to him, even though he's fully aware of my husband's expertise on the matter. Now he's very sick and has no energy. We are looking at a worldwide holocaust of epic proportions here and when people fully wake up it will make WW2 holocaust look like child's play I'm afraid.
And to give an idea of the political environment we're operating in, UK member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen was kicked out of the 'Conservative' Party there for quoting an Israeli doctor who was comparing the Covid/vax disaster to the Holocaust. Supposedly 'Anti-Semitic'.
Actual reason, of course, was Bridgen's pointing out excess deaths, adverse events & such and demanding answers from the responsible officials.
Who are very uninterested in being *held* responsible for their actions.
Thank you for this info. I'm not surprised really, but a Jewish person is being called out for comparing this holocaust to WW2 holocaust? That's insane, how could a Jewish/Israeli person be anti-semitic or make an anti-semitic remark? It seems to me that the terms "anti-semitic" and "racist" are being misused alot lately. Someone recently called A.I. "racist" - how can a machine be a racist or have a racial identity? This is insanity on a whole new level.
Mao's Cultural Revolution 2.0
EXACTLY! Great comparison. Up is down and down is up - everything is upside down and backwards with the deep state.
WORDS are powerful...until they’re not. Truth is power.
People must learn what words truly mean, not the way words have been morphed for an agenda.
Many people don’t even know the meaning of Semetic.😉
So true.
As someone also in the medical field, I initially tried to talk to my relatives but in the end, if they refused to believe there was just no getting through. It's like a mind virus that once taken up becomes an ideology that you can't get rid of no matter the reason or scientific studies shown.
To this day I'll have patients that clearly have suffered vaccine effects but even when questioned about the appearance of symptoms after the shot just cannot put two and two together. Or perhaps it's just too horrifying to know the truth and much easier to believe the lie.
Yes, the number of people in denial of their own vaccine injury is absolutely mind boggling. What a strange thing to behold. I can’t figure out exactly what’s going on in their mind but they just can’t quite break free of whatever it is that’s holding them back from seeing reality.
A different but similar situation was seeing a friend who’s elderly father died of ‘Covid pneumonia’ after having all the vaxxes, and she actually blamed his death on the unvaccinated?! How much logic do you have to suspend to make that conclusion?
WOW. See my comment just above for another example of this kind of insanity. It really is mind boggling. btw, there's no such thing as "covid pneumonia" - but I think you probably already knew that. :)
Yes, “Covid pneumonia” AKA Kidney failure from taking remdesivir.
Although, I do believe many people did die of pneumonia from inadequate care as well as kidney failure. Pneumonia is a common disease that develops after onset of flu-like symptoms and if I’m not mistaken, treating pneumonia in the hospital after someone was officially diagnosed with Covid was not allowed due to the NIH recommendations. If it wasn’t included in the NIH recommendations for treating Covid, it wasn’t allowed in hospitals due to liability protections and compensation incentives. That’s why doctors weren’t allowed to use vit C, vit D, HCQ, Ivermectin, unapproved antibiotics, etc. At least that’s my understanding.
Dr Ardis talked about how his father-in-law died due to erroneous hospital protocols, which is what guided him to learn about the remdesivir scam when Covid standard treatment recommendations were made by NIH.
I feel for you. My husband has over 50 yrs research as virologist/immunologist, worked in labs and in PUblic Health Dept. - the folks who advise public, govt. etc. on how to manage epidemics, disease. He also worked with a very fine scientist who won Nobel prize; but even his own identical twin brother refused to listen when my husband told him not to get the jabs. He didn't want to hear to so he got 3 jabs - now he can't get out of bed, lost alot of his memory etc. It's crazy-making.
Here are the "suddenly" OR "unexpectedly" mentions in obituaries for Utah:
2015: 615
2016: 537
2017: 546
2018: 491
2019: 520 2015- 2019 avg. = 542
2020: 731 35% above 2015-2019 avg.
2021: 910 68% above 2015-2019 avg.
2022: 826 52% above 2015-2019 avg.
2023: 508 as of 8/24/23 -- pro rata annualizes to 786 45% above 2015-2019 avg.
If I remember right, Utah is anomalously low in average age of population, which makes the increased numbers that much worse. they might even be the lowest in USA. I'll check.
I was right aobut Utah.
Median age is 45.0 in Maine as the oldest
Texas is 35.2 at second to last
Then, way below that as an outlier in the distribution is Utah at 31.5
So that list is especially concerning.
David and Jerri below have noted the California anomaly in Fig.2.
We have had similarly confounding EACM in BC, and likely for the same reasons. Not the "Climate Catastrophe [TM]" but the fentanyl surge.
This allowed our government and public health bureaucrats to discount the Vaxx deaths and subsume the drug deaths into the plandemic.
This is a multi-pronged assault on the citizenry and society:
the Chinese support of the drug chemical warfare should be evident;
the globalist assault on nation states through the WHO pandemic regulations is becoming obvious;
the subversion of currency via central banks, inflation, and the onset of CBDC's;
and the invasion of western nations through "open border" immigration policies.
Any idea what's going on in California? It's the only state you show that doesn't have the sharp distinction between pre- and post-2021.
Figure 2 (the 8 most populous states) almost suggest a difference between red and blue states.
However, California also looks like it had higher “died suddenly” rates before COVID. Just spitballing: I wonder if there are regional differences in use of descriptors or hyperbole. I could imagine CA making everything, including obituaries more dramatic and hyperbolic.
The vaxx vs. death certificate analysis is so important to this situation. Perhaps it would be useful for everyone reading this to send it to their state legislators with a request they sponsor legislation requiring investigations and data release. Once one state passes a law, it makes news and other legislators can sponsor the same law without having to find someone to write it.
Did you search peacefully?
A provocative name for a new rock and roll band would be Died Suddenly.
Indeed. As would "Spike Protein" as well, particularly for a heavy metal band.
update to Utah obituaries:
2023 as of 12/29/23: 836 -- 56% above avg.
to get a "fairer" comparison, I also compared the "suddenly" OR "unexpectedly" mentions to the TOTAL obituaries for each year and tabulated the percentage of Suddenly/Unexepectedly listings to the total, and then compared the percentages to get a "normalized" percentage differential of "suddenly" or "unexpectedly" deaths for the years 2020 - 2023 compared to the average of 2015 - 19, with these results:
2015: 3.7% of deaths with "suddenly" or "unexpectedly"
2016: 3.2% "
2017: 3.5% "
2018: 3.4% "
2019: 3.9% "
2020: 4.3% " = 23% above '15-'19 avg.
2021: 5.1% " = 45% above '15-'19 avg.
2022: 4.7% " = 33% above '15-'19 avg.
2023: 4.4% " = 23% above '15-'10 avg.
This normalizing to the total obituaries shows a reduced increase from the first method, but still shows significant increases in the "suddenly" or "unexpectedly" listings for the "covid" years, with 2021, the first year of the bioweapon injections, showing the largest increase.
I worked as an Emergency Room coordinator before, during and after the vaccine rollout. I witnessed an absolute holocaust of strokes, chest pain, blood clots, full-body rashes, ear pain, eye pain, seizures, syncope, epistaxis, menstrual issues, miscarriages, stillborns, placenta issues, jaundiced babies--not in 2020 during Covid, but starting in March 2021, when the vaccines were first available in our area, and continuing for an 18-month period. I quit. I had already faced harassment for not being vaccinated and when people started dying and all the docs and nurses acted as if 'nothingbtobsee here,' I couldn't be associated with a hospital anymore. I think I'm going through my own version of PTSD over the matter. My joy has been gone for awhile.
These 'sudden' and 'unexpected' deaths ARE from the vaccines. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to make simple deductions using one's own eyes, common sense and data that doesn't lie.
Thank you for your efforts to uncover this debacle of medical murder. NEVER STOP.
If you can contact me privately, I have many contacts who would like to investigate, keeping your name out of it, if you want. If you don't mind your name attached, then I can connect you with some of the better False Claims Act attorneys, who are always looking for inside information. Those cases usually cannot be won without a whistleblower.
Liz I lived it as an unjabbed hospitalist, opened my mouth so much I was righteously terminated a few months ago . Worst 3 yrs of my 35 years in the medical field. Substack has been a blessing to me in order to vent and tell others. Thanks Liz for your comment, virtual hug 🤗
Man, my heart just breaks for you guys. Over time, through the hidden channels, I became aware of a group of physical therapists at the clinic connected with our Hospital that were about ready to launch a revolution against the madness. So, that was very encouraging for me to know that I wasn't the only one a crew of 85 that knew what was going on. I have to hold on to hope that God is working to upend the entire medical system as we know it through this terrible chapter in our country's life.
A sincere virtual hug back. Man, we could sure have quite a conversation, couldn't we? Kind of like two soldiers who meet up 10 years after having served in a conflict.
Disemployed after 40 years for declining the clot shot, likely in the last jurisdiction in the world still holding out with the mandate. (And snivelling vigourously about lack of physicians and nurses!)
I spent two years tormenting the chief of staff about the fraudulent PCR tests before being turfed.
I wouldn't go back now, and at the last meeting I infiltrated, 95% of the physicians were still fully committed to the beauty of the Vaxxes.
The nice thing is that I would have been done fairly soon anyway and had enough assets that we are fine. I have had 4 years of unimpeded and unstructured reading time and know a lot more immunology than I would have ever known without the plandemic.
You have 35 yrs experience in medical field and they fired you?? They are crazy and evil. You don't terminate someone who worked in the field 35 yrs, you treat them like gold and you listen to them because they know more than most in the field. I'm so sorry this has happened to you. Hope you're OK and will be able to move on soon. Prayers for your healing, that's really horrible that happened to you. Hugs for you dear.
Look at Drs. Marik / Kory or others who even lost their licenses. It’s been terrible for all of us who spoke out . Shame on the doctors who knew and never said a word, like a few of my colleagues .
Unbelievably True That. I went through the HIV/AIDs S*** show in CA. Zero appreciation, stuck twice; and, did everything I could to help People/Patients.…Could.not get gloves or masks. And, I risked My Life to do so. Ed
Shame on them indeed! I believe they should be facing criminal charges. They should have their McMansions taken away and be spending the rest of their lives behind bars! I can hardly think of my own "PCP" ( this term is ironic to me) without getting nauseated. I gave him printed information about Ivermectin from the FLCCC which he never bothered to read. He said Ivermectin was not "protocol".
Thank u
Liz and all- I work with seniors at my local Council on Aging. We facilitated a clot shot clinic from Day One, signing people up to arrange for their (at the time) ONE injection. It was a nightmare. I told my boss I couldn't, with a clear conscience, sign these 75+ elders up feeling in my gut that I was essentially escorting them to their deaths. I never for one second believed the programming. I was 'encouraged' to proceed, "After all, they are asking us to do this." No, they were terrorized and fear-mongered into 'doing it'. They were bullied by their own children and families as well as the media and the State Public Health People who were rabid about it. I was a coward. I carried on. Then I watched as these people began to suffer and die- 2 shots, then the booster. They are still falling. I never got my shot and my boss did not pressure me. I would have refused if the Town had mandated it and I'd be out of work.
This year, the rumblings have already begun due to this 'new' so-called variant. I am terrified I won't be so 'lucky' this time.
You mention PTSD...I have used that very same terminology.
They talk about heroes...ha! To me, the REAL heroes are the ones who refused and took their leave. When people tell me about 'staffing shortages' I have to wonder how they have not yet put two and two together. Thank you Liz, Brandon is not your bro and all the others who refused.
God bless you for your sight, courage and wisdom Sean throughout this debacle. I can well empathize with your situation working with the elderly. An hour ago, I just visited with my uncle who has been declared to have and the stage liver cancer. He had a physical 3 months ago and was declared fit and healthy. He's 89 years old. He asked his doctor how he could develop such a sickness so quickly. His doctor said "We don't know."
My uncle, who had all three shots, and whose life is going to be shortened because of them, doesn't need to know that but I know that it will be those vaccines that destroyed his immune system to put him where he's at today. Earlier in the day, I attended the funeral of a 36-year-old former wife of my nephew. She was a nurse who had just begun an exciting job as a travel nurse in Arizona. The pastor said these words in the sermon: "The family doesn't know how she died. She had no history of depression and was looking forward to her new chapter in Arizona. The doctors are still looking for answers to the questions. They did find that her heart was under stress so it's likely that she had an underlying heart condition."
I'm hoping that I wasn't the only one in the audience that knows the truth about how she died.
This entire chapter has been beyond heartbreaking for not just our country but the globe. Someday, when people's eyes are opened to the truth behind the travesty of these vaccines, I can only imagine the sadness and anger felt.
May God look on our country and the world with favor. He certainly cannot have been pleased with the past two and a half years.
Kidney failure - and a general destruction of organs - is a 'feature' of the many 'adverse affects' of the clot shot! Very sad for your family. The #s of seniors (we arrange for medical transportation) that are now going for dialysis is shocking! Seriously- and most are required to go to the recently opened dialysis clinics three times a week. Many of those 'clinics' are pop ups that have opened in abandoned warehouses and other buildings that were shuttered during the earliest days of the 'decline'. Why do I use so many quotation marks? Irony.
And btw, Liz..notice the date on our comments! In August we were having this discussion. Godspeed. We will survive this. Keep the conversation alive.
It might have been conceivable they launched Injections 1.0 without really internalizing what it would mean in real human suffering. But now they're doing it again, starting a new round, Injections 2.0, Sept 15, next Friday. So they 100% knew the real human cost that would cascade out.
You are a true hero, Liz. Wish we had more folks like you in medical field. Hope you're OK and are recovering from your ordeal OK. Sending you lots of hugs and prayers. That had to be one helluva horrible ride - you worked in a very difficult field and were treated like the enemy by your co-workers. Take care, dear one.
I have often felt deep and sincere sympathy for anyone working in the medical field who was able to see what was going on. I cannot imagine the anguish that someone, who wanted to help people, would feel when realizing the opposite was happening. So sorry.
Thank you for your honesty and for standing your ground against the Medical Industrial Complex. No doubt after what you went through you do suffer from PTSD. You are a hero in my opinion. God bless you! ❣
If y'all are up for it, here's 17 minutes of the best evidence that any jury or judge can understand without the need for expert witnesses. Make your own judgment. I intend to ask regular people in a grand jury to make their judgment to indict. And then a petit jury to convict.
One day I will see him again and I will see him walking and not sitting. No more quadriplegia for him. He’s free! He’s whole! No more pain, sores, catheters, chairs that don’t work right. I’m glad for that. But I’m broken. Day by day.
Hang in there. He would want you to be happy. You need a grief counselor asap.
It’s not easy to take that first step and climb out of the depression tunnel but you can do it. Little by little, everyday. You can be a light for others and honor your loss that way? There is someone that needs to hear your story because they too feel defeated and alone, sad, & angry. I’m sending you a new vision of your life. God can do miracles and I’m praying you will overcome this tragedy & experience a miraculous transformation. Don’t give up and stay sad because then “ they” win. Don’t let them win. You got this. Reach out & get help. You deserve peace & a happy future. You have to fight for it sometimes but it’ll be so worth it. 🌷💕👍
I do. Just seeing these numbers and the article starts a fresh wave of pain and anger at those who pushed this lie and I asked him not to. God has a plan and I know He holds me, him, it’s just really hard without the better half! I’m grateful that Gods plan let me meet him and be loved by him.
He would want me to and he would understand and be wanting me to grieve how I need to.
Yes day by day. Trying to finish his story that he had wrote about the accident that caused his injuries and the hospital that caused him to be paralyzed.
Beautiful comment!
The fact you'll see him again, whole & hearty & ready2rumble, means he'll be anticipating hearing of all that happened from you. Plus there's not chronological time there. It'll seem like the next day for him. So it's amazing, the adventure continues!
Thank you
Wishing so much peace, strength, comfort and justice, Abigail. What AlmostLastRepublicaninSeattle said is so true. Take care.
My sister just diagnosed with Lymphoma and masses on pancreas and kidney... four Moderna jabs. It’s quite obviously NOT DOLTS BOTCHING SHIT! it’s intentionally genocidal culling of the population. DEMAND a Nuremberg II war crimes tribunal
😡😞 yes!!!
This is powerful! God Bless Steve and you Coquin de Chien! I am going to share this with as many as possible!
Like Steve says, it puts a fire in me too! And I am pissed! I need to find meaningful work now as I cannot work in the healthcare field any longer!
Thank you!
Outstanding collaboration.
Can anyone get a message to Steve Connolly for him to educate himself with Joe Tippens' cancer protocol at It's a get website & there are hundreds of survivors sharing their story. Steve should not rely on the VA for any good treatment.
There's also ivermectin, baking soda and essiac (a mix of 4 herbs, one of which has been shown to actually melt tumors.)
Also fenbendazole for cancer. There’s a substack about it
Joe's story is about Fenbendazole.
I'm sure Steve will respond to you. He is very much against big pharma pushing chemo, etc. They almost killed my sister with their lies.
More info on some of the treatments mentioned below is here:
* Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer? Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Vit C and Sodium Bicarb. But don't worry your cancer is safe because the FDA would never allow it. By Dr. Syed Haider:
Message received 🙏 Thank you.😉
Wow. Just wow.
For the sake of "public health" we have to KILL the CDC. Nuke it just to be sure. Do the same to the NIH, NIAID and FDA as well. Throw in all the legacy news media organizations.
4,000 Likes for you Bill!
But if you spent 7 years getting a college degree in woke, where else can you find a career if you eliminate those organizations?
Quality experienced degreed people shall be in high demand for the new structures that need to evolve by The people for The people.
much critical thinking and community discussions and insisting on th current representatives to attend and be accountable, in many ways.
I thought Fauci was Italian.
You actually had a thought? Cum drunk dipshit.
The Jewish Vaccine: The Truth ‘Truthers’ Ignore . . .
Fascists darling. There is a significant difference.
Every ideology has its 'undesirables', don't they?
He didn’t die as suddenly as these ppl did but he died less than a year after he took the Pfizer shots and he would have been 59 in March. After he took the two, he was in the hospital with really tough pneumonia, and clots and then this last time with things he never had before: insulin issues, bleeding different places, two cardiac arrests, myocarditis, high blood pressure, afib, a stroke/clot, thrombosis, coronary artery disease...and of so hard to not be angry, received two extra pressure sores from not getting the right mattress for him; a uti and sepsis I believe from not changing the catheter in almost a month; not emptying his bowels (sorry), neglect and I’ve tried to get Justice. One day there will be but 😞💔.
Thankful for all that I have learned from him and how what a selfless friend and husband he was. He was always giving and thinking of others. He could have complained and played the victim but he didn’t. He was always other centered. He worked a job. He drove a van. He helped me with grocery bags, school stuff on his lap and handles in his wheelchair handles. He didn’t get and didn’t want government help. He was amazing! I’m so blessed to have had a friend that met me where I was and he truly fulfilled my heart! He was my Prince Charming and one day I will get to run into his non bent arms and non bent fingers and dance with him!!! He will no longer be sitting or laying down, no more looking at him horizontally but vertically. I will get to look at and touch his six foot frame, red hair, freckles, and blue eyes. I will get to say I love you again. I have some of his curly hair in a bag and it’s still curly and still red. Thankful for the two years of dating, eloping, being married for 17 years, almost 4 months, and 17 days. 🥹💔
And I don’t. I have his memory, our wonderful memories, the gift of mutual and unconditional love, pictures, his ashes, our home, his fight try to, his name. But i don’t have him. My best friend!
Did you ever find a support group? Maybe go to The Humanity Betrayal Project and get hooked up with a group of other women going through what you are going through.
I have that website but not sure if my case is the same. I have thought about writing his story there. I still need a dr or medical transcriber to look at his records. Want one. I did join a support group. Griefshare. Then in counseling.
And haven’t had success with covid and other lawyers.
I think the Humanity Betrayal website helps get all the med records and lawyers. You can try messaging them and decide if it is for you or not.
Thank you. I’ll try that. I have 6,000 pages of his hospital records of the last two months and a week he passed there. I have hospital records from the February of the year he passed where they found a clot in his cartorid artery. I just need someone to connect that this actually is a results from the vaccine. I believe wholeheartedly that is what happened. I just miss my buddy. Very, very much!
My husband believed the lie: that he would be taking care of himself and me and many others if he took it. :/. Meanwhile all those or many who pushed this toxic substance are all alive and living well with their families.
Not all of them. Many vax pushers have died as well. Karma.
I know that does nothing to lessen your grief. But it is a tiny bit of justice....
Thank you
"What does it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his immortal soul?" He did right, & stands with Jesus.
He did and he is. Just very hard
I, like so many others, are sending you love, comfort and wishes for healing.
Almost a year without him here.
This analysis is a freakin’ awesome idea.
So much tragedy, so sad.
Safe and effective,,,,the new suddenly and unexpectedly