Wow the graphics. Humanized. Will support you for all this work. Best from the pagan lesbo contingent of OR.

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Kotex can’t be the next Governor! 🤮

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Its so weird, I actually clean an office in Portland in a public building that she uses when she visits for business. I figure she is about the same as the current governer, ie a clueless sheepy kind of gal who will just go along to get along (with the democide). Thanks for the heads up though, I didn't know she was a possible candidate.

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I didn't know she was a Kotex.

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Kotek, I believe, the rename was by others...yeh...

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Biden flew out to back her 🤮

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Eeeeuuuw. If only he had really been the pilot of that plane... ! That way we could impeach someone who could perhaps begin to understand the depth of their betrayal, at length incarcerated. I can dream.

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I was Acura a couple days ago .

A go fund me for an employee, brain embolism.

The woman telling me the story, had a friend die of a brain embolism.

What are the chances knowing 2 people having brain embolism in a short period of time.

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Any signals with other blood disorders? (Clotting (or lack thereof) related?)

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