I'm with you all the way - but can I just say one thing - as an RN who has witnessed so many unnecessary injuries and deaths from the toxic mRNA, fraudulent "vaccine" - it's kind of disappointing that the only "title" that seems to be missing from the petition is that of the Registered Nurse. Seems like there was room to represent every other "title" on the planet except for those of us who, not only cared for those with Covid and more and more, with those suffering from obvious Covid vax injuries but were, ourselves, subjected to illegal mandates that forced us to either abandon our careers - our calling, choose to commit a criminal act of fraud or take a poison that we didn't want or need only to keep a roof over our heads.......

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Sep 12, 2022Liked by Coquin de Chien

Thanks very much, M. Coquin. I have taken advantage of the ease of this petition, with my own letter entered in place of the draft. Sent a plea for participation to husband and friend as well. While I have your attention-I so much appreciate the scripture with which you end each missive. And I am a native of the Bay State. July 13 is my birthday; I prayed for your son and your family.

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We tried putting evidence of criminal activity before the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York regarding events on or about 11 September 2001. My recollection is we had 57 instances of criminal acts rising to the level of felony. Crickets.

Despite requirements in the USC regarding evidence of criminal activity, it has been ignored. The US Attorney made no effort to perform the duties of the office.

The vast majority of these people who have undertaken to destroy the United States are above the law. There are zero consequences for them ignoring statutory obligations to investigate via Grand Jury felonies committed which would expose their crimes.

Reference The Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry.

Experienced public interest attorneys were stonewalled and ignored. Writ of Mandamus meant nothing.

Possibly there will be some success in Oregon. The effort is worthwhile. The history not very promising.

Not to try in the best possible manner would be surrender to tyranny.

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So... you're saying this effort is not worthwhile?

This is not about 9/11, nor is it 2001. Why are you throwing cold water on this NOW?

You can say "I told you so" later, can't you?

THIS IS GENOCIDE and THIS IS NOW. Let's see what happens.

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You need to read and comprehend what I wrote.

Your reply misses the points entirely.

I will offer if you think the events of 11 September 2001 do not relate to what is occurring regarding alleged vaccines, mandates, lockdowns. mandatory business closures, church closures, right to assemble, freedom of speech, falsified records, refusal to release public records, on and on, it might be a worthwhile endeavor to return to the various crime scenes of the past few decades cloaked in mystery developed by various government and NGO actors.

Start somewhere simple, like the Murrah Building bombing in 1995 or the siege of the Branch Davidian building in Waco TX 1993. Carry it forward. Look for a pattern. There are no coincidences.

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I'm always both amused and annoyed when I see comments like yours. People who think they can read my mind are just hilarious.

I DID ask you what you meant, and you went off on a presumption that you understood me (nope), and then proceeded to lecture me about what you think I don't understand!

Maybe just leave it at that. I don't need to have a running battle with you, since you already know what I know and what I think! But if I have a need to be patronized, I'll look you up.

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Who was the SDNY US Attorney, Criminal Division, at that time?

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It would be good to have a real-time counter of how many have signed the petition. Strength in numbers.

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Agreed. I was checking for the number but nothing listed.

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I put all this on a post from MY page, too... I'M DOWN FOR ACTION!

And maybe this won't be the end of our activity... ^_^ POWER TO THE PEEPS.

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Wasn't provided an opportunity to sign the petition. Too many third parties involved in web-page, much of which my browser is set to block: fontawesome.com; google-analytics.com; googletagmanager.com; gstatic.com; fonts.gstatic.com; imasdk.googleapis.com; mathtag.com; pixel.mathtag.com; oneclickpolitics.global.ssl.fastly.net; p2a.co; votervoice.net; etc.

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I don't know where you went (on the Internet), but I am familiar with Stand For Health Freedom and its founder, Leslie Manookian, and I have NO PROBLEM trusting them or signing this petition, and I'm not someone who trusts easily or signs much. Just sayin.

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Do not comply with the anti-human globalists

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Signed and prayed for.

I LOVE THAT YOU'RE DOING THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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And there ARE going to be a lot of chickens and wolves looking like sheep in the barnyard, so just ignore them...

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