I’m really grateful for my faith. I’ve never before felt more alienated from my fellow citizens, and it’s comforting to believe in a benevolent, omnipotent, omnipresent power.

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Agreed 🙏

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The Truth is exposed by Virologist/Microbiologist Stefan Lanka

that virus are dead cell debris not contagious. The Galileo and Jesus of our time wrapped into one. www.VirusTruth.NET has easy mini flyers that I put on cars , tape to gas pumps. and I hand to masked souls!

ALL shots causing harm. Covid shots are noticed bec all of humanity was forced to take them at the same time and never ending boosters . but ALL baby shots causing Sudden Infant Death to Autism to Cancer under the radar.

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Call them out by NAME

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I honestly don't know any of their names. And I probably know their party affiliations only by their behavior, though some may be independents. I haven't looked into any of their backgrounds ... yet.

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I dont think political. Most GOP give their babies dangerous shots based on lie of viruses being contagious! ALL shots causing harm. SIDS and Autism has not stopped! www.VirusTruth.NET Read Contagion Myth for details watch the easy videos on the site to understand.

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better yet, help expose lie of viruses causing illness! That is how we get all our babies

off this deadly Russian Roulette hamster wheel of shots! www.VirusTruth.NET

Easy mini flyers on this site called LuckyDay. I put 25-50 on cars every day or tape to gas pumps or hand to masked souls. Put free book Contagion Myth directly into more hands!

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The middle of this Substack, which is excellent by the way, contains a reference coming out of Romania in an Interview. It requires two hours and worth every minute for those really wishing the names, connections via Marriages/Corporations, The Mob, sin, crime...History. Highly recommend watching and listening as the names are not common even though the front men these partial-humans hide behind are well known.



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Thank you John. Looking forward to reading your book. May God bless you. Peace.

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That lack of eye contact is indeed an admission of the guilt they share as cultists. And that there is an awareness of it that eye contact itself would betray. How do they sleep at night? Well, the word guilt was poorly chosen on my part. Guilt presupposes a functioning conscience which is lacking in about 20% of humans. You'll find them in positions of power and money where the demons of corruption have been embodied.

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Thank you, THANK YOU IMMENSELY, for your efforts to stand for medical freedom and human dignity.

Having transcribed many testimonies about various things covid before elected officials, I have seen this appalling rudeness many a time. I find it creepy and disturbing. Perhaps you might enjoy watching Peggy Hall give it to 'em back in '21 about the masks:



The Healthy American Peggy Hall, posted March 13, 2021



Peggy Hall, whose website is thehealthyamerican.org, is a noted advocate of religious freedom based in Orange County, California. This transcribed excerpt is of Hall's 3 minutes for speaking to item 13 on the agenda of the Orange County Board of Supervisors meeting, the local emergency related to COVID-19. In the approximately 9-minute long video Hall also provides commentary both before and after the clip of her 3 minute testimony, which commentary has not been transcribed.



PEGGY HALL [unmasked, at podium, addressing masked supervisors sitting on dais]: This is Peggy Hall. I'm the former director of teacher education at the University of California Irvine. I'd like to educate you on some of the laws that are very important that you have been elected to uphold.

Today on agenda item 13 you're going to be speaking with Health Officer Chao* and getting an update. You are required by law, which is California Code 101080 to terminate, and Mr. [inaudible] knows this very well because we've had conversations about it, you are required by law to terminate the local health emergency at the earliest possible date. This is a law. And I just want to know if we have the assurance that we can rely upon the law in this county or whether they're just words on a piece of paper. So Health Code 101080 gives authority to the Health Officer to call an emergency. In California we have a definition of the word emergency–

And none of you are looking at me. Gosh, that's so disconcerting.


Supervisors? Yes, thank you, thank you very much I do appreciate the courtesy. Um, I've waited to speak and I would appreciate the courtesy of your attention.

Supervisor Bartlett** has replied to my concern. Supervisor Wagner*** hasn't. Chairman Do**** congratulations on your position. And I would like you today when you speak to Supervisor Chao* to add an additional exemption to the unlawful health orders.

I just snapped a photo here on the door because it says what the exemptions are. [reading from the photo on her smartphone] It says that the cloth face covering shall not apply to any of the following persons: Children under the age of 2, anyone who has trouble breathing or who is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the face cloth covering without assistance, or persons with a medical or mental health condition.

You need to add a religious exemption. Tens of thousands of Christians are being persecuted in this county. I am not Muslim, I do not veil my face. I was made in the image of God. You started this meeting with a prayer, are those just empty words? I was made in the image of God, I am an image-bearer of God, and I do not veil my face, that is a Muslim practice.

Let me tell you the law in California is California Government Code 129262. Please write this down and please research it. 129262. It's a definition of my religious liberty as protected that you have taken an oath to uphold.

[reading from paper] Religious dress practice shall be construed broadly to include the wearing of face coverings.

That means I have the ability to not wear a face covering.

I am calling on you today to have this conversation with Health Officer Chao and within 10 days I want to see that added to this exemption. If not, there will be a file of a notice of claim for legal action against you for not upholding your oath of office. Thank you.



#   #   #


* Dr. Clayton Chao

** Lisa Bartlett

*** Donald P. Wagner

**** Andrew Do

* Health Officer Dr. Clayton Chao

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I watched the video. What a group of losers. Pathetic excuses.

How is it that these types of people are running the ship, not only in California, but in New Hampshire and all around the country and the world?

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Can you post a link in here please?

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Nevermind. I see it below.

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Thanks for watching. I agree. And I ask myself that same question every day.

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www.VirusTruth.NET we need more activists helping to expose the lie of virus

being contagious! Easy mini flyers to print and put on cars, tape to gas pumps hand to masked souls, we need to give people the real reason to not get any shots and to fight!

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Thanks very much for that link. I have saved it on my Home Screen. If more people would get to the root of the issue - the non-existence of viruses - there wouldn’t be much room for discussion, would there?

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Jan 22, 2024
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I’m off grid and getting things printed is complicated. I would put some up if I could get some.

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a library will usually give you 10 free copies. can make 10 per sheet

how far from a town are you? or if you email your address to the website someone will mail 100-200

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I would have halted my testimony with a very loud 'Pay Attention Sen. X and Y, I didn't come here for you to be distracted and ignore me'. It's ridiculous, what they did, either out of fear for their own lives post jab, or that their belief in Safe and Effective is now baked in forever. As you said, regardless, they are killing folks. I would be glad to follow up with calls or emails to their offices if you provide names.

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I did that in Massachusetts at the joint committee on public health.

But I was invited to speak in NH by a state rep. So I didn't want to do that outside my turf.

But, yeah, it was deserved.

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The funny thing is that politicians are usually the LEAST shy people on the planet. They love talking to you, shaking your hand, and kissing your babies. But all of the sudden now they are getting shy? Why? That's a rhetorical question. We ALL know why, don't we? It's because they have a guilty conscience. They were put in positions of authority to both SERVE US and PROTECT US from being abused by entities like Big Pharma. These politicians FAILED ALL OF US miserably! And they can't even say they are sorry, let alone take the necessary actions to get these rotten jabs off the shelves.

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ALL shots have to stop immediately! SIDS Autism Cancer all caused by shots.


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Thank you for all you’ve done.

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I'm not sure that they are cultists. I AM pretty sure that they took money, likely a LOT. When the bodies are uncovered, those who made a profit from the poison look pretty exposed indeed. Please keep it up. You are doing the Lord's work.

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I was told that they all took pharma donations.

I have not verified that.

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Dr. Tom Cowan MD book Contagion Myth , Virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka

Misconception Called Virus - also doing Gods work ! www.VirusTruth.NET

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Link to today's testimony, with your captivating (to all but the cultists) thoughts/words @ the ~04:53 mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RChTKzbo-YE&list=PLXcUNufNUluk40aYFdXAaqO60W5k2sLkQ&index=2

Quite rude of the 2 (seated) on the "left" of you, Senators Prentiss and Whitley.

Thank you for making the trip to testify, John. I wish I knew how you had access to all those death certificates. I'd love to dig into the NH database.

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Your AG would arrest me if I did. It's a felony in NH to have them. Different state laws.

I have a funny story of my discussion with him. They were almost gleeful they had me until I cited NH state law and told them they are MA records of NH residents making them legally obtained. They seemed disappointed at that comment. LOL

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For others who would like to watch, that is ~ 4:53:00

I have to say… I tried to watch the two offending women to see exactly what they did, and I found it very hard to concentrate and hear what John was saying without actually looking at him in the video. Because I wanted to hear what he was saying, I kept finding my attention drawn to watch him and had to force myself to look at the two women, which made it harder to take in the words being spoken.

At one point they whispered together for a little while. One opened a huge 3-ring binder and was doing something with it on her lap, after which she closed it and put it on the table. Avoidance behavior.

I think it is clear that, besides being polite and considerate, the best way to truly focus/concentrate/listen/understand/engage is to look at the person who is speaking.

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Suzanne M. Prentiss anagrams to 'Ms serpent sun Nazi'

Rebecca Whitley anagrams to 'CB eye real witch'

They are both democrat I see. This tends to be a trend in these sort of matters.

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Do not at all feel bad John. TRUTH in love 🙌🏼🧡🙏 is all that matters and that is why you do what you do and I did what I did. I wholeheartedly thank you sir! If only there were more good men. Your work perfects and substantiates mine from ‘22-‘23: https://www.amazon.com/Vaccine-Injuries-Lies-Deaths-Resources/dp/B0BXNJLZF9/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=2GQSVRLNN9S3H&keywords=deanna+klein+vaccine&qid=1704937296&sprefix=deanna+%2Caps%2C108&sr=8-1

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Wow! Wonderful that you stood up and wrote a book! God bless you!🙏♥️

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God compelled me to write, honor the injured and fallen, and tell truth. Sold in 16 nations so far, as we know it is harming worldwide and all nations need truth. Thank you, praise the Lord.

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The good men and women all around us!

- the most fearless- Dr. Tom Cowan MD, Virologist Stefan Lanka

Dr. Samantha Bailey md I call them the big guns- going after the root !

www.VirusTruth.NET easy mini flyers on the site! I like the ones called LuckyDay

can make 10 per sheet, I put on cars tape to gas pumps hand to masked souls.

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Awesome, thank you for this!

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These people really are cultists. Completely brainwashed with something akin to Stockholm Syndrome. Shame on them. I don’t know how they sleep at night.

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its not just about the convid shots! ALL shots same harm!

SIDS, Autism, Cancer, ALzheimers is the result. the more shots one gets

the sicker they get. they started pushing yearly flu/ pneumonia,/shingles shots

to seniors - just before the start of Alzheimers- brain damage in adults

Autism brain damage in babies - www.VirusTruth.NET

we need to help more learn there is no contagion !

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Yes my local officials are behaving similarly

Lack of eye contact and lack of any sort of normal social response to communication

I think it’s the borg or hive mentality

In similar context they are all responding similarly

I suspect that this is happening everywhere

They aren’t very creative at all

Predictable pat phrases and flat affect

So all we have to do is be creative and spirit-led and eventually we shall prevail

We have only to fry their central computer with our soul-filled and imperfect passion

Thank you for your work, whether or not it seems to have succeeded in the short run


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GOD CREATES _ satan destroys.

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easy mini flyers to put on cars

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Typical -- they are in a word - ARROGANT. It's the same treatment you get when you go to any govt type of meeting - water, electric, school.... they are in a hurry to be done with the whole meeting and come to it with their minds already made up. Not sure how to move them... maybe next time God will send an earthquake.

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Thank you for this article about NH, where we lived decades ago. It's maddening, but not unsurprising, that the cult is alive and well everywhere, even in the "Live Free or Die" state.

The cognitive dissonance among those who refuse to see the truth, even when they know it, is having horrific and long-lasting effects on humanity. Only a rare few former "believers" in the COVID-jab cult can come out of the fog and use independent thinking to research and hear the truth.

In IDAHO, we're starting with Lesser Magistrates (specifically County Commissionsers). We have achieved respect and careful consideration in three counties so far: Washington, Adams, and Boise.

We're working on a detailed article with advice about how to approach lesser magistrates, template letters and resolutions, counties that have signed resolutions advising against the shots without further investigations and true informed consent, and more. You can read the gist here: https://eolson47.substack.com/i/137369913/boise-county-commissioners-advise-against-gene-therapy-shots.

When the full article is complete, we'll provide a forwarding link. In the meantime, you also can visit We The People 50 - Stop the Shots here: https://wethepeople50.com/

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Do we know each other? LOL

They're doing it right in Idaho and it should be repeated wherever possible, especially in Western states that have given more power to lesser population sizes (the way it should be).

I'll explain more in a few weeks.

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No, we don’t know each other, but we’re obviously kindred spirits. I learned about your work from Dr. Pierre Kory’s Substack (https://pierrekorymedicalmusings.com/cp/140153832) and then subscribed to your Substack.

I cannot take credit for the brilliant lesser magistrates idea, but I’m working with a fantastic team using that approach. The team understands that lesser magistrates — especially in rural Idaho counties like Adams, Boise, and Washington — are closer to and care more about their communities than the Big Pharma and Big Government captive legislators higher up in the food chain.

The commissioners who approved these resolutions advising against COVID jabs, especially for kids, are making historic commitments to informed consent and humanity’s future.

We can only hope the movement will spread faster than COVID infections and shot clinics, fanning out to elected officials too embarrassed NOT to listen to the “pipsqueaks” down below.

We the People are starting to fight back where it counts: On the ground with elected officials (i.e., commissioners) whom we know and can approach personally. For example, we got into Boise County’s hearing room after many informal parking lot, school multi-purpose room, and hallway conversations plus persistent (but respectful) phone calls with commissioners.

And after the votes in our favor, we followed up with sincere emails and phone calls thanking them for their integrity and dedication to do what’s right. Two of the commissioners answered their phone personally and greatly appreciated hearing positive feedback from a constituent — something that almost NEVER happens. Many of these people are just ordinary folks like us; a little kindness can go a long way.

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Okay. Well, tell Laura and Doug I said, "Hello." ;-)

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Coquin de Chien - you were just awesome on this week’s Highwire! https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/new-data-reveals-tsunami-of-covid-19-vaccine-deaths/

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Team No Virus is growing. We need permanent end to all shots not just the con shots!


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Here’s another way to approach. Not as permanent, but can help the advance the cause: https://open.substack.com/pub/eolson47/p/idaho-county-commissioners-advise?r=14nzxn&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Coquin de Chien.... You and I know each other I think.... In We the People 50 group and you have been a big encouragement in our Idaho efforts. Big E is the queen of technical writing and I've learned not to send out our resolutions without her eyes on it. She makes it looks good! Big E helped immensely with the huge win in Boise County also. We have more in the works... I'll text you to make sure but you are my people and kindred spirit Coquin!

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If you look at the initials of Coquin de Chien, you'll see the title of my book out in a couple weeks.

"The Real CdC - Public Health Crimes 2020-2022" Notice the lower case "d"

Found at TheRealCdC.com

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John. You said it before. If they have the information and do not act on it they are guilty of dereliction of duty. They need to pretend they do not hear. That is why your releases are so critical.

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