Today, I drove to New Hampshire this morning to testify in support of SB319 for a session beginning at around 1:00 PM. The official analysis of the bill reads as follows:
This bill prohibits the state and its political subdivisions from purchasing, promoting, or distributing any vaccine or pharmaceutical product that has not been tested with voluntary, human, clinical trials.
It is always interesting to read people. Opinions of their body language, responses, tone, and other cues must be evaluated separately from the facts. Id est, the subjective opinions and feelings in response to others’ cues must be separated from the objective truths/facts of their cues. What they did and how I felt about it are in this article.
Having deleted a number of paragraphs relative to the New Hampshire state epidemiologist’s disingenuous and grossly misleading testimony, count yourself lucky to have saved ten minutes of your life for not having to read my rant. Back to the article now.
I testified in New Hampshire about some raw data and cases of lethal injection in Massachusetts. Last night at a gathering in Duxbury, Massachusetts where I spoke for an hour or so, one mom told me to emphasize the individual deaths in my New Hampshire testimony the following day. So I did just that today.
As I told the stories of people who died from covid “vaccines,” I tried to engage the two state senators to my left. Only one lifted her head to make eye contact twice, very quickly, then immediately looked down. She and the other one to my left typed on their laptops, spoke to each other, and were completely dismissive of my presence for my entire testimony, which lasted maybe ten minutes. I tried to engage them for most of the testimony and only near the end did I look to the right, where there were two state senators looking at me and engaged with my testimony the entire time. In fact, my last remark was that “I will look to the left because you’re engaged” and that I found it difficult to believe people could completely ignore the description of “vaccine” deaths of an 11-year-old boy and 30-year-old woman without even looking at me. The chair was about to push the button and pause to admonish me for admonishing the other two, but I said I was done and she pulled her finger back from it.
My opinion will follow these facts. But the facts remain that two people whose duty as officers of the court is to act in the public interest, especially for the safety and health of New Hampshire residents. They refused to acknowledge my presence, let alone listen to facts surrounding the lethal injections called covid “vaccines.” They could not look at me for a full second of time. That is a fact. The other two were completely engaged in the testimony the entire time.
The rudeness of these people is exasperating. For if I were in there position and even if I thought the testifier was a loon, I would do my duty and listen because that is what my consituents are owed. When these two assumed the position of state senator, regardless of express written or oral oaths taken or omitted, they are laiden with the duties of the office. If they cannot engage in listening to something they do not want to hear, they are in violation of their duty. What they did, in completely ignoring my presence, let alone my testimony, was equivalent to putting their fingers in their ears and singing, “La la la la la la. I’m not listening to you. La la la la la.”
My opinion as to why this behavior occurs is party cultism, which is why I have not been in a political party for a third of a century. When facts presented do not align with the cult mantra, cultists refuse to listen. It is a common characteristic of cultists. People open to listenting and discerning cannot be cult members. Free-thinking individuals are, by definition, not cultists.
However, when people refuse to listen to facts contrary to the narrative imprinted onto them by cult leaders, they are cultists, feal to the cult and with no ability to discern. Their thinking is abdicated to the central cult authority. They are told what to think. It’s easier that way. It’s difficult to think for oneself. And it’s scary. “What if I’m wrong? I’ll be considered a bad person? What will people think of me? … But if I just follow the cult leaders and go along with the other cult members, then there is no risk to my acceptance by my peers … and no risk that I will be liable for my actions because the cult is moral and is doing the right thing …” regardless of facts, regardless of harm, regardless of TRUTH.
And hundreds of New Hampshire residents will die and be maimed because party cultists are feal to the cult and not to their oaths or their consituents. If your elected officials are loyal to a party over your interests, then I say you should kick them to the curb. And if they refuse to perform their legal duties and many die as a result, they should be criminally prosecuted for manslaughter or murder.
Let’s keep this short. I feel badly that I’ve been working on so many things that this substack has languished relative to posts.
THE REAL CdC and The CDC Memorandum are about a week apart in schedule. The book is done in layout and should ship in 3 to 4 weeks. Many last minute gotchas keep delaying it, not the least of which is that I do not want to work with large oligarchical globalist companies, though some of the sales must go through them. Thus, the delay is in finding the right distribution contract fit, which I think I’m all set with now. The CDC Memorandum just needs layout and then it’ll be right on the heels of THE REAL CdC. Sorry for the delay and thank you for your patience.
And Jesus answered, “I am the way and the TRUTH and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
John 14:6
In 2024, the TRUTH is coming. Be on the side of TRUTH and your path will be righteous. Be in a cult and you may suffer consequences heretofore unfathomed. Life is short. Do the right thing and all will be well. Mistakes can be forgiven. Willful blindness is not a mistake. It’s a choice.
I’m really grateful for my faith. I’ve never before felt more alienated from my fellow citizens, and it’s comforting to believe in a benevolent, omnipotent, omnipresent power.
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