Oct 28, 2022Liked by Coquin de Chien

Typo "in 2021 and 2022 from what killed in 2021" --> "in 2021 and 2022 from what killed in 2020"

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The only other thing that comes to mind when I read this is how recording "death" must be such a.bunch of BS at times. Maybe not all the time. I am a PT. The ICD10 coding system is as detailed as you in theory this knit could be, like fall off a scooter, while eating ice cream in a.snow sorry on a Tuesday and you have knee pain....to the fact that sometimes there is a code for laterality in a body part that you have a right and left! So it makes me shake my head with such variety in options in coding and whatever confusion or uncertainty that comes out of this system. Thanks for bringing this data at such level detail forward.

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When you have access to the 300+ fields for every death record, you get a feel for the various MEs and how they use the ICD-10 codes. When I sorted by ME license number, I was able to see behavior. One physician just used the same code for the immediate cause of death and used the intermediate cause fields to differentiate. Interestingly and as one would expect, there is a laziness or default toward .9’s. They usually end in “unspecified”. It saves the ME time so they don’t have to determine too much history of the decedent to be .1 or .4 or whatever. Still, it’s accurate, if a little less precise, if that makes sense to you. The system could be better. But it’s working to an extent. And that extent is where the fraud begins. And I’ve found it as shown in my lawsuit.

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John, can you identify any specific MEs who seem to perhaps not be going along with the narrative in some way? Someone in this role who is a potential ally to the truth breaking free of all the controls?

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Well... So, the simulation was appropriately called "Event 21", not "Event 20". Alluding not to events in 2020, those were preparatory, but to events (starting) in 2021. The supposed 'zero' in the middle, when you look at it closely, is a globe symbol not a number.

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Thank you for your diligent analysis. I wrote to my MP again last week about stopping the vax and will try again and will keep trying. Opened a message this morning from a friend who has had 5 members of her family die in the past 5 weeks. One was only in his 20's. I don't think we can rule out long term effects of repeated infections as a contributing factor. You may already be familiar with Walter Chesnuts work on substack. Some of it may just be taking time to build up.

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These different graphs you use are so cool, I'm diggin it. Thanks for presenting the data this way. 👍🏽💕

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How do we get access to another state's data? We apply for a FOIA? We buy it? Heck, we need to get you that data. How can we get that done?

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I agree. I am in Florida. How do we get the data to run similar studies?

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I commented on the part about DIC. Where did it go? Hopefully it is not evidence of interference in Substack

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Amen brother. Amazing and conclusive correlation that the shots are affecting the blood.

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DIC... your research is amazing

3rd trimester bleeds made it a rule-in/rule-out in EM

Your identification of it and inclusion in this setting is remarkable.


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excellent write up!

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Thank you for all this. The conclusion provides a focus that could be helpful for everyday doctors and vaccine injury specialists to help their patients and consider labs and tests they could be adding to preventive protocols and to investigate symptoms early. More docs will need access to live blood and stained blood analyses under microscope.

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Thank you. Are you familiar with the legal framework in place that enabled all the killing to take place? There were no clinical trials. There is no informed consent. We are still under EUA rules for a reason and it's not for human health. Please check out Kathryn Watts work:



Thanks again!

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