I'm the math guy in our family. Wall Street analyst for decades. My wife operates on intuition. I dismissed her anti-vax views for over a decade. Then C19 came and the experimental vaxxes. She showed me data and facts. I knew the sad history of the early polio vax. She convinced me, just like the Polish wife. I've convinced a few others. It's a chain.

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Cool! I think that I have converted about 6 people personally, however it was over many points of contact, and I had a good starting point. They were already inherently suspicious of government and, especially, Democrats. I have never made ANY progress with anybody with a Liberal political leaning and one other demographic that leaves me in personal crisis. That group is family members who have acquiesced to administering the childhood vaccination schedule on their kids. They are immovable. It is a tragedy.

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I had no idea you had so much discomfort from your body !!!!!! It does not show at all when you talk..at least in the videos I have seen and then your live presentation at Halt Hospital Homicides!!!! Glad to see you found joy in one Polack convert!!!!! And you know that one goes onward to help others as he and his wife obviously were cautious in your information and then realized you had the evidence. ( wish we did not need evidence of harm to capture others thinking pattern)

Hope you feel better!!!! God bless you and heal your aches and pains!!!! You are doing His work here on earth!!!

God Bless!!!!

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My personal trail of inquiry on SC2 followed the disease presentation and the impact of vaccine therapies due to my long life as a critical care nurse. That being said, your POV as a systems analysis expert is so foundational and applicable to almost any human pursuit and particularly helpful in the domain of healthcare, especially when organizing an encompassing approach and revealing unique insights to the subject matters and questions that need to be answered.

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That being said, I was 'triggered' about 10 yrs. ago when helping an older relative through a cardiac procedure. He also had throat issues that complicated his treatment plan. Then, I met for the 1st time, an advanced speech therapist who assessed him, prescribed exercises, etc., and actually had to decide my relative's candidacy for the procedure. I was blown away by this therapist's command of the problems. Since you speak so well, and your topics are so important and pressing, would your consider seeking a consultation to see if there were techniques that gave you control over your throat situation, instead of suffering your throat interfering with your activities?

I did this quick search to introduce you to a possible solution/pathway so you could consider or dismiss this idea. I suggest it only as a possibility that you could gain some control over this issue. God Bless you and your mission.


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