I sincerely hope you are able to have some quality sleep overnight.
Your work is excellent (as I've written a number of times).
My sense is this effort with all its subterfuge, of which you write, is part of the latest attempt to impose a worldwide totalitarian regime on humanity. Latest, as the playbook repeats with minor variations and have peak periods approximately 80 years apart.
The 20th Century versions had a complicit medical community (Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia are examples). This latest version has more of the same complicity by the medical community. Medical establishment might be a better term.
The medical people who are censored are one group which maintains integrity with the attendant hazards to personal and professional life.
I'll echo "Blessings to you". from the fleur curieuse reply.
Senator Ran Paul’s offices were set on fire last week on the same day he asked for the prosecution of Tony fauci, coincidental? So many doctors, nurse practitioners, nurse discharge planners, physician assistants continue to witness the death and destruction of those who took the covid vaxxes. Here in the UK the over 75s have just had their sixth covid injection and many tripped over themselves to get it. Strokes, Parkinson’s, transverse myelitis, arrthymias, vertigo, forever colds, persistent coughs, now weight loss, skeletal appearance, once vibrant now frail. Many, many friends affected. I could cry. Try to tell any of them it was the covid injections that caused their loss of health and you will lose another friend.
I feel your pain. I’ve had two family members and one young friend be diagnosed with strange or rapidly growing cancers, two with huge benign tumors, one with new POTS diagnosis, one 45 yo friend with stroke and tachycardia, and one friend whose healthy 70 something mother died within two weeks of her second shot. None of these people see the correlation and I can’t afford to lose them.
Is it really POTS? Is it postural in happenstance?
Or did they just say POTS because they can't explain the tachycardia.
I've written about a woman in Vermont. 98yo. Got the shot. Got tachycardia right away. 145bpm Died in 2 days from a heart attack. No mention of the vaccine on her death certificate. Who's going to find that? Well, I did. But who will investigate that? It's a covid vaccine death for sure.
I'm going to suggest researching POTS a little more. Please read this as a positive suggestion to increase knowledge and awareness.
POTS is extremely rare, at least it was. There were about 500 cases in the US before 2019. It was so rare most people had never heard of it. This absolutely includes practitioners in the medical professions.
There are associated 'circumstances' such being a young (teenaged) female is a far greater % than being a young (teenaged) male. Hypermobility is another associated condition. There is a more lengthy list if one takes the time to look (i'm working from memory).
Treatment opportunities are rare because POTS is so rare. Some suggested treatments, such as offering a beta-blocker to a young teen, thus subjecting them to a life filled with the side effects of beta-blockers, are considered by many parents to be unacceptable.
Further, if onset is by early teens the condition has a goood chance of having some dissipation by the early 20's. Conversely late teen onset doesn't have the same chance, and after pregancy the chance of dissipation lessens further.
I could go on, my point, which I believe expands a bit on the author's, is POTS has a lot of associated symptoms and is poorly understood. It is easy to label people as having POTS without doing a thorough history with great attention to the details because the diagnosis is in the details and they vary regarding individual experience, severity, length of time, and possibility to expect some dissipation with age, (just a partial list).
Thus, it is a complex topic. Tossing it about too quickly does a disservice to the patient and to those who have been dealing with it for years before this planned series of incidents we have been living through began in 2019.
That’s interesting. I didn’t realize it was so rare because I personally know two young men with POTS who were diagnosed as pre-teens. This young lady is 19--late 18th year diagnosis. You’re right, though--it may not actually be POTS but something similar. Whatever it is, it involves tachycardia and didn’t occur until fall of 2021.
It really needs to be looked into. I was on a call with a bunch of European doctors and myocarditis kept being brought up. I get easily frustrated with the herd mentality. FAR MORE are dying from pulmonary embolism, stroke, arrhythmia than myocarditis. More than an order of magnitude more. And even when talking myoC, why only talk in generalities. There are multiple types and etiologies. But I don't know what I'm talking about. I'm not a doctor. I have to get off here. I'm in a bad mood and I'm going to write something bad at some point. I appreciate your post and links. Thank you.
Being a doctor and having the ability to perform and interpret research, exercise critical thinking and reach educated conclusions are rapidly becoming mutually exclusive.
Doctors are hospital employees, serving at the will of their employer.
Although those rates are based on the people who used to get myocarditis ie predominately older men with other health conditions. It will take some time to see if the rates are the same in younger people from vax induced myocarditis - hopefully not!
It absolutely boggles the mind that they can come up with so many ways to dance around the most obvious reality, when anyone, not just highly trained Doctor’s, pathologist’s, researchers, specialists in various related fields who are experts in every possible condition and disorder that could possibly be attached to the causes of death of these MURDER VICTIMS, people who wear white lab coats 🥼 and spend their lives in gigantic rooms filled with test tubes, Petrie dishes intricately designed glassware with so many names and uses that you practically need a degree just to know what to call everything and microscopes, Bunsen burner’s, fume hoods and so many chemicals that it would short circuit a high school student’s brain just walking into one of these laboratories and ladies and gentlemen who are Masters and PhD’s and have more initial’s after their name’s than can fit on ten ordinary business cards and at the end of the day NOT A ONE OF THEM WILL WRITE DOWN THE EXTREMELY OBVIOUS TRUTH OF THE MATTER and THAT IS THAT ENDOTOXIN-IN-PFIZER-JABS-WAS-THE-DIRECT-CAUSE-OF-THE-MYOCARDITIS-IN-THE-HEARTS-OF-THESE-MURDER-VICTIMS-AND-THERE-WERE-ABSOLUTELY-NO-OTHER-CONTRIBUTING-CAUSES-TO-THESE-VICTIMS-AND-THE-DEATHS-OF-ALL-OF-THE-OTHER-COVID-mRNA-JAB-RECIPIENTS-SUDDEN-CARDIAC-DEATHS-SO-LET’S-CONVENE-NUREMBERG-2.0-HOLD-EVERYONE-RESPONSIBLE-TO-ACCOUNT-FOR-THIS-GENOCIDE-BECAUSE-WE-ARE-ALL-BLOODY-WELL-SICK-AND-TIRED-OF-TIP-TOEING-AROUND-THIS-FLIPPING-LIE-AND-EVERYONE-KNOWS-THE-TRUTH-BY-NOW- SO-IT-IS-TIME-FOR-THE-GENOCIDAL-MANIACS-TO-PAY-SOCIETY-AND-THE-VICTIMS-FOR-THEIR-CRIMES-PERIOD!!!!!!
I will never trust another doc again. I now view docs as monsters.
Yes, not all are bad, but most have no clue how to heal & will blindly accept/follow protocols that result in horrific injury or death which is inexcusable. I’m stunned by number of medical professionals who’ve buried heads in sand throughout this genocide. No mercy should be shown to any of them.
I’m at 10 dead and well over 30 injured. These include two babies born not breathing, a huge number of miscarriages, a numb leg, two cancers in one prostate never before seen by his oncologist (one is a very aggressive type), turbo cancer (a woman was unaware she had cancer, was diagnosed and with stage 4 and passed away quickly June 2022), another cancer, sudden onset of Alzheimer’s, heart attacks and other heart issues and a failing heart, 3 cases of vertigo (one so bad the person had to crawl to the bathroom), seizures in a local swim coach who can no longer be in the pool with children without a life guard on duty, an unusual large circular skin rash and hives, worsened sensory/behavioral issues, a baby lost at 12 weeks due to a chromosomal abnormality with a 1% chance of occurring and my brother-in-law was diagnosed with Dilated Cardiomyopathy which has been documented by his physician as a vaccine injury and was given up to 10
years to live IF he REALLY takes care of his body. That’s just injuries. For deaths: husband’s childhood friend died of recurring colon cancer after he was in remission, a worker didn’t show up to work (found dead in his apt. - he had received the vaccine over the weekend but they said he died of flu), my neighbor’s 2 fit strong military friends, my other neighbor’s husband died of a heart issue, however, he was in his 80’s, an acquaintance told me his daughter died from the vaccine, my sister-in-laws brother-in-law died and the death that tipped me off early on was my brother’s high school classmate Kassidi Kurill in UT (a 39 year old single mother who left behind an 8 year old daughter). She died 4 days after her 2nd Pfizer on Feb. 5th.
I had a client share that she knows two cases of Bells Palsy, another friend said that of the guys he golfs with, middle aged guys who are runners and in great shape, 8 developed heart issues after taking the injections, another friend knows 2 people with brain cancer and many with other injuries and a local dentist told me he’s seen all kinds of injury from Bells Palsy he never used to see to autoimmune problems in his patients. He was offering the vaccine for a time in his office. He felt pressure to make it clear he was onboard with health measures.
Not someone I know but in the Pacific Northwest where I am, Jessica Berg Wilson, WA, age 37, mother, died Sept. 7th, 2021 from thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) after J&J on Aug. 26th, 2021. She had been coerced by government mandate. Also, I’ve noticed on the Nextdoor neighbor app. myocarditis in a young teen boy, vertigo, autoimmune disorders (that woman said she would take it again), healthy tennis player and golfer in his 70’s died right after the vaccine and another had a friend in the hosp. fighting for her life after injection.
I have a SMALL circle of friends and acquaintances and family. I should not know of this many injuries and deaths.
If the intent of the “vaccination” program is to maim and kill, it’s doing a good job.
FYI, I got Bell's Palsy from upping my melatonin on the "advice" of Joe Mercola (he said it would prevent getting COVID or lessen its effects). Went to the ER to rule out stroke. ER Doc (looked like he graduated the day before, he was so young) said I had an underlying "viral infection" and prescribed drugs (that I did not take). I went home and decided to diagnose myself. Did a search of Bell's Palsy and melatonin and found there were clinical trials in progress on the subject! So to rule it out, I quit taking it (this was 20 months ago) . It completely resolved in 36 hours. My chiropractor still thinks it was due a COVID vaccine (he's seen lots amongst his patients) even though I keep telling him I am NOT vaccinated. So you can get it from other things as well.
Oh, absolutely. I know a mom who just got it after delivering twins. I did not include her in my list bc. it’s not associated with the vaccine (other then possibly through 2nd hand exposure to her vaccinated husband), but the other cases of it that I mentioned occurred immediately after their shots.
When the shots were going strong I even saw someone with what looked like Bells Palsy in the grocery store.
Had you been around vaccinated people at the time you experienced the Bells Palsy? If you follow Ana Maria Mihalcea here on Substack, she is saying that her blood samples are developing rubbery clots after sitting for 4 hours (vaccinated or not) and that she has seen self-assembling nanotech and quantum dots. If God wants to come save his creation, now would be a good time! It is fascinating that you found ongoing research on this possible link.
I was around a child who was vaccinated. I got sick the evening after being around him the day after both his second and third shots. After the third, my whole family got sick and my mom got Covid for the 4th time (2 of which were AFTER her Pfizer shots).
You have to be a little careful with Melatonin and take it at the same time every day (3 hours before bedtime). It can do more harm to your sleep cycle if you don’t use it in a consistent way, I’ve heard. It is supposed to have some protective effect against Covid.
I like Dr. Mercola, but I don’t think he is right on everything. He pushes Methylene Blue pretty hard. The doctor I listen to, Dr. Henry Ealy with The Energetic Health Institute does not recommend it. He says there is a natural alternative if you really want to take it, but I forgot the name of it.
I had COVID in December 2019 after having T-Day dinner with a woman who had just come from Wuhan. A week later, I had COVID and had myself a nice vacation. When I realized I had serious pneumonia, I took 4500 mg. Vitamin C, kyolic garlic X3, and colloidal silver. Day and a half later it was totally gone. I have never feared COVID. It's too much of a fraud. Note how it jumped from Wuhan to Iran. Give me a friggin' break. How stupid do they think we are? Iran had a lot of 5G, by the way. Be careful with that stuff. I have several different species of animals so I know zoonotic disease and it's pretty unusual. I also know about PCR tests. I could not believe the official narrative. They're going to have a harder time getting people to line up at the slaughterhouse the next go-round. I have heard competing narratives about hydrogen peroxide so I have some on hand but have never used it. Colloidal silver in a nebulizer, I would do. But kyolic garlic is amazing stuff.
Homeopathy has made the vets total strangers here. I heal everything in the animals myself. Even colic that a vet told me I was going to have to put down my horse for. He said he had twisted gut. I went to the creek--very early winter--and found a few sprigs of young spearmint and gave it to him. Then made a pail of clean water mixed with blackstrap molasses which is very high in both magnesium and potassium. In about an hour he was healed. Seriously. The vet was ready to come back the next morning (if I hadn't shot him that night) and put him down. God forbid. I use them only for necessary (and I mean NECESSARY) surgery.
Horses are still kicking up their heels today. (Well, hiding in the barn. It's hot.) Allopathic medicine is scary.
Kyolic!!!! I started taking it March, 2020 and have kept it up ever since! I knew all things garlic were so potent, for most all things re: disease, but also knew that a daily diet of many crushed cloves of garlic wasn't going to happen where I lived. So I researched, discovered Kyolic and have been taking with a CoQ10 formulation, ever since. When more research uncovered other supplements, I just added them to my program, but I will always keep kyolic going. Your account of taking kyolic in connection with this C19 mess is the first for me, outside of myself...very cool!
Your work is ever so important. I became aware of you on the America Out Loud podcast and instantly knew you were honest and your intent is sincere. Please keep the pressure on. It has to break at some point.
I was trained in coding during the downturn (post 2008), back when they were scamming people to go to school for it and the EHR was a bright new shiny toy that was going to solve the healthcare problems, especially in the U.S. Remember that scam? Makes one wonder how far back the planning for COVID, CBDCs, etc. began. I found that people with higher intelligence who looked at the bigger picture and even (God forbid) considered things outside the box did pretty poorly at coding. The people who really excelled were the widget counters, people who kept their consciousness on their navel or only what they were ordered to pay attention to, who never asked questions, never looked at the bigger picture, and never ever under pain of death looked outside the box. This does not surprise me a whit. I am sure that coder was instructed to code exactly as they did.
The ICD now has a code for vaccination status, which is why I won't go to a doctor again. this code is required for every interaction with a patient, as I understand it. The ICD has been weaponized. And the EHR is clearly a necessary part of the WHO and WEF plan for us all.
Covid-19 is a petty threat, the real ones at the moment are most probably the vaccines and Remdesivir too; of course, in the end Covid-19 will be falsely blamed.
I too want the 70s back. It was great being a teen in the seventies. Freebird was on every bar's jukebox. It's why I got a tattoo of a bird at 18. We were able to be in bars at 18, though many of us got in before then with fake ID. No photo ID back then. But we were allowed to grow up and figure life out on our own. We didn't have a nanny state holding our hand and keeping us from the realities of life. And I miss men being allowed to hit on women, and being men and getting into fist fights. At least I had that. /sigh
DESCRIPTION: "Trista Martin was a happy 18 year old girl planning to go to college. In July she got a covid vaccine and in November she was gone. Her parents Taylor and Allen Martin sat down with John and Clinton to tell her story."
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: The Taylors live in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.
ALLEN MARTIN: Trista was 18 years old. She was fun, vibrant, beautiful. Typical 18 year/old. She liked 5 Seconds of Summer and hanging out with her friends. She was a hard worker. She had her first job, was, her only job, she had been there almost 2 years and they had promoted her and made her the
night shift manager. And she got a raise. So for 18 years old she was actually making pretty good money.
TAYLOR MARTIN: She was working a whole lot, though.
ALLEN MARTIN: She was working a lot. She had an awesome boyfriend named Payton. He's a good kid. They had been serious for a while.
She knew that we didn't trust this initial roll-out or really any of the roll-out of the vaccines for covid. We, we thought that it was rushed, we thought that it just didn't have the the time behind it that it needed because other vaccines took years, and this only took a couple of months, so with the virus only having like a, you know, a 99.9% survival rate, we thought that it was kind of unnecessary.
Not to mention that we had all had covid early on. And so we knew that we had natural immunity. And then early, was it '21? We kind of all dealt with it again. We all had covid, I think we all think it was the second time. We did the at-home test, some of them popped positive, some of them popped negative. They weren't really trustworthy. But we [inaudible] last test, like, I lost my sense of taste, a lot of the symptoms that you had heard about. And so we thought that we were safe with the natural immunity, so we explained to the kids, there's no reason to get this vaccine, you've got the natural immunity. That's, that's how we're going to be safe.
When she turned 18, we get some conflicting stories, but ultimately I think she had gone to go see a band at a concert in Texas, and I think that they gave her some grief about either showing a vax card or showing where she had tested negative, and so she got some grief from that. So she decided that she was going to get the vaccine. So she went to a, a doctor that her, that she decided she was going to go to, not our normal general practitioner. But she'd gone to that doctor and she got the Pfizer vaccine on July 20th. On November 8th she was fine. She had worked previously that day, if I'm not mistaken.
TAYLOR MARTIN: No, she was off.
ALLEN MARTIN: She was off that day?
TAYLOR MARTIN: She was off that day. She went to stay the night with some friends—
ALLEN MARTIN: Yeah, she—
TAYLOR MARTIN: — and her sister and they, they were just fine. We actually just watched last night. We have a doorbell camera of them leaving for that night to go. [inaudible] they played video games and board games and took selfies and [inaudible] ate junk food. And Trista woke up around 8 and said that she was having trouble breathing and that her whole body was hurting. And she said, I'm going to lay back down and see if I can feel better. And her sister went to check on her, she says about [inaudible] minutes later, and she couldn't get her to wake up.
And so they, they called me. I made it over there to them in about, it was about 3 minutes. It was really fast. And I found that she was not breathing. And started CPR and called 911 and ambulance felt like it took forever. I'm sure they were there very quickly, but it, it was an excruciatingly long time time for me.
When they got there, they they couldn't get her heart to start back and they had to shock her several times. And they finally got her stable enough to get to the ambulance. And they said that her heart stopped several more times in the ambulance, that they couldn't get it. They said they couldn't get it to stay beating for more than about 5 minutes at a time. And then we made it to the hospital. And—
ALLEN MARTIN: I had, she had tried to call me several times but I was in the shower. And when I got out of the shower and looked at my phone I saw that I had like 16 missed, missed calls so I called back and that's when she answered, and she said, Allen, it's not good. It's Trista. They're loading her into the ambulance.
TAYLOR MARTIN: You need to get to the hospital. Now.
ALLEN NARTIN: You need to get to St. Francis right now. And—
TALOR MARTIN: [starting to cry] Sorry.
ALLEN MARTIN: So I threw on some clothes and I drove as fast as I could to St. Francis. And I knew it was serious because when I got there, I don't know who was like, the look on my face, or what it was,
I don't know, but they, there was a lady at the front, almost kind of waiting on me, and she said, are you Dad? And I said, well, yeah, I'm dad. And she said, come here, follow me. And she let me through the doors and walked me back to Trauma, where Trista was. And that was where I saw her for the first time.
TAYLOR MARTIN: The doctor said, that immediately came in and said that it was, it was not good. And he said in cases like this, there's only about a 1% chance of survival.
ALLEN MARTIN: I said, in cases like what? What, what is this? What is this case?
TAYLOR MARTIN: They couldn't tell us.
ALLEN MARTIN: They said, well, her heart is swollen, her organs are shut down.
TAYLOR MARTIN: She has a blood glucose level of 6-10.
ALLEN MARTIN: And they said, we don't know why.
TAYLOR MARTIN: She's not diabetic.
ALLEN MARTIN: They said they've got a catheter in, but nothing's coming out, and they pointed down to a, an empty bag, and they said that they needed to start dialysis, but that her—
TAYLOR MARTIN: She wasn't stable enough.
ALLEN MARTIN: —her weakened body, it would kill her, that the way, in, in her weakened state, it— so at that point they were just trying to get her to stay alive. And I asked, you know, is, how's her brain? You know, is, because I was worried about brain injury, I was really thinking that this was—
TAYLOR MARTIN: There was still hope that she was going to wake up.
ALLEN MARTIN: Yeah, I was hoping she was going to wake up. This didn't seem real. So I was thinking about things like, you know, is, is there going to be brain damage? Is she going to have to learn to walk again? Is she going, you know, have problems with speech? Or, you know, something like that. And he says, no, we're not worried about that right now, we're just worried about, you know, keeping her body alive. We haven't even checked that. And that's I think maybe when it started to set in a little bit that this was, was really happening.
Hours went by, and we didn't get any good news, we just kind of sat there. They brought in I think every doctor from the whole state probably, I don't know, there were a lot of doctors there that— St. Francis I think did the best that they could.
TAYLOR MARTIN: They really did great. They really, they called in people who were not supposed to be working that night, all the heads of all the departments were down there. Nobody could figure out what—
ALLEN MARTIN: Just trying to figure out what the hell was happening. They ended up getting her semi-stable. Her blood pressure was coming up a little bit. So they decided they were going to move her up to ICU and that once they got her to ICU, they could start the dialysis. So they moved her up to ICU and we all went upstairs, and pretty much when we, as soon as we got up there they said that she was crashing again, and at, at that point he came in and he said, you know, you've got a few choices.
TAYLOR MARTIN: Make some decisions.
ALLEN MARTIN: Yeah, you need to make some decisions. She's had a lot of CPR and her body is broken from that CPR. If she, if her heart stops again, do you, do you want us to continue to aggressively do CPR? Or do you want us to try to keep, try to keep her alive with the medications and the things that we're currently doing? Or do you just make her comfortable and let her pass the way that it is?
And I'm like—
TAYLOR MARTIN: [inaudible]
ALLEN MARTIN: — are you seriously asking me this question right now?! This cannot be something that you're asking me right now! [voice breaks] You're asking me if I just want to let my daughter die? My 18 year-old healthy daughter, there was nothing wrong with her, she had no co-morbidities, she had nothing wrong with her! And she's just going to die?
TAYLOR MARTIN: We asked them though please continue giving her the medication and if her heart did stop again that we would let her go because they said it would kill her trying to do CPR more.
ALLEN MARTIN: It would make it worse.
TAYLOR MARTIN: [crying] And, ah—
ALLEN MARTIN: Somewhere in this her friend, one of her friends told us that she had gotten the covid vaccine. Because we had no idea.
TAYLOR MARTIN: She told everyone not to tell us.
ALLEN MARTIN: She told everybody not to tell us because of everything that we had talked about before. And at first, it was kind of like, well, I don't know that that's related, you know? And then we started getting more information. The doctors came in talking about her heart being swollen. And then, and then after she passed, a couple of days, just doing research and reading about things.
"So, 8 months later, got Trista's Medical Examiner's report today. She's officially another "Unknown" cause of death. She just died. Cause apparently, that's what healthy 18 yo girls do now. OH, and she didn't have myocarditis, at least not notable on her autopsy. Lots of "edemas", "hypereosinophilias", "Thrombosi" and "hemorrhages".. but we don't have a reason why, according to the Oklahoma Medical Examiner's Office... She just died."
“We still to this day do not have data on people who are coming to the hospital who are vaccinated. That is a data point we have lacked.” - Dr. Rochelle Walensky, House Oversight Subcommittee testimony, June 13, 2023
Government health regulatory agencies are corrupt.
Or the 13 yo girl who died of glioblastoma.... discovered on autopsy because she didn't wake up. I can't imagine the devastation these families have to live with. And govt and politics and media... don't care.
I sincerely hope you are able to have some quality sleep overnight.
Your work is excellent (as I've written a number of times).
My sense is this effort with all its subterfuge, of which you write, is part of the latest attempt to impose a worldwide totalitarian regime on humanity. Latest, as the playbook repeats with minor variations and have peak periods approximately 80 years apart.
The 20th Century versions had a complicit medical community (Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia are examples). This latest version has more of the same complicity by the medical community. Medical establishment might be a better term.
The medical people who are censored are one group which maintains integrity with the attendant hazards to personal and professional life.
I'll echo "Blessings to you". from the fleur curieuse reply.
Senator Ran Paul’s offices were set on fire last week on the same day he asked for the prosecution of Tony fauci, coincidental? So many doctors, nurse practitioners, nurse discharge planners, physician assistants continue to witness the death and destruction of those who took the covid vaxxes. Here in the UK the over 75s have just had their sixth covid injection and many tripped over themselves to get it. Strokes, Parkinson’s, transverse myelitis, arrthymias, vertigo, forever colds, persistent coughs, now weight loss, skeletal appearance, once vibrant now frail. Many, many friends affected. I could cry. Try to tell any of them it was the covid injections that caused their loss of health and you will lose another friend.
Yet again proving the adage, It's easier to fool a man then to convince him he's been fooled.
I feel your pain. I’ve had two family members and one young friend be diagnosed with strange or rapidly growing cancers, two with huge benign tumors, one with new POTS diagnosis, one 45 yo friend with stroke and tachycardia, and one friend whose healthy 70 something mother died within two weeks of her second shot. None of these people see the correlation and I can’t afford to lose them.
Is it really POTS? Is it postural in happenstance?
Or did they just say POTS because they can't explain the tachycardia.
I've written about a woman in Vermont. 98yo. Got the shot. Got tachycardia right away. 145bpm Died in 2 days from a heart attack. No mention of the vaccine on her death certificate. Who's going to find that? Well, I did. But who will investigate that? It's a covid vaccine death for sure.
I’m not sure. It’s my husband’s 19 year old cousin who didn’t have this diagnosis before fall of 2021. I don’t ask questions. Maybe I should.
I'm going to suggest researching POTS a little more. Please read this as a positive suggestion to increase knowledge and awareness.
POTS is extremely rare, at least it was. There were about 500 cases in the US before 2019. It was so rare most people had never heard of it. This absolutely includes practitioners in the medical professions.
There are associated 'circumstances' such being a young (teenaged) female is a far greater % than being a young (teenaged) male. Hypermobility is another associated condition. There is a more lengthy list if one takes the time to look (i'm working from memory).
Treatment opportunities are rare because POTS is so rare. Some suggested treatments, such as offering a beta-blocker to a young teen, thus subjecting them to a life filled with the side effects of beta-blockers, are considered by many parents to be unacceptable.
Further, if onset is by early teens the condition has a goood chance of having some dissipation by the early 20's. Conversely late teen onset doesn't have the same chance, and after pregancy the chance of dissipation lessens further.
I could go on, my point, which I believe expands a bit on the author's, is POTS has a lot of associated symptoms and is poorly understood. It is easy to label people as having POTS without doing a thorough history with great attention to the details because the diagnosis is in the details and they vary regarding individual experience, severity, length of time, and possibility to expect some dissipation with age, (just a partial list).
Thus, it is a complex topic. Tossing it about too quickly does a disservice to the patient and to those who have been dealing with it for years before this planned series of incidents we have been living through began in 2019.
That’s interesting. I didn’t realize it was so rare because I personally know two young men with POTS who were diagnosed as pre-teens. This young lady is 19--late 18th year diagnosis. You’re right, though--it may not actually be POTS but something similar. Whatever it is, it involves tachycardia and didn’t occur until fall of 2021.
Regretfully ... it's not ... it's total extermination https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220
Endotoxin induced Eosinophilic Myocarditis is expected from the E. coli used in production of the mRNA jabs.
It really needs to be looked into. I was on a call with a bunch of European doctors and myocarditis kept being brought up. I get easily frustrated with the herd mentality. FAR MORE are dying from pulmonary embolism, stroke, arrhythmia than myocarditis. More than an order of magnitude more. And even when talking myoC, why only talk in generalities. There are multiple types and etiologies. But I don't know what I'm talking about. I'm not a doctor. I have to get off here. I'm in a bad mood and I'm going to write something bad at some point. I appreciate your post and links. Thank you.
Being a doctor and having the ability to perform and interpret research, exercise critical thinking and reach educated conclusions are rapidly becoming mutually exclusive.
Doctors are hospital employees, serving at the will of their employer.
Very poor prognosis for Myocarditis if you look at 5 year survival rates.
You are 'preaching to the choir'.
Thank you for your effort, you make valid comments. It reinforces 'we are not alone' as we confront this latest demon.
Although those rates are based on the people who used to get myocarditis ie predominately older men with other health conditions. It will take some time to see if the rates are the same in younger people from vax induced myocarditis - hopefully not!
Heart Damage is not repaired, unfortunately. Young men, and women, are dropping like flies after their Hearts are damaged by the mRNA jabs.
The great cull has begun at the hands of those who were thought to be the gate keepers of health.
So true. But we can stop mRNA jab production using filthy bacteria.
It absolutely boggles the mind that they can come up with so many ways to dance around the most obvious reality, when anyone, not just highly trained Doctor’s, pathologist’s, researchers, specialists in various related fields who are experts in every possible condition and disorder that could possibly be attached to the causes of death of these MURDER VICTIMS, people who wear white lab coats 🥼 and spend their lives in gigantic rooms filled with test tubes, Petrie dishes intricately designed glassware with so many names and uses that you practically need a degree just to know what to call everything and microscopes, Bunsen burner’s, fume hoods and so many chemicals that it would short circuit a high school student’s brain just walking into one of these laboratories and ladies and gentlemen who are Masters and PhD’s and have more initial’s after their name’s than can fit on ten ordinary business cards and at the end of the day NOT A ONE OF THEM WILL WRITE DOWN THE EXTREMELY OBVIOUS TRUTH OF THE MATTER and THAT IS THAT ENDOTOXIN-IN-PFIZER-JABS-WAS-THE-DIRECT-CAUSE-OF-THE-MYOCARDITIS-IN-THE-HEARTS-OF-THESE-MURDER-VICTIMS-AND-THERE-WERE-ABSOLUTELY-NO-OTHER-CONTRIBUTING-CAUSES-TO-THESE-VICTIMS-AND-THE-DEATHS-OF-ALL-OF-THE-OTHER-COVID-mRNA-JAB-RECIPIENTS-SUDDEN-CARDIAC-DEATHS-SO-LET’S-CONVENE-NUREMBERG-2.0-HOLD-EVERYONE-RESPONSIBLE-TO-ACCOUNT-FOR-THIS-GENOCIDE-BECAUSE-WE-ARE-ALL-BLOODY-WELL-SICK-AND-TIRED-OF-TIP-TOEING-AROUND-THIS-FLIPPING-LIE-AND-EVERYONE-KNOWS-THE-TRUTH-BY-NOW- SO-IT-IS-TIME-FOR-THE-GENOCIDAL-MANIACS-TO-PAY-SOCIETY-AND-THE-VICTIMS-FOR-THEIR-CRIMES-PERIOD!!!!!!
Stop holding back and tell us how you really feel...😉
From one Kelly to another...BRAVO. I could not agree more with what you just said!!!!
I will never trust another doc again. I now view docs as monsters.
Yes, not all are bad, but most have no clue how to heal & will blindly accept/follow protocols that result in horrific injury or death which is inexcusable. I’m stunned by number of medical professionals who’ve buried heads in sand throughout this genocide. No mercy should be shown to any of them.
I’m at 10 dead and well over 30 injured. These include two babies born not breathing, a huge number of miscarriages, a numb leg, two cancers in one prostate never before seen by his oncologist (one is a very aggressive type), turbo cancer (a woman was unaware she had cancer, was diagnosed and with stage 4 and passed away quickly June 2022), another cancer, sudden onset of Alzheimer’s, heart attacks and other heart issues and a failing heart, 3 cases of vertigo (one so bad the person had to crawl to the bathroom), seizures in a local swim coach who can no longer be in the pool with children without a life guard on duty, an unusual large circular skin rash and hives, worsened sensory/behavioral issues, a baby lost at 12 weeks due to a chromosomal abnormality with a 1% chance of occurring and my brother-in-law was diagnosed with Dilated Cardiomyopathy which has been documented by his physician as a vaccine injury and was given up to 10
years to live IF he REALLY takes care of his body. That’s just injuries. For deaths: husband’s childhood friend died of recurring colon cancer after he was in remission, a worker didn’t show up to work (found dead in his apt. - he had received the vaccine over the weekend but they said he died of flu), my neighbor’s 2 fit strong military friends, my other neighbor’s husband died of a heart issue, however, he was in his 80’s, an acquaintance told me his daughter died from the vaccine, my sister-in-laws brother-in-law died and the death that tipped me off early on was my brother’s high school classmate Kassidi Kurill in UT (a 39 year old single mother who left behind an 8 year old daughter). She died 4 days after her 2nd Pfizer on Feb. 5th.
I had a client share that she knows two cases of Bells Palsy, another friend said that of the guys he golfs with, middle aged guys who are runners and in great shape, 8 developed heart issues after taking the injections, another friend knows 2 people with brain cancer and many with other injuries and a local dentist told me he’s seen all kinds of injury from Bells Palsy he never used to see to autoimmune problems in his patients. He was offering the vaccine for a time in his office. He felt pressure to make it clear he was onboard with health measures.
Not someone I know but in the Pacific Northwest where I am, Jessica Berg Wilson, WA, age 37, mother, died Sept. 7th, 2021 from thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) after J&J on Aug. 26th, 2021. She had been coerced by government mandate. Also, I’ve noticed on the Nextdoor neighbor app. myocarditis in a young teen boy, vertigo, autoimmune disorders (that woman said she would take it again), healthy tennis player and golfer in his 70’s died right after the vaccine and another had a friend in the hosp. fighting for her life after injection.
I have a SMALL circle of friends and acquaintances and family. I should not know of this many injuries and deaths.
If the intent of the “vaccination” program is to maim and kill, it’s doing a good job.
FYI, I got Bell's Palsy from upping my melatonin on the "advice" of Joe Mercola (he said it would prevent getting COVID or lessen its effects). Went to the ER to rule out stroke. ER Doc (looked like he graduated the day before, he was so young) said I had an underlying "viral infection" and prescribed drugs (that I did not take). I went home and decided to diagnose myself. Did a search of Bell's Palsy and melatonin and found there were clinical trials in progress on the subject! So to rule it out, I quit taking it (this was 20 months ago) . It completely resolved in 36 hours. My chiropractor still thinks it was due a COVID vaccine (he's seen lots amongst his patients) even though I keep telling him I am NOT vaccinated. So you can get it from other things as well.
Oh, absolutely. I know a mom who just got it after delivering twins. I did not include her in my list bc. it’s not associated with the vaccine (other then possibly through 2nd hand exposure to her vaccinated husband), but the other cases of it that I mentioned occurred immediately after their shots.
When the shots were going strong I even saw someone with what looked like Bells Palsy in the grocery store.
Had you been around vaccinated people at the time you experienced the Bells Palsy? If you follow Ana Maria Mihalcea here on Substack, she is saying that her blood samples are developing rubbery clots after sitting for 4 hours (vaccinated or not) and that she has seen self-assembling nanotech and quantum dots. If God wants to come save his creation, now would be a good time! It is fascinating that you found ongoing research on this possible link.
I was around a child who was vaccinated. I got sick the evening after being around him the day after both his second and third shots. After the third, my whole family got sick and my mom got Covid for the 4th time (2 of which were AFTER her Pfizer shots).
You have to be a little careful with Melatonin and take it at the same time every day (3 hours before bedtime). It can do more harm to your sleep cycle if you don’t use it in a consistent way, I’ve heard. It is supposed to have some protective effect against Covid.
I like Dr. Mercola, but I don’t think he is right on everything. He pushes Methylene Blue pretty hard. The doctor I listen to, Dr. Henry Ealy with The Energetic Health Institute does not recommend it. He says there is a natural alternative if you really want to take it, but I forgot the name of it.
I had COVID in December 2019 after having T-Day dinner with a woman who had just come from Wuhan. A week later, I had COVID and had myself a nice vacation. When I realized I had serious pneumonia, I took 4500 mg. Vitamin C, kyolic garlic X3, and colloidal silver. Day and a half later it was totally gone. I have never feared COVID. It's too much of a fraud. Note how it jumped from Wuhan to Iran. Give me a friggin' break. How stupid do they think we are? Iran had a lot of 5G, by the way. Be careful with that stuff. I have several different species of animals so I know zoonotic disease and it's pretty unusual. I also know about PCR tests. I could not believe the official narrative. They're going to have a harder time getting people to line up at the slaughterhouse the next go-round. I have heard competing narratives about hydrogen peroxide so I have some on hand but have never used it. Colloidal silver in a nebulizer, I would do. But kyolic garlic is amazing stuff.
Homeopathy has made the vets total strangers here. I heal everything in the animals myself. Even colic that a vet told me I was going to have to put down my horse for. He said he had twisted gut. I went to the creek--very early winter--and found a few sprigs of young spearmint and gave it to him. Then made a pail of clean water mixed with blackstrap molasses which is very high in both magnesium and potassium. In about an hour he was healed. Seriously. The vet was ready to come back the next morning (if I hadn't shot him that night) and put him down. God forbid. I use them only for necessary (and I mean NECESSARY) surgery.
Horses are still kicking up their heels today. (Well, hiding in the barn. It's hot.) Allopathic medicine is scary.
Kyolic!!!! I started taking it March, 2020 and have kept it up ever since! I knew all things garlic were so potent, for most all things re: disease, but also knew that a daily diet of many crushed cloves of garlic wasn't going to happen where I lived. So I researched, discovered Kyolic and have been taking with a CoQ10 formulation, ever since. When more research uncovered other supplements, I just added them to my program, but I will always keep kyolic going. Your account of taking kyolic in connection with this C19 mess is the first for me, outside of myself...very cool!
Thank you! Did I miss the video link?
I screwed up and published before proof-reading.
It's all set now. Not well-written, but from the heart. LOL.
It’s fine.
Your work is ever so important. I became aware of you on the America Out Loud podcast and instantly knew you were honest and your intent is sincere. Please keep the pressure on. It has to break at some point.
Sigh...... I want my 1970’s back ever so badly..... melancholy hits me hard some days
Once again so glad I’ve never been jabbed my entire life.... good night to you~ 🌙
I hope you sleep well. 🙏
Were you meaning to link a video that you mentioned in the last paragraph?
It's there now
Do not be discouraged, John. Go for a walk in the woods. 🙏
Blessings to you.
I was trained in coding during the downturn (post 2008), back when they were scamming people to go to school for it and the EHR was a bright new shiny toy that was going to solve the healthcare problems, especially in the U.S. Remember that scam? Makes one wonder how far back the planning for COVID, CBDCs, etc. began. I found that people with higher intelligence who looked at the bigger picture and even (God forbid) considered things outside the box did pretty poorly at coding. The people who really excelled were the widget counters, people who kept their consciousness on their navel or only what they were ordered to pay attention to, who never asked questions, never looked at the bigger picture, and never ever under pain of death looked outside the box. This does not surprise me a whit. I am sure that coder was instructed to code exactly as they did.
The ICD now has a code for vaccination status, which is why I won't go to a doctor again. this code is required for every interaction with a patient, as I understand it. The ICD has been weaponized. And the EHR is clearly a necessary part of the WHO and WEF plan for us all.
An honest cardiologist? Good luck with that.
Covid-19 is a petty threat, the real ones at the moment are most probably the vaccines and Remdesivir too; of course, in the end Covid-19 will be falsely blamed.
...Unfortunately most of medicals are not able to understand the ready proof.
I too want the 70s back. It was great being a teen in the seventies. Freebird was on every bar's jukebox. It's why I got a tattoo of a bird at 18. We were able to be in bars at 18, though many of us got in before then with fake ID. No photo ID back then. But we were allowed to grow up and figure life out on our own. We didn't have a nanny state holding our hand and keeping us from the realities of life. And I miss men being allowed to hit on women, and being men and getting into fist fights. At least I had that. /sigh
Thankyou for all you are doing.
About Trista:
Justice for Trista
Broken Truth
by John Davidson and R. Clinton Ohlers, PhD. https://brokentruth.com/
January 14, 2023
DESCRIPTION: "Trista Martin was a happy 18 year old girl planning to go to college. In July she got a covid vaccine and in November she was gone. Her parents Taylor and Allen Martin sat down with John and Clinton to tell her story."
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: The Taylors live in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.
ALLEN MARTIN: Trista was 18 years old. She was fun, vibrant, beautiful. Typical 18 year/old. She liked 5 Seconds of Summer and hanging out with her friends. She was a hard worker. She had her first job, was, her only job, she had been there almost 2 years and they had promoted her and made her the
night shift manager. And she got a raise. So for 18 years old she was actually making pretty good money.
TAYLOR MARTIN: She was working a whole lot, though.
ALLEN MARTIN: She was working a lot. She had an awesome boyfriend named Payton. He's a good kid. They had been serious for a while.
She knew that we didn't trust this initial roll-out or really any of the roll-out of the vaccines for covid. We, we thought that it was rushed, we thought that it just didn't have the the time behind it that it needed because other vaccines took years, and this only took a couple of months, so with the virus only having like a, you know, a 99.9% survival rate, we thought that it was kind of unnecessary.
Not to mention that we had all had covid early on. And so we knew that we had natural immunity. And then early, was it '21? We kind of all dealt with it again. We all had covid, I think we all think it was the second time. We did the at-home test, some of them popped positive, some of them popped negative. They weren't really trustworthy. But we [inaudible] last test, like, I lost my sense of taste, a lot of the symptoms that you had heard about. And so we thought that we were safe with the natural immunity, so we explained to the kids, there's no reason to get this vaccine, you've got the natural immunity. That's, that's how we're going to be safe.
When she turned 18, we get some conflicting stories, but ultimately I think she had gone to go see a band at a concert in Texas, and I think that they gave her some grief about either showing a vax card or showing where she had tested negative, and so she got some grief from that. So she decided that she was going to get the vaccine. So she went to a, a doctor that her, that she decided she was going to go to, not our normal general practitioner. But she'd gone to that doctor and she got the Pfizer vaccine on July 20th. On November 8th she was fine. She had worked previously that day, if I'm not mistaken.
TAYLOR MARTIN: No, she was off.
ALLEN MARTIN: She was off that day?
TAYLOR MARTIN: She was off that day. She went to stay the night with some friends—
ALLEN MARTIN: Yeah, she—
TAYLOR MARTIN: — and her sister and they, they were just fine. We actually just watched last night. We have a doorbell camera of them leaving for that night to go. [inaudible] they played video games and board games and took selfies and [inaudible] ate junk food. And Trista woke up around 8 and said that she was having trouble breathing and that her whole body was hurting. And she said, I'm going to lay back down and see if I can feel better. And her sister went to check on her, she says about [inaudible] minutes later, and she couldn't get her to wake up.
And so they, they called me. I made it over there to them in about, it was about 3 minutes. It was really fast. And I found that she was not breathing. And started CPR and called 911 and ambulance felt like it took forever. I'm sure they were there very quickly, but it, it was an excruciatingly long time time for me.
When they got there, they they couldn't get her heart to start back and they had to shock her several times. And they finally got her stable enough to get to the ambulance. And they said that her heart stopped several more times in the ambulance, that they couldn't get it. They said they couldn't get it to stay beating for more than about 5 minutes at a time. And then we made it to the hospital. And—
ALLEN MARTIN: I had, she had tried to call me several times but I was in the shower. And when I got out of the shower and looked at my phone I saw that I had like 16 missed, missed calls so I called back and that's when she answered, and she said, Allen, it's not good. It's Trista. They're loading her into the ambulance.
TAYLOR MARTIN: You need to get to the hospital. Now.
ALLEN NARTIN: You need to get to St. Francis right now. And—
TALOR MARTIN: [starting to cry] Sorry.
ALLEN MARTIN: So I threw on some clothes and I drove as fast as I could to St. Francis. And I knew it was serious because when I got there, I don't know who was like, the look on my face, or what it was,
I don't know, but they, there was a lady at the front, almost kind of waiting on me, and she said, are you Dad? And I said, well, yeah, I'm dad. And she said, come here, follow me. And she let me through the doors and walked me back to Trauma, where Trista was. And that was where I saw her for the first time.
TAYLOR MARTIN: The doctor said, that immediately came in and said that it was, it was not good. And he said in cases like this, there's only about a 1% chance of survival.
ALLEN MARTIN: I said, in cases like what? What, what is this? What is this case?
TAYLOR MARTIN: They couldn't tell us.
ALLEN MARTIN: They said, well, her heart is swollen, her organs are shut down.
TAYLOR MARTIN: She has a blood glucose level of 6-10.
ALLEN MARTIN: And they said, we don't know why.
TAYLOR MARTIN: She's not diabetic.
ALLEN MARTIN: They said they've got a catheter in, but nothing's coming out, and they pointed down to a, an empty bag, and they said that they needed to start dialysis, but that her—
TAYLOR MARTIN: She wasn't stable enough.
ALLEN MARTIN: —her weakened body, it would kill her, that the way, in, in her weakened state, it— so at that point they were just trying to get her to stay alive. And I asked, you know, is, how's her brain? You know, is, because I was worried about brain injury, I was really thinking that this was—
TAYLOR MARTIN: There was still hope that she was going to wake up.
ALLEN MARTIN: Yeah, I was hoping she was going to wake up. This didn't seem real. So I was thinking about things like, you know, is, is there going to be brain damage? Is she going to have to learn to walk again? Is she going, you know, have problems with speech? Or, you know, something like that. And he says, no, we're not worried about that right now, we're just worried about, you know, keeping her body alive. We haven't even checked that. And that's I think maybe when it started to set in a little bit that this was, was really happening.
Hours went by, and we didn't get any good news, we just kind of sat there. They brought in I think every doctor from the whole state probably, I don't know, there were a lot of doctors there that— St. Francis I think did the best that they could.
TAYLOR MARTIN: They really did great. They really, they called in people who were not supposed to be working that night, all the heads of all the departments were down there. Nobody could figure out what—
ALLEN MARTIN: Just trying to figure out what the hell was happening. They ended up getting her semi-stable. Her blood pressure was coming up a little bit. So they decided they were going to move her up to ICU and that once they got her to ICU, they could start the dialysis. So they moved her up to ICU and we all went upstairs, and pretty much when we, as soon as we got up there they said that she was crashing again, and at, at that point he came in and he said, you know, you've got a few choices.
TAYLOR MARTIN: Make some decisions.
ALLEN MARTIN: Yeah, you need to make some decisions. She's had a lot of CPR and her body is broken from that CPR. If she, if her heart stops again, do you, do you want us to continue to aggressively do CPR? Or do you want us to try to keep, try to keep her alive with the medications and the things that we're currently doing? Or do you just make her comfortable and let her pass the way that it is?
And I'm like—
TAYLOR MARTIN: [inaudible]
ALLEN MARTIN: — are you seriously asking me this question right now?! This cannot be something that you're asking me right now! [voice breaks] You're asking me if I just want to let my daughter die? My 18 year-old healthy daughter, there was nothing wrong with her, she had no co-morbidities, she had nothing wrong with her! And she's just going to die?
TAYLOR MARTIN: We asked them though please continue giving her the medication and if her heart did stop again that we would let her go because they said it would kill her trying to do CPR more.
ALLEN MARTIN: It would make it worse.
TAYLOR MARTIN: [crying] And, ah—
ALLEN MARTIN: Somewhere in this her friend, one of her friends told us that she had gotten the covid vaccine. Because we had no idea.
TAYLOR MARTIN: She told everyone not to tell us.
ALLEN MARTIN: She told everybody not to tell us because of everything that we had talked about before. And at first, it was kind of like, well, I don't know that that's related, you know? And then we started getting more information. The doctors came in talking about her heart being swollen. And then, and then after she passed, a couple of days, just doing research and reading about things.
UPDATE: On July 14, 2023 Allen Martin ( (at ) AllenDMartin tweeted:
"So, 8 months later, got Trista's Medical Examiner's report today. She's officially another "Unknown" cause of death. She just died. Cause apparently, that's what healthy 18 yo girls do now. OH, and she didn't have myocarditis, at least not notable on her autopsy. Lots of "edemas", "hypereosinophilias", "Thrombosi" and "hemorrhages".. but we don't have a reason why, according to the Oklahoma Medical Examiner's Office... She just died."
“We still to this day do not have data on people who are coming to the hospital who are vaccinated. That is a data point we have lacked.” - Dr. Rochelle Walensky, House Oversight Subcommittee testimony, June 13, 2023
Government health regulatory agencies are corrupt.
Or the 13 yo girl who died of glioblastoma.... discovered on autopsy because she didn't wake up. I can't imagine the devastation these families have to live with. And govt and politics and media... don't care.