This is going to be a really short one, folks.
I am writing tonight out of frustration. Rather than break my fist on a wall, I’m going to dump this information here in case some cardiologist wants to be honest and study eosinophilic myocarditis in young females post-covid-vaccination.
Another father alerted me to his daughter’s autopsy report that finally came out after several months. I’ve not read it yet. Trista was only 18yo and got the gene therapy to go to a concert that required it for admission, from what I understand. I’m pretty sure that Trista’s father mentioned eosinophilia from the autopsy. They concluded something like an “unknown etiology,” which is ridiculous on its face, as those familiar with the case know.
Trista’s case sounds like Abby 20yo, who died in December 2021 at Mass General Hospital from “EOSINOPHILIC MYOCARDITIS.” Abby was a civil engineering student and athlete.
A search in the Minnesota Death Certificate database for “eosinophil” in 2022 produced the following:
39yo woman
Died: 9/21/2022
Cause A = “SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH” in 2 minutes
Cause B = “EOSINIPHILIC MYOCARDITIS” no time listed
Conditions Contributing = <empty field>
ICD-10 Codes used: D721 “Eosinophilia”, I461 “Sudden cardiac death, so described”
A local radio station posted some information online. Of course, it had the “suddenly” word in it. She “passed away suddenly.” The article can be found here.
Why was the word “MYOCARDITIS” not coded by the CDC? Their automatic parser of English words to ICD-10 codes should have easily caught that word.
For example, I40.8 “Other acute myocarditis” or I40.9 “Acute myocarditis, unspecified” or some of the other myocarditis codes should have been automatically selected. The word is written plain as day in Cause B.
One must wonder if the CDC manually deselected codes associated with myocarditis. After all, causes are not tracked by most researchers using the English words on the Death Certificates. They’re tracked by the ICD-10 codes. Only Ashmedai and Coquin de Chien seem to analyze death data at the record-level prose. We had to search for character strings in causes field for Vermont, which does not include ICD-10 codes when they provide the Death Certificate database.
A few years ago, I’d never have thought that there might be a purposeful and nefarious omission of the codes, but after all the felonious behavior by CDC agents, it’s highly likely that they omitted the code for myocarditis in this case.
Back in April 2023, I explored Eosinophilia in a short article highlighting a few cases. To review that article, click here.
Donovan also died in Minnesota
82yo man
Died: July 21, 2022
ICD-10 Codes used: D721 “Eosinophilia” , I119 “Hypertensive heart disease without (congestive) heart failure”, I250 “Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, so described”
Well, isn’t that interesting? The CDC also did not code for “MYOCARDITIS” in Donovan’s Death Certificate. And this one actually states “ACUTE” like I40.8 and I40.9 expressly state.
In the 2022 Minnesota database, I altered my search for “myocarditis.” Twenty-one (21) records were found. Of those twenty-one (21), eighteen (18) were coded with I51.4 “Myocarditis, unspecified.” So it’s not a total sham. They do code many of them.
One that caught my eye is a 89yo man who died from heart failure and heart disease listed as Part I causes. However, Contributing Conditions states, “COVID MYOCARDITIS.”
Will anyone bet me that this man was recently boosted with a covid vaccine? And yet these “doctors” labeled this man a covid death and not a vaccine death; and they specifically wrote, “COVID MYOCARDITIS” on the Death Certificate.
This has become a dark comedy of fraud, corruption, and murder by doctors who abandoned their Oaths to keep their jobs or achieve their bonuses for reaching a percentage of vaccinated patients.
I do apologize to those who wanted more on eosinophilia. It’s late and the frustration got the better of me.
When is gene therapy murder season going to be over? Acute renal failure Remdesivir murder season isn’t starting again until November, when they pretend there’s a deadly virus circulating and kill people in hospitals to keep the numbers up and the federal CARES Act and FEMA money flowing.
I want my 1970’s society back.
Take a look at the freedom and happiness in this video. Girls knew how to wear make-up then. No one was obese. Hair was natural. No bottle blonds. People were real. Guys knew that if you got in a fight, you’d get hurt, but you wouldn’t get killed. People were humans then. G’nite all.
I sincerely hope you are able to have some quality sleep overnight.
Your work is excellent (as I've written a number of times).
My sense is this effort with all its subterfuge, of which you write, is part of the latest attempt to impose a worldwide totalitarian regime on humanity. Latest, as the playbook repeats with minor variations and have peak periods approximately 80 years apart.
The 20th Century versions had a complicit medical community (Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia are examples). This latest version has more of the same complicity by the medical community. Medical establishment might be a better term.
The medical people who are censored are one group which maintains integrity with the attendant hazards to personal and professional life.
I'll echo "Blessings to you". from the fleur curieuse reply.
Endotoxin induced Eosinophilic Myocarditis is expected from the E. coli used in production of the mRNA jabs.