Nov 22, 2022Liked by Coquin de Chien

If only my federal "representation" would actually respond to and act on voter input rather than returning form letters stating "thanks for your opinion, but I'll continue to act in ways that my opinion tells me is in the best interest of my constituents."

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Thank you for all the excellent, informative posts. I live in Florida; any suggestions as to what department I can request the data from? Thanks again.

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Thank you for your work.

I can effect an introduction to Dr Joseph Ladapo, Surgeon General of Florida.

I need an email address for you.

I’m unfamiliar with Substack. Can you message me through it? I’ve subscribed to your newsletter on Substack (I believe).

Joe already knows a lot, including that there’s not been a pandemic (see Denis Rancourt’s painstaking epidemiological analysis of all causes mortality in USA). He knows that all the NPIs were known to be without beneficial effect & were intended to damage the financial system. He knows that the vaccines were completely unsuited even at a strategic level to intervene beneficially. Worse, in addition to having no useful effects, they’re designed to injure and kill & have dove exactly that.

He also knows that the perpetrators who planned this intent to impose a digital prison using mandatory digital ID alongside cashless CBDCs & are a parallel objective together with a dark, depopulation agenda.

Best wishes


Dr Mike Yeadon

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Thanks much for the support, Mike.

You can reach me at johnbeaudoinsr@gmail.com or johnbeaudoinsr@protonmail.com

There's much I can't type in here and I'm sure you feel the same about that.

You can also ask Clare Craig, Steve Kirsch, Jessica Rose, Kevin McKernan, Meryl Nass, Nick Hudson (and Domini and Duncan and Jonathan et al over at PANDA) or others about me or for my phone number if you ever want to call.

Thanks again and I'm flattered you like what I've done.



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Dec 3, 2022Liked by Coquin de Chien

I live in FL and we have a great FL surgeon general, Joseph A. Ladapo, who has published a Guidance for mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines on Oct. 7, 2022. It is available at floridahealthcovid19.gov. It advises against those who are males from 18-39 yrs of age from getting the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. It would be great if he or the governor would allow you to access the COVID and vaccine data available here. I give blood to OneBlood and the organization does ask if you've been vaccinated as part of its screening.

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Mr. Beaudoin, I've lost several people to the poison prick and one to refusal to treat asthma.

I watched my friend Keith Stefanik die a horrible death during the last sixty days of his life following his second poison prick from Walmart. I have a pic of his injection card. I became his healthcare proxy and carried him Into Emerson hospital on rt.2 for the last time a week before his death 7/26/21, a day before his birthday.

I've been on a mission ever since.

I'm part of a large community of men and women who share experiences, strengths and hopes. Last year I began to see people getting sick following their uptake of the poison prick and several died. Yet no one reacted. I hear these people recount stories of family and friends of theirs falling I'll, strokes and heart issues and such. You did what I told my friend Alan I wanted to do, get my hands on the death certificates as I knew they were public information and would tell the story. But I didn't know how to go about doing it nor would I have been able to collate the data as you have.

I'm curious to know more about my friends deaths and those that are occurring around me on a daily basis in order to ring the alarm bell. I wonder if it's possible for you and I to communicate and compare notes. Maybe we can figure out a way to wake these people up before they take the next poison prick. Saturday night a young man reported his distress that his mother had had a stroke. Treading gently I asked if they knew why she's had the stroke. He said not really... I'll bet my house she was recently jabbed and the doctors are flat out lying to this person and her family. If she takes another shot it could be her last.

This is like watching a slow motion train reck and being powerless to do anything about it.

Thank you for doing what your doing and if your amenable to further communication:

Here's my email - stevec1776@protonmail.com

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It is not about health but injecting graphene for graphene blockchain for CBDC (and other criminal nonsense)

The High Court of Cassation and Justice (ÎCCJ) in Romania has ruled that facilitating access to public events on the basis of a green certificate was illegal

WHILE G20 POLITICIANS AND BUSINESSMEN CONTINUE TO PUSH THESE USELESS AND ILLEGAL "VACCINES" "CERTIFICATES" https://outraged.substack.com/p/the-high-court-of-cassation-and-justice

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Thank you for fighting for all of us!!

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Additional thoughts ...

Breaking: Demand autopsies and that medical systems work with health departments to disclose manufacturer and batch/lot number for those that have died. Require manufacturers provide complete disclosure of the exact chemical make-up (including amounts) for each manufacturer and batch/lot number


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I missed this one, but finally got there from Kirsch's plug. Brilliant contribution, thank you.

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Excellent work! Do you have a link to JJ Couey's swarm theory?

As for Christian and Biblical mandates since you reference being a believer, how does one reconcile Romans 13 and similar chapters and mandates with the current reality? Are we now in an exceptional "Beast" type system that Revelation refers to? Also the warning of "sorcery" there has a root word of drug use and abuse that the people didn't repent of. Let me know if you have thoughts on that.

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Do you need help? What can those of us who want to do something, get involved? Request data? Review billing or other records?

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You continue to do such Very Excellent Work!!!

Have you thought of trying to contact Dr. David E. Martin? I think he'd be VERY interested in what you're doing... And probably vice versa. I'd introduce you if I knew him, but he's not a personal friend, just one of my heroes... like you! xo I will try writing to him, but... YOU might try, too... He's awesome.

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Thank you for your work....keep going!!!!

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As with all data, you have to be able to trust the source, the completeness and accuracy of the data.

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The source is the state of Massachusetts. The data compilation by me has been sworn to in US District Court, District of Massachusetts. It is a federal felony crime to commit perjury. My very freedom is on the line here. If this were fake or altered data, I would be investigated, charged, tried, and thrown in prison for at least 2 years, probably more like 5 years.

18 USC § 1621


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