Thank you a brilliant summary of death by vaxx. We know so many who have died

post vaxx when their cancers, in remission, came rip roaring back, spread all over the body and that was that. Vaxxing children is an outrage. Vaxxing the aged is criminal as well.

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I read and studied your court case (no case number yet) last evening, 8-26-22.

It was insightful to say the least.

I shared it on www.activatehumanity.com yesterday.

This is happening all over the world - deaths and injuries from the injections.

There is a court case filed in Utah in March 2022 and argued on July 6, 2022 showing that the so-called vaccines are NOT vaccines by lawful definition but "gene therapy," a medical treatment, and people have the right to refuse any medical treatment via bodily autonomy.

You can see the court case and more on www.prosecutenow.com

See also Dr. Fleming's video on the website - very revealing and his new book which I have in my library.

Furthermore, my husband was "kidnapped" called body snatching and human trafficking when he arrived to the emergency room (May 2021) of a local hospital in MAINE by ambulance due to a fall at home and needing sutures regarding his head injury.

He was given a "fake" PCR test and declared that he had covid, a fake diagnosis, and "locked up" for 9 days. He didn't have his hearing aids in his ears, couldn't hear the staff, and was NOT provided with "informed consent."

Hospital had "full" power and control over the situation, and NO visitors were allowed.

Forget advocating for him over time; I was surrounded by a security guard on day 9.

A very tall Physical Therapist was called to speak with me. I told him that he had to follow the laws just like I had to when I worked in hospitals.

Shortly thereafter, I was told that husband would be discharged.

Why he came out alive is beyond our comprehension.

Hospital records does NOT show that he was treated for a "virus" but for preexisting conditions.

So why lock him up?

Financial incentive?

Call it covid and the money pours in.

That is NOT why he went to the emergency room.

At the time, we had NO knowledge of what actually happened and the financial incentives paid to hospitals, etc.

I have learned plenty since.

I am attempting to find a lawyer to take this "kidnap" case but NO luck so far.

What I see that is lacking is a community of like minded people who can support each other in various ways especially provide information of resources available such as finding a lawyer and much more.

Hope you win your court case.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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what a horrendous experience for both your husband and yourself.

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interesting that you said a "very tall" PT.

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I strongly believe that a "very tall" pt was brought forth to attempt to intimidate me but it didn't


I was also surrounded by a security guard, too.

NO accident.

This hospital setting was a "hostile" environment.

The "existing" infrastructure called hospitals was used to "kidnap" my husband using what I mentioned already.

What better way to "win" in their case (CARES ACT) was to use the hospital emergency room setting because people use this place based on trust, being voluntary and needing services.

It worked for them but NOT us.

This is criminal behavior, and this case needs to be prosecuted.

We do NOT believe that we are alone in this matter.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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Why have you not named the hospital? The institution knows who you are.

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Agree w/ you about the intimidation. I am glad it didn't work! good for you for standing your ground. Good luck to you finding a lawyer.

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Some lawyers do not want to get involved for some reason.

We filed a 15 page report to the Maine AG and the local sheriff reporting this incident and more but NO luck with that either.

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they are being intimidated too

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Horrific. Great to attack them in the courts. The standard of proof is higher. They can't get away with what is plainly a pattern of dissemination.

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Intentional spreading of lies to the press.

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Imagine that, they're synonyms.

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"Dissemination" and "Disinformation" are synonyms???


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Why focus on the verbiage? The point is the damage to people, not the syntactical descriptions. You're focus is a little off.

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What he said ^^^^^^^!!!!

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Thank you CdC for your well detailed research, I wish more people could read it, but they probably would still dismiss the facts because MSM programs them how to think! I am excited to see where this case goes, I wish there were more lawsuits against the establishment!

The Massachusetts commucrats are still pushing the vax especially to children. On streaming television state is running PSA stating the vax is safe and effective for children (a lie). Also in the ad they state the vax has been fully tested (another lie). All the animal trials were a failure. The vax is still in stage 3 trials and is still under EUA. This add is also annoying, there is a supposed doctor vigorously moving her hands.

Most of the "States" propaganda can be find here


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Many thanks for keeping us well informed on this important fight.

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Well done. Thank you to Examiner Dedrick, I’m pretty certain this was for the Jensen jab. 2 GBS deaths following C-19 vaccinations in MA would imply around 2/.06 = 33 cases from the jabs for the year.

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As a resident of Massachusetts this is of particular interest to me! Thank you!!

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I may have missed this in the text but are Casssidy's family going to take action over her unlawful death?

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So, was poor little Cassidy given a "COV!D" "test" prior to her "vaccination"? If she were "positive", then these oh-so-good white coats would have withheld the "vaccine", yes? Is there a "COV!D" test lurking somewhere in this poor girl's record?

The degraded status of the majority that this crime has revealed is truly the thing that frightens me. I truly do not know who people are anymore.

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Thank you and I wish you great success.

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