Delighted to have the privilege to read your articles . Your articles are so stimulating, it's as if I am getting the best education and can feel my mind expanding in the best way . Thank you .

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So let's see

We are mandated to hacksxxxinate by law or coercion, lawfare or subversion

We try to say, wait , folks are getting killed, but they act like our words are garbage if not outright censored

They shredded constitutional Demonacracy, or did that just happen by .....hacksxxxident?

The viruganda is lawfare

The war machine always wins

Still those of us who can speak


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The New Paradigm will be about ENDING the war machine mentality ... for good. Hold Fast! Keep speaking out! Our number are growing. xo

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We live in a culture of fear and denial of death. Hence, anything which involves disease or the threat of death will push the fear button down hard and when that happens, the capacity to think clearly and reason is vastly diminished.

With all of the medical meddling over the past century, ever increasing, humans are less healthy than they have ever been with higher rates of serious and chronic disease and worse in children, but still most put their faith in the dogma delivered by the modern religion of science-medicine.

Like Lemmings over a cliff of lies, most just keep running from truth toward their own doom. Let us hope enough can understand the meaning of the words moral and calculus.

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I like your comment, well said. I can't stop myself from telling you, tho... the thing about lemmings throwing themselves off cliffs is absolute BS! ;) See how these liars are?! xo

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Not sure if you understood what I was saying or if I don't understand what you are saying.

My reference to Lemmings was simply that, as the animal is driven by herd instinct to unthinkingly race to its doom, so too are many people in terms of medical meddling and particularly the Covid genetic treatments called vaccines.

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I think the latter... I don't mean to bug you, but my point was that the lemmings throwing themselves off cliffs for any reason, herd instinct or other, is a myth. I remember reading about that years ago, and at that time I could have told you why, but I forget now. I remember thinking how easy it is to introduce BS into the societal punch bowl, to mix a few metaphors... But you know, THAT person could have been wrong!! Now I'm going to have to go and do some digging. ^_^ As to these "vaccines," I have little doubt that they were designed to depopulate. Anyway, cheers.

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Fair enough but I was not talking about literal Lemmings but rather the metaphor which is associated with them. I generally find that most beliefs are sourced in germs of truth even if they inflate over time.

Is it easy to introduce untruths into the societal punch bowl or do certain beliefs resonate with humans at unconscious, symbolic, metaphorical levels? :)

I also grapple with the de-populate theory since it makes no sense. Any ruling cabal needs workers to keep a functioning economy and Big P/Harma certainly needs living people even if they are unhealthy living people.

But crazy things happen and I could be wrong.

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Not intense detail, but ... in a sentence: The Bad Guys want to take over the world, and to do that, they need to be able to manage the "cattle" (us!) and so they want to lighten the load... eugenics, hybridization of Human and machine, easing of the work of keeping everything in working order... These are insanely wealthy, excessively arrogant, utterly without conscience, pathologically greedy psychopaths. When something sounds like a really crazy idea, it sometimes IS.

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Not to be obnoxiously self-serving, but in my Substack post of today and the previous one, I go into detail about how the depopulation theory does make sense... It's an insane objective, being visited upon us by insane people, so yeah, it sounds ... insane.

That said, your response was so intelligent that I wanted to respond again. I've been meeting the most interesting folks on this platform, I tell you! Thanks for an interesting conversation. And I do agree with what you're saying, about the lemmings, actual, and the rest. I think people believe what feels good to them, much of the time. We see what we want to see, and so forth. We are fearful creatures, it seems, more often than not, with some bright spots here and there...

Thanks for the chat. ^_^

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I will have a look at what you have written. I have a deep interest in the human condition and psyche and, having lived around the world, mostly in India and four African countries, and I have long been aware of the deep levels of fear in Western cultures, sourced, I suspect, in the increasingly secular/atheist nature of those societies at fundamental levels.

Humans without a sense of meaning and purpose will be more fearful. Just as children and particularly teenagers, require recognizable boundaries within which they can explore becoming who they are and might be, so too do humans in general. There can be too few rules and too porous boundaries. Religion, despite its flaws, provided rules and boundaries for humans. Today, that faith has been invested instead into the materialist reductionist mechanical mindset of science and its creation, medicine.

A world where 'anything goes' in terms of who and what you are or may be is a very unnerving world for we humans.

Levels of archetypal and primal fear are vastly intensified and the capacity for reason and common sense, thereby dangerously diluted. If we believe in nothing, we feel we are nothing, unconsciously if not consciously.

Belief in something greater than our mere mortal selves, is, I believe hardwired into our psyches and our souls. And I say that as someone who has explored many religions and follows none. thanks for your time.

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Several years ago, I either read or heard an interview of economist Catherine Austin Fitts. I remember that she said she had attended a meeting in Europe at which she chatted with a billionaire, who stated something along the lines of "Because of AI (artificial intelligence), we won't be employing the masses. They're surplus to our needs."

Remember that Zuckerberg created his own "personal assistant" in 2016. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/business/wp/2016/12/20/mark-zuckerberg-builds-an-artificial-intelligence-assistant-to-run-his-house-and-entertain-his-toddler/

Yes, global depopulation has been on the ruling elite's radar for decades. Kissinger (see the "Kissinger Report" of 1974) made it one of his emphases, and Klaus Schwab was a "disciple" of Kissinger at Harvard.

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You have put to words what has been milling around in my head for the last year. Thank you. I love reading and thinking about this stuff.

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Yes! I agree. I do enjoy your posts muchly. Bigly? No, just... I like 'em a lot. Cheers. ^_^

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Awesome points, real food for thought! Goodbye drudgery! Hello ideas

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A Jolly Good Teaser: I hope that more is forthcoming!

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I will never buy another lottery ticket henceforth. It is equally immoral after reading this post.

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