I tend to agree with you. Calling it anything else immediately runs blue pills off psychologically and the fact that it has been called a "vaccine" has woken so many people up to the fact that ALL vaccines must be re-assessed.

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John Campbell just did a video where he went over all the emergency use authorizations. Then just implied...if we're not longer in an emergency....time to reevaluate all those authorizations? And doesn't this hold for all vaccines? If we have other treatments now and the risk of infection is no longer as deadly as it was when the vaccines were developed.....are we long overdue for an audit of the entire schedule?

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After meeting 3 families with vaccine injured children recently… it’s time to do away with all of these rat poison shots… 😡

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Damn right. Just heard some co-workers talking about where to get the next booster...

I want to cry.

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absolutely, especially given that they plan to transfer the entire childhood schedule to the mrna platform

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Time for vaccines to be BANISHED, sez I.

Perhaps the child post-vax mortality rate will wake peeps the hell UP.

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Just had to add... We were never in an emergency, at least not a "viral" one.

Covid, whatever it is (bullshit, maybe?) had an overall survival rate of 99.9% --- PRE jab.

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how do you answer people when they go into hospitals being overwhelmed and offer the 5 to 1 ratio of unvaccinated to vaccinated? I've never been able to boil down a nice compact answer to that one.

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Well, people who go into hospitals are taking a huge risk, first off.

Is it scientific to assume that having symptoms of some kind and going to a place that has been monetized to call those symptoms "Covid" is going to call them something else? Is it science when doctors tell you you have a "virus" when NO virus has ever been isolated?

And what is this 5 to 1 ratio thing? And what are you talking about, actually? lol

There's never been any actual evidence this whole time that hospitals were EVER "overwhemlmed." Are you unaware that this Covid thing was/is a scam? I just want to make sure I understand your question.

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the UK data for awhile had it at 5 to 1 for awhile and that matched some stats thrown around by US media and is what a couple Doctors I used to follow on Twitter were saying.

I believed the stories of hospitals in Italy getting swamped. A Dr. I was following said it was like that in North Jersey until they started using steroids for late treatment.

Personally I think the numbers were exaggerated with some of them being mislabeled pneumonia but still think a virus exists and can make some people really sick about the same as the flu. I've since seen stories that some hospitals in Canada now have the ratio going the other way with more patients being vaccinated. And that the spikes typically happened during vaccine uptake. And that by calling 1 dose patients unvaccinated the ratio becomes misleading. But I can't say all that in a sentence.

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I'm still not sure what you're saying "5 to 1" is... ? And in what context?

Stats thrown around by the US media is almost sure to be horse pucky.

If you're going to believe what you hear from the media without proof, well...

Pneumonia isn't a disease, it just means fluid in the lungs. That can be caused by a number of things.

There is a very very small likelihood that viruses actually exist. There are many ways people can become sick without there ever needing to be a virus... Winter months are times when people's Vitamin D levels drop precipitously and the "flu" symptoms and D deficiency are amazingly similar...

The Italy numbers were in a part of the country where the air pollution is particularly heavy... that doesn't mix well with 5G. And in Wuhan? That city is like pea soup with smog, and oddly enough, when "Covid" began there, they had just erected THIRTY THOUSAND 5G TOWERS! Hmmmm....

The vaccine isn't really a vaccine but we'll use that word for now... Once "vaccinated" you are "VACCINATED." Dosed is dosed, the number of times doesn't make you dosed or not dosed, but the number of times you are dosed makes it more and more likely that you will suffer some kind of side effects, sooner or later, and maybe death. It appears that not all the vials contain the same exact ingredients, but they do seem to have a lot of metals and junk in a lot of them, and some seem to be relatively mild or even maybe saline! Who knows. But when it's killing people, you can bet there's some seriously nasty stuff in a lot of them.

I have next to NO reason to believe there are "viruses" at this point... I've spent the last three years doing the research. It's hard to throw off over 200 years of bullshit, but I'm there.

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Ummmmmm.... yes. :)

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Not necessarily. I've heard plenty of blue-p's call it the Jab.

Now, gene therapy might make people shut off. he he.

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My 58 year old friend recently took the sixth dose (yes, 6) of this “vaccine” (bivalent Moderna Spikevax, after 5 initial innoculations of Pfizer). He now has symptomatic Covid. I guess that means it’s working.

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Now at that point, (six!??) it’s definitely an IQ test.

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As an update, he got bad Covid after number six. Still not “normal” weeks later. Guess this is the new normal

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Thats good...

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A friend just took her fourth. She had hives for months after the first two. Worsening heart problems after the third, but not enough to keep her from her brisk morning walk, but worsening each time she took a flight. I gave her some information on how they've been diagnosing pericarditis, because she had similar symptoms, and I implored her to talk to me if she thought about taking another. But sure enough, without any input from me she recently took a fourth (probably the bivalent) for "protection" as she flies to Europe again to help her mother. 😵‍💫 Unfortunately she's being influenced by other people. She is mid-air right now, and I wonder how she's doing... 🙏

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You are golden.

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So.... how is she doing?

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Mine took six as well--all Moderna. She now has breast cancer--but in both breasts which is very unusual---because she received shots in both arms.

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Update: cancer in both breasts. Different cancers. On one side into at least one lymph node “micro-metastatic.” On other side with different type of cancer none in sentinel lymph node. Still, medically speaking, all of it bizarre and rare.

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Oh my goodness. 😔 That is very strange to have a different type of cancer in each breast at the same time.

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It's hard to stand by and just watch it happening to people we love, isn't it? It's getting easier for me tho. I only cried a little after her fourth, I cried a lot after her third.

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Also a teacher I know got breast cancer after these jabs, 2 or 3, I don’t know exactly but they were obliged by the employer.

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Clearly the vax is not working.

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"The word “vaccine” will cause all people to question all vaccines. They wanted to call it that. They can live and die on that turd hill."

This is the silver lining of the last 2.5 years. By insisting on calling it what all the other shots are called, they have --forgive the pun-- shot themselves in the foot. Trust in vaccines, pharma, all of modern medicine, gov't agencies, and more has been irrepairably harmed.

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Some will keep trying, but can we now say there is no chance of them getting covid vaccines on the childhood schedule? It was looking close for a while.

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Really thought we were beyond this. Any thought money or career couldn't win out over children's health is now completely laid bare. The entire ACIP panel is made up of greedy disgusting criminals.

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I bloody well hope they fail.

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I mean the idea is let's not besmirch the good name 'vaccine'. But which vaccine actually lives up to the billing. One and done. Forever immune. Blocks transmission. Whose reputation are we looking to save?

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Bill Gates?

(Wanted for murder in India.)

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Love it. They tried to fool us by calling it a vaccine. Let that lie serve to forever harm the image of vaccines. I will never get another, nor will my cats!

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Did you actually vaccinate your cats at some point?

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Yes, I’ve always vaccinated them on schedule. But they always got diseases like cancer, diabetes, kidney failure. It finally hit me it might be the vaccines when one cat lived totally healthy to 22 1/2 years. We never vaccinated him because he was allergic. So I’ve re-assessed and won’t do it any more. They are indoor cats.

BTW I do support vaccinating kittens and cats who are in crowded shelter situations. But spacing out or stopping the vaxxes once cats are stabilized in an indoor home.

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So why would you vaccinate cats in crowded shelter situations if it kills them? Also contagion has never been proven.

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Upper respiratory infections spread in crowded shelters amongst malnourished/stressed/immune suppressed cats and kittens. They can die easily from the infection and will certainly be euthanized by the shelter to reduce spread. Vaccines can protect them from almost certain death. But I’m saying don’t continue to assault their immune systems with vax once they are adopted, healthy and living in a home.

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Hear, hear.

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I'd call myself an "anti-I-don't-even-know-WTF-is-in-this" but it's just kind of unwieldy.

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Let them bury it along with its name. Apropos. Actually putting “vaccine” in quotes pretty much sums it up. Subtle but telling.

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I've been partial to "gene-jab"

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They have changed many definitions to fit the wacko agenda. It's all part of promoting a fake pandemic and a fake vaccine that is really a gene altering poison.

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I called it the covax for a long time, not knowing, that there is a VAXCENE called the covax! So now I refer to it as the Vaxcene, as in obscene! 😉

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I read part of the lawsuit, esp the parts where you had matched up the Vaers records with the death certificates...obviously such exacting, time-consuming work. Thank you so much, I was struck again and again with the reality of what has been done to us! :(

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This guy is AWESOME. If only my friends and family, people I know to be intelligent, educated people, could actually read the EVIDENCE, so amazingly assembled and provided by CdC here, I feel it might actually make a difference...

How do we get people to look at the actual evidence, is the question.

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With all the books I've read on vaccines, you're right as they all have a long list of side effects. The sudden allergy to peanuts, to eggs and a variety of other adjuvants is without doubt due to vaccines. I've heard MS - even ALS might have a connection to vaccines. How current are these disorders? And I know asthma has risen exponentially. My daughters got their shots due to my ignorance when they were children and both of them have developed asthma. My niece never got a shot until she went to medical school and was forced to and also developed asthma soon after. And what good do they do? I had all the childhood diseases - and apparently a very strong immune system. I think ultimately most of it not all the vaccines cause more harm than good. I used to call these shots the Jim Jones jab, but that's insensitive to those who were seduced into getting them.

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I call it what the Lord calls it, the abomination that makes desolate. Most won't believe it, due to their indoctrination. But once you realize it's always been the enemy's main goal. Which is to alter and destroy God's creation. He has put himself in God's Holy Temple and is calling himself God. We now walk amongst Lucifer's race of beings.

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What hasn't been hijacked?

The underpinnings of our civilization have been taken over, which required a lot of consent (unconscious or conscious) and/or turning a blind eye; so many trusted people marched along like robots and yes, of course words too redefined by marketers and spell makers in the name of science™️ were re-appropriated. What does "peer-reviewed" mean any more when Big Pharma owns the journals and the DOD has contracts with Big Pharma? What does "scientist" mean when it's clear those "educational" institutions are churning out advanced degrees of indoctrination along with fields of study? What does any of it means when so much requires air quotes to talk about.

It all points to an end of one version of "reality."

Despite the mess of that - good riddance - it needs to go.

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Have you ever read Howard Zinn's book, "A People's History of the United States"?

While I don't believe he never got anything wrong, I DO believe he got a lot of things right... And as I'm on my third trip through our history (I don't know if you're American), I am struck by how SO MUCH of our history is fighting the SAME people, the SAME kinds of fights, over and over and over!!! From the beginning! And the SAME families are still in charge, the SAME shit being done, the SAME kinds of evil... And now on a scale beyond all else.

THIS HAS TO END HERE. This shit just cannot be allowed to go on and on.

Anyway, mini-rant, because you seem intelligent and clued in... cheers.

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Hi, Rant away. I get it.

I have read it - years ago now - and appreciate the unorthodox or rather non-indoctrinated perspective.

Yeah those families... this is good though I think - being able to identify them - cause we realize how small the number of problem-creators there are and we are so much greater. Just gotta get those sleepers to wake and join us.

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I want the Black Nobs, as the Brits call them-- the Venetians. The psychos BEHIND the psychos behind the curtain. Beyond Schwab, Gates, Soros and Rothschild...

City of London-- I'd never heard of it until THIS YEAR. It's time for major, across-the-board changes, I say, and I'm not advocating violence, but I am advocating BIG CHANGE. Not sure the sleepers will ever wake...

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Yeah, I get it. I want them too. I think pretty much think it's all coming out - how many people will know - no idea. How long does this take - no idea. (though at the rate of change lately, I don't imagine all that long.) The faces we know work on 'their' behalf so, definitely should go after them, particularly the families. The fam of the red-shield has been a major negative force for way too long.

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I can't help but feel that we're in for a long, cold winter...

I keep wondering what will finally cause, not a Mass Formation situation, but a mass of cleared heads, so we can start to put things right... My older brother just got his "booster" and is now trying to get my very elderly parents to do the same... Probably my other brother will do the same. That's my entire family, and I feel like they're slipping away even as I write this... How many countless others will have to learn the hard way? It's like we've entered a Time of Insanity...

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Me too. I don't know - never would guessed we'd be here now.

Sorry, it's painful to watch people you love make choices that can/will? harm them.

And fully agree - it's all very insane. Best to you.

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Inexplicably, regardless of what one decides to call it, people are still getting it. Here in Belgium -I find it hard to believe - but have just been informed that it’s best to make an appointment to get the new bivalent ‘thingy’ because they’re already running at 80% capacity. Of course they may now just have a few centres so 80% of not much is - not much. I find it so difficult at this stage that there are scientists/doctors pleading for the thing to be withdrawn yet so many are just blindly ploughing ahead like lambs to the slaughter.

I can barely get the word ‘vaccine’ out of my mouth and have got to the stage where I cannot even talk to people about it all.

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Love it! have called the conjabs n the past and then tend to use the word "vaccine" in quotation marks. But recently have come to the same conclusion as you: let them have the term. A wider and long overdue questioning of ALL vaccines awaits...

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"They can live and die on that turd hill." I love prose like that.

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