As I began writing a long, powerful article full of data, one thing bothered me as it has from the beginning. That is, what to call the injection. I have refused to call it what they call it because it was not that prior to 2020. I use the term “vexine” on Twitter to get around their automatic word search bots. It’s fitting, isn’t it? It certainly vexes people. However, that’s not how I want to present to fence-sitters who might be turned off by sarcastic prose. They are the ones we must win over with truth.
Difficult it is to continue to call it a “vaccine" knowing that the word was chosen to trick the public into accepting it as a familiar medical procedure, though mRNA has never before been used in humans en masse. Was it serendipitous that “vaccine” comes with a built-in, crazy “anti” group term or was that also planned? In fact, the definitions of both “vaccine” and “antivaxer” were changed in 2020 to accommodate their use for these new … inoculations.
What should I call it? Alternatives are “inoculation,” “immunization” (which is inaccurate because it does not immunize), “jab,” “shot,” and “biological injection.”
After all the banter and consternation online about the word, I finally settled on a solution. I shall simply use “vaccine.” Don’t cringe. Read on please.
If the industry chose that word to fool people into accepting it, then let them have it. Given the death and failure resulting from these mRNA products, the word “vaccine” will become synonymous with “poison.” People will come to understand the genocide that occurred and is occurring as a result of this vaccine.
The COVID-19 vaccine is a giant turd and the industry can eat it whole. The word “vaccine” will cause all people to question all vaccines. They wanted to call it that. They can live and die on that turd hill.
Now that I’ve gotten this off my mind, I can go about writing what I may entitle “Found’em - this is really happening,” and subtitle, “Vaccine deaths hidden in plain sight.”
God Bless you all.
John 14:6
Jesus saith unto him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
via veritas vita
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I tend to agree with you. Calling it anything else immediately runs blue pills off psychologically and the fact that it has been called a "vaccine" has woken so many people up to the fact that ALL vaccines must be re-assessed.
My 58 year old friend recently took the sixth dose (yes, 6) of this “vaccine” (bivalent Moderna Spikevax, after 5 initial innoculations of Pfizer). He now has symptomatic Covid. I guess that means it’s working.