Both my parents, an aunt, two former boyfriends, a friend going all the way back to 1976, my sister's first husband and also her best friend...all dead from the Jonestown jab. My friend of longest duration (since third grade-1968) has deteriorated to a childlike state. She is so badly damaged, I fear she will not last much longer. This is tragic, because in February of 2020, she actually agreed with me...that this scamdemic was a psy-op. Sadly, she caved to her brother's nagging to take the death shot. She cared more about what her brother's opinion was of her, than her own life. I do not believe the Darwinian theory of evolution...but Darwin Awards are a real thing.
To your point, Darwin's theory has not a shred of evidence on the main principles of the theory of one species morphing into another so you are correct about it's validity, but his principle of survival of the fittest does have validity.
Why are the bears in the Arctic only white? In other words, there is support for inherited characteristics that enable a species to adapt better (therefore live longer) to their environment.
The Darwin Award is real and a valid expression of one of the only Darwinian principles that makes sense: mal-adaption results in early death and extinction thereby ending the mal-adapted characteristic.
My hope for 2025 is the mal-adapted FDA, CDC, and NIH have a quick, early death under Trump's administration and become extinct.
What's that old saying can wish in one hand ...Trump is one of them. Yes, I voted for him twice (2016-2020). The first was from absolute terror of a Killery Rotten Clinton presidency, and in 2020 out of utter disgust for a living zombie, but I never had any delusions about Trump. Both of them are actors...and there is some evidence that two guys in masks have been playing the part of Brandon
I have to say that Trump sure sounds like a paid-off agent of Pfizer.
Even now, with overwhelming evidence that the death jabs are poison, he keeps praising them and nominating people like pharma-shill Nesheiwat and taking a pharma lobbyist as his chief of staff.
Sure, Kamala would have been worse, but that's very faint praise.
CET - Continuous environmental tracking, a new scientific theory being studied and developed by Dr. Randy Guliuzza and the Institute for Creation Research.
Right. That's a wonderful comment. It really makes you understand why Jonestown was possible and why fascism was possible; it is always just the few who refuse to go along. And then there is a waking-up process. It is always the same thing: the masses want to stay asleep and trust the government, but the leaders always fail and lead the lambs to slaughter, for power is always ultimately abused. And then people die, and a few wake-up and decide they want to live a different way.
Yes, during the worst of jab-mania, I thought to myself over and over "This is _exactly_ how people were forced onto boxcars into death camps. Same psychology precisely."
but masked as a "good for your neighbor" and be a good person. They trained us leading up to this with all the virtue signaling, if only you cared you would...insert the it was if only you cared you would vaccinate yourself
The so-called leaders are subservient to the god of this world, aka Lucifer/Satan, which is why "the leaders always fail and lead the lambs to slaughter" as you rightly indicated above. It reminds me of this passage of scripture which is so very apropos:
"I (Jesus Christ) am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. He who is a hireling and not a shepherd, who's own the sheep are not, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees; and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. He flees because he is a hireling and cares nothing for the sheep. I am the good shepherd; I know my own and my own know me, as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep.", (John 10:11-16).
All the shepherds betrayed their sheep. They are complicit in the most egregious mass casualty event in human history. Instead of choosing to serve the one true God, they sold their souls to the Devil. They do not intend to change their minds or repent of the evil they have done and continue to do.
The choice faced by every human being is binary. Serve God or Satan. There is no in-between.
Those who understand that this is a titanic spiritual battle being acted out on the material/physical plane must speak truthfully about the nature of the enemy and actively oppose it. Time is very short.
I for one, thank the author of this substack platform for all of the work he has done for humanity. We should seek to emulate it.
I worked in COVID icu. I knew after 2 weeks that something was really really wrong. We were killing people. This was march 2020.
After 9/11, I figured out just how involved our govt and s in wanting us dead. We are all collateral damage to them. But then COVID hit, watching so many people get sick and/or die and the death protocols, there was no going back. I was fired after 30 years of service to NYP, who are still to this day mandating the genetic shots.
There are many of us out there. More than we know. Let’s stick together and take back our world.
One thing I have noticed is that people will say an acquaintance has been diagnosed with x or keeping being infected with y but will not contemplate that the jabs may be involved - "oh no, I doubt that, after all, these things happen - people get unexpectedly and tragically ill all the time". The problem is that people, especially older people, do get unexpected illnesses and some of them must just be part of life and not due to the jabs. So it's tricky suggesting the possible/probable cause without sounding like a conspiracy-theorist-cum-anti-vaxxer. I don't think people want to know that the death and disease stalking the western world is connected to the Safe & Effectives because most people took the jabs and encouraged other people to take them.
Good comment, fits my experience exactly. Unfortunately, based on my recent holiday family get-together experience, I don't think the elderly, who have now taken upwards of 6 or 7 or even 8 jabs, are going to figure out that they were conned before they pass on. There's no telling them. I might as well start blathering about a polkadot boogie man under the stairs or, say, a UFO dropping Fruit Loops into the chimney. The middle aged people are in deep, very deep denial and, without ado accepting the medical gaslighting. The young adults treat the whole subject as taboo.
Just a selection of issues among the people I saw at the holidays: elderly lady previously in superb health has thrombocytopenia and brain fog: elderly man previously in superb health, traveling easily in Europe, now can only shuffle, rarely leaves his home; middle-aged relative has pronounced facial tic and debilitating back spasms; uncle with foot clot, uncle recently passed of turbo cancer, another relative now has aFib, another has developed vison issues, a friend now has turbo cancer (says he expects to live less than 2 months). More people than I count complaining of GI issues and recurring sinus infections.
In short, what I'm seeing among them is a deluge of problems that all started in 2021-2024, and these problems are all common adverse events after the covid jabs.
Yes, people have always had health problems, especially the elderly, but this is way, way, way out of bounds. They don't want to see it because they REALLY don't want to see it.
So what to do about it? I'm making my effort to leave some transcripts for the historical record. (I also support some medical freedom groups). But I think John Beaudoin is one of the rare ones who is showing us the way.
Though online there are many, in real life, in the last 5 yrs, I've met only 6 other people who get it.
Not so long ago, in the months following the rollout, I was talking to the only other colleague in my work place who'd bothered to educate herself, and we were discussing the multi-page printout I had in my hand of the Pfizer 1200+ AE report when I asked another colleague if she'd seen it. Her response was quite literally "I don't want to know".
The lack of curiosity (obviously on the back of denial) was astounding to me.
Wild horses couldn't have kept me away from that thing.
And now they're just moving on to the next series on Netflix - without missing a beat, and without learning a thing.
More and more, it feels like we are a different species.
Yes, I think denial is still rampant. It still “doesn’t compute” for many who cannot cope with the enormity of this. The drumbeat of truth needs to continue, stronger and stronger yet, until it reaches everyone, no matter how determinedly some have shut their eyes and plugged their ears.
You're right that "people get unexpectedly and tragically ill all the time," but it's time to consider the fact that when this happened pre-covid, it was also the result of medical maltreatment. And that's too scary a thought for some people to handle. I went into more detail about this in another comment.
"I am done being humble and nice." God bless you for your perseverance.
A few months ago I learned that my "vaccinated" sister, age 52, has a rare and aggressive cancer called leiomyosarcoma. A large tumor was removed from her abdomen. She's been undergoing scans every two months and recently learned it has spread to one lung. I already knew many more than one who are affected; this is the most personal.
BTW, I have 3 friends and a brother who had long dormant cancer return with a vengeance within a few weeks of the jab’s release. All 3 friends died within a few weeks and my brother is just now recovering from a double lung transplant.
"Why is there such a failure of messaging regarding these oft-fatal injections?"
Because the system to deny responsibility for injuries and deaths has been in place for a LONG time in the medical community, aided by the corrupt media who carry water for pharmaceutical companies. Vaccines and prescription medicines are modern miracles, prolonging life and reducing suffering, or so the story goes. Medical personnel are trained by a system that places pharmaceuticals at the pinnacle of treatment options. Most of the people who work in those systems actually believe the lies, blinded by their own hubris and devotion to those systems. They tell themselves that they are compassionate and want to provide the best care possible to their patients, yet don't recognize how they are harming them. They believe such ridiculous things as "healthy babies sometimes just die in their sleep for unknown causes" and "chemotherapy and radiation just target the cancer cells; if someone dies during chemo, it's caused by the cancer - we just didn't catch it soon enough."
not a soul in my small NH town of 1400 was even hospitalized with so called covid. At least 8 have died suddenly from '21-'23, mostly massive unexpected heart failures, some in sleep.
Now we are seeing blood clots, everywhere in teh body, in some, and outside of my town, innumerable sudden and deadly cancers, young males in 40's family men. Murder has no other name.
I applaud your brilliant efforts to expose the harms done by the mRNA gene therapies. What I don’t understand is how you can bring accountability to the manufactures (or anyone involved in the production and/or administration administration of these harmful serums when they’re all protected from any breach they’ve committed by the PREP ACT which grants blanket immunity to all involved when a state of emergency is declared. The manufacturers are all operating as government contractors under ‘Operation Warp Speed’ and serve in official government capacity.
I would forget about the manufacturers and go after the military men, CIA, media PSYOP people etc. We can also go after the liars at CDC, FDA, CISA. And the hospital administrators, nurses, and doctors that acted with malice and malpractice. If Trump does not begin this in January we will need to move to impeachment or worse.
I spent a frustrating New Years Eve with good friends, several of us worked together for years so we all know each other pretty well. One female in the group told a story of her mother's death a year ago from stroke. She blamed it on her mother stopping her statin drug just weeks before her stroke and blamed her mother's paranoid reaction to what she had read about statins. I suggested it was more likely associated with her two-shot 'vaccine' and the several boosters she took since they were known to cause extensive blood clots in people resulting in strokes. Statins reduce cholesterol production from the liver, and on such short cessation of the statin was much less likely a cause since the stroke was a blood clot in the brain.
She and her husband were committed vaccine takers and always detested anything I would say to the contrary - even when there was valid and reliable data to support the argument - so her mother's death a year ago was going to be blamed on the statin, not the clotshot vax. I just stopped talking and gave up.
We all know several 'somebodies' but that knowledge isn't changing any thinking regarding possible cause in some people. The government narrative permanently brainwashed many of the somebodies.
Wow, you have way more patience than me. I purged my life of all normies in early 2020, when I saw just how braindead the public was. Prior to that, I had spent 30 years trying to "wake people up". What an agregeous waste of time that was. The scamdemic was so transparent from day one...if they fell for it in 2020...they certainly were not going to be interested in what I had to say back in 1990. I regret wasting my time all those years. No more casting pearls before swine. Things are going to get very bad, and having a normie in one's life can get one killed. Their stupidity makes them dangerous.
"People are being led to a low information vector instead of demanding the conclusive evidence on government servers that would take only one man-week to decipher into irrefutable evidence, one way or the other, resulting in safe or unsafe."
With access to the datasets ANY competent data analyst could merge all relevant data domains into a coherent tables for analysis. All these data could easily be DE-Identified this the HIPAA objections need not apply. (By the Way GOOGLE grabbed identified medical data out of Ascension Health system )
At the very least ALL taxpayer-funded Medicare and Medicaid data Nationally ought be available to competent researchers. The Claims data would bring a lot of the crimes into the sunlight.. You are not exaggerating either that it would take but "one-week".
The PRR analyses that were supposed to be performed on VAERS data were never done. I played around with them a bit, and found several AEs that met the requirement for a safety signal very early in the roll out.
It is very hard to sue the companies. I am in year 3 of a lawsuit after being fired. go after people personally. The doctor or nurse, pharmacist who gave you that injection without full consent. It seems pretty harsh, but then they won’t give it anymore if it hits them personally. We are in very difficult times. They want to play hardball, we will play too.
It's worse than ineffective to go after the low-level useful idiots who were just following orders. It provides an excuse for more Jan 6th FBI entrapment bullshit.
Even when everyone knows someone it can be ignored as anecdotal. It may take everyone knowing three. Even then most of the time whatever may be happening can be chalked up to aging. I joked a couple years ago that the only way this may end is if Musk uses Mars colonization as a chance to reassess public health policy as I imagine he'd want the colonizing population to be healthy as possible.
Yes, so much is being chalked up to aging among healthy active individuals who have more and more chronic ailments or have surgeries/infections that are not healing as in the past.
Ironically, the only way this permeates through to the general Public - who were so monstrously and effectively propagandized by their TV's during the scam - is if they see it on TV. 😟
One tricky bit of business is there are things that more than 1/2 the population believes but since it only makes it as far as Rogan it doesn't count as the 'general public' or 'mainstream' position. I wonder how far such a discrepancy can go.
Both my parents, an aunt, two former boyfriends, a friend going all the way back to 1976, my sister's first husband and also her best friend...all dead from the Jonestown jab. My friend of longest duration (since third grade-1968) has deteriorated to a childlike state. She is so badly damaged, I fear she will not last much longer. This is tragic, because in February of 2020, she actually agreed with me...that this scamdemic was a psy-op. Sadly, she caved to her brother's nagging to take the death shot. She cared more about what her brother's opinion was of her, than her own life. I do not believe the Darwinian theory of evolution...but Darwin Awards are a real thing.
To your point, Darwin's theory has not a shred of evidence on the main principles of the theory of one species morphing into another so you are correct about it's validity, but his principle of survival of the fittest does have validity.
Why are the bears in the Arctic only white? In other words, there is support for inherited characteristics that enable a species to adapt better (therefore live longer) to their environment.
The Darwin Award is real and a valid expression of one of the only Darwinian principles that makes sense: mal-adaption results in early death and extinction thereby ending the mal-adapted characteristic.
My hope for 2025 is the mal-adapted FDA, CDC, and NIH have a quick, early death under Trump's administration and become extinct.
What's that old saying can wish in one hand ...Trump is one of them. Yes, I voted for him twice (2016-2020). The first was from absolute terror of a Killery Rotten Clinton presidency, and in 2020 out of utter disgust for a living zombie, but I never had any delusions about Trump. Both of them are actors...and there is some evidence that two guys in masks have been playing the part of Brandon
I have to say that Trump sure sounds like a paid-off agent of Pfizer.
Even now, with overwhelming evidence that the death jabs are poison, he keeps praising them and nominating people like pharma-shill Nesheiwat and taking a pharma lobbyist as his chief of staff.
Sure, Kamala would have been worse, but that's very faint praise.
I like the name Brandon and feel awful that it has been twisted into a word with a derogatory meaning. :(
CET - Continuous environmental tracking, a new scientific theory being studied and developed by Dr. Randy Guliuzza and the Institute for Creation Research.
Right. That's a wonderful comment. It really makes you understand why Jonestown was possible and why fascism was possible; it is always just the few who refuse to go along. And then there is a waking-up process. It is always the same thing: the masses want to stay asleep and trust the government, but the leaders always fail and lead the lambs to slaughter, for power is always ultimately abused. And then people die, and a few wake-up and decide they want to live a different way.
Yes, during the worst of jab-mania, I thought to myself over and over "This is _exactly_ how people were forced onto boxcars into death camps. Same psychology precisely."
but masked as a "good for your neighbor" and be a good person. They trained us leading up to this with all the virtue signaling, if only you cared you would...insert the it was if only you cared you would vaccinate yourself
Right, that manipulative bullshit was the worst part.
The crass emotional blackmail from genocidal criminals like "Take the vaxx out of love" Albert Bourla of Pfizer merits special punishment in itself.
The so-called leaders are subservient to the god of this world, aka Lucifer/Satan, which is why "the leaders always fail and lead the lambs to slaughter" as you rightly indicated above. It reminds me of this passage of scripture which is so very apropos:
"I (Jesus Christ) am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. He who is a hireling and not a shepherd, who's own the sheep are not, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees; and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. He flees because he is a hireling and cares nothing for the sheep. I am the good shepherd; I know my own and my own know me, as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep.", (John 10:11-16).
All the shepherds betrayed their sheep. They are complicit in the most egregious mass casualty event in human history. Instead of choosing to serve the one true God, they sold their souls to the Devil. They do not intend to change their minds or repent of the evil they have done and continue to do.
The choice faced by every human being is binary. Serve God or Satan. There is no in-between.
Those who understand that this is a titanic spiritual battle being acted out on the material/physical plane must speak truthfully about the nature of the enemy and actively oppose it. Time is very short.
I for one, thank the author of this substack platform for all of the work he has done for humanity. We should seek to emulate it.
I worked in COVID icu. I knew after 2 weeks that something was really really wrong. We were killing people. This was march 2020.
After 9/11, I figured out just how involved our govt and s in wanting us dead. We are all collateral damage to them. But then COVID hit, watching so many people get sick and/or die and the death protocols, there was no going back. I was fired after 30 years of service to NYP, who are still to this day mandating the genetic shots.
There are many of us out there. More than we know. Let’s stick together and take back our world.
Theresa - look what embalmers have been finding ever since the shots rolled out:
Thank you very much for your work, and Happy New Year.
How did the law school prof react to your assignment?
No reaction. No "thank you" from him. LOL.
He is the attorney of record for the defendants in my lawsuit against the school. LOL
But a different professor showed up for the oral arguments.
Here is the link to the oral arguments. 15 minutes each side. The other side is good to watch, too.
Yes. I did watch this previously and was unimpressed with the school's lawyer.
The chief judge of the appeal court appeared long-suffering, well informed, and fair.
One thing I have noticed is that people will say an acquaintance has been diagnosed with x or keeping being infected with y but will not contemplate that the jabs may be involved - "oh no, I doubt that, after all, these things happen - people get unexpectedly and tragically ill all the time". The problem is that people, especially older people, do get unexpected illnesses and some of them must just be part of life and not due to the jabs. So it's tricky suggesting the possible/probable cause without sounding like a conspiracy-theorist-cum-anti-vaxxer. I don't think people want to know that the death and disease stalking the western world is connected to the Safe & Effectives because most people took the jabs and encouraged other people to take them.
Good comment, fits my experience exactly. Unfortunately, based on my recent holiday family get-together experience, I don't think the elderly, who have now taken upwards of 6 or 7 or even 8 jabs, are going to figure out that they were conned before they pass on. There's no telling them. I might as well start blathering about a polkadot boogie man under the stairs or, say, a UFO dropping Fruit Loops into the chimney. The middle aged people are in deep, very deep denial and, without ado accepting the medical gaslighting. The young adults treat the whole subject as taboo.
Just a selection of issues among the people I saw at the holidays: elderly lady previously in superb health has thrombocytopenia and brain fog: elderly man previously in superb health, traveling easily in Europe, now can only shuffle, rarely leaves his home; middle-aged relative has pronounced facial tic and debilitating back spasms; uncle with foot clot, uncle recently passed of turbo cancer, another relative now has aFib, another has developed vison issues, a friend now has turbo cancer (says he expects to live less than 2 months). More people than I count complaining of GI issues and recurring sinus infections.
In short, what I'm seeing among them is a deluge of problems that all started in 2021-2024, and these problems are all common adverse events after the covid jabs.
Yes, people have always had health problems, especially the elderly, but this is way, way, way out of bounds. They don't want to see it because they REALLY don't want to see it.
So what to do about it? I'm making my effort to leave some transcripts for the historical record. (I also support some medical freedom groups). But I think John Beaudoin is one of the rare ones who is showing us the way.
Though online there are many, in real life, in the last 5 yrs, I've met only 6 other people who get it.
Not so long ago, in the months following the rollout, I was talking to the only other colleague in my work place who'd bothered to educate herself, and we were discussing the multi-page printout I had in my hand of the Pfizer 1200+ AE report when I asked another colleague if she'd seen it. Her response was quite literally "I don't want to know".
The lack of curiosity (obviously on the back of denial) was astounding to me.
Wild horses couldn't have kept me away from that thing.
And now they're just moving on to the next series on Netflix - without missing a beat, and without learning a thing.
More and more, it feels like we are a different species.
Totally hear you.
We need an “acknowledged” option TB. So very sad. It must be psychological torture to witness this. 😢
Yes, I think denial is still rampant. It still “doesn’t compute” for many who cannot cope with the enormity of this. The drumbeat of truth needs to continue, stronger and stronger yet, until it reaches everyone, no matter how determinedly some have shut their eyes and plugged their ears.
Yes, we must absolutely keep speaking about it all the time.
Yes, exactly.
The people who make the worst possible decision for themselves and their children do not want to hear about it.
But at some level, they know.
You're right that "people get unexpectedly and tragically ill all the time," but it's time to consider the fact that when this happened pre-covid, it was also the result of medical maltreatment. And that's too scary a thought for some people to handle. I went into more detail about this in another comment.
"I am done being humble and nice." God bless you for your perseverance.
A few months ago I learned that my "vaccinated" sister, age 52, has a rare and aggressive cancer called leiomyosarcoma. A large tumor was removed from her abdomen. She's been undergoing scans every two months and recently learned it has spread to one lung. I already knew many more than one who are affected; this is the most personal.
You are doing the Lord’s work, John, go get ‘em!
BTW, I have 3 friends and a brother who had long dormant cancer return with a vengeance within a few weeks of the jab’s release. All 3 friends died within a few weeks and my brother is just now recovering from a double lung transplant.
Regards, Andy
"Why is there such a failure of messaging regarding these oft-fatal injections?"
Because the system to deny responsibility for injuries and deaths has been in place for a LONG time in the medical community, aided by the corrupt media who carry water for pharmaceutical companies. Vaccines and prescription medicines are modern miracles, prolonging life and reducing suffering, or so the story goes. Medical personnel are trained by a system that places pharmaceuticals at the pinnacle of treatment options. Most of the people who work in those systems actually believe the lies, blinded by their own hubris and devotion to those systems. They tell themselves that they are compassionate and want to provide the best care possible to their patients, yet don't recognize how they are harming them. They believe such ridiculous things as "healthy babies sometimes just die in their sleep for unknown causes" and "chemotherapy and radiation just target the cancer cells; if someone dies during chemo, it's caused by the cancer - we just didn't catch it soon enough."
not a soul in my small NH town of 1400 was even hospitalized with so called covid. At least 8 have died suddenly from '21-'23, mostly massive unexpected heart failures, some in sleep.
Now we are seeing blood clots, everywhere in teh body, in some, and outside of my town, innumerable sudden and deadly cancers, young males in 40's family men. Murder has no other name.
I applaud your brilliant efforts to expose the harms done by the mRNA gene therapies. What I don’t understand is how you can bring accountability to the manufactures (or anyone involved in the production and/or administration administration of these harmful serums when they’re all protected from any breach they’ve committed by the PREP ACT which grants blanket immunity to all involved when a state of emergency is declared. The manufacturers are all operating as government contractors under ‘Operation Warp Speed’ and serve in official government capacity.
I would forget about the manufacturers and go after the military men, CIA, media PSYOP people etc. We can also go after the liars at CDC, FDA, CISA. And the hospital administrators, nurses, and doctors that acted with malice and malpractice. If Trump does not begin this in January we will need to move to impeachment or worse.
Why be nice and compliant in the face of a democide? Let's roll.
I’ll roll right now!
Thank you. Stay the course.
Great post today.
I spent a frustrating New Years Eve with good friends, several of us worked together for years so we all know each other pretty well. One female in the group told a story of her mother's death a year ago from stroke. She blamed it on her mother stopping her statin drug just weeks before her stroke and blamed her mother's paranoid reaction to what she had read about statins. I suggested it was more likely associated with her two-shot 'vaccine' and the several boosters she took since they were known to cause extensive blood clots in people resulting in strokes. Statins reduce cholesterol production from the liver, and on such short cessation of the statin was much less likely a cause since the stroke was a blood clot in the brain.
She and her husband were committed vaccine takers and always detested anything I would say to the contrary - even when there was valid and reliable data to support the argument - so her mother's death a year ago was going to be blamed on the statin, not the clotshot vax. I just stopped talking and gave up.
We all know several 'somebodies' but that knowledge isn't changing any thinking regarding possible cause in some people. The government narrative permanently brainwashed many of the somebodies.
Wow, you have way more patience than me. I purged my life of all normies in early 2020, when I saw just how braindead the public was. Prior to that, I had spent 30 years trying to "wake people up". What an agregeous waste of time that was. The scamdemic was so transparent from day one...if they fell for it in 2020...they certainly were not going to be interested in what I had to say back in 1990. I regret wasting my time all those years. No more casting pearls before swine. Things are going to get very bad, and having a normie in one's life can get one killed. Their stupidity makes them dangerous.
They are the morbidly obedient.
John this is ***SO TRUE***.:
"People are being led to a low information vector instead of demanding the conclusive evidence on government servers that would take only one man-week to decipher into irrefutable evidence, one way or the other, resulting in safe or unsafe."
With access to the datasets ANY competent data analyst could merge all relevant data domains into a coherent tables for analysis. All these data could easily be DE-Identified this the HIPAA objections need not apply. (By the Way GOOGLE grabbed identified medical data out of Ascension Health system )
One reference:
At the very least ALL taxpayer-funded Medicare and Medicaid data Nationally ought be available to competent researchers. The Claims data would bring a lot of the crimes into the sunlight.. You are not exaggerating either that it would take but "one-week".
Grateful for all your work....
The PRR analyses that were supposed to be performed on VAERS data were never done. I played around with them a bit, and found several AEs that met the requirement for a safety signal very early in the roll out.
Well said. The Transnational captured MSM is the main weapon in their takeover of this country. Its working well.
It is very hard to sue the companies. I am in year 3 of a lawsuit after being fired. go after people personally. The doctor or nurse, pharmacist who gave you that injection without full consent. It seems pretty harsh, but then they won’t give it anymore if it hits them personally. We are in very difficult times. They want to play hardball, we will play too.
It's worse than ineffective to go after the low-level useful idiots who were just following orders. It provides an excuse for more Jan 6th FBI entrapment bullshit.
Even when everyone knows someone it can be ignored as anecdotal. It may take everyone knowing three. Even then most of the time whatever may be happening can be chalked up to aging. I joked a couple years ago that the only way this may end is if Musk uses Mars colonization as a chance to reassess public health policy as I imagine he'd want the colonizing population to be healthy as possible.
Yes, so much is being chalked up to aging among healthy active individuals who have more and more chronic ailments or have surgeries/infections that are not healing as in the past.
Ironically, the only way this permeates through to the general Public - who were so monstrously and effectively propagandized by their TV's during the scam - is if they see it on TV. 😟
It has to be on Oprah for some. NYT for others.
One tricky bit of business is there are things that more than 1/2 the population believes but since it only makes it as far as Rogan it doesn't count as the 'general public' or 'mainstream' position. I wonder how far such a discrepancy can go.