2025 - The Year Everybody Knows Somebody
Time to Balance Humility with Righteous Assertiveness
In early 2021, during my second semester of law school at the Massachusetts School of Law, I became aware of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a database of vaccine injury and death reports maintained jointly by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Only a few weeks into the 2021 Covid “vaccine” rollout, VAERS reports detailed numerous injuries and deaths attributed specifically to the Covid gene therapy drugs rebranded as “vaccines.”
I remember thinking in those first few weeks of 2021 that the propaganda surrounding “vaccines” was overwhelming. Politicians, government health departments, and mainstream news media chanted “safe and effective” like religious mantra. The propaganda operation involved more than “vaccine” promotion. Any evidence linking “vaccines” to injury or death was suppressed on social media. I remember this because I sought to circumvent Twitter’s keyword searches by converting text into graphic pictures before posting.
It was in this early 2021 time frame that someone asked me when the gene drug injection carnage would end. With great melancholy, I replied, “This won’t end until everybody knows somebody” … who is injured or dead from the gene drugs called “vaccines.”
In March 2021, the Torts professor required that each student create a 10-minute video on a topic from the course. He asked me to tackle the issue of economics because, as he said, I understood economic theory better than the other students. In April 2021, I wrote, recorded, and published on YouTube, a video entitled The Hand Formula; Economics of Torts; Importance of Torts; Vax tort immunity found here. Around the seventh (7th) minute into the video can be seen in the lower right a table indicating the number of vaccine deaths each year. The information was sourced from VAERS at VAERS.HHS.GOV.
In the table below, reproduced from the video, it can be seen that by April 16, 2021, only one third (1/3) of a year, the Covid “vaccine” deaths reported to VAERS were more than fifteen times (> 15X) greater than each of the other three (3) full years.
I also filtered the VAERS database for reports involving deaths of children and young adults. Results were posted on Twitter in June and July 2021, which can still be found here and here.
I then performed spreadsheet analyses of the 2021 VAERS database by counting the number of occurrences of character strings associated with clotting, bleeding, and other known vaccine issues: “clot,” “thrombo,” “stroke,” “embolism,” “aneurysm,” “carditis,” “guillain.” (Found here on Twitter). The results were stark and dismaying.
In those early weeks of Covid gene drug delivery, it was incredibly depressing to know that the government was knowingly soliciting and coercing people to accept sometimes fatal and often injurious products into their bodies. Until that time I had only seen such propaganda in movies. The information and free speech suppression was reminiscent of stories from behind the iron curtain of the Soviet Union when I was a boy in the 1960s and 1970s.
The more the government lied, the more I dug in and sought new avenues of uncovering truth. I obtained non-redacted death records and correlated them to VAERS reports to ascertain injection dates, names, and dates of death.
Others chased Pfizer trial data, which I thought was a waste of time since the criminal rarely hands you the evidence of their crime. Also, the government has on their servers 100 times the data that Pfizer trials have. People are being led to a low information vector instead of demanding the conclusive evidence on government servers that would take only one man-week to decipher into irrefutable evidence, one way or the other, resulting in safe or unsafe.
After years of emotional torture watching, reading, and analyzing people’s records, here we are in 2025, the year everybody knows somebody.
In one social circle of men ages 60 to 80, five (5) are Covid gene drug injected and three (3) are not.
Among the three (3) “unvaxxed for Covid,” one 65-year-old works out regularly, had Covid at least once and is healthy; one 80-year-old works out regularly, had Covid at least once and is healthy; and one 60-year-old works out regularly, had Covid at least twice and is healthy.
Among the five (5) Covid gene drug injected, one 63-year-old had a dangerous deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in his calf and cannot hike for years (he was very active before his serious injury); one 62-year-old was recently released from the hospital after DVTs in both calves and a pulmonary embolism (PE) in his lung (he will be on Eliquis for the rest of his life); one 70-year-old was tachycardic for four (4) months after his Covid booster (this is life-threatening for a man of his age); one 73-year-old now has a glioblastoma (brain cancer) that was found already at stage 4 and with a rate of growth so fast that he only has weeks to live.
I do not know anyone who died from Covid and I expect that number will remain at zero. I know two (2) people who died from the Covid gene drug injections and I expect this number to grow substantially in the coming weeks, months, and years.
And now, in 2025, everybody knows somebody who died or was injured by Covid gene drug injections, whether they know it or not.
The greatest issue is that public opinion has been far behind the real world effects of Covid gene drug injections. The truth has been suppressed via propaganda. Most of the public has only heard about myocarditis in young male athletes and has not made the causal attribution of stroke, cancer, pulmonary embolism, and sudden kidney failure to Covid gene drug injections.
Why? Why is there such a failure of messaging regarding these oft-fatal injections? The issues of leadership, strategy, and efficiency of utility must be solved in order to change public opinion based on truth, not propaganda.
After 4+ years of trying to be heard above the noise of myocarditis and doctors selling bird flu kits, I am done being humble and nice. Hundreds of thousands of people died in the United States from Covid gene drug injections. Including hospital Covid protocols, more than one million Americans have been killed in the name of Healthcare. Doctors and scientists cannot solve political and legal issues. They are way outside their lane.
Here’s a message to those who enjoyed being called heroes, but have not gotten the job done in four (4) years. You tried to lead and failed. Now follow my lead or get out of the way.
God bless you all
John 14: 6 TRUTH
Beaudoin, J. (April 2021). The Hand Formula; Economics of Torts; Importance of Torts; Vax tort immunity. Written and produced for Torts class. Found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JObGnOCD6mI
Both my parents, an aunt, two former boyfriends, a friend going all the way back to 1976, my sister's first husband and also her best friend...all dead from the Jonestown jab. My friend of longest duration (since third grade-1968) has deteriorated to a childlike state. She is so badly damaged, I fear she will not last much longer. This is tragic, because in February of 2020, she actually agreed with me...that this scamdemic was a psy-op. Sadly, she caved to her brother's nagging to take the death shot. She cared more about what her brother's opinion was of her, than her own life. I do not believe the Darwinian theory of evolution...but Darwin Awards are a real thing.
I worked in COVID icu. I knew after 2 weeks that something was really really wrong. We were killing people. This was march 2020.
After 9/11, I figured out just how involved our govt and s in wanting us dead. We are all collateral damage to them. But then COVID hit, watching so many people get sick and/or die and the death protocols, there was no going back. I was fired after 30 years of service to NYP, who are still to this day mandating the genetic shots.
There are many of us out there. More than we know. Let’s stick together and take back our world.