The same goes for all jurisdictions. No one should be getting another shot, especially children, until and if they are fully transparent with the data, which includes vaccination status on deaths. I like how Dr. Victory put it on the Dr. Drew show. If there's an outbreak of food poisoning, the incident(s) are investigated and the public is notified, to include the specific source, restaurant name or other, as it's an ongoing public health situation. I don't remember a food poisoning incident which ever caused excess mortality to climb above normal. Yet here we are, country after country, experiencing above average excess deaths and we can't get the government to even acknowledge it, let alone investigate and inform the public of the details. Currently zero transparency.

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And that's exactly how you know this is intentional.

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Right with you. I had added a similar thought, but reconsidered as I'd already said enough. Total red flag, lack of transparency, discouraging questions and censoring a topic.

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Definitely intentional. I could see that in mid 2020. I’ve spent 30+ in rational drug design. These agents are toxic by design.

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by Coquin de Chien

I have been listening to many of your interviews from the beginning. If could find a flaw in your reasoning I'd let you know. I can not. When every "mistake" aligns in one direction its no accident.

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Thank you, appreciated.

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Yes exactly. The USA release only cumulative doses like most countries. I recently came to realize that they actually release the first 60 or so days of daily vaccinations at the beginning of each campaign as if they all happened on the last day, essentially deleting all information about daily vaccinations that can be used to show with very high confidence which vaccination campaign caused which variant to gain predominance.

These vaccines allowed Delta to kill millions and they need to become illegal. They are clearly bioweapons, possibly even intended for international warfare.

If only they worked. Such fail. But I guess that's what happens if you give a pharmaceutical industry legal immunity lol.

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"another shot" in totality. Sure hope millions of parents stop injecting their children entirely.

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Because they're culpable and liable and they will fight to the death, ours or theirs to avoid assuming responsibility.

Trials and Executions!

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Paul Wilkerson spammed my articles with numerous posts, a barrage of whatever that was.

I asked him to stop. He did it more.

I banned him. I'm not happy with having to do that. But ... for all the readers, I felt I had to step in.

Spam is for a Monty Python skit.

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Paul Wilkerson,

I don't get to read many comments on my own articles.

Now I see that you dominating all posts and trying to steer people to your own content.

The links are all broken because Substack banned you. I've never heard of someone being banned by substack.

Now you're wasting my time because I have to learn how to ban you from commenting on my substack.

Please go find another sandbox ... or a street corner or subway station in NYC.

Yell at the world if you want. I don't want to read it here.

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No one should get another Covid shot ( bioweapon) ever, .. never. No matter WHAT. they say. And they will try. Covid is not fatal for children. Ivermectin is a brilliant drug to use against it. Information is power & then, we need to act. Is there a way to get an interview with these poor parents that lost their daughter? ( in Vermont). How about the thousands of others that have had no voice. I heard of a story of a grandma that took her g-daughter to get the shot. Within hours the little girl had died from anaphylactic or cardiac response to the MRNA poison. The grandma just howled on the phone to a friend, telling her what happened. I know it’s gut-wrenching, but this family deserves to be heard. My hope is Fauci hears the cry of that grandma every night when he tries to sleep.

( apparently, he has had trouble sleeping. Really?! I wonder why?)

Where’s Damar Hamlin as well? Why can’t he be seen in public? His Twitter video was extra sketchy to me. My husband didn’t notice but it was all chopped into an edited mess. Let’s get this stuff researched & documented. The evil tyrants want us distracted, and to forget the last 3 years. I won’t forget, & I’ll never comply. Keep pushing back. For the kids and for our nation. 🌈✌🏼

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We’re at war. So save the rainbow and peace sign.

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The displays in public parks and areas, of large pictures with descriptions of those who lost their lives, staked along the sidewalks thus impossible for passersby to ignore. I want to see those here, in the U.S, near county, state and federal workplaces. Seeing those in clips from the UK and EU moved me to tears. Impactful.

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I simply say it like it is. And it rubs people the wrong way. Tough shit! Until people stand up and get angry, nothing will be done. I can’t be quiet. And I won’t be quiet.

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Renee: You seem angry, but hurting others won’t help you. Hurt people, hurt people. I’m sorry for your hurt. Calling people moron’s or telling them to “ cut the rainbow” isn’t how God would handle this. If you are really a follower than know that your words are powerful. They represent your beliefs & what’s in your heart. We don’t need more hate in this world. I’ll pray that your situation changes & your heart heals. If you are someone with evil intent, than I rebuke you, in Jesus’ name. There is power in that name. We are also in a spiritual war. And GOD hasn’t lost a battle yet.

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I recall the Prophets saying some very cutting things.

Truth may hurt people's feelings. Some invective may also.

I do not see Renee's statement = possibly evil intent, or possibly hate.

You don't like what she has said, s what I gather, so you issue a preemptive rebuke, in Jesus' name? With a lecture.


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And believe me, I’m sure Jesus Christ called people “morons” quite often. There were many in his presence. “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.”

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Renee Maire: You're sure, are you? I don't see anything remotely like "morons" in that sentence.

The point is, negativity is not good for YOU, or anyone else. Being at war doesn't mean you have to spread hate around, it just isn't helpful in ANY way. I know, it's very, very difficult to just stop being angry... believe me, it's really hard. But we have to TRY. xo

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That’s the problem. NO ONE is angry, or even upset…people dying on a daily basis, people not questioning the government, people losing their livelihoods (like me), and people still wearing masks and lining up for poison injections.

It’s called righteous anger. I don’t spread hate. I NEVER have.

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OK, I apologigze for saying "hate," it's such a loaded word. But what's the difference, really, if you say "hate," or "negativity," or whatever... I can so relate to your frustration, but I'm saying that trying to convince people, trying to motivate them-- it almost NEVER works (maybe never!) to direct your anger and upset AT THEM. Direct it where it belongs, maybe. We're talking about something that is really, really difficult, and we are not alone!! I have righteous anger, too, and it's not been a good tool for me to use on others, to motivate them. They don't like it being directed at them. I don't have the answers about how to motivate people-- there are many ways to do it, but it does seem to work better in PERSON, and with a sort of "Let's do this!' kind of thing, but... Is it working for you to be angry at people for not having their heads out of their ass? For not being furious at the psychopath oligarchs doing genocide? So far, it hasn't worked for me... And it's hugely frustrating, which doesn't help me -- it makes me want to LEAVE! I dunno, it's a real problem, isn't it.

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Well said Word Herder.

I am really bad at it myself. I manage for a while and then I decompensate again. I've been trying so hard. I just want to be easy-going again, without fear of war, without all the madness around. Just enjoy life and nature and people. God I can not wait for this all to be over.

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Thanks, and ditto to what you just said.

Hold fast, be brave, and remember there are a LOT of us, hearts beating, wanting peace, wanting life to be good... And it will be, sooner or later. xo xo

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Ok, you do you. And I will pray for you. We all need it. I get angry sometimes but have found that calling people morons doesn’t bring them closer to change, love does. But I was raised by a tyrant & turned out ok. Maybe we need both. God made us perfectly.

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We’re at war. GOD is what gets me through life on a daily basis. Please pray for me…I DO need it!

“If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him or knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be with you.” -John 14:15-17

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Pray to God for dispensation. Fight, run, lie, stay away! Only your flesh and glandular secretions matter to the “Keepers.” Our mental health is best kept low. Who wants a smart “radish?”

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My buddy who got fired from his job after 20+ years just moved to Wyoming! He found another job. ✝️

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Enough with the spamming. It's not going to solve your problem! Sorry.

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I'm not interested in seeing your post OVER AND OVER AND OVER on somebody else's page. That's all. Deal with it.

And FYI, if I had the MONEY to play in the legal system in this country, I would have filed a lawsuit three years ago. Thanks for your advice, tho.

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I always have to laugh when snotty boys come along making incredibly broad assumptions about other people and "education" and so forth. "Nobody complains unless they are ignorant." That sounds pretty damn ignorant right there. Dog Bless You. I don't need your instruction or advice. Just put your spam on your OWN page, youngster. This page belongs to a VERY COOL guy who runs circles around your twaddle. No offense. ;)

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Because what people injected into themselves is not a vaccine. What was injected is a bioweapon by the United States DOD to crash the FUBAR economy. The more shots, the better...for TPTB. If people aren’t awake after 3 years, they’re simply...morons.

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Pray to God for dispensation. Fight, run, lie, stay away! Only your flesh and glandular secretions matter to the “Keepers.” Our mental health is best kept low. Who wants a smart “radish?”

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Feb 7, 2023Liked by Coquin de Chien

We must stand up and demand transparency. Write letters, send emails, leave voice messages. Keep the pressure on on local and national politicians. Even medical professionals. Tell them we want them to do the right thing. Submit the data....

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They have both the vax and death cert data and they've looked at it and that's the reason why we the people aren't allowed to see it.

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Spot on! Great observation. The “truth” shall set you free. They don’t like the sound of that word. They get the banana, we get the peel. The biggest monkey gets his. The rest eat the scraps.

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It is utterly reprehensible that government....(so called elected officials)...believe at any juncture they suddenly procure the right to withold information to those who elect them.

Even moreso when they first coerce, or force people into a medical experiment...and then deny those same people access to the data.

The base of ALL western populations has been so dumbed down by msm (who are fully owned by the same cabal injectiing us) that we are virtually useless in mounting any defence. As much as I love...(or used to love my family and friends)...I really have no interest in joining them on their suicide mission.

Unfortunately....they still rule the roost by virtue of sheer volume.

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Maybe not for long. And there are vaccinated people that have figured this out & want to join in to stop it. I’m one of them. We need anyone & everyone, willing to fight with us.

Division is our constant enemy & we really need to come together as a huge force against this evil. They know WE know, and Fauci even talked about it in his last days before his “ retirement.” I really don’t like him.

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You “really don’t like him”???? He’s a genocidal mass murderer!

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Pray to God for dispensation. Fight, run, lie, stay away! Only your flesh and glandular secretions matter to the “Keepers.” Our mental health is best kept low. Who wants a smart “radish?”

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Guy: We have enough people to stop this. Throughout history, it’s always been the 25% or less that force a change. We have at least 40% & it’s growing everyday. People are angry & want to change course of this evil train coming through.

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They’re disgusting and know perfectly well why she died.

That pathology is extremely rare in healthy children. Absent a clotting disorder I would expect it as a risk after trauma.

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This is very concerning. Are you banned from Substack?

I was surprised that Telegram, Gettr & Substack appeared to be censorship free.

Surprised because the perpetrators appear so powerful. What’s stopping them crushing the remaining tiny sites?

But I they squeeze us out of Substack, I’m big aware of suitable alternatives.

Good luck!

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We need an entirely new plan. Anything less will simply lead back here. Civilizations have always led us to ruin. Hierarchical super systems go off the rails. They are dangerous to children and other living things. They fall to grifting, paranoia, and eventually complete moral, physical, and societal breakdown. Amazing we have all been around this long.

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We either win this one (fight them off) or they will dispose of the majority of us.

I’m as near to certain of this as it’s possible to be.

Check out ten additional mRNA based injections per citizen that our government just agreed to purchase. Massed murder.

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Yes agree 100%. Genocide. All done under the guise of doing good. I believe they have proven their intentions.

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Feb 6, 2023·edited Feb 6, 2023

Best equation I have seen yet to make sense of the data. 😂

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Has anyone tried to contact this girls family to try to find out her covid vaccination status and dates of injection? I found her full name very easily on the internet. It might be a bit intrusive to her greiving family, but they might also welcome it if her death can help bring these crimes to an end.

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What is needed is a fund started to track and assist the vaxx damage.

I found this one.


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Not a lot of people want to put themselves out there to do this. Most people don’t even want to talk to neighbors or family about what’s really going on. We need to start feeling uncomfortable. It will get the answers & it moves us closer to ending this.

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If it’s done compassionately, it shouldn’t bother the parents. Even a truthful & transparent letter explaining WHY the info. is critical to others, etc. I think this could work.

We need detectives to get an address? I can send a letter but in person would obviously be faster.

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Especially when the news was able to shove the Covid positive numbers in our faces every day, to keep the fear going, Such hypocrisy not letting us know about the jab related deaths.

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I will make no apologies for posting this in as many places as I can.

We in the UK had an MP recently stand up in Parliament and ask questions about vaccine safety.

Not only was he shut down, but he also lost his position in his political party.

He has not backed down since and has given a remarkable interview, which I hope will be seen by as many people as possible.

One bombshell he gives is that

According to the official data, you need to vaccinate 935,000 people to prevent 1 hospitalisation with covid.

But by doing that, about 1100 people would end up hospitalised from the vaccine.

The video is on Rumble, as Twitter and Youtube have removed it.

Of course.


For a final piece of context, John Mappin is the hotel owner who refused the governments demand to house ILLEGAL MIGRANTS in his wonderful hotel.


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Data is withheld because health is *not* the goal. It is pretty clear by now. It is also clear that asking the “public servants” nicely for what must be done is not working.

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