Thank you for sharing this important message. I am among this list of Canadians who has stood up for our democratic republic values, ethics and laws. I’m a family and palliative care physician in ontario, who had my licence suspended march 17th 2022 for upholding my oath and protecting my patients. I’m taking the college to court august 16th to hopefully have their unlawful orders evaluated objectively and pray I’ll be back to helping my 1600 patients soon.

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The mob and the state go hand in hand. The State views people as objects and manufactures mobs into partisan formations. Agamben has written extensive on the State of Exception both before and during Covid.

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Jul 23, 2022·edited Jul 23, 2022

This has been a disgraceful episode for Canada & Canadians. I can't recognize the narcissistic cowards that most of us have become. May the collaborators get what they deserve.

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Thank you for this excellent piece. I am also a native Quebecoise, seeing what my country has become - perhaps it was already on the way there before covid and i didn't see it - it has been a horrible experience. I feel dismayed, disgusted, distressed, and deeply disappointed in so many of my fellow Canadians. A huge thank you to those who did not fail in this trying time, the people you mentioned, the Canadian Covid Care Alliance, and other heroes who have come forward. Too few but at least there are some.

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Canadians, please wake up and smell this powerful coffee de chien.

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The governmental tyranny of both Canada and Australia, and the meek acceptance of this tyranny by their populace, have been among the most surprising and disappointing aspects of the dystopia that has been the last two years.

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Wonderful, thank you.

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I pray 🙏 for humanity, as I grieve.

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I've always thought this classic from McLean & McLean should be the national anthem.


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A future wherein governments can mandate genetic citizen-reprogramming is not one worth living in, for us or our children. It's not just about whether the current genetic injections are more harmful than helpful.

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Thankyou for your outstanding newsletter!

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Well said, Ô Coquin!

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The reason they - and all countries - are discarding the philosophical discussion of forcing these injections on their populations is explained here -- they actually prefer not to -- but it's the only good option they have https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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I disagree with this apology for decades of deliberate destruction of the American/western economies via fiat currency, immense theft and chicanery, land grabbing, land toxicification, deliberate outsourcing, in the case of the USA, of all industry, including oil production, the sabotage of farmlands, the complete and utter lie of climate change, the idea of a "finite" world in which there is STILL more than enough of everything to go around (the entire population of human beings on this planet can be fit into townhouses in Texas with enough space for growing food in gardens), deliberate pillaging of Africa, India, and the vicious destruction of most of the Middle East, all for power, wealth, and control. The current crisis we are in is not because of a fake "virus" (that would be EMF, such as 5G), but of a horrible plot to create a global government, kill off the majority of the Human population, enslave those that are left, and have absolute control over everything, an insane agenda created by insane individuals with an insane desire to be Gods of Creation... except they are destroying it. The continuing attack on all plant life, which must have CO2 (levels are the lowest they've been in thousands of years, maybe EVER), and the idea that we have "too much" of it is also insane; and at the same time, the near-continual spraying of heavy metals over much of the planet is not only affecting the weather, but is killing the oceans, the plankton in the ocean without which there is no oxygen and life on Earth ends, and killing much of the forests, aluminum being found in saplings all over the globe, in the antlers of deer, everywhere, while an incredible upsurge in dementia and a huge plunge in Vitamin D uptake is causing a crisis like we have never seen before.

It's time to stop listening to these people claiming we have a "climate crisis." What we have is a GENOCIDE/ECOCIDE CRISIS, deliberately brought upon us by a cabal of Evil Men, planned for decades, using a false "pandemic" and terrorism to cover up their massive, massive theft of resources and wealth, and their plan to diminish, by trickery and force, the life of Humanity by the millions, if not billions, over time. I have barely begun to say everything I could say.

THERE IS NO "VIRUS" and there never was. There is only systematic slaughter, aided by the best tool a tyrant ever had: Divide and Conquer.

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