This is the kind of work I was hoping to see planned by the government when they rolled out injections. When I saw there nothing serious devised for tracking and analyzing the results of the government initiative for a new technology, I "opted out." I hope your methods will be adopted, better late than never to save the honor of the human race. What you are doing restores the dignity of those who know of it, at least, and the victims'. Thank you.

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John, thank you for this. Would you consider offering a nutshell summary of why use TBM that would serve for someone who wishes to speak to / participate on a county board of supervisors?

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No mention of AUTOPSIES here? Did I miss it?

The existing and current data should be easier to manage and analyze with the advent of Ai, right? And with Ai, why not do it from every possible direction, not just one?

But there is no substitute for autopsies.

Autopsies should have been part of the Pandemic response data collection/tracking, ESPECIALLY in a claimed medical emergency involving a MYSTERIOUS illness. And yet, the "authorities" seem to have little interest getting the most complete overview possible.

Seems so strange, when the "authorities" did not hesitate to claim someone could be infected and contagious with the MYSTERIOUS new illness EVEN WITHOUT SHOWING SYMPTOMS!

Where are we at today? Hmmm. Without any clear epidemiological explanation, we are still being told this is continuing to happen!

Asymptomatic illness! You are not sick, but you dirty humans and animals are always sick, seems to be the background choir of pro-transhumanists/eugenicist globalists insisting on business as usual and the goal clear: Universal Vaccination proved with digital medical I.D. surveillance! As if having a techno I.D. and your umpteenth annual booster will get rid of this new thing -- sickness without symptoms (such as in patients who enter the hospital with a broken leg and test positive for 'covid' and end up ventilated OR a couple poultry which PCR test positive leading to nearly a million "asymptomatic" (or were they HEALTHY?) chickens in my county being exterminated!

But of course, the "public health" authorities couldn't get to the bottom of the ASYMPTOMATIC ILLNESS conundrum, could they? Because that would mean actually admitting the PCR Diagnostic Testing was the sole 'proof'. And that might blow away their ability to use this Fraudulent PCR Diagnostic Test as their PRIMARY pandemic-engineering tool.

Is it the same with autopsies? If autopsies were performed, maybe it would reveal the subjects never had a respiratory ailment at all? Or whatever.

FIVE years have passed, and the lack of analysis and autopsies is still in place.

Or should I say the COVER-UP is in full deployment?

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None of this matters since covid viruses are non-existent except in people's minds.

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I sincerely hope that senior officials at local state and federal levels adopt the TBM model to cut through the fog of data otherwise not being fully analyzed to arrive at coherent conclusions. This would result in a strong foundation for transparency and accountability.

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This is the correct approach. Do not make any prior assumptions about what causes adverse events/excess mortality. Simply show that they are present. It is impossible to determine which of these adverse events are due to "vaccines" or lockdowns or stress. Then assign probabilities to the likelihood of this clustering of events, and let people draw their own conclusions. As for the details of the TBM method and how you manage to find sufficient programmers in SQL and Python to perform these analyses -- that's up to you.

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“Evidence based” means “evidence confirmation bias” based. It is similar to the archaic and discredited “Reed technique” used in US policing and investigations. You follow an initial line of inquiry that your “professional expertise” leads you to, then “confirm with evidence”. You pile on high with “confirming evidence”. It is complete drivel and 100% institutionalized confirmation bias. The UK had a huge scandal years back where some poor innocent got sentenced and the public got to see this. They retooled UK policing to stop “evidence confirming”. In the US this total nonsense methodology is still paraded as “science” in the medical world and in policing work. It’s complete nonsense and non science. Real science is about challenging claims being made and public debating. That’s science.

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