A friend lost her husband three years ago to J&J (one shot and dead). He got sick immediately (called COVID but was most likely vaccine poisoning). That led to "Covid" pneumonia followed by hospital protocol (Remdesivir = RunDeathIsNear). Ultimately he was put on a vent and died. Official cause of death? COVID. He was gone approximately 1 month following the J&J and was a healthy man in his 60s. My friend knows the truth and it haunts her. I don't know how the doctors who did this sleep at night.

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Such a sad story ...

{...I don't know how the doctors who did this sleep at night...}

I DO !!!

They ALL sleep very well on pillows stuffed with $$$$$ and dream of the next vacation-destination where 5 minutes of a conference will be held ...

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People are infinitely skilled in self deception and most would be appalled by the thought that they played an integral part in someone else’s death or ill health. It keeps them willfully ignorant

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It is easier to fool a thousand gullible souls that to convince a single one of them that it HAS been fooled; hence creating huge fits of cognitive dissonance ...

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My brother got the one & done (in Canada) too.

I asked him: "Why'd you do it?"

Bro: "It was recommended..."


Recommended by Dix.


(Not a typo. He really DOES bear that unfortunate surname but does he remind you of anyone while he reads from his teleprompter?)

And recommended by THESE women. (Jury's still out on Terry Tam...)


And by this soft spoken woman (WHO):


(Not that he would ever see that one...)

THIS recommendation?? (Just listen to the JOYFUL MUSIC!! And the EXCITEMENT!!)


Ok bro. You and Bonnie and Terry and Fix Dix and Turdeau all win.

Especially Justin! Give that man a kewpie doll!!


I lose... 🤬😭

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Excellent article. The story told at the beginning is a great way to show the hypocrisy of our medical system. I agree with your assessment of doctors using & agreeing with medical journals as being complicit with the deceit. It’s so obvious that it’s all a bought and paid for exercise in futility and has no basis of true science, unbiased data, or resemblance of truth. NIH needs shut down and replaced entirely with true scientists not bought off by Pharma. If a doctor asks me if I’ve had my flu vaccine, I tell them no and to never bring up the subject again. Fortunately none of my doctors ask if I’ve had the covid shot or I would need to question their sanity and their license as a doctor.

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It’s unbelievable that people are captured by some incredible force that makes them either lie or deny the truth. It’s inexplicable that this force has such a hold on people and no one can stop the force.

My only hope is that the truth will set us free!

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Baculoviridae. T. gondii. Someone needs to look into these (and perhaps others like them). They are viruses/pathogens that are capable of changing behaviours in a host. Were fragments included in the vax or were we aerosol sprayed like bugs?

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Sep 2Edited

Since Early in 2020, I have wondered if the deliberate spreading of airborne parasites was involved…..’covid’ or whatever the $#&@ it actually was/is was purportedly inhibited by tobacco. Over a century ago missionaries in South America noticed natives who chewed tobacco did not have intestinal parasites? 🤷

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Yes, agree; also, nicotine has been found to destroy the ‘spike’ protein.

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I’ve known very few in my 77 years who have demonstrated your depth of clear, wide-field, profound and objective observation. Your piece shakes me to the core. I can sense your frustration at the lack of use of your work. Of course doctors have a lot riding on any decision to buck the system of EBM.... even after seeing behind the curtain. You’ve planted the seed John. Every word you write has had an impact.

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Thank you for this brilliant essay concerning the Truth, CdC.

And God please bless you with His peace that passes all our understanding , and your whole family - especially your late son.

Godspeede sir.

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The raising of The Science to sainthood, the degradation of the medical profession into group think, the downfall of the venerable medical papers all have the same root cause. That root cause is global totalitarianism. One of the key weapons is the destruction of language. By changing the meaning of words, they seek to confuse and disorient us. Everything follows the play book towards total control of humanity. The ruling elite take away our free will, our ability to think logically, then prohibit the questioning of any authority. At that point, we willingly accept the frequently aired propaganda.

You, sir, are to be commended. You have the fortitude and courage to stand against the rising tide.

Never accept that the berries are safe and efficient or nutritious. Always ask questions, do the research before you eat the berries. This is the state of the world now.

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It's not lost for everybody and never was.

'THE Science' for some was always a synonym for Satan/Lucifer-Identifying Fauci worshiped by the Uniparty Nazi Demon Worshiping Pedophiles and those protecting them. Minions are all Demons Hiding in Human Being Suits upheld as authority without accountability since 'The People' are now COWARDS having NO COURAGE OF CONVICTION found in Jesus Christ.

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Brilliant. I'm sharing this to my Facebook friends, some of whom are actually smart enough to read this.

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My comment on the Facebook post: Brilliant piece on The Science (LOL), propaganda and the use of words in propaganda. Because words are crucial.

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There are still smart ones of FB ??? ... 🤔🤔🤔

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Yup! Select friends wisely.

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Excellent. The story is almost the one we tell. For us the victim is bitten by a snake but results in the same; the obvious truth readily apparent to any human, anywhere, any time in history, is denied and obfuscated by for profit, liability free drug pushers who own "The Science" (and much of everything else in between). Our policy now is what we like to term "The Desert Island Health Policy". We act as if we were all alone on a desert island. First priority is clean water and a trusted food source. Fish ( not all) are pretty good. We judge safety by common sense and results; take care about injury; protect our skin from damage and certainly from anything that might inject us; are careful to assume nothing and try to stay alive and healthy the same way animals in the wild naturally do. Sorry about your son. Thanks for all you have done.

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Our environment is so toxic. The earth has been poisoned and depleted; the vitamins and supplements we buy to counteract this have been bastardized. Toilet paper, the lubricant strips on razors; plastics in bottles; ingredients in detergents and shampoo - all full of hormone altering, forever chemicals. In UK the water companies have been privatized, and I see in US (Idaho I think) there has been similar efforts to deprive people of this natural amenity. It really feels like slowly slowly then all at once.

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"For 10,000 years of human history, man adapted to his environment and advanced to where we are today (or where we were thirty years ago at our peak). We learned what we can safely eat and drink based on the collective experience and knowledge of our forbears."

About 30 years ago America began a population wide feeding experiment with genetically engineered corn, soy, canola, cotton & sugar beets that make almost every processed food..

There are no studies of novel proteins or even post market followup in lieu of any human data.. all done through a legal; loophole called "substantial equivalent" by evil genius Michael Taylor a Monsanto lawyer when he's not at FDA or Biotech Czar.. Monsanto believes is all it took and FDA grunt signed off on the feeding experiment w fattest, sickest population in human history!

Biotechnology Consultation Memorandum of Conference BNF No. 000001

September 19, 1994

Wholesomeness Studies

Monsanto described the results of wholesomeness studies they carried out in rats, chickens, catfish, dairy cattle, and bobwhite quail. On the basis of their consideration of the totality of these studies, Monsanto has concluded that there is no significant difference in the wholesomeness of glyphosate-tolerant and traditional soybean varieties, as expected from their compositional analysis. These data are summarized on page 49 of Monsanto's September 2 submission.


Monsanto has concluded, in essence, that the glyphosate-tolerant soybean variety they have developed is not significantly altered within the meaning of 21 CFR 170.30(f)(2) when compared to soybean varieties with a history of safe use. At this time, based on Monsanto's description of its data and analysis, the agency considers Monsanto's consultation on this product to be complete.

F. Owen Fields, Ph.D. Page Last Updated: 06/18/2009


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Didnt Bush #1 push Monsanto glyphosate through the FDA, illegally of course.?

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I know that his buddy Rumsfeld got aspartame/nutrasweet through the FDA. It's freaking ridiculous that they haven't banned it yet.

We have the best medical system money can buy 😂

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No glyphosate has been around for a long time and NO chemicals are tested for safety. Bush Sr did create the "biotech framework of deregulation" that made it possible for biotech industry to explode unfettered & well funded.

"Basic Testing to Identify Chemical Hazards

If an industrial chemical is allowed by law to be released into the environment, most people assume that it must have been tested and evaluated for its potential risks. Unfortunately, this is simply not true. Keeping chemical hazards under control requires information about what kinds of hazards each chemical poses. If the basic tests to check on a chemical's toxicity haven't been conducted, or if the results aren't publicly available, current laws tend to treat that chemical as if it were perfectly safe."


There was Donald Rumsfeld's criminal involvement in approval of aspartame which is listed in my piece Top 25 missing from his obituary. https://pameladrew.substack.com/p/top-25-missing-from-rumsfelds-obituary

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Excellent as usual.

Thank you x 1000.

You and your son will be in my daily prayers for a glorious reunion.

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It's called common sense.

Trouble is, it ain't so common now.

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True Story in a small New England town. Harvard, MA.

Dr: Did you get the covid vax?

Patient: NO

Dr: How did you get to be such a genius?

Patient: "Common sense is genius dressed up in working clothes" Ralph Waldo Emerson, Concord, MA.

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I’d like the phone number of that doctor. Mine tried to compare the shot to advances in Formula One race cars…🙄

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are you in New England? Im not sure the Doctor takes new patients,

i tried, but was told no more patients, ugh.

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I am.

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A lot of the doctors that called out the COVID shots are ignoring the truth in favor of their belief or grift.

For example, they're digging deep into DNA contamination, spike protein, and other aspects of the shots.

But somehow they ignore the elephant in the room.

The lipids caused issues way before spike protein and mRNA.

The lipids alone could cause myocarditis (see link in article).


Funny that they found issues years before con-vid, and I've not heard what they did to fix that. Why would the industry choose a problematic platform to "fix COVID"?

Same reason they picked one of the most deadly ebola drugs for COVID, Remdesevir.

It's funny how every time we get a scamdemic, there's a new shitty toxic drug that's offered as the solution...

-anthrax, they used cipro which is a very strong antibiotic with side effects

-AIDS/HIV, they used a FAILED chemo drug , AZT to cause err treat AIDS

-the swine flu etc, toxic Tamiflu, which barely worked...

The scam goes on. They always seem to pick the most ineffective garbage drugs for these pandemics.

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Keep going John! As someone who worked the front lines and witnessed the corruption first had as an epidemiologist you are spot on. I also have published in peer reviewed journals where my boss made me put someone who had not provided any input, hands on assistance or even read the paper as an author; it was all political. As a virologist, I suspect the "delta" wave was vaccine injury not that the virus was causing more severe disease.

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Great article. One humble addition to your excellent comment about "EBM". If only doctors were really able to do "EBM", they would read the "scientific literature" with a critical mind, and would be able to see all the flaws of the RCTs and inappropriate statistical inferences, and could use their reason to decide what to do with their patients. But no... doctors that pride themselves with doing "EBM" only follow "guidelines" that they obey from "experts" who dictate what is "evidence-based". It is a disgrace.

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John, I’ve been thinking about how to wake people up. Most everyone knows something is very wrong. Most are too afraid to even admit it, never mind willing to act.

But not the older “untouchables”. The retired, or near retired, financially set, don’t give a shit what people think group.

We need more people to stand up against lies.

Most have no idea who you are, or the work you have conducted.

We are running out of time.

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