John, I’ll forward your finished product to a friend who is formerly on the BOD of J&J. Actually a very top rate good man (and engineer) who is well connected. I think your engineering based methodology should be shared far and wide.

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I love you for the work you are doing, and I agree with everything you said.

However, if you want to be effective, let go of the new age, new approach ranting, and just get to the facts of the matter and why and how, in numeric terms, your analyses matter. You are going to lose the audience you need in order to get you message heard and acted upon if you don't do this. Trust me. I've been where you are, I had to change how I spoke about my truths. It worked for me, it can work for you, and thereby work for all of us.

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The side of mask boxes stated for decades ‘these masks do not prevent the transmission of disease’ until 2020 when the boxes were suddenly blank. Medical supply co delivery guys can vouch for a statement on the contract, upon signature of receipt, that states the same.

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How do you pronounce TInBUQ?

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LOL. Well … as pun-o-phile, let’s say I can’t wait to come out with the second version, so I can call it … [guess]

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ahhhhh slow on the uptake - tinbuck 2 - the sequel!

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Can we just say tinbuck?

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The world awaits! Lets hope you follow through on the same "path toward Truth". Following Gen Flynns comment "tell the truth no matter the consequences".

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Having been afflicted with EBM for at least two decades, I would like to complain about the dogma and the shibboleth currently worshipped.

Marcia Angell noted this in the early 2000's when she assessed the published medical literature as at least half corrupt, with non-reproducible studies and conflicts of interest, etc.

When EBM inflicted itself into political discourse- "Is it evidence-based?" we should have taken note. The "evidence" is only what has been paid to be published (and not suppressed) by interested parties.

As an engineer with legal education you will know that EBM does not resemble anything you could present under legal rules as evidence. I would prefer to have practised under a regime of "Data Based Medicine" with strict transparency of data sources and disclosure of interests, but "DBM" would not have been as snappy as EBM. Maybe even "Research Based Medicine" would have allowed people to notice that the structure was not as definitive as "Evidence."

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Any response from Joe?

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Thank you for you diligence and moral courage John.

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Jay Bhattacharya needs to see your information and studies. It has been my impression for years now that on "vaccines" they don't want to know.

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Each methodology is a unique value-add for the public policy decisions health professionals need in providing responsible care and advice. Taken together, the methodologies provide deeper insight not previously available. I hope the incoming administration sees this a takes action to make it part of the change we so desperately need in the government agencies overseeing this aspect of our lives.

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Ha. Makes perfect sense. I just hope it is not as difficult to find or get to.

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