I remember how lonely it was between March and June 2020. We contrarians were few back then and many noble to the cause gave up for one reason or another. I personally suffered many psychological setbacks, mainly due to trolls. Sad times.

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I usually care too much what people think.

On this silly covid narrative though, I'm not remotely bothered that the jabbed masses think I'm crazy.

I seem to be "unpopular" over the Ukraine narrative as well.

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I just laughed out loud on your statement of being “unpopular over the Ukraine narrative as well” I’m also met with pure shock that I do not support Ukraine. People simply can’t imagine why I’m not supportive of a foreign government who has been in bed with our own government. Regardless of Hunters laptop and all the evidence that is pointing towards me being correct, the masses continue to wave a Ukrainian flag from their homes. It’s almost as if this Russian/Ukraine conflict has given the citizens of our country a renewed sense of common ground to heal their feelings of animosity over the Covid narrative and the jabs. They’re United in idiocy standing in support for a country they know nothing about, joined together over the Putin narrative that has been fed to them by our government for as long as my 41 years allow me to remember. Putin is a bad man. Fact is, I’ve not spoken to a single Russian person who supports this. Is he a wonderful and caring man? I imagine not, but I do not feel he is the monster we are told. While speaking with a man from Ukraine I was informed that Ukrainian citizens caught speaking Russian are taken to the street and executed. Interesting actions for a wonderful country and it’s kind hearted leader. While I am by nature a very fair and agreeable person, who hardly looks for conflict amongst my peers I’ve found that over these past two years I have changed a great deal. It’s interesting what happens when one feels threatens even more so when one feels their children are threatened. That was the tipping point for me, masking my children, telling me I haven’t got a choice. That it does not matter whether my son has an IEP for a speech and language based disability he too will wear a mask, regardless of how detrimental it is to his development. Why? Because people are afraid. Other peoples unfounded fears began to rule our children. Our children were strapped with carrying the health of others on their little shoulders. Something that in all of civilized society we have never done. We used to protect those little viral vectors, instead we now fear monger them and either imply or directly say that they’re liable to kill loved ones if they don’t comply. Point is, while by nature I never seek out confrontation with others, it’s become apparent that in fact I now do. Or is it simply that my opinions are not welcome to be heard, as they differ from the majority thus making me appear to be an unreasonable and argumentative person?

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Apr 3, 2022·edited Apr 3, 2022

Thank you and great to hear.

I now consider being unpopular to be an indicator of independent thought and critical thinking, especially when surrounded by so many mindless, unthinking drones.

I saw a few videos of Putin a few years back where he granted wishes to a few seriously disabled children. It was undoubtedly PR, but he still came across very well as both a strong leader and one with compassion.

Covid made me realise that our Western governments were either inept, blackmailed or corrupt, while the Ukraine conflict has made me aware of how untrustworthy and dangerous most of them are.

The fact that they have not only lied to and subjugated their own people, but have openly supported the murdering torturing SS bastards in Ukraine, means that I think they should hang.

Does that make me a bad person?

Well if the black hood fits.

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It's very normal, understandable, to care what people think. We ARE herd animals, and even when we run from one herd (such as the Jabbers), we seek out our own herd. It's pretty tough being a Sole Contrarian. Being "popular" is when you find your Tribe. xo

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Thank you Joel and thank you to the author of this fine article. I found this new blog via your own. It promises to be as much of an inspiration as you were formerly on Twitter and are now via your online writings and analysis. Contrarianism is indeed a lonely path and it looks like it will soon prove to be a dangerous and difficult one, especially in Europe and the UK, where governments and online media are determined to try and silence dissenting and questioning voices - on Covid, 'vaccines', climate and now war in the Ukraine. In 2020, I segued seamlessly from one form of contrarianism (climate) to another (Covid), noting the close similarities along the way and, to my amazement, was criticised, shunned and even 'despised' by prominent advocates of the former type of contrarianism, for doing so. So it's good to communicate with those who understand the social dynamics of what's going on here and who have experienced personally the pain of being a committed contrarian (which, if the government gets its way, we will literally be 'committed'!).

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Thanks Joel, for this link. While those following you and others know something fundamental is askew, I am concerned that there is much more we do not yet comprehend. Time will tell if this site is on the path to enlightenment.

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All paths are the path to enlightenment, if one is awake. Whatever gets the brain gears turning, that's a good thing. xo

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Likewise. I was less public, but I suffered the setbacks from nearly all my friends. Either outward hostility or simply silence.

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It was a sad day when we lost Emily Oster. She had the data that could have saved our children many months of dehumanizing masking.

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Joel, when I finally moved to Twitter (from lockdown skeptics) to get better access to info, you were one of the bright lights guiding the way. I hope you can appreciate how much gratitude many of us owe you.

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This is brilliant, thankyou! You have added another piece to the puzzle for this sore beset Australian. As a contrarian from way back, I have watched in bewilderment as just about everyone around me has slipped into some kind of aggressive hypnotic trance. It is clear now that nothing will change in my country until enough contrarians aggreggate and challenge our 'she'll be right, mate" ethos. Because nothing has been right here since March, 2020.

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Despite Australia being under Federal control, the States went their own way - all of them the same way, totalitarian. It has been shocking.

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Mar 18, 2022·edited Mar 18, 2022

Check out the WEF young leaders "Schwab Youth" in your states. Our provincial premier, John Horgan, has had his WEF page taken down. Both of our PM's are adherents, our Deputy PM is even scarier.

Our Conservative Party has just punted its leader. At least one of the contenders, Jean Charest, has been a WEF associate, I haven't figured out the others. Mark Carney, central bankster extraordinaire, is now the UN Climate Czar.

So yes, shocking, but not random.

For bonus marks, look at the US governors affiliated, and compare their state mandates.

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This is gonna take a lot of us, and concerted effort, to put the Rabid Dog down.

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I am so sorry for all you Aussies... Hold fast. xo

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Praying for you over in Australia. I think this gives red pill people more incite why the protesting has been so much more muted here compared to Canada, Australia and most of Europe. People have just been moving to states that better align with their views. I'm basically pleading with the wife to move to Florida. I'm wearing her down.

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That was written on March 17th. Last week I told the wife I'm moving to Florida with or without her. I need to get away from Marxist Massachusetts

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Mar 12, 2022·edited Mar 12, 2022

To suggest that the contrarian/independent thinker get a group together and approach from a position of strength sounds good, but in my experience over decades in health care and being a whistleblower 3 times, those who gather around in private and say, "Yes, yes, yes, you're right!" flee for the hills when "push comes to shove" and the force exerted by the powerful come down.

It's sort of like that line of soldiers standing before the Sargeant who asks, "Do I have any volunteers?" Everyone in line takes one step back and one fool is left standing forward of all the others. The Sargeant says, "I see we have a volunteer!"

If you haven't been there, you don't know what you are talking about. Maybe you've been there. Maybe not, but I have. Many people behind the backs of the management would agree, but as soon as their job would be put at risk -- because we were standing up to the management's either illegal activity, violations of standards of care and endangering patients, or endangering staff in various ways -- they fled for the hills.

Those of us who have stood up to management sometimes succeed in making some changes, but as you say, "they" do get their revenge and the laws that prohibit retaliation against whistleblowers are a joke. "They" know they can do whatever they want in most cases because they have the attorneys to fight a battle and the employee then is unemployed after being fired, retaliated against and quit, or otherwise made financially desperate sooner or later, or time goes on. The corporations have all the time they can take. The employee does not and his life and family duties do not suddenly disappear when he's fired.

It takes bravery to stand up to the management that is corrupt, and a strong will to fight because what is being done to the patient, or to others is wrong, and you have to believe in that right principle strongly and care deeply about those involved or the issue. Very few people have that and almost all are not willing to risk their own job or endanger their finances or family members for a cause.

Some of us whistleblowers have been harmed in ways other than simply firing us. We pay a price and that price is carried throughout our lives. Of course, there are blessings that come for standing up and speaking truth, working to protect those who are vulnerable and that makes it worth it. but my point is, that when you say, "Gather friends, etc" that should be done if they will really stand with you. But in many cases, like Jesus' disciples, they flee when danger arrives.

We truly need people who are contrarians -- those willing to do what is needed to establish real justice, right wrongs, protect the rights of the people, speak truth to power.

I hope more people find it in themselves to realize that in times like these, if we do not resist, then actually, all will be lost, because those behind these evils do wish to harm a majority of the people through many means.

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Jesus was a contrarian. I understand your situation, I find myself standing up to injustices and find that many flee.

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Yes, and He gave us the example of what we should be in the world and that we should be willing to pay the price. Those who have an open heart are compelled by the Holy Spirit to act even if others flee, and that willingness to love others and advocate for them, even if it means we sacrifice much, is our witness to the world, showing His love within us, reaching out to those in need.

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Dec 7, 2022·edited Dec 7, 2022Liked by Coquin de Chien

Sounds like the engineers around the table at Morton-Thiokol...with Roger Boijoly as the obvious contrarian. NASA's storied reply, with its chilling warning: "Take off your engineer hat and put on your management hat."

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Yes! This "contrarianism" is an excellent identification. It's one reason I fled New Zealand for my native USA last year. I wrote about that story here: https://themariachiyears.substack.com/p/escape-from-paradise?s=w

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I enjoy your posts as well. Keep writing!

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"Yes, but what are the societal, economic and health consequences of locking me in my house for 2 weeks ?"

2 years later, still no answer from those who enacted this policy.

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They likely will never answer, at least, not honestly. Some say the purpose was to be able to erect 5G towers while no one was watching. I think it was to instill terror, and maybe also the former.

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Mar 12, 2022·edited Mar 12, 2022

Great article. I would offer an enhancement to your argument here: "USA is constituted as a republic of sovereigns because the founders recognized the value of contrarianism in times of witchery, mass psychosis, or tyranny of the majority. Individual Constitutional and natural rights are held at the highest level in USA. After the express law of the Constitution, States hold the authority to make law, not the central federal government. "

Canada is also a federation of strong provinces with very similar decentralized protections as the US. In fact, your own story shows that only one single state withstood the early hysteria -- that shocked me TBH. Germany is also a federation of strong states and fell prey to the same hysteria.

I will argue, that outcome was determined by lack of contrarian voices in the press. The biggest difference between the United States and Canada is that in the US you have far more diversity of media that is decentralized. Here in Canada we have very few, very centralized media, all of whom were and are still being subsidized by the government. Lack of any visibly public contrarian voices prevents the formation of rational public opinion because there is simply no discourse. I think that is what made the big difference.

In Florida, you also had a leader who was willing to engage in debate to FORM public opinion rather than simply poll it in a vacuum. Rex Murphy speaking with Jordan Peterson noted this as he said government by polling is a failure because it is debate that forms reasonable public opinion.

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Another strength in the USA is their 2nd Amendment. In Canada the population is effectively disarmed, and convinced that this is a good thing.

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You obviously haven't seen the gun crime stats from Toronto if you think we're disarmed. :p

I think the 2nd amendment gives Americans a very false sense of security because you can have all the weapons in the world, but if the enemy has access to all of your communications, you will be eliminated or subdued as readily whether you have weapons or not.

To my great surprise, the American public has said almost nothing as their privacy and associated liberties have been steadily eroded for over 2 decades. When the government knows every move you are making, weapons won't make much difference IMO.

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My error. Only the "Law-Abiding" are disarmed.

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They tried to disarm the US, but now we see why the Second Amendment is taken so seriously...

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Mar 19, 2022·edited Mar 19, 2022

I think that has a lot more to do with propaganda and profiteering. The evidence being how easily Americans gave up their travel and gathering rights due to pandemic fear and how easily they've given up their privacy rights from fear of foreign terrorism.

As I noted above, arms do nothing to stop government tyranny when the government knows surveils everything you do and can censor anything you try to communicate.

I think it's a very profitable sense of false security.

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Well said. I would only throw this in, regarding the press: The US was founded upon Freedom of Speech. It is our FIRST Amendment, emphasis mine. That said, we long had the benefits of a Free Press, until it was leveled, as were so many other safeguards of our freedoms. VERY briefly, I will say this about that... After WWII, some oligarchic powers that be in the US began a deliberately slow and pernicious coup d'etat, which has culminated in this agenda that has begun with Covid and is ongoing. One of the main foundational liberties of our Constitution, Freedom of the Press, was gradually usurped by corporate greed and a lust for power... The power to do what is now clearly a depopulation agenda and plans for the hybridization of the Human Race with technology in order to control our bodies and minds... Absurd on its face, and impossible, I feel strongly, but so pathological, so intensely Evil that it boggles the mind. Anyway! I don't think, in the US, that it was so much a great number of independent news availability, really, because these have mushroomed since 2020, but more a vociferous and ferocious response from Contrarians that has kept us from being Australia. Our media has been, as I said, our media was deliberately undermined and taken hostage as part of the organized PLAN to undo democracy. There's a terrific documentary about this decimation of Press Freedom, which you can view here: https://archive.org/details/Shadows.of.Liberty


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The best contrarian media in Canada and Australia is Rebel, a true lifeline of real unfazed reporting.

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Agreed, but it has a very combative style, so will never gain widespread viewership in Canada.

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I like the analysis and critique that Ezra Levant does. I don't find Rebel combative and to have Canadian media that doesn't have a Trudeau bailout money, what's more important for me is that Rebel is truly independent reporting.

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Yeah, Ezra is very intelligent, I like what he writes etc. The whole reporting style is cynical though, in a style reminiscent of Fox. Their emails are also very over the top. I like the content, and I read it. I believe however, the majority of Canadians find the style (vs content) distasteful.

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Maybe that is the case for you but Rebel has over a million subscribers, I being one of them because I support independent media, not bought off media like Fox. Obviously you can't decipher the signal from the noise

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Unless I misread, you just launched an insult without having a clue whether I supported independent media, Rebel, or otherwise. If so, your assumption is plain wrong, and frankly, makes no sense at all.

If you read carefully, you'll see my comment was referring to how I believe most Canadians view Rebel, and this is based on observations from social media, and interactions with people looking for independent media during the pandemic. Discerning signal from noise is precisely why I commented on the over the top nature of their fund raising emails.

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Very much liked this article.

I've never thought of myself as a contrarian but I tend to be the person that walks into a room and says "why don't we try THIS or wouldn't THAT work?"

Yeah, never popular at work haha.

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I can relate. heh

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Would love to find the red pills in Massachusetts. Anybody out there?

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Il faut mettre une couche à ton chien.

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Are you a skeptic or a contrarian? The former holds all claims temporary until they can be rigorously proven, the latter begins from a default position of being against consensus.

Carl Sagan defined science the "marriage of curiosity and relentless skepticism". I see no reason to accept the pejorative "contrarian" label when being a skeptic captures the useful elements of contrarianism, while avoiding orthodoxy creep. (consider for example how many contrarians hold HCQ with as much reverence as Covidians have for their masks).

Anyone who claims to be a scientist should be a skeptic, following Feynman's "May be true, May not be true" approach. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWr39Q9vBgo

The orthodoxy creeping into science is part of what got us here.

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In my own understanding and use of these terms, I view skeptics as "not accepting outright" information that is presented, especially if delivered within the trappings of Authority. With the contrarian approach, it is presenting an alternative option to the assumed answer or course of action. One simply doesn't accept until convinced, the other wants to present and explore alternatives until convinced.

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Just reread this after your most recent posts... Was the good Father Jean a relative per chance? 😉

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Ahhh. Just noticed the slightly different spelling. Still...

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Apr 16, 2022·edited Apr 16, 2022

The embodiment of contrarianism in our law is check and balance. Our Founders were wise to decentralize power as our nation's strength comes from the diversity of its structure. It seems that the "Unity through diversity" trope touted by the Left in this country a few years ago has turned into "Unity through conformity". Diversity is now frowned upon (especially if you're white) and lockstep ideology is all the rage. Funny how that happens when a particular group seizes control of the reins of power. Stay strong in your contrarianism and train others to free themselves from the shackles of conformity bred through the incessant drumbeat of mainstream propaganda.

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