You have captured my anger my sadness and my passion.

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I have to make a couple of points... In the US Constitution, there is no time or "emergency" that allows for a "suspension of rights" that includes a mandatory invasive medical procedure, forced isolation of the healthy, medical directives like mask-wearing being forced on healthy people, nor an implementation of Martial Law without Due Cause, which must be PROVEN, not simply asserted. There occurred in the US, including Massachusetts, a great deal of fuckery, including monetized, outright lying about Cause of Death, monetized assignment of diagnoses of "Covid," lies regarding the patient load of hospitals, "truckloads" of dead bodies being removed from hospitals, symptom of "covid" patients, strange mass deaths in residential facilities for the elderly, flagrant misuse of the PCR (the entire basis of the "pandemic" and utterly, and knowingly, fraudulent), and copious other lies, such as mandating masks, which are utterly useless in anything to do with "viruses," and harmful "on the face" of it, cheap and highly effective drugs were pulled off the shelves (HCQ and later IVM) very early on, and during the entire two years of Crimes Against Humanity, fear mongering was on full throttle from the beginning. All for something that was actually a patented bio-weapon and/or radiation poisoning with a 99.9% survival rate, which stomped the basis for the EUA situation from the beginning. Due to the fraud of mis-representation of Cause of Death, the monetization of diagnostics AND treatment, AND the outcome (ongoing) of the inoculation campaign, we can draw no other conclusion that this is Genocide, plain and simple. The Yearly Death Rate numbers in 2020 were not particularly different from the previous ten years for the US, but the sharp rise in deaths in the Spring of 2021 and continuing to current time, show nothing less than a pointing finger at the these "vaccines," which do not prevent transmission, nor the "disease" (most likely more of the bio-weapon itself, or 5G, or both). The clear evidence that at least some of the jabs contained graphene oxide and other metallic elements such as aluminum and mercury, for example, which are reactive with 5G, and toxic even without it, is very obvious hints that there is a global cull going on.

Why we are not seeing more lawsuits, especially after copious evidence has been gathered for this purpose by Reiner Fuellmich and his colleagues is a question, though lawsuits are notorious, at least in the US, for being infuriatingly SLOW. I've probably stepped on your toes with this, but as an American who has watched this unfolding here in the States, and who was onto this horrifying fraud from April 2020, I am so full of outrage that I have to assume that the country where Covid comes from is a very dangerous place for whistle blowers... and there's quite a bit of evidence for that, as well, if one has been paying any attention for the past 70 years' worth of history...

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Because the left has weaponized the legal organizations to revoke the licenses of any lawyer (and the med any doctors) who goes against the narritive, be it covid or the stolen election.

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Mar 25, 2022·edited Mar 25, 2022

Excellent response and obviously agree wholeheartedly. We have all suffered immensely and it was all unnecessary and still suffer. I had to leave Canada on 6 weeks notice-left a great job and apartment of 17 years, to avoid being a prisoner inside Canada as there is a travel ban for the unvaxxed to travel internationally. I had to leave as my son is in another country

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I'm so sorry for your situation, my friend. xo

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Thank you, and what I have disclosed is not even 25% of the effects of the past 2 years. None of this was necessary, none of it. Im just one example of millions of people whose lives were turned upside down. 🙏🍁

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Maybe billions... Once the Reaction really gets going, it's going to be a Tidal Wave...

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No argument here.

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Mar 25, 2022·edited Mar 25, 2022

The argument is flawed from the start. There was no need for any of the hysteria at all! Why? Because it was known as early as March-April 2020 that the virus was treatable with therapeutics such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Equity is out the window when the suppression of this basic FACT - that the virus was treatable and not as deadly as it was made out to be by the network of propagandists. There should be no argument or contestation re; whether individual rights or for the good of society. Its bogus when the whole situation was a big sham YET caused immense harm, suffering and death. The last 2 years with the Emergency Health Orders and subsequent restrictions should never have happened, not even for a pandemic, as nothing justifies the suspension of our human rights and rule of law. Instead it was all about corrupted individuals lining their pockets from profits of a very bad vaccine.

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and collectively we'll do nothing about it. The same pieces of shit elected to office today will be in office 1 year from now and an ever-growing cadre of non-elected officials (e.g smartregion) will continue suffocating our lives!

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What we are missing when we look back is the fact that this was planned, practiced for, researched and tested for decades... A continuation of the Nazi playbook, quite likely. The human animal is highly susceptible to gullibility and TERROR, particularly of a death threat. The "fight or flight" kind of thinking can go on for years, or forever, as a kind of thought we've seen in cults, which can drive people to even suicide. So I try to keep very well aware of the fact that people were TERRORIZED regarding Covid, deliberately, the media was in full complicity with censorship, the government had shredded the Constitution, in a direct and serious way, since at least 9/11, with the Patriot Act (now there's insult added to injury!) and later, in 2013, when they passed the NDAA making, among other things, propaganda by the government LEGAL. There is so much we could also look at regarding how we Americans have been slowly and perniciously beaten down, dumbed down, sickened, demoralized, fed a lot of ugly, ugly cultural lies, had our spirituality unplugged and kicked around, our communities debased and sent to the Internet, had our health attacked with growing strength of EMF's (and now deadly 5G), training, or GROOMING, for oncoming technical surveillance, addiction to cell phones, games, etc... I mean, this has been a very concerted effort that most of us haven't noticed going on, and many still don't. But the Covid thing is wrecking their plan, because it's bringing out many truths and I don't know they were ready for the wave of Research, Resistance to the undoing of our laws and our liberties, and Realizations about what is really happening, as our people suffer injury and death from this illegal "mandate" nonsense about jabs and masks... We may need reminding that Nature is about LOVE, not about killing us... We do a pretty good job of the latter to each other without any other prods... But we also know, deep down, that these men are just men, subject to fears, greed, and hunger for power. This is about power and money. That's an OLD story, and people eventually figure that out.

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I must take issue with the underlying assumption of your thought exercise, and view that as betraying the root problem at hand. If we are to cast aside the primacy of individual rights, at any point, we are subverting the entire enterprise of a free society. The fact that you would patronize those who would hold this view as "fundamentalist" and "not a reasonable stance" suggests that you are beginning from a tenuous position. These rights are in fact "fundamental" to all that follows, and it is the process of justifying exemptions to our natural rights that has led to the erosion of free society in favor of an authoritarian state.

A missing element in your example with Bill and his land is that there is no counter-reasoning to your "all-or-nothing" proposal by the state. For example, if one cannon on Bill's property would repel the invasion, would perhaps two cannons on his willing neighbor's property be sufficient? What of placing mines or obstacles just off the coast? Point being, there are usually alternative solutions and if you favor the state's proposal by default (chevron deference, I believe), you then open the door to all manner of "fuckery", as Jaan so eloquently put it.

When the state merely has to claim "public good" in order to circumvent individual rights and liberties, this incentivizes broadening what this encompasses. If we delineate the scope and duration of this "temporary" order to supersede the rights of the individual through attachment to an "emergency" situation, then the state simply has to broaden what constitutes an emergency. This seems strangely familiar somehow, though I cannot quite put my finger on it.

In my opinion, it is precisely because judges/chancellors hold the views that you stated regarding individual rights vs. public good that has led us down the slippery slope to where we are today.

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Very well said. And I laughed at the term "eloquently" re my term... ;)

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Mar 23, 2022·edited Mar 23, 2022

Well done, and indisputable. Thank you.

I will try to bring this piece to the attention of those capable of grasping it and passing it along to those in the legal profession.

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There was no virus.

Average age of convid death was around life expectancy before the jabs.

Total deaths in 2020 in most nations was in line with past years. Yes, even with the medical murder of remdesevir and ventilators.

Notice how before the pandemic, there was a constant less than average death rate, during the winter when expected?

The vaccines came out and we see in the graphs that there's a steady higher than average death rate... But they call it Covid

Average age of death is lower now...

Make up variants etc. Make sure the real cause isn't known.

L with polio, caused by pesticide

Smallpox , sanitation and water issues

AIDS, azt and other drugs

And so on.

Virus theory is fraudulent

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You are like, my TWIN, only on the other side of the page. Love it. Subscribing. ^_^

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Nah, we're just children of the truth. So long we have been told that we are making shit up but were in fact not.

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Okay, that does seem a bit overboard now, LOL. But maybe you look like me, too! ha Cheers. And I don't care what anybody says about you, you're okay by me. (old joke!) xo

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Who are you? I think I love you. What a wonderful paper full of insights, clarity and acknowledgement that what has taken place over the past two years has been a “death lottery”. Thank you.

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Even the spike in Maskachusetts deaths early in the alleged pandemic is not proof of any emergency. The deaths could well have been caused by the government through harm protocols such as ventilators and remdesivir.

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If you grant the government the power to suspend the laws in an emergency, the government will invent emergencies in order to suspend the laws.

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We must do something.

This is “something”.

Then we must do it.

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You don’t need corruption to explain the government reaction. It’s simply a reaction to calls by the ignorant and propagandized populace to do “something”. I call it bandwagery.

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Outstanding. Again.

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Virtuous and melancholy.

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Well said!

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