Hi John, Regarding excess deaths per year, how do we distinguish the people who died from Sudden Acute Kidney Failure because they were given Remdesivir from those who died from Sudden Acute Kidney Failure from the COVID shot? For some, of course you might have a temporal proximity between the shot and the Kidney Failure. Since we know Remdesivir causes kidney failure why didn't you mention the Remdesivir issue in this post? The charts in this post cover 2021-2023 when both Remdesivir and the shot were "in play". Thank you for all your work!
Can't tell for sure in each case without a full forensic investigation of the medical files.
But ... I will remove all U07.1 Covid diagnoses and you will see massive excess N17 AKI deaths. So it wasn't remdesivir or hospital covid protocols because it wasn't covid else they'd darn well have listed covid for the covid money.
Figure 4 needs no explanation. Take time to study it. Yes, you are really seeing AKI in context. For more than two (>2) years of speaking, presenting, and writing about AKI, I had to listen to “leaders” of the health freedom movement unknowingly draw public opinion into a choke point — a “myocarditis in young, male athletes” mindshare kill zone that reduces attribution of death from COVID “vaccines” by more than a thousand fold (>1,000X).
Yup. Problem with tracking them is that there are about fifty different codes for stroke. But only two codes for PEs. And it’s difficult to aggregate all those stroke codes. My presentation from two years ago shows about 10 of them in great excess.
Your data visualization is astounding. How do we get this impact to be seen and understood by the public? I am assuming the top-down channels through the medical disciplines will bury or challenge it. It needs to be a grass root organic growth.
RFK must help. Isn't the Children's Defense Fund able to help? Surely they are interested in these shocking results.
I have one friend with sudden kidney failure. Another with sudden liver failure. And my cousin had her heart restarted a couple of years ago and recently an ablation. No clue
Of note, there is a 2023 testimony of a woman named Megan who got stage 3 kidney disease, whose brother died of kidney failure, and whose mother got stage 3 kidney disease and kidney cancer, all after taking the jabs.
"Megan Tells What Happened to Her, Her Mother, and Her Brother After Moderna"
Dr. Villa's Patient Megan & Family Vaccine Injuries In Florida, Message For Governor DeSantis
I believe it. The woman with kidney failure has a brother who also developed sudden kidney failure. The doctors tell them it must be genetic. Something they didn’t know ran in the family.
I hear you, I really do. I know this is what so many jab injured people are hearing from their doctors, that it's just genetic, or random, or "baffling." I personally know of two people who, shortly after their boosters, just suddenly fell down and died (one in his bathroom, one on the street) and in both cases the family was told that it was "a freak accident, they just fell such that they hit their head such that they died instantly."
Yeah, I'll take that along with some stock in the Trans-Indian Ocean Railway. (/end of sarcasm).
In this shockingly awful case, however, the interviewer was actually their doctor who was treating them for their injuries. Dr. Marivic Villa-- she's been helping a lot of jab-injured people in Florida and she's been speaking out about what she's been seeing, and urging Florida Governor DeSantis to ban the jabs.
Here is one of her videos:
"Dr. Marivic Villa, MD Message To Governor DeSantis To Ban The Jab. She is treating 2000 Vaxx injured Patients"
Odd that there is a massive autoimmune aspect to the vaxx myocarditis and they don't mention that either. Perhaps because thats a systemic potential and the branches expand rapidly linking mass disorders and harms.
Obviously co-incidence because by now everyone has seen Dr Burkhardts autopsy presentations and understand the ramifications
Damon McClure, yes, it seems to me that the manifestation of problems is incredibly diverse but it is, in the end, a simple thing: in plain English, the shots don't do shale but eff with the recipient's immune system. It's as if someone tried to repair a Leonardo Da Vinci painting with a crayon.
I am under the impression that the US DOD considers any gene therapy given without informed consent a biological weapon?
Also the impression that this was a DOD operation?
Is DARPA a rebranded operation paperclip and if so you have to wonder what being mentored by such minds would do to young and impressionable minds.
At some stage people need to address the entire picture as a whole. The above plus the systemic corruption, the western jabbed countries desperate stalling and realise they're all in and have all their cards on the table.
I suspect the "bug" nutrition is for the arse wipers not the arses. The "you'll be happy with nothing" is a threat not a promise and we wake up the population or be drowned under them.
PS I think Geoff Pain was wanting to chat/message to you transcriber but I may be mistaken
While I don't wrangle with a comments section, I do link to my contact info on every post.
About the DOD and bioweapons, I don't go much into the various aspects of that because I think this is clearly set out and amply documented in RFK Jr's two books. My focus is on transcribing counter-narrative censored and shadow-banned personal testimonies 2021-23.
However, on this topic you mention, I did transcribe one of Dr. Harvey Risch's talks, which I would recommend. Given his credentials and experience, I think it stands as historically important. You can find it here:
Yale U Epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch's Delaware Talk on "Three Years to Flatten the Earth"
Dr. Harvey Risch, MD, PhD"
Delaware Medical Freedom Alliance, posted March 15, 2023
Is Figure 1 deaths or excess deaths? I would suggest that each figure caption should start with a single sentence containing everything needed to interpret the graph, especially an precise statement of what the y-axis is.
EDIT: Figure 4 is very striking; thanks for writing this. What about heart attacks, heart failure, and other heart-related deaths that are not myocarditis? Where would those fit among those other causes of death?
Yes Figure 1 is excess deaths. Same numbers as subsequent graphs. I noticed the omission of “excess” after publishing and haven’t gone back to correct it. Sorry about that. Regarding other heart related issues, read the Weaknesses of conclusions argument at the end. I need to write a whole paper on cardiac causes. There is no way to tell because the ICD system and the recording of data are flawed and permit too much fraud and bias on the part of the death certifier recording the records. I do believe heart caused deaths from the jab could be more than AKI in actuality. Myocarditis will most certainly be more than records show. But we just don’t know because autopsies we’re not performed. Getting back to the thesis of the article, the messaging is more about psychology. What will resonate with any random person? If people only hear myocarditis in young males, they will not likely think know a death from the jab. But if they hear about PE AKI stroke from jab, they very likely know someone who died recently and the jab will be attributed in their minds. The movement of those against the covid jab will flourish faster and more lives will be saved.
Thanks for your reply. "I do believe heart caused deaths from the jab could be more than AKI in actuality" sounds plausible, and I wish we had good numbers.
And regarding the thesis: I think almost everyone knows someone who's had a heart attack or stroke or pulmonary embolism or blood clot since early 2021. True that I don't know anyone with myocarditis.
You might be able to calculate a total excess death rate that, by year, is consistently some fraction of Ed Dowd's excess death rate from his database. You will miss some deaths due to lack of reporting/ lack of autopsy reasons. But there might be some consistency to it so that it can be compared to Dowd's data. I think Dowd's data is from healthier insured professionals - correct? Does he have overall USA death data numbers that includes all types of people (not just professionals with insurance) in USA?
Phin Tech (Ed and crew) use a few databases. They have already done the N17 AKI using the CDC database that I used. In fact, we released our studies in June/July 2024 at the same time and shared each other's press releases. Sort of a non-collaboration collaboration. Different groups, different databases (back then), different methods, same answer. I came out with 155K and they got 153K excess AKI deaths at that time. The insurance data is a big deal for Phin Tech. The worker's comp disability claims in middle age people is a fantastic stat.
Figure 4 needs no explanation. Take time to study it. Yes, you are really seeing AKI in context. For more than two (>2) years of speaking, presenting, and writing about AKI, I had to listen to “leaders” of the health freedom movement unknowingly draw public opinion into a choke point — a “myocarditis in young, male athletes” mindshare kill zone that reduces attribution of death from COVID “vaccines” by more than a thousand fold (>1,000X).
My sense is that what's going to break through to broader public awareness is the white clots. Since about 6 months following the jabs roll out these fibrinaloid clots are being found by embalmers from the US to Canada, Ireland, UK, Germany, and New Zealand, in bodies of all ages. The thing is, the visual of the white clots laid out on a table or curled up in a vial of formaldehyde is, well, rather difficult to unsee.
The best place right now to follow this story is Laura Kasner's substack, Clotastrophe:
What is intriguing and eye catching may not be a winner. So far there are TWO funeral directors worldwide who stepped out and talked about the rare white clots. And, yes, they are still rare. They might even be more rare than myocarditis.
Since the objective is to win hearts and minds, let's do public relations by relating to the public. Everyone knows someone with a PE or stroke or turbo cancer or AKI. Once they make the association with the vax, then we have them on our side. Talking about white clots is another myocarditis. People will attribute it to "rare" or they will not believe it just because there's a rubber glove picture with gooey looking strands on it. id est, no official pics to speak of.
I know they're like eye candy. But the thesis of the article is about messaging to the public and white clots are not a winner.
Hi John, Thanks for your comment. I hear you, and well, I certainly don't "need" to be right about this. Whatever does it to break through to broader recognition that these shots are killling and injuring people, that would be great. Certainly it is the case, as you say, that almost everyone in the heavily vaxxed areas has a startling number of family members and/or friends and/or colleagues who, following the jabs, has "died suddenly" of turbo cancer or what seems to be have been a stroke, or etc.
From what I have seen and heard personally, the cognitive dissonance is astonishingly powerful. A kind of Berlin Wall. But then, the Berlin Wall did eventually come down.
Important to clarify: In fact, however, it is not only 2 funeral directors who have spoken out as eyewitnesses to finding the fibrinaloid clots. To date I am aware of several funeral directors and embalmers, plus 2 pathologists:
US - Ricard Hirschman, Anna Foster, Nicky Rupright King-- also Dr. Ryan Cole
Canada - Laura Jeffery (extended testimony for Shawn Buckley and committee, National Citizens Inquiry)
UK - John O'Looney
Ireland - John McGhee
New Zealand - Brenton Faithfull (extended interview for Liz Gunn)
Germany - pathologist Dr. Arne Burkhardt
With the exception of the Dr. Burkhardt interview, I have posted transcripts from excerpts of video testimony with links to source videos. Again, the link to view some of these transcripts:
"Eye candy"-- oh, gosh, I wouldn't call it that! But I hear what you're saying. A vial of those horrible clots is eye-catching, that's for sure.
My final thought: this issue with the fibrinaloid clots may well undergird the broader one, that the jabs have done something to throw people's immune systems off, and this is what's been behind so many of the deaths and other adverse reactions.
My best good wishes to you. Please know that I so appreciate all what you are doing.
The Dr. Arne Burkhardt interview I refer to is by Taylor Hudak. It is quite extraordinary, very detailed, and almost 2 and a half hours long. It's a lot to grok. He talked about the changes he identified in the blood after injection, and also about how the castings (white clots) of fibrinous material are something not seen before the vax roll out, but their often extraordinary size is, it seems, a function of post-mortem cooling.
"Dr. Arne Burkhardt's Final Interview— – Revealing the Grave Dangers of mRNA Vaccines"
Hi John, Regarding excess deaths per year, how do we distinguish the people who died from Sudden Acute Kidney Failure because they were given Remdesivir from those who died from Sudden Acute Kidney Failure from the COVID shot? For some, of course you might have a temporal proximity between the shot and the Kidney Failure. Since we know Remdesivir causes kidney failure why didn't you mention the Remdesivir issue in this post? The charts in this post cover 2021-2023 when both Remdesivir and the shot were "in play". Thank you for all your work!
Next article.
Can't tell for sure in each case without a full forensic investigation of the medical files.
But ... I will remove all U07.1 Covid diagnoses and you will see massive excess N17 AKI deaths. So it wasn't remdesivir or hospital covid protocols because it wasn't covid else they'd darn well have listed covid for the covid money.
OK! Thank you!
The last 4 years have felt like I'm living in a bad dream and no matter how loud I scream or wave my arms, most can't sense my presence.
Dear H8SBAD, I can relate.
Figure 4 needs no explanation. Take time to study it. Yes, you are really seeing AKI in context. For more than two (>2) years of speaking, presenting, and writing about AKI, I had to listen to “leaders” of the health freedom movement unknowingly draw public opinion into a choke point — a “myocarditis in young, male athletes” mindshare kill zone that reduces attribution of death from COVID “vaccines” by more than a thousand fold (>1,000X).
I would also add, neurological adverse reactions are also widespread and some are really hellish. Massive medical gaslighting there, too.
Yup. Problem with tracking them is that there are about fifty different codes for stroke. But only two codes for PEs. And it’s difficult to aggregate all those stroke codes. My presentation from two years ago shows about 10 of them in great excess.
Your data visualization is astounding. How do we get this impact to be seen and understood by the public? I am assuming the top-down channels through the medical disciplines will bury or challenge it. It needs to be a grass root organic growth.
RFK must help. Isn't the Children's Defense Fund able to help? Surely they are interested in these shocking results.
In the next few weeks, I hope to reach out to some orgs about the totality of what I have.
And thank you.
I have one friend with sudden kidney failure. Another with sudden liver failure. And my cousin had her heart restarted a couple of years ago and recently an ablation. No clue
Sorry about these.
Of note, there is a 2023 testimony of a woman named Megan who got stage 3 kidney disease, whose brother died of kidney failure, and whose mother got stage 3 kidney disease and kidney cancer, all after taking the jabs.
"Megan Tells What Happened to Her, Her Mother, and Her Brother After Moderna"
Dr. Villa's Patient Megan & Family Vaccine Injuries In Florida, Message For Governor DeSantis
Caturano and Ricks, December 15, 2023
Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/126958.html
I’ll get that next article out today. Promise.
I believe it. The woman with kidney failure has a brother who also developed sudden kidney failure. The doctors tell them it must be genetic. Something they didn’t know ran in the family.
Yeah, right.
I hear you, I really do. I know this is what so many jab injured people are hearing from their doctors, that it's just genetic, or random, or "baffling." I personally know of two people who, shortly after their boosters, just suddenly fell down and died (one in his bathroom, one on the street) and in both cases the family was told that it was "a freak accident, they just fell such that they hit their head such that they died instantly."
Yeah, I'll take that along with some stock in the Trans-Indian Ocean Railway. (/end of sarcasm).
In this shockingly awful case, however, the interviewer was actually their doctor who was treating them for their injuries. Dr. Marivic Villa-- she's been helping a lot of jab-injured people in Florida and she's been speaking out about what she's been seeing, and urging Florida Governor DeSantis to ban the jabs.
Here is one of her videos:
"Dr. Marivic Villa, MD Message To Governor DeSantis To Ban The Jab. She is treating 2000 Vaxx injured Patients"
Caturano and Ricks, December 16, 2023
Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/130465.html
Well said.
Odd that there is a massive autoimmune aspect to the vaxx myocarditis and they don't mention that either. Perhaps because thats a systemic potential and the branches expand rapidly linking mass disorders and harms.
Obviously co-incidence because by now everyone has seen Dr Burkhardts autopsy presentations and understand the ramifications
Damon McClure, yes, it seems to me that the manifestation of problems is incredibly diverse but it is, in the end, a simple thing: in plain English, the shots don't do shale but eff with the recipient's immune system. It's as if someone tried to repair a Leonardo Da Vinci painting with a crayon.
Ooh. That’s a good one. I hope I remember that one.
I skip along when the language goes south. Sorry to see more ways for people to use foul language without actually typing the real words. :(
I am under the impression that the US DOD considers any gene therapy given without informed consent a biological weapon?
Also the impression that this was a DOD operation?
Is DARPA a rebranded operation paperclip and if so you have to wonder what being mentored by such minds would do to young and impressionable minds.
At some stage people need to address the entire picture as a whole. The above plus the systemic corruption, the western jabbed countries desperate stalling and realise they're all in and have all their cards on the table.
I suspect the "bug" nutrition is for the arse wipers not the arses. The "you'll be happy with nothing" is a threat not a promise and we wake up the population or be drowned under them.
PS I think Geoff Pain was wanting to chat/message to you transcriber but I may be mistaken
While I don't wrangle with a comments section, I do link to my contact info on every post.
About the DOD and bioweapons, I don't go much into the various aspects of that because I think this is clearly set out and amply documented in RFK Jr's two books. My focus is on transcribing counter-narrative censored and shadow-banned personal testimonies 2021-23.
However, on this topic you mention, I did transcribe one of Dr. Harvey Risch's talks, which I would recommend. Given his credentials and experience, I think it stands as historically important. You can find it here:
Yale U Epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch's Delaware Talk on "Three Years to Flatten the Earth"
Dr. Harvey Risch, MD, PhD"
Delaware Medical Freedom Alliance, posted March 15, 2023
TRANSCRIPT: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/190515.html
Thank you for posting this. I have a much more informed opinion of Risch now.
As usual you're a sleeper author, always informative
Is Figure 1 deaths or excess deaths? I would suggest that each figure caption should start with a single sentence containing everything needed to interpret the graph, especially an precise statement of what the y-axis is.
EDIT: Figure 4 is very striking; thanks for writing this. What about heart attacks, heart failure, and other heart-related deaths that are not myocarditis? Where would those fit among those other causes of death?
Yes Figure 1 is excess deaths. Same numbers as subsequent graphs. I noticed the omission of “excess” after publishing and haven’t gone back to correct it. Sorry about that. Regarding other heart related issues, read the Weaknesses of conclusions argument at the end. I need to write a whole paper on cardiac causes. There is no way to tell because the ICD system and the recording of data are flawed and permit too much fraud and bias on the part of the death certifier recording the records. I do believe heart caused deaths from the jab could be more than AKI in actuality. Myocarditis will most certainly be more than records show. But we just don’t know because autopsies we’re not performed. Getting back to the thesis of the article, the messaging is more about psychology. What will resonate with any random person? If people only hear myocarditis in young males, they will not likely think know a death from the jab. But if they hear about PE AKI stroke from jab, they very likely know someone who died recently and the jab will be attributed in their minds. The movement of those against the covid jab will flourish faster and more lives will be saved.
Thanks for your reply. "I do believe heart caused deaths from the jab could be more than AKI in actuality" sounds plausible, and I wish we had good numbers.
And regarding the thesis: I think almost everyone knows someone who's had a heart attack or stroke or pulmonary embolism or blood clot since early 2021. True that I don't know anyone with myocarditis.
You might be able to calculate a total excess death rate that, by year, is consistently some fraction of Ed Dowd's excess death rate from his database. You will miss some deaths due to lack of reporting/ lack of autopsy reasons. But there might be some consistency to it so that it can be compared to Dowd's data. I think Dowd's data is from healthier insured professionals - correct? Does he have overall USA death data numbers that includes all types of people (not just professionals with insurance) in USA?
Phin Tech (Ed and crew) use a few databases. They have already done the N17 AKI using the CDC database that I used. In fact, we released our studies in June/July 2024 at the same time and shared each other's press releases. Sort of a non-collaboration collaboration. Different groups, different databases (back then), different methods, same answer. I came out with 155K and they got 153K excess AKI deaths at that time. The insurance data is a big deal for Phin Tech. The worker's comp disability claims in middle age people is a fantastic stat.
Figure 4 needs no explanation. Take time to study it. Yes, you are really seeing AKI in context. For more than two (>2) years of speaking, presenting, and writing about AKI, I had to listen to “leaders” of the health freedom movement unknowingly draw public opinion into a choke point — a “myocarditis in young, male athletes” mindshare kill zone that reduces attribution of death from COVID “vaccines” by more than a thousand fold (>1,000X).
You might like to know Endotoxin Induced Myocarditis was fully understood in 2003.
SV40 immortalized Kidney Cells are damaged by Endotoxin as found in every Pfizer Jab
and Sialic Acid treatment attempted to rescue Rats from Lethal Endotoxin Kidney Damage
How are Pfizer shots related to endotoxin? I read your whole post but I don't see that mentioned.
Pfizer patented the use of Endotoxin Lipid A in its Covid19 Jabs. They get it free from the filthy vats of E. coli used to grow the Plasmid DNA.
Interesting, thank you.
More outstanding work. To all: Get “The Real CDC”, it is unassailable data. John is heaven sent for all those who lost loved ones.
Thanks for this excellent post.
My sense is that what's going to break through to broader public awareness is the white clots. Since about 6 months following the jabs roll out these fibrinaloid clots are being found by embalmers from the US to Canada, Ireland, UK, Germany, and New Zealand, in bodies of all ages. The thing is, the visual of the white clots laid out on a table or curled up in a vial of formaldehyde is, well, rather difficult to unsee.
The best place right now to follow this story is Laura Kasner's substack, Clotastrophe:
I focus on transcribing censored and shadow-banned video of 2021-2023-- on my site there are a batch of transcripts that address the white clots:
PS In my circles the people I happen to know who were diagnosed with myocarditis following their jabs are two older women and a middle-aged man.
What is intriguing and eye catching may not be a winner. So far there are TWO funeral directors worldwide who stepped out and talked about the rare white clots. And, yes, they are still rare. They might even be more rare than myocarditis.
Since the objective is to win hearts and minds, let's do public relations by relating to the public. Everyone knows someone with a PE or stroke or turbo cancer or AKI. Once they make the association with the vax, then we have them on our side. Talking about white clots is another myocarditis. People will attribute it to "rare" or they will not believe it just because there's a rubber glove picture with gooey looking strands on it. id est, no official pics to speak of.
I know they're like eye candy. But the thesis of the article is about messaging to the public and white clots are not a winner.
Hi John, Thanks for your comment. I hear you, and well, I certainly don't "need" to be right about this. Whatever does it to break through to broader recognition that these shots are killling and injuring people, that would be great. Certainly it is the case, as you say, that almost everyone in the heavily vaxxed areas has a startling number of family members and/or friends and/or colleagues who, following the jabs, has "died suddenly" of turbo cancer or what seems to be have been a stroke, or etc.
From what I have seen and heard personally, the cognitive dissonance is astonishingly powerful. A kind of Berlin Wall. But then, the Berlin Wall did eventually come down.
Important to clarify: In fact, however, it is not only 2 funeral directors who have spoken out as eyewitnesses to finding the fibrinaloid clots. To date I am aware of several funeral directors and embalmers, plus 2 pathologists:
US - Ricard Hirschman, Anna Foster, Nicky Rupright King-- also Dr. Ryan Cole
Canada - Laura Jeffery (extended testimony for Shawn Buckley and committee, National Citizens Inquiry)
UK - John O'Looney
Ireland - John McGhee
New Zealand - Brenton Faithfull (extended interview for Liz Gunn)
Germany - pathologist Dr. Arne Burkhardt
With the exception of the Dr. Burkhardt interview, I have posted transcripts from excerpts of video testimony with links to source videos. Again, the link to view some of these transcripts:
As for how rare these clots are, the latest annual embalmer survey by Tom Haviland and Laura Kasner suggests that they may not be so rare. The results of their latest survey are here: https://laurakasner.substack.com/p/embalmers-comments-to-our-2024-survey
"Eye candy"-- oh, gosh, I wouldn't call it that! But I hear what you're saying. A vial of those horrible clots is eye-catching, that's for sure.
My final thought: this issue with the fibrinaloid clots may well undergird the broader one, that the jabs have done something to throw people's immune systems off, and this is what's been behind so many of the deaths and other adverse reactions.
My best good wishes to you. Please know that I so appreciate all what you are doing.
The Dr. Arne Burkhardt interview I refer to is by Taylor Hudak. It is quite extraordinary, very detailed, and almost 2 and a half hours long. It's a lot to grok. He talked about the changes he identified in the blood after injection, and also about how the castings (white clots) of fibrinous material are something not seen before the vax roll out, but their often extraordinary size is, it seems, a function of post-mortem cooling.
"Dr. Arne Burkhardt's Final Interview— – Revealing the Grave Dangers of mRNA Vaccines"
By Taylor Hudak, December 234, 2023
See also: