We shouldn't have to even ask for this data. If the government mandates a vaccine on the population all data should be immediately published, just as they put the Covid "cases" and deaths up on the nightly news during 2020 and 2021.

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The burden of proof is on them to prove it is “safe and effective” not for us to prove that it harms and kills people.

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Your request will be ignored. These people know exactly whats happening and will never willingly give us what we need to prove their malfeasance.

How about senator Johnson? Can he get this data from his state?

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Right on, John! Call out these deceivers who are trying to HIDE THE DATA that would end these dangerous "vaccines" from ever going into another arm. God bless you for all you do!

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I've been thinking this is a critical point, too. I'm promoting


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I love the request and support the question. There is no way, absolutely NONE, that the request is honored. Hell, even if they initially answer in the affirmative, Pfizer, or Dr. Fauci, or even POTUS will squash it before it sees light of day. I sound like a complete loon saying that! Dammit, I think my tin-foil hat is fitting too tight. Either way, kudos and keep us posted.

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Awesome John! Keep the pressure on. If they are confident in this, then show us the data....

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Steve us certainly going to bat for humanity...and not quietly. I don't think any of us canafford to be quiet..with this, mRNA being injected into our food, 5G deployment or with whatever they are spraying in our skies. I think it is a multifaceted attack. Good luck.

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Actually I don’t think we even need this data. All Cause Mortality is up everywhere the mRNA shots have been used. VAERS and V-Safe give clear indications of Vax Injuries. Only real dispute is how bad is it? 5.5/1000 (VAERS, uncompensated for underreporting) or 2% (V-Safe). One only has to ask, “If the vaccines are safe and effective why are all cause mortality up significantly and why does that signal track with the timing and level of vaccination in the population?” and “If the vaccines are safe, explain how we get the data we get from VAERS and V-Safe.” And, “If the vaccines are effective why does an increase in vaccination lead to an increase in covid infection in the vaccinated population?” At this point, if the public health authorities (CDC, FDA, NIH) told me the time of day I would want independent verification.

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This is frankly a brilliant idea. No one from either side should want the data hidden. And, if they do, that's all we need to know...

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At this point, given all of the nonsense that has gone on, even if they were to agree to release this data (which they won't) how could we ever trust that the data wasn't manipulated?

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You know I love you...

Please be careful with "new friends." They don't always spew lies all the time.


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Bryan Ardis did found the solution to get rid of the dangerous results of the c-vaccines.

1/ every morning drink a organic liquorice tea.

2/ twice a day take a holistic NAC

3/ eat every day one or two slices of organic pineapple.

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I can certainly understand what you are saying: "Any single data hound like me can end this entire debate in one week, given access to TWO databases from a US State government (the state should be more than 3 million in population to avoid under-powered data)."

It is a reasonable approach. I am pessimistic in regard to cooperation, if it ever arrives at a point where there appears to be cooperation.

'Unredacted' is a key word. I have viewed many documents presented online after somewhat exhaustive work having a FOIA 'compliance' , only to see the immense redaction in the actual documents. This will be the case again if you are successful in obtaining any documents.

I am not a nihilist, I am a realist. Too much money, too many reputations, too many jobs, too many enjoying 'the good life' all stand-in the way of 'unreacted'. I fear the charade has continued to the point the shear number of compromised (read corrupt and corrupted) individuals makes 'unreacted' impossible.

However, I am not one to give up. If this is one of the hills attempts for truth dies on, so it is. We only really lose when we surrender and cease fighting.

Whether the populace wakes up to the corruption remains to be seen. There is comfort in denial, and much of the population is far too comfortable, lacking the unrelenting vigilance in truth-seeking to unmask the horrors these monsters have unleashed upon the world.

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We need at least one person in each state working on this. Thank you for your work.

Demand autopsies and that medical systems work with health departments to disclose manufacturer and batch/lot number for those that have died. Require manufacturers provide complete disclosure of the exact chemical make-up (including amounts) for each manufacturer and batch/lot number.


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Professor Morris, I bet there might even be a humanitarian Nobel prize in it for you.... Whatcha say bro?

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