Thank you for keeping the catapult going.

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Bravo !

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TheyLied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at



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I feel the same. These people are relentless in their evil deeds. However, how these CIA-related billionaires can be indicted and prosecuted remains to be seen.

I guess there's no escaping this:


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I somehow rather doubt there will be a lot of courtroom things, once the General Public cottons on to what is actually afoot... But it would be better to be CIVIL about it all, as it were, if the courts were really about JUSTICE. We shall see.

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Awful. Our best minds imagine gloom and doom scenarios, instead of how to better life on our planet:



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Okay, so I did click on the first one… MIT is telling us a collapse will occur in 2040. SERIOUSLY????

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I understand. Awful people.

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Well, it’s pretty obvious what they’re doing.

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Sorry, I don't click on random unknown links...

Those minds imagining gloom and doom might not BE our best minds.

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I've been trolled a LOT in the past few weeks... So I'm a little more careful.

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I did my best to inform you and others about information that you might find useful. I don't go beyond that.

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Oh! I get it... I'm almost 71; I'm a former social scientist, and I don't troll anyone:


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Of course!

But what are you telling me? Are the two links you offered part of James Corbett's thing? Just tell me what they are, I've seen Derrick Broze around, he seems okay. :)

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Please go after hospital corps and their admins for pre meditated murder.

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Well done 👏👏

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If someone examined all the State's hospital protocols and more, they would find more and more lies that was foisted upon the uninformed masses.

And more likely worldwide, too.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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There needs to be a list of lawyers who will take these cases.

Bombard the courts.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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I've explained this to many lawyers and others.

Civil litigation was cornered by large firms that didn't allow their counsel to take these cases. This created an economic scarcity of legal services. Smaller firms were threatened by the bar associations and state licensing boards. So we were all screwed. For the few that would take cases, standing doctrine was misused en masse to dismiss cases.

in criminal law, citizens have no private right of action meaning that the government has a monopoly on criminal prosecution and the government won't indict the government, so we are screwed in that lane.

The grand juries should be more accessible, but they are not. I explain the behavior regarding that also.

There are a few legal paths out in western states due to their founding and how they needed laws for sparse populations. I'm working on it.

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It's going to have to go OUTSIDE the current power structure, I'd say.

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Having a LIST like that would be like having a HIT list, doncha know.

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