ahem. https://nypost.com/2022/12/11/elon-musk-calls-for-charges-against-anthony-fauci-in-dig-at-gender-pronouns/

Am not a tweeter but perhaps Elon needs to be tagged on this by other readers. Clearly, the death penalty can be a result of prosecution, when adjudicated by jury of peers.

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I’ve used pretty the same formulation of words against unnamed senior participants, saying something like “If, after due process & a guilty verdict, senior officials may be subject to penalties including life imprisonment or capital punishment, depending upon the state”. I then asked “What do you think?”

To date, I’ve not been banned again.

Best wishes


Dr M*ke Yead*n

Ps: sometimes the use of * in my typed name enables comments under YouTube videos to remain.

On other occasions, all posts are removed, regardless of what I wrote, usually under the most controversial YouTube videos involving well known truth tellers.

In yet other cases only informative posts are deleted (such as my assertion that accepting & using digital ID will inevitably lead to depopulation efforts on the back of introduction of cashless CBDC).

The differences in treatment on the same platform suggests to me an automated, algorithmic censorship is sometimes used & at other times, highly targeted monitoring is employed.

As a result I’m totally unmotivated to attempt to build an audience on Twitter. It’s evident that if I begin to be effective, my tweets will be at least shadow banned and May be suspended. As a consequence I’ve concluded Twitter is not useful & I put next to no effort into it.

Good luck, John!

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Thanks Mike

If you ever are on Twitter, look up @Coquin_de_Chien

I hear that he writes EXACTLY like I do. ;-)

On a different topic from months past,

It seems Ladapo opted for a U of FL study of only heart issues from the jabs. That's only 10% of the injury issue and it'll take 6 months to a year to yield results.

I can end this in a week. DeSantis is failing miserably on the campaign trail.

I'll work with any candidate who has the guts to call out DATA TRANSPARENCY.

One week to write the scripts that will correlate the Immunization Registry and Vital Records. Then it's over. The world will know that the covid vaccines wiped out thousands of old people within days of vaccination in Florida alone.

I hope you don't mind my rant. You reminded me of that issue still looming. Big chapter in my upcoming book about it.

Thanks for reading, John

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My Twitter alias is now following yours :)

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Jun 20, 2023Liked by Coquin de Chien

It's coming up on three years now that I found you on Lockdown Sceptics, then found you on twitter. When twitter cancelled you and others, I felt lost. No more daily Yardley! The powers that be couldn't really shut down the truth, but it taught us we had to find our own means of connecting. Substack has been very good.

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Glad to have helped :)

Really, really important to decline digital ID. If we accept, reluctantly, arguing we can’t manage ordinary life without one, note it’s the perpetrators who are desperate that you take digital ID. If sufficient of us give it a loudly public hard pass, we’ve a chance.

If we fold, it’s the end. They can & I believe will introduce CBDC, make cash history, then set more jabs as a condition to maintain validity of digital ID. It’s a trap. God bless.

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And God bless you, too! I recall you saying you weren't religious, but that's changing.

While reliable and timely science has been essential, even more so has been the faith. The traditional Catholics here in central Massachusetts had weekly Mass and never shut the school down. We're unvx'ed. Come find us in the camps some day; we'll be the ones with the makeshift Rosaries.

Your warnings are prescient and remind me of Cardinal Zen. Speaking to the underground Church a couple of years ago, he said, "Don't go into the cage."

Thanks again. And God bless!

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Jun 19, 2023Liked by Coquin de Chien

It's the state that commits the violence when the death penalty is carried out. Your tweet (IMO) is akin to saying the US should declare war on a particular country. It's not a threat of violence from you. It's what you think ought to happen, which could only be carried out by the state. I don't believe in the death penalty, myself, but I would never characterize what you wrote as a threat of violence.

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Jun 20, 2023Liked by Coquin de Chien

The opinion about Fauci in your Twitter comments is shared by many. Coincidentally, I actually spoke with a woman just today who has had personal experience with Fauci. Back in the 80’s, he was the lead doctor for her brother who had AIDS. She feels he killed him with excessive chemo. She said Fauci was cold and callous to the patients and their families. She’ll never forget one time she met with Fauci in his “palatial” office. He sat there, casually filing his nails (!) when he told her that her brother wasn’t going to make it. Making no eye contact. The man is a monster.

When she saw Fauci resurface as a lead in Covid response, she was shocked and knew it would lead to death and disaster.

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Early in covid, I talked to a researcher who worked directly for him for years.

He's less than not a nice guy.

Evil gnome

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I was discharged from my position as a civil service employee. The justification by my employer was that I posted on social media things which contradicted and at times disparaged the employer. As a civil service, unionized employee there is a seven step process for discharge which my employer did not follow a single step. They chose the nuclear option without even talking to me once about my supposed egregious act of sharing truth. I am now not only working through the union grievance process but also suing the employer. More to come.....

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Since when did it become illegal for someone to give their opinion that another person should be given the death penalty if the first person believes that the second person has knowingly murdered millions of people?

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There are still some assholes working up there against what we are doing. It is insane how these people are still trying to censor and shut us down. But we will NOT step down, we WILL keep fighting to tell the TRUTH!

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Jun 20, 2023Liked by Coquin de Chien

This is terrible. I got suspended for same thing...quoting what Zev Zelenko said why he thought govt leaders were going along with the jabs because they'd been threatened with death or harm.

There is something wrong here about Twitter, that is for sure...if we cannot talk about the death penalty on twitter without getting suspended. I am so sorry.

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Jun 20, 2023Liked by Coquin de Chien

By their logic all these guys would have to be removed from twitter, too


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I was deleted from the Twitter space three years ago for telling the truth... I'm grateful for their decision because it forced me to seek alternative information spaces of which this is one.

I'm the better for it and so you will be as well John.

If there wasn't so much money and influence involved one might imagine this story happened between romantic rivals in grade school....

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And this is okay?


So-called Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett: Donald Trump “needs to be shot— stopped.”

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Thank you for explaining what happened. When I heard that Sasha Latypova was cancelled and then the next day John Beaudoin Sr was cancelled, I tried to deactivate my Twitter account but I received an error message and to try later. So, I just deleted the app from my phone and iPad. I am finished with Twitter unless they make amends. I know that Beaudoin has a Rumble account but I am wondering if there is some other way to keep up to date with his info.

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on Twitter


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Fauci deserves death because so many blindly trusted him as he expected they would. They committed murder along side fauci yet they cannot be fully excused for their ignorance. Aren't the doctors and medical experts supposed to be some of the smartest people on the planet? They wanted us to believe that but failed miserably in the real world. Millions have been murdered.

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I’m SURE it must be a mistake. Elon is a good guy, after all…. Isn’t he….?

See The Corbett Report

Episode 429 “Meet Elon Musk, Technocratic Huckster”

Interview 1804 “James Corbett Explains Musk, Al and Solutions to Dr. Mercola”

Interview 1758 “James and Ernie Debate Elon Musk”

… and more. Use the search box.

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I'm afraid justice won't be dealt to these perps on this side of eternity.

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Good sir, I'm aware you have court cases. I have information that might be of interest to you. Could you provide me a proton mail address?

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