Thank you for all your tireless work. You are really a real life hero.

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Excellent news.

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I just ordered the two books (bundle - print form) a few minutes ago.

I am eager to read them.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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I ordered the combo Thursday and they arrived today, thanks. USPS can sometimes outperform the CDC.

It's too many plots for this electrical engineer, LOL! The murderers don't give a damn, but you did good in documenting this. I hope your evidence will help convict a few and send them to the gallows.

I saw you sitting down front at Steve Kirsch's talk at MIT. Good ol' MIT. They force the jab while their Prof. Langer makes a billion with Moderna.

God bless.

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Thank you, going to bring it to my local Board of HELL-TH Dept

and inform them.

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I'm eager to read it but I'm on disability. How about an ebook version for less?

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Great news John. Congratulations and endless thanks for your continued diligence.

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