Congrats on your hard work on behalf of humanity!

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Excellent, John, THANK YOU for your uncounted hours of work and sleepless nights to lead the charge for accountability in this CDC/FDA-driven holocaust. I bought your book and will continue to assist in any way I can. May God bless your health and work and THANK YOU again!!!!!!

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Thanks John. I've been waiting for this release. THE Reckoning approaches. No one can know which will be the straw that breaks this camel's back. Keep loading. Went to the site, bought the book. Mayhap this will be enough to take to my Sheriff. They murdered a friend of mine on Aug 7 of '20 with a vent and the NIH Hosp protocol. I'm not gonna get over that. Millions of us are not gonna let this go.

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If You Are Reading This

You Are A Holocaust Survivor.

So Far.


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Sounds magnificent. Questions: When was the memorandum received by certified mail? ("The directors and some deputy directors at the CDC, NIH, and FDA were notified of these false records when they received THE CDC MEMORANDUM via certified mail return receipt requested.") And what do you propose purchasers do with it? Thanks!

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My main suggestion (I have more): take a copy to your next opportunity to speak for 2 - 3 minutes at public comment at your local city city council and/or county board of supervisors and/or school board, and simply use that little slice of time to mention, hold up the book, and say why, in a couple of sentences, you think they should know about it.

If your city, county or local school board authorities imposed jab mandates, it is indeed relevant for those authorities, and for citizens, to know about this document. It ought to make their hair stand up on end.

I cannot say for other countries, but in the US it is a usually a tedious, bothersome but very do-able matter to sign up to speak at these meetings. Sometimes you'll have to wait a long time for your turn, and the time limit is strict. The audience may also be tiny, just the council members or board members, and a scattering of other people. But if you can have someone film you speaking, and then post it online, then your audience can potentially be much larger.

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Appreciate this suggestion and will look for the others as you add them. I can definitely bring this up in our public comment period at city council meeting. I would like to know when your memorandum was received, since you say that to date they have not responded. Was it last week? Last month? last year? I would need to have the facts to complete your statement and mine. Thanks!

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Another suggestion (for those who can afford it): buy more copies and leave them in random places for people to come upon.

Write a review on your substack or other social media.

Ask your local librarian to order a copy. (I doubt they will, though. But can't hurt to ask.)

Mail a copy, with a cover letter explaining why you think they should see it, to your state representatives.

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Hi Diana Mara Henry, Thanks for your comment-- but I think your questions are mainly for John Beaudoin?

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Excellent ideas.

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The FDA and CDC offer nothing of value unless I had a death wish.

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Thank you, John, for your service for the families, the United States, and humanity!

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I will buy & share 🙏

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I can't afford it, will you share to my page? Think about it? xo

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SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If I had any money, I'd finance the whole thing! xo xo xo

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"If the notified agents do not stop the disinformation propaganda campaign against the American people, resulting in the murder of hundreds of thousands of Americans, then someday, somewhere those agents will be tried for murder and justice will be meted." This all sounded great then you read this part. Kind of doesn't seem like anyone is serious to bring the charges further.

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~13B jabs given out. Ultimately it’s billions against thousands. When tipping points are reached, justice can move swiftly. And terribly, like the French Revolution.

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I hope you are right. This is tyranny.

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How is the NIH implicated in falsified death records from Minnesota and Massachusetts?

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Why does it need to be purchased?

Why is it not a free release to the public?

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Because nothing is for free. The guy worked day and night on this. Just Imagine that.

And for multiple years.

To build a case.

That no one in the world has been able/or devoted their life to.

The info will go down in history books.

We will get our hands on the info- through those who will have the will to obtain it.

Nothing is free in our Capitalist world. A roof over our head or food on the table.

Many documents that are requested are orders that one must pay for in order to obtain( and now some organizations, such as the group that does the actuary data for insurance companies, is now asking thousands upon thousands for that info/data they have compiled)

We all will greatly benefit from this effort.

Many people will be able to access these books and you can be sure each copy in their hands will be passed on to others. It’s people who can that will provide for those of us who can not afford the books.

What about a surge of ppl requesting these books( DEMANDING!) be available to us in our Local Libraries!!!!

We can do our little part by just demanding these documented crimes!!!!

If everyone reading this turned around and requested immediately, the info would be available to all.

Let’s do it!

Looking forward to the sale in 🇨🇦🙏

Blessings to all❤️

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My mother was murdered by the CDC protocol.

Unvaxed and given Remdesivir against her wishes.

I understand the fight we are up against.

If a suit is filed, we should be able to get a link to the lawsuit at least.

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I'm so very sorry for your loss. xo xo xo

Since these horrible genocidal maniacs have caused EVERY HUMAN and probably some animals, too, such incredible HARM... and CONTINUE to do so, or attempt to do so, I think not only should they all be stripped of ANY wealth they possess, but put in prison, tried in front of everyone in the world, and then PUNISHMENT: Lethal Injection. A fast-acting one. Buh-Bye.

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Nuremberg 2.0 but even bigger and streamed live from start to finish.

And Thank you 🙏

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We're living in a Most Unusual Time.

And I'm hopeful that when we come through it, and put it behind us, the world will have a good start on being a Much Better Place for everyone.

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I hope I win the lottery, this will be one of the very first things I do!

He's a HERO.

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He's spent years doing this stuff, he probably needs the income!

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