I am so PLEASED to see/hear/ read you. You have been doing God's work..Bless you and thank you..I'm close by and my state is the same. Please make sure you write a substack when your book's available I will certainly buyi it. God bless you ...you are a hero of mine. I will never forget your Death lottery writings..both moral and legal. They were the epitome of truth..and I have posted and saved them. Tmr I am determined to print out 30 copies and leave them in library books and grocery stores and everywhere I go.

Cannot repay you but we all owe you a great debt.

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Thank you. That's very nice of you to write. My books have been shipping for a month or two. You can buy them at TheRealCdC.com And thank you for mentioning that. I just now realized what a poor job I've done advertising them. LOL. Really. I was waiting until I could get all the channels set up. I'm still struggling with Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. But the bookk should be shipping on Amazon for $40 on May 7. Again, it's available on my site TheRealCdC.com for $25 plus shipping cost. I think it's just a set $6 shipping.

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Loving. Buying now. Thank you for everything you have done and are doing.

It matters.

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Indeed it does.

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I hate to say it, John, but there is just too much money and too much pride in it for these doctors to reverse course and admit that they were wrong. They will take this deadly mistake to their graves. Our job is to keep making the public as "vaccine hesitant" as we can. Keep speaking out! Americans are slowly getting it. Only about 10% to 15% took the XBB 1.5 booster in Fall 2023.

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I would change that to 'vaccine refusal'. Most of us have taken that risk, and not hesitated for a second.

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Thank you for reporting. And as always, thank you so much for your work.

May those who committed crimes be held accountable before the law.

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Thank you for continuing to fight. We can feel the pain and the anger in your words, and know it is amplified across the country. Some day, some how, those in control Must be held responsible.

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Great news John

God Bless the family

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"they still fraudulently call Brianna’s death a covid death as the root cause."

This 👆 isn't surprising. If they had changed the root cause they'd be admitting it was the "gene juice BIOWEAPON" and that won't until they get their ass's dragged kicking and screaming into a court of law and subsequently found guilty of fraud. If that ever happens they will be open to murder charges being filled and the flood gates will open...

I pray that some independently wealthy lawyer who doesn't care much about his career path will step forward and take the case pro bono.

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"I don’t want to do this anymore, but I’m compelled by all the evidence lain before me by a higher power." Thank The Lord and thanks to you. You have saved the lives and health of millions. I feel the same way about not wanting to continue. Years of trying to persuade the ignorant, lazy, brainwashed, callous, irrational, foolish, contradictory, and corrupt not to poison themselves and others whilst they coerce, shame, gaslight, and defame us is one hard road.

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I am so grateful for that special type that sees the truth plain as day and keeps writing and speaking out in public forums what they so painfully know. I’m sure it’s the best way to carry on. I tired of speaking 9/11 truth to angry, reactive, deniers. Kind of the same for me with vaccine sycophants. Truth is simple, propaganda is simple. Truth wins because that is what truth is.

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Absolutely horrific. How are MDs so easily deceived? How are they still deceived? How are we to trust any of them?

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They are brainwashed. To look at the reality is to allow the floor to vanish, and to acknowledge that one's life work has ended up being other people's death. BIG pill to swallow, to use the vernacular.

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Undoubtably but still shocking. It goes against everything they once were. The Hippocratic oath is obviously not as much as a shadow of a suggestion anymore. Critical think is nonexistent. It seems like just yesterday, certainly up until the eve of the panic, that my med schools were abuzz with “individualized medicine”. They was thrown overboard without delay in early 2020.

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Oh, I totally agree. But things are changing. It takes time... Four years is nothing.

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These problems existed long before four years ago, most just learned of them recently, myself included. At least as far as medicine goes. Other aspects of this I have known for many years and have tried to inform others, all of whom have cast a deaf hear.

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We have to remember how we are TRAINED, trained, trained.

We are also dumbed down, drugged, poisoned, and made to feel powerless, skeptical, and suspicious of everyone but "authorities."

We have to be really creative in how we draw out our unwilling neighbors... And we won't always succeed, and maybe not even a lot, but we only need a few of us to SHOW THEM, physically, so they can have REALITY right in front of them. Then it won't be so hard to tell them.

I do think it's slowly turning, tho!

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Oh, I agree but I have been at this for decades and much more so for this most recent ten years with nothing positive to show for it. Thus, I am not optimistic. I am of the believe that while you can lead a horse to water but cannot make it drink, we are still obligated to lead that horse and all others to water. It is their decision to drink or not, but it is our duty to lead them to the water so that they can make that decision. I just have not had one take that drink yet.

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They follow the money and ignore everything else.

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Criminals. May they all hang.

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This 👇 is all they see!

$$$$$$ $$$$$$



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Some are not deceived, but choose not to speak up or are waiting for a better time to speak up. There is a cardiologist with Kaiser Permanente who is keeping detailed records and plans to come forward when the time is right. I’m not sure when she thinks that time will be. I’m sure the perfect time is when there is no personal risk to credibility or career. The various jobs and specialties within healthcare, the compartmentalization, makes it so that the ones giving the shots aren’t necessarily the ones seeing the damage so the connection might not be as obvious. It’s always safest to keep your mouth shut and I’m sure they rationalize their cowardice by saying to themselves that the practice of vaccination will continue with or without them and believing they don’t have a direct responsibility if they are simply witnessing the damage and not giving the shots.

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That is arguably even worse. Those who practice vaccination should know that there simply was not enough time to know if the clot shots were safe or effective. It is my view that they were duty bound to question them. If they cannot see the effects because they are in a different part of the hospital, they are willfully blind.

Then we have those MDs who aggressively assert that whatever is causing the after shot AEs, it ain’t the shot while angrily stating that they have no idea what else could be causing them.

I think a great many are self deceived. The others are cowards. As for the cardiologist you refer to, there will never be a time or place where they can reveal that information without risk. If that is what they are waiting for, they will take their secret to the grave. But I believe that is exactly what most wait for. Thus, no one acts. Not enough anyway, the few that do are destroyed to make it harder for others to do the same.

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You will long be remembered as a Truth Teller, a noble Seeker Soldier for the Good, and the kind of man that We the People so love and desperately need.

Bless your heart and soul, and may angels give you wings.

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But not too soon! ;)

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I meant NOW, not after death, LOL. He has a lot of work to do. xo

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please dont give up, keep at it, like a prophet, you are telling the truth, and you

are bold like St Paul, when the apostles wanted to reject him, but he faced the Hellenists

and spoke the Truth about Jesus...and they tried to kill him...

you are doing God's good work, us more limited believers could never do.

thank you at a minimum.

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Hence we have learned to do a bit o’ suffering, something we knew not here in the US.

Looking at that coming glory! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

”For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him. For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.“

‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭14‬-‭18‬ ‭ESV‬‬

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To your prayer, oh God yes. Let us all acknowledge in our prayers that the true God walks with our youth, our families, the people in full and divine strength to protect and light the world to show the path we will not be denied reaching.

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This is the perfect example of the Dunning-Kruger effect on the part of Mass. medicine.

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So if an autopsy was performed by Ryan Cole he would have found her blood vessels replete with vaccinal spike protein and perhaps little to no Covid spike.

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Perhaps. And perhaps a LOT of aluminum, mercury, graphene, formaldehyde...

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These vaccines were so toxic that they were considered self-adjuvanting. In other words, they didnt need aluminum or mercury because they were already toxic enough to provoke a strong response by the body as it attempted to clear the poisons from the shots. Some call it an immune response. I don't. It is a detoxing response.

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I don't know where you're getting your info.

The first entity to look at what was in those vials was La Quinta Columna, a Spanish laboratory. They published waaaay back in 2021. I'm repeating what they found, and they've since done other studies, found things about graphene, like how EMF's cause it to "assemble" and cause extremely deleterious effects in the body...

"Already toxic enough"? and "toxic enough to provoke a strong response..."

This makes no sense. What is your source material?

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https://rumble.com/v21wgik-conversations-with-dr.-cowan-and-friends-ep-58-stefano-scoglio.html. You might care to listen to this interview. The reason aluminum or mercury are added to vaccines is for provoking " immune response". But what they call immune response is really your body attempting to remove these toxins. Anti bodies are non specific so while doctors believe you are developing antibodies to the disease added to the vial, your body is really just trying to eliminate the toxic metals. You could get the same "immune response" with no alleged virus added to the vaccine. Because the covid vax was particularly toxic, no added aluminum or mercury adjuvant was needed to be added to them to provoke antibody reaction. I hope I made myself clearer. All vaccines are toxins but adding adjuvants makes them even more so.

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Oh, I wanted to say this, too... Have you heard of the Spanish laboratory called La Quinta Columna? They were the first guys to actually examine what was in those vaccines... There was already aluminum and mercury-- for "Covid" shots, these toxins were MUCH more plentiful... Able to KILL someone, or cause permanent harm-- and that's what happened. Also I think it's clear that not all the shots had the same ingredients in them. That would have been waaaay too obvious!

Ah, watching that video-- I saw it about a year ago. NOW it makes sense, with that refresher... As Cowan is saying, though, putting the aluminum and mercury as adjuvants (a lot LESS than what's in these "jabs,") is Overkill... literally. Anyway, thanks for the link, it was a good refresher.

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I'm not familiar with that lab but I'll look it up. I'm sure there were many different variations of the shot as the one web-site that tracked the deaths and injuries of various batches indicated. The quality control on all vaccine manufacturing is pretty shady, as well.

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Yes, actually, that makes a LOT more sense now. Thanks.

I will go and listen to the video, I like Cowan.

But-- yes, you will surely get an "immune response," and yet... Unless you are pretty clued in, you may not be able to DETOX aluminum or mercury, which can kill you-- or maybe worse, make you insane! Remember George V? They treated him with mercury and he was a raving madman-- AND a king! Not really a good combination... Anyway, cheers.

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The $wamp has been purchased and we were not involved.

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