The case of Daniel is awful. We knew him, as he was the father of our daughter's good friend when we lived in Maskachusetts. So we were shocked when we heard that he had died suddenly and "of no known cause."

The death, on April 20, was 1 day after his age group (55 and under) became "eligible" as they say (as if it were akin to being an "eligible bachelor"). It happened in a city of jab fanatics, so my guess was that he had got his first jab the previous day and had a cardiac event or stroke.

But none of the many other parents who knew him ever said anything about the likely even obvious cause. And 1 month later, when all their kids became "eligible" after the FDA/CDC criminally EUAd the jab for 12+, their kids got jabbed and were bragging about it to my daughter within days.

I eventually asked the mother of my daughter's friend whether the jab might possibly be related (to Daniel's death). No answer, even though she had responded right away to my wife's message of condolence. I tried again a few months later, suggesting a VAERS report if relevant, as it might help others to judge the risks. Still no answer.

Jonestown, where the CIA was developing its methods of mind control, seems like playacting in comparison to what is being done to the population now.

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I just read his obit as I live very close to where he lived. It seems likely he would have undergone injection(s). Tragic. In 2021 I attended a funeral for a MA friend who died a month or so after shot #2. He had a diagnosed lung condition, was considered high risk so naturally he underwent so-called "vaccination". He had been stable but decompensated rather quickly and failed a lung transplant. All after "safe and effective" experimental injections. This was, of course, not mentioned. I never brought it up with the people who knew him as they had dutifully submitted to "vaccination" and likely now lining up for #4. I'm the lone heretic. Anyone who raises questions around here is pretty quickly branded as "anti-V" or a conspiracy theorist.

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With each no answer to my emails, I became more sure that he was jabbed. Otherwise why not simply say that he wasn’t?

The “safe and effective” religion is the new Puritan dogma. But the veneer of belief is thin, as shown by the rage when any catechism is challenged. (In contrast, if someone tells me that Newton’s laws are nonsense, it doesn’t trouble me at all because I know they are valid without it being a cult belief.)

The most protected catechism, at least among the Whole Foods left where we lived, was that the Convid jabs are not gene therapy. Whenever I cited Moderna’s own SEC filing saying that they are gene therapy, the rage on the school parents list was large.

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I so relate to your "heretic" status... I share it.

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Excellent. I have been thinking the Grand Jury route is the best way to go but clearly the Feds wont convene one. I was unaware of a state “Citizens Grand Jury”. But to my understanding in most of the US, only a judge or a prosecutor has the power to convene a jury. Clearly they are coerced to not do so. Seems only Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, North Dakota, New Mexico, and Nevada allows citizens themselves to call one.


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Then it would surely be well worth it to do just that in those states...

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I like the idea but I have been jaded by past actions.

These people hide behind the law and common law is rarely if ever really followed in courts.

"When a new administration installs an honest Department of Justice or if The People demand a grand jury investigation, you should worry. There is no statute of limitations on felony murder. "

What about bush and Cheney? Didn't matter

What about what happened in the Vietnam war? Didn't matter

What about hundreds of other clear crimes? Didn't matter

They walk because they find a few scapegoats to put the blame on..

Even Dr Malone is covering his ass by pretending to be awaken, so he can play plausible deniability about his participation in the vaccine trials that lead to encephaly, blamed on "zika".

From the book "official stories" by Liam Scheff

Sounds like the covid jabs;

"the polio experts took a page out of ol' Louis Pasteur's playbook: the 15-day rule. After the vaccine was introduced, not only would polio not be “polio” unless you were sick for two months, but if you got sick within 15 days of being incepted - (do you want to finish this one?) - Yes! Then you already “had polio” and it wasn't the vaccine's fault. And it wouldn't be counted as a failure. Hoorah for the vaccine!"

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Yes, but this is immensely bigger than Bush Neocon Antics, Vietnam and all the rest put together.

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RIP Liam Scheff.

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My wife, who practiced as a physician in MA, said that (at least in her hospital) physicians don't fill out the ICD codes. They write the narrative fields on a piece of paper, which is then collected by someone, maybe a mortician, and sometime later in the digestive process ICD codes get added.

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Yes, a "coder" usually adds the ICD-10 code. I've worked in healthcare for many years (RN) including the hospital setting and medical records. Whether or not the physician checks the coder's work for accuracy is another question. Per the internet, "Becoming a medical coder typically requires training through a certificate program or associate degree". My not very bright but sweet sister took a coding class about 10 years ago (when ICD-9 was still in use) but never pursued it. Per CMS, Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services:

● All health care providers use code set in U.S. health care settings.

● Providers document diagnoses in medical records and coders assign codes based on that documentation.

● CDC developed and maintains code set.

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My analogy may not be perfect, but in trial-by-jury homicide cases, prospective jurors must have no prior knowledge of the purported crime or the defendant. They are to consider only the facts presented. (Of course, in practice, that's never the case.) How would one find a Grand Jury -- excluding autist members of Team Reality -- who haven't been thoroughly brainwashed by vax propaganda, and who would therefore be emotionally and intellectually incapable of viewing doctors as criminals, or health authorities as crime syndicates? And that's not even getting into the medical aspects which our dear Wise Latina SCJ could not wrap her head around. And the courts have deferred to public authorities (apart from one judge in Florida!) as a matter of course. In my opinion, if the vaccine trials were proven to be fraudulent, which they were, then setting a team of class action lawyers against individual doctors and medical authorities might have more traction. Unfortunately, the medical authorities are probably untouchable, just as Fauci has proclaimed the CDC to be a fourth branch of government regarding mask mandates, overriding the courts.

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Dr. Matthias Desmet of the University of Ghent divides the population into three groups. Roughly 30% each in the groups ‘believe the tv people’ and ‘the critical thinkers who see what’s happening’. My words sort of paraphrasing his.

The remaining 40%, made up of fence-sitters, the undecided, the unaware, etc. are from where a jury pool could be drawn.

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Naming and shaming seems like the right thing to do. My GP and all the rheumatology consultants in a Devon, England hospital, who signed a letter to me encouraging me to be vaxxed despite the fact I am immunocompromised. My GP refused to give me a medical exemption. Fast forward to today. Covid vaxx dangerous, not to be given to the immunocompromised, causes massive inflammation throughout the body. Just the thing for a RA pt. Declined.

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Thank you for expending significant effort to compile the information and present explanations.

One comment concerned medical coders, pointing out this is a full-time job for some people, they do not do patient care. My experience in healthcare, spanning many years, is the physician is still ultimately responsible for what the individuals do in the physician’s name.

The suggestion in at least one comment for a class actions suit has merit.

Having experience following and contributing to a number of groups seeking to have a real investigation into the events of 11 September 2001, it is nearly impossible to obtain results, even in the face of clear federal statutes. A totally corrupt DOJ is a mild description of this Un-Constitutional branch of the federal government.

The Lawyer’s Group for 911 Inquiry, with extensive public interest litigation experience, has yet to move the DOJ to action. The USC specifically orders the US Attorney (in this case SDNY) to investigate and convene a grand jury when evidence of criminal activity is presented. 50+ instances backed with evidence were presented. As time went on and no action seemed forthcoming, a Writ of Mandamus was sought. I knew deep down the only sound would be crickets.

The tyrannical oligarchs exist. You describe this well. As another reply on here notes, 911 was small compared to this current SARS-COV-2 with deadly injections situation.

On a different site a publisher opined the length and breadth of this, which will impact almost every family in the Western world in some manner, will become so great the backlash with action against the perpetrators will be unprecedented. It might itself become an uncontrollable event.

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Read it to the very last word. So grateful to you for the work which you have put into this. And--on a personal note--I was delighted to read the Aquinas without having to resort to your (fine) translation!

Signed, ViaVeritasVita.

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"People of the United States, take back your nation. Be leaders once again and put an end to this oligarchical tyranny."

Brilliant! The most encouraging piece I've read since the beginning of this affair, which is actually just the latest chapter of a long and horror-studded "Fauci and his Gang" tale of crimes against humanity. (see RFK Jr.) And all for filthy lucre it seems:

"Occam's Razor tells me that the SARS-CoV-2 "virus" is an semi-artificial entity that acts like a virus in how it infects, reproduces, and spreads, but in fact was intentionally invented and manufactured expressly to provide the situation in which mRNA injections could be foisted on as many billion humans as possible."


...And BigPharma had the money and power to bring it off, from controlling the top echelons of "Health Care" right down to the threatening of GPs everywhere.

Now we must hope and promote that "The People" will have the determination to bring this affair to justice. This is far larger and far more important than was Nuremberg.

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I'm going to copy and save this, to read later, because I don't have time just this second. I did look at the beginning of it and it appears most definitely worth putting in the time to absorb it fully... I also wanted you to know that I, too, use PayPal, and the request to my readers goes mostly without result, but I also have no intention of disallowing anyone who wants to read my posts from doing so, just on principal, and not because what I have to say is somehow necessary. This is my "connection" to folks of like mind, particularly regarding what is going on right now (global coup d'etat). There are many others who are better at journalism that I; I am an opinion-writer, creative writer, poet and humorist, so I leave the journalism to peeps like you. That said, if I EVER get back on my financial feet, I would be MORE than pleased to send you some bucks! Sadly, that is not the case just now, so I send you some "heart bucks" and some encouragement. I do enjoy reading your posts, and for what it's worth, Thanks for doing what you do. xo

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Excellent. Thank you for posting.

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Dude: wtf? Are you expecting these people here http://allaregreen.us/ to realize that they accidentally voted to keep accepting millions of $ accidentally? Or the vaccines themselves to get upset, pick up their syringes & go home?

You're not expecting YOUR READERS to do anything 'because they're informed' do you? How does 'being informed' cause anything to change?

What is this childish fantasy about?

I have no less than three legal non-violent fronts which can be used to end the harmful mandates. 1) It is illegal to mandate any untested products. D'uh. If that isn't a no-brainer.

2) It is illegal to "make" any manufacturer of any products exempt from any harms caused by their products. "_. _____-_."

3) As the articles of impeachment against Trump reminded us, even taking lobbying $ is STILL an illegal conflict of interests for some strange reason - oh, I know, because no one can TAKE these amounts of $ then vote against those paying it!

Yet you & everyone else are acting like 4-year-olds, telling on the vaccines & expecting the vaccines themselves to run away "'cause they're scared of being punished" or for some Authority Figures to come rescue you.

Dude: the authority figures have ALL been PAID!!

If none of the people running any of theses sites "reporting on" the vaccines are waiting for "some authority figure" to come rescue them, then All Society will continue to believe this too BECAUSE it's COMFORTABLE BELIEF!

However if just a FEW people wrote up & presented a movement to hit at the LEGAL ASPECTS of this case & showed the courage to back it up, we could guilt other site publishers to do the same. Once we got them, we'd get a certain % of their readers. Then, once we had those, every other anti-jab website would lose all support if they didn't as well. Then a HIGHER % of their readers would get behind us.

How big does this have to be to become or impossible to dismiss or block even by government? Get James Corbett of The Corbett Report to even only verbally support this & we're golden. The only problem is I can't get those First Few People to have any courage.

Care to be the first to try?

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I hit the donate button, great work and respect the content. Love all the Massachusetts angles, my home state. Keep it up.

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Does anyone have a theory as to why “unvaccinated” appears on death certificates the way it is? I don’t have any people in my “real life” to speak with about this.

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