Apr 8, 2023Liked by Coquin de Chien

When you finally graduate, you are going to make one formidable attorney!!! Please practice criminal defense, we are going to need it!!!

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I can't see going to law school again. I'll be in my 60's soon. No one in my lineage sees 70.

What's the point in learning and paying all that money to just not be able to practice.

But ... never say never. I'm trying to at least have the opportunity to matriculate. They've stolen that from me.

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They have stolen so much from so many talented Americans. It's absolutely disgusting. The people in our government are disgusting.

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Apr 8, 2023Liked by Coquin de Chien

I haven't read it all yet...but didn't FOIA requests show that Baker received over 100 pages of info proving masks didn't work...and then put that in place anyway? I pray all works out in your favor, justice's favor too.

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He received a bunch. But most importantly, he received notice on April 20, 2020 that his contracted expert, Professor Gregory Rutledge of MIT, tested masks and found them not to work near to specification and, thus, would fail. You can look back a year to my article entitled, The Baker Knew

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Could have been....I read so much stuff...it gets muddled in my head...the same head I smacked with my hand when I read it! Jeez. You can't make this stuff up.

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I couldn’t bear to read much of their uppity steam-blowing. These people don’t care a whit about justice, right and wrong, the Constitution, or individual rights. I hope that they get a taste of their own medicine… soon…

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It was just boiler plate stuff. Those cases are cited constantly. And they're programmed to just attack everything. No strategic thinking. Just spraying. I'd not make a good lawyer. Some judge would just disbar me for complaining about the injustice.

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If “honest” and “lawyer” can be used consecutively, you should be a lawyer. There aren’t many (honest ones) out there and we need some that truly understand justice. I have recently received a ruling from the court here in N. H. so I now have first-hand experience with this injustice system.

I’ve been saying for quite a while that instead of defending guilty individuals and trying to get them off on technicalities, the whole court system should be looking for the truth. Also, would the attorneys defending violent murderers or other horrific criminals (or even just bullies in my case) be defending those people if it had been their spouse, parent, or child that had been murdered or assaulted? What a complete disaster.

And then there are the people wrongly incarcerated for crimes they didn’t commit just because the injustice system needed a fall guy. If everyone involved had been looking for the truth instead of trying to pin the crime on someone … anyone … these incidents would be very unlikely to happen.

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Is this available in pdf? Do you have a website and I have overlooked it?

I'm a retired attorney, I try to stay current on your efforts, and others'. THANK YOU for all your work!

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I hope you persue Private Prosecution Practice and will help victims to file a Laying of Information for mandated health crimes against humanity.

You lost but still won, sharing your experience.

So why could you not set a "new" case precedent?

I too am also upset in Canada, that the Coroners were/are under no obligation to confirm all mRNA vaccinations for any deaths during a Pandemic and report any clots found anywhere in the body or any bleeding.

The moral duty is on the deceased's family to go public, and share truth: like, the deceased died coercion vaxxed, or took the mRNA or DNA injection for others sake, or an altuistic selfless act, to serve others, or had remained unvaxxed by informed risk consent and died of unrelated Covid-19 causes, with no evidence of dying "with" covid.

Good for you for caring and sharing. 🤗

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The Cheeky Plaintiff Beaudoin 😸

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