Are there any lawyers out there with a just a little fight in them. How embarrassing is the profession, not to stick up for people that have screwed over by big corporations. Great work again. This looks like a slam dunk and as profitable as asbestos lawsuits nationwide. You could find juries now that will listen to the truth.
“State actor” status is never a slam dunk and the courts have rejected nearly all cases claiming so. But the other cases didn’t have the leading recipient of NIH grant funding to $1.04B in 2021 AND a Board member and Chief of infectious disease who then went to be CDC Director only a few months before the mandates came out. It’s a tough proof, but the evidence here is solid. Still, the court may not allow the Pro Se 5 to label MGB a state actor even though it’s the right thing to do.
Wow these crooked mofos are seriously still pushing a useless at best, deadly at most shot?
Denying RE for con-vid but allowing it for flu shots makes it clear. They're not following the law but some directive.
You're right, it's some kind of federal program... Well actually military... Which explains the stupidity as they're claiming the COVID quackzines are countermeasures.
Sasha Latypova has gone into that many times!
They're treating it like it's ebola. This article brings it up
hi John, and thank you. Once again, your particular and detailed review, cossetted in the warmest human revelations, enveloped by these legal distinctions, are a blessing to us all. The suffering here of the righteous is grotesque to say the least.
Sooner or later, the electorate will wake up and see that the present form of politics and government works against their interests here in the land of the constitution.
Transnationals write checks... We The People vote. Who do they listen to?
Thanks John. Interesting format. Seems now that if a person gets in injured by a drug they can't prove it in any court and will lose any case and or the court will find any excuse not to hear the case. All the more reason to almost never take drugs and then only if your life depends on it in the moment. If a choice between losing a job or taking drugs then dump the job. Why would anyone risk their life to "lessen severity"? Not remotely worth it. The core is that science and law are not appropriate knowledge forms for health and life. Clocks, machines, buildings, money and ownership are more their line. Religion is a much better type of knowledge for health and life.
Thank you for reporting and for the analysis. It is illuminating, but so very sad. What madness we are living through.
Are there any lawyers out there with a just a little fight in them. How embarrassing is the profession, not to stick up for people that have screwed over by big corporations. Great work again. This looks like a slam dunk and as profitable as asbestos lawsuits nationwide. You could find juries now that will listen to the truth.
“State actor” status is never a slam dunk and the courts have rejected nearly all cases claiming so. But the other cases didn’t have the leading recipient of NIH grant funding to $1.04B in 2021 AND a Board member and Chief of infectious disease who then went to be CDC Director only a few months before the mandates came out. It’s a tough proof, but the evidence here is solid. Still, the court may not allow the Pro Se 5 to label MGB a state actor even though it’s the right thing to do.
I would love to assume you have in some way made what seem to be (to this non-lawyer) valid arguments and beneficial suggestions to the LS5?
Wow these crooked mofos are seriously still pushing a useless at best, deadly at most shot?
Denying RE for con-vid but allowing it for flu shots makes it clear. They're not following the law but some directive.
You're right, it's some kind of federal program... Well actually military... Which explains the stupidity as they're claiming the COVID quackzines are countermeasures.
Sasha Latypova has gone into that many times!
They're treating it like it's ebola. This article brings it up
How long can these two faced, hypocritical, contradictory, gaslighting ass-holes continue with this?
hi John, and thank you. Once again, your particular and detailed review, cossetted in the warmest human revelations, enveloped by these legal distinctions, are a blessing to us all. The suffering here of the righteous is grotesque to say the least.
Sooner or later, the electorate will wake up and see that the present form of politics and government works against their interests here in the land of the constitution.
Transnationals write checks... We The People vote. Who do they listen to?
Thanks John. Interesting format. Seems now that if a person gets in injured by a drug they can't prove it in any court and will lose any case and or the court will find any excuse not to hear the case. All the more reason to almost never take drugs and then only if your life depends on it in the moment. If a choice between losing a job or taking drugs then dump the job. Why would anyone risk their life to "lessen severity"? Not remotely worth it. The core is that science and law are not appropriate knowledge forms for health and life. Clocks, machines, buildings, money and ownership are more their line. Religion is a much better type of knowledge for health and life.