You are terrific, and it breaks my heart about your son and then to be told you can't go to the group... This is so cruel, this whole fraud and the unwitting fools who are complicit, so damn cruel. I wish I had millions I'd send you a big fat check, but all I can afford right now is my prayers for you, and my heart's vibrations to your heart... Peace to you, brother.

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I'm sorry for your loss and enraged at the self righteous cunts who would deny you some solace for not being so called "vaccinated" in July 2022. Thank you for compiling these stats, I've bookmarked them and hope to read it top to bottom in the next day or so.

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I don't think that most people can or have the stamina to follwo you chain of reasoning.

I couldn't even get my siter to listen to Lady Colin Cambpell's explanation that Lily Safra caused two husbans to die. But she believes everything that the Kardashians sayl

God help us all. Thank you for This. Saving. I have already saved your tour de force's on the death lottery;s...

Best effing things every written on why the vax is wrong. Thank you so much.

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There are no words that give solace to the grief of a child lost. Whatever strength you have found to go on, we humbly and gratefully accept you spending it on this high quality and important work. Thank you.

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"Regarding the age spectrum profile of C19, notice that the average age of C19 death in 2020 was 81.3yo. Look at 2020."

Should be look at 2021, no? Thanks for making this excellent work free to read

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Thank you. I sent a small donation, bumped up slightly to cover PP fees. I have lost significant income by refusing the poison jab. This pales compared to your loss and subsequent abuse.

Excellent research and presentation!

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Stay Strong, love your work!

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I just read the whole piece start to finish as well as the charts at the end. What a service you have performed here for truth and real science. Thank you for documenting this. A heroic effort!

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 16, 2022

I am so sorry for your loss. I lost a sister to suicide August 4, 2020. Peace and love. I know it is excruciating.

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I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for your hard work and courage in putting the truth out for us to see.

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I am so sorry for your loss. Your work and your courage are honorable. Your son is looking down and proud.

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John, thank you. When do you sleep??

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Reading of your loss and then reading that the "men" in your support group barred you from attending because you are a pureblood actually took my breath away. The cowardice and sanctimony of the majority shall be remembered 𝙖𝙡𝙬𝙖𝙮𝙨.

I admire that young physician who held to his ethics. We did as he did. We left the People's Republic due to our inability to tolerate the totalitarianism those in the "cradle of liberty" celebrated.

Your point about the broader issue of excess circulatory system related deaths is so well taken. WTH is causing all of these deaths from internal injuries?? We know. Bless you for doing the analysis that enables you to put into black and white these facts for the world to see.

I wish you strength and healing to help with your unspeakable loss.

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I am so sorry. The response to this leaked virus has taken so much from so many. Your insights are extraordinary.

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Sadly (our) carnage is right…….

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