It’s been a while since I wrote an article or posted data analyses. But busy have I been, though, compiling evidence. Big news next week.
Thus far, Coquin de Chien “CdC” showed that 2020 was a year of respiratory deaths and 2021 was a year of circulatory system deaths. What happened as of January 2021 that caused so many heart attacks, brain and GI hemorrhages, strokes, clots, sudden kidney failure, new cancers, and accelerated tumor growth? Got any idea?
“CdC” showed fraud in many deaths such as fentanyl overdoses and blunt force trauma deaths being labeled “COVID-19” by Massachusetts medical examiners. Even more insidious is the absolute refusal of medical examiners to blame the C19 vaccine as a cause of death even when the onset of symptoms was minutes after the injection and death took a few weeks to slowly degrade a human being in pain, then coma, then forever gone from Earth.
Back of the napkin exercise
If 50 deaths can easily be found manually as will be shown in the full EXHIBIT F coming shortly, then there are probably 10X to 100X more in actuality. So that would be 500 to 5,000 vaccine deaths for Massachusetts alone. Massachusetts is a top 4 state in USA for fully vaccinated people, standing at little over 81% compared to the rest of USA, which is around 68%. Massachusetts is about 1/49th the total USA population at 6.9 million people.
So, if 500 to 5,000 are estimated out of 81% vaxed of the 6.9 million population, then the vaccine fatality rate must be around 0.009% to 0.09% at this early stage. Since these are rough calculations, one can see that the 0.09% number is close to a fatality rate of 0.1%, which is the low range of estimated casualties I gave long before I started writing these articles. This is consistent because the numbers derived in Massachusetts are all the fast occurring deaths. Many more deaths will result from the vaccines over the long term. My original estimate was 0.25% and that is still possible, but I hope that doesn’t bear out.
So, if 68% of 340 million people were vaccinated, that’s 231.2 million fully vaccinated. Then, take 0.009% to 0.09% of 231.2 and we have an estimate of 20,808 to 208,080 vaccine deaths in USA based on Massachusetts as an example. It’s far more than that, but let’s just be conservative. How easy it is to get away with murder of 50,000 people? Look around. You probably know a few.
BONUS Preview
Below is an excerpt from EXHIBIT F.
And why not throw a few ICD-10 codes in here as well. 2021 is a year of hell for all the families who lost these human beings. These are not just data. These are family members - sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, young moms and dads. Families destroyed forever.
Murder. And prosecutors, judges, police in USA are complicit. Little freaking cowards. Universal jurisdiction? We just need a few if these in the planet... Try an easy case, A low level one.... Maybe a nurse? Doctor? Pharmacist? Yes, A pharmacist... Jyst get one arrested.... And it begins to crumble...
Nwo might react... But it'd time we sct, they have to react
Wow. When it comes to corruption and fraud, MA is worse than NY and CA in a quiet, insidious kind of way. So sad for my home state. I don’t even recognize it anymore.
All the “elite” institutions are a front for big pharma operations. The propaganda there is unrivaled. People are still running along the Charles River in the idiotic masks too. Billboard propaganda everywhere. Disgusting and I hope the curtain is pulled back soon and justice is served.