Murder. And prosecutors, judges, police in USA are complicit. Little freaking cowards. Universal jurisdiction? We just need a few if these in the planet... Try an easy case, A low level one.... Maybe a nurse? Doctor? Pharmacist? Yes, A pharmacist... Jyst get one arrested.... And it begins to crumble...

Nwo might react... But it'd time we sct, they have to react


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Agreed JR....The genius of their plan was to make average people (like Walgreens pharmacy employees) the trigger pullers. In my mind they are EVERY BIT AS RESPONSIBLE as THE CDC AND NIH. This is sad but true, ignorance is not a defense against murder with a gun so why would this be exempt?. And how many of those Walgreens employees ignored the bad jab effects (people going into shock, passing out) they saw from day #1?

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Wow. When it comes to corruption and fraud, MA is worse than NY and CA in a quiet, insidious kind of way. So sad for my home state. I don’t even recognize it anymore.

All the “elite” institutions are a front for big pharma operations. The propaganda there is unrivaled. People are still running along the Charles River in the idiotic masks too. Billboard propaganda everywhere. Disgusting and I hope the curtain is pulled back soon and justice is served.

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I so agree, and it's not just MA. There's a thing with DEMOCRATS... (and with Republicans, too-- we're in the midst of a giant Divide and Conquer operation...) They're not really democrats anymore, as in believers in democracy, they're fascists. But the "woke" don't understand that, they're brainwashed. It's coming from the top down, and the top is absolutely corrupted. There are a LOT of regular people out there who still don't understand that BOTH parties are corrupt, and the US Govt. is corrupt, and isn't run in any way, shape, or form by the People, but by the Globalist Oligarchy. We are living in very Interesting Times, and so many are being mind-boggled...

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Sick em, dog!

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my dearest friend (boosted, so 3-4 shots - had C19 a couple of months ago too) has recently developed “heart fluttering” & told me she heard it’s a result of having had Covid. Of course I shared that I had also seen a lot of talk about afib, cardiac issues, and arrhythmia being vax related....

these charts showing arrhythmia deaths do seem to have dramatic increases in BOTH 2020 and 2021. If I were showing her these stats it would be hard to say if the increase in arrhythmia deaths could be blamed on Covid itself or the Vaccines.

any thoughts?

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An excellent post by CdC.

A couple of thoughts—

1) could be the Covid illness, but I haven’t seen descriptions of the cardiovascular events in the omicron era, compared to earlier in the pandemic, with the Wuhan virus and maybe Delta too. I consider this a failure of our medical and scientific community. As a practitioner I’d really like to know how similar omicron illness is to that of the other variants that came before.

2) I am convinced the vaccines can do this.

3) Here’s how I’ve been thinking about Covid and the vaccines lately: whether you’ve had the acute illness and/or one or more Covid vaccinations, you have had exposure to the spike protein with each of these instances. It is well known the spike protein is profoundly inflammatory. autopsy studies have shown that it has been found all over the body in people that have died (Burkhardt has done the most compelling work in this area, reporting results with pathology). For this reason it makes no sense in my view for anyone to get the new hybrid shots that are being discussed for the fall. There will be no meaningful clinical outcome data on these shots. And, I do not consider antibody titers following a vaccination to be meaningful.

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I agree that both the C19 virus and the jabs can cause vascular/cardiac damage due to the spike proteins. Though there is a study out of Israel (?) showing no heart damage after c19 infection. Anecdotally, a friend of 68 years old just had a stroke affecting her entire left side. She’s not jabbed but has had covid twice. Could the c19 virus spikes have contributed to her stroke?

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There is no "virus." No "omicron." There has NEVER been a "virus" ever isolated, EVER. Time to stop believing in this lie.

TERRAIN THEORY, people. Germ Theory is dead.

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I think it is possible. We need good epidemiological data, and autopsy or biopsy data that specifically looks for the spike proteins. there are several potential mechanisms--one would be an embolic event, acute covid can include formation of clots, that could travel to the brain. I had a patient who contracted Covid pneumonia last January and developed blood clots in her arms.

I am sure this was due to Covid--people almost never get a blood clot in an upper extremity unless they have a special IV in that arm, as an inciting factor. strokes can also happen with narrowing of specific arteries but this is a longer term process.

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Here is a large study from Israel that found no rise in myocarditis or pericarditis in unvaccinated adults from a previous covid 19 infection


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There is no "virus." Check out Terrain Theory. "Covid" symptoms are exactly the same as symptoms from radiation poisoning. Then there's also pollution, bad water, bad food, toxins being sprayed on us... "Covid" is a myth, caused by any number of things. I think you're right on with your suspicion about the "vax." (It ain't no vax, either!)

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Agree w/ you about the environmental toxins. 5G too

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There's so much going on, and has been, and soooo many lies going on, and have been... it's like a full-time job just keeping up with everything to find out about!


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I feel the same way...I want someone to see without a doubt, bc he is a hold out for 2.5 yrs claiming that the govt is not lying. He needs to see it and this still seems a little unclear. FOR HIM, I mean. You don't need to convince me.

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0.25% would not achieve the purpose of these injections. :)

A deep state does not reveal itself to hundreds of millions - flagrantly suppressing speech, freedom of movement, the right to body integrity, on top of stealing an election - just to poison a quarter of 1%.

The winner's pot here is way bigger. The death toll is going to be 66% - 90%.

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And if we think they're ONLY using a jab, we need to get clued in!

The more we start to catch on, and the more OF US that catch on, the more desperate the Globbies will become, and the more outrageously they will behave...

Distractions, Divide & Conquer, financial and social collapse, food shortages, fuel shortages, water rights-- There's a LOT MORE in the plans...

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Yes. A lot of damage is being done on all fronts, and on purpose.

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Damn, John, that Exhibit F is succinct and powerful. Thank you for doing this.

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The overall pattern is non-random with respect to age (skewed older). See also spontaneous abortions data.

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Thank you! Too bad your initials are CDC, or rather CdC!🐶

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I feel like your work here is quite complementary to another Substack piece I just got :


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A friend died a year ago, He was 38 and was found deceased in bed. He was an alcoholic and the autopsy determined hepatitis caused his death. He worked at a Calif school and I’m assuming he had the covid jab since it was mandated. He was working up until death and was not hospitalized for hepatitis. But he’d been sent home due to looking jaundiced. His death fits the Q3 2021 start of millennial die-off surge. Been bothering me for the past year. Do people die suddenly in their sleep due to hepatitis? Could he have died from the jab?

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Probably liver failure "encouraged" by the jab.

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Thanks for this info. SO glad I did not get jabbed with this poison! But I’m retired and had no job to protect.

Tell me- do you think hepatitis causes you to suddenly die in your sleep at home? I’d think it would first weaken you and put you in the hospital, where you would die slowly or possibly even recover with help.

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So good to see you again, CdC! xo

Good job, as usual, and I'll be looking for next week's post.


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