Last night’s Highwire with Del Bigtree, debunked the myth that childhood vaxxes were studied, ever. The four vaccine”experts” who wrote the book Plotkin’s vaccines, authored by Plotkin, Offit, Orenstein and Edwards, now admit none of the child immunisations were adequately tested and may cause ADHD, ADD, Autism.

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Please take some time to look through circleofmamas.com, and read “Dissolving Illusions” by Suzanne Humphries. You will never take another shot, nor allow one for your children. It’s always been a scam.

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Not just a scam, but one that heavily relies on the cell lines from murdered babies.

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The book I read in 1995 that convinced me to not get any more shots for my son (then 3 years old) was What Every Parent Should Know About Childhood Immunizations. It was loaned to me. I have tried to find a copy to buy, but have not been able to get one. I would like to reread it. I’ve started Dissolving Illusions. It’s good.

Another source for vaccine information is Mary Tocco’s website: https://childhoodshots.com/about-mary/

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What Every Parent Should Know About Childhood Immunization https://a.co/d/bUg5GcK

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It’s good to know there are still copies out there. I don’t use any kind of virtual payments (I pay with cash, even through the mail or get a USPS money order if it’s a large amount), so can’t buy from Amazon. I would avoid supporting Amazon even if I did use credit cards or other options. I found a copy online at a second-hand store out west about a year ago or so, but when I contacted them about mailing my payment, I didn’t hear anything back.

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I wonder if you could buy it from here by making a payment over the phone or mailed…


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Thank you. :) I just sent an e-mail to find out. I don’t have high hopes. People who make cash payments are generally discriminated against. We often pay more which helps to cover the charges the companies pay for the people who use credit cards. Double whammy/insult. How often I have seen discounts and sales for online purchases only. People making impulse buys is good for business. Companies don’t really like more thoughtful shoppers like me. :(

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The reply from Thrift Books is:

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This is Olivia, from the ThriftBooks Customer Service team.

We accept VISA, JCB, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, Venmo and PayPal.

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The issue is that once you point out the logical or political issues, they act like it's not a religious request. It's really that dumb and a violation of title 7 to randomly decide that your belief is invalid.

In your case they didn't even explain that, probably knowing you would win. I don't get this standing bullshit... It's a cop out for judges to not hear cases that go against their beliefs, 😂!

I know for employment issues people filed EEOC complaints and I'm hearing teachers got the right to sue which means if they lose they have to pay your lawyer.

I don't understand how lawyers are fighting whether Jacobson applies. Jacobson only got a fine, not restrictions from work or school! I wonder why they don't argue that it's only a fine, not removal from society etc!?!

As for the past vaccines, they're also haven't been tested long term. Some have only days of testing 😲!


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There are actually zero “vaccines” that have ever been tested with a Standard Double Blind Placebo protocol that every other drug goes through (supposedly). Further, the MMR does result in injury to many children. Our son wound up with High Functioning Aspergers Syndrome following the MMR vaccine at 10 months old. He suffered petit mal seizures for 5 years, & eventually grew out of them. Had tens of thousands of dollars worth of therapy during his childhood. I believe, at this point, all “vaccines” are really bio weapons meant for profits & population control. I, nor my family, plan to ever take a vaccine now nor in the future. Thanks for sharing this exemption letter.

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My husband has 50 yrs research as virologist/immunologist, worked in Public Health Dept. of PA for years and worked with Nobel prize winning scientist. He says it used to be widely known among doctors/virlogist/immunologists that you NEVER jab a child under age 6 MINIMUM because their immune systems aren't developed well enough yet to handle the jab. I remember going to the doctor's when I was 5 and he refused to give me a jab; my mother was putting me up for adoption and couldn't wait to get rid of me so she demanded he jab me anyway, as apparently that was needed so I could be put up for adoption. She was really angry and Doctor was horrifed by her attitude and turned to me and said with a lot of compassion "I don't want to do this but I'm going to break protocol and give you a jab so you can hopefully go to a much better home than your mother is providing." I'm slightly autistic as a result, but am very grateful to that doctor for doing what he did as I did end up in a much better home. He was really angry with her and horrified at her attitude towards me. That's how doctors used to be. This was in 1960.

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Yes, we learned later that the pediatrician shouldn’t have even been pushing that until he was 12 months old at least, nor was I informed we could’ve opted for 1 at a time, instead of 3 in 1. They give the MMR way before 6 yrs. old! Routinely. Our pediatrician knew we were very hesitant about vaccines in the first place. And he pushed & pushed this MMR. Very coercive for a new young mother who didn’t know. No informed consent! Just “safe & effective”. No alternative options given. I never took him back to a pediatrician again after this ordeal. We sought help from a functional medicine perspective & used homeopathic remedies. I wish I had done more extensive detox protocols for him, but he’s overcome a lot & is living independently at 26 yrs. now. We’re very proud of him. But pediatricians pushing these vaccines are pure evil. IMO. I personally don’t think any vaccines are safe nor effective. I believe wholeheartedly they’re bio weapons for population control. And they make lots of money for the evil big harma empire. But that’s just my take.

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Sounds like you were treated more like cattle being prepped for sale. 🤬

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By my mother, yes; but the doctor was very compassionate and was angry with my mother because of how she treated me. She put him in a very difficult situation and IMO he made the best decision he could have, given the circumstances. He apogologized to me beforehand and explained to me why he gave me the shot - so I could escape her and be adopted by a loving family. That's what happened and even though my adopted family wasn't really very loving (I was the family scapegoat) it was still far better that way because at least they cared about me. Many yrs later I found my birth mother's sister, my aunt, who I remembered staying with and she was a nice person. She told me she though my mom was getting ready to sell me into child sex slavery, which I also suspected. I'm very thankful I didn't have to stay with my mother, a truly horrible, evil person. Thank you for your comment and for understanding the situation. I have a good life now with a loving husband.

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Exemptions validate mandates.

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Yes, a simple ‘no’ should be sufficient (or, if you want to be polite, “no thank you”).

I bristled at the idea that, in an attempt to save my job, I had to go through that humiliating exercise. I submitted a 2 sentence religious exemption request (my view: it’s none of their GD business what my religious beliefs are, or, for that matter, whether I even have any. Atheists have just as much a right to say no as do people of faith…)

My RE was denied (along with at least 250 others at my former firm).

What followed was a mass termination that the ‘stay behind’ folks I’ve run into since have continued to act like they had never heard about (cognitive dissonance, and terminal denial run deep in the human psyche…)

In spite of losing a very comfortable high paying job, other than occasional flares of anger, I rest easy knowing that I never put that poison or sh$t into my body.

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I am very sorry that you lost your job. It's so sad how long the consequences last when everyone else seems to have moved on with their lives.

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You said in three words what it took me an hour to formulate and post. Bravo!

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Yes, I agree, but what are the options? I stay out of the mainstream as much as possible and don’t need an exemption. If more people lived like I do, there would be two possible outcomes: more people would be living a very difficult life or things would change because there would be too many of us to ignore. If people want to study something that requires certification, they have to jump through the hoops or not get that degree/certification, which means the only ones in that discipline are those that are willing to comply … or possibly you could transfer to a different school, which isn’t very convenient or efficient.

A tough situation.

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I don't know what the options are really, but it seems to maintain things if ones does things on their terms.

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On the topic of deafness. I have been significantly hard of hearing since childhood. It was until I was 45 (8 years ago) that I started wearing hearing aids. I honestly don't know why I waited that long. My quality of life improved.

I was always told my hearing loss was hereditary, but after the vaccine injury awakening of 2021 I have since learned my hearing loss might likely be from a vaccine injury and I am now wondering which one. I was born in 1970. Could it be from the MMR?

I still have my vaccine records. I do recall having severe pain in my vaccine arm as a kid multiple times. Almost to the point where I couldn't lift it. And I was told it was normal. Amazing what the past few years has illuminated for so many of us.

Vaccination is socially acceptable human experimentation.

All Risk with NO reward.

Mandates for school are blackmail by government via the pharmaceutical companies.

How the hell have We The People allowed them to get away with this for so long? Poisoning our children. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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John, I have four kids. Live in the People’s Republic of MA. I submitted exemptions for all my kids who were mostly in private schools and one in public for high school. All I stated in my religious exemption was that taking V was against our “sincere religious beliefs.” I never stated what organized religion we belong to, and when asked, I replied “sincere religious beliefs” was sufficient. I believe Covid was the really the first time since V’s became a norm that the normies woke up to the fact that they had been duped and fooled all along that V’s are safe and effective AND that you HAVE to take them. The systems in place had never encountered the pushback that was received to the mandates to the Covid shots. So far MA still has religious exemption, although the leftist legislature has been working to kill it.

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Dalli v Board of Education case from 1969-1071 established in law that parents do not have to belong to a particular church, it strengthened and clarified the broader meaning of a religious belief embodied in the First Amendment. MA RE law was added to General Laws in 1967.

G.L. c 76s 15. General law 76 section 15. Also, religion is defined as "morally formed conscience belief". According to that current law, the only requirement is parent to state due to their "sincere religious beliefs" my child is not vaccinated. That's it. One statement sentence and hand it to the school nurse.

This is what we write:

In accordance to Massachusetts Dept of Public Health exemptions G.L. c 76s15, I hereby certify that the administration of vaccines and other immunizing agents to my child ________________

conflicts with the tenets and practice of my sincere religious beliefs.

AND KNOW, this law states it only takes ONE PARENT to decline to be law.

We fought this battle for 3 years in court, cost $25,000 and prevented the mother of my grand daughter getting any vax.

The judge in Essex County stated:

"Vaccinations are a controversial issue, Im not trying this case, I would not do anything. Parents need to research, do the pros and cons. I assure you that the court is not going to do - we are not going to make the determination of whether a child should be vaccinated. To me, I sort of,

I used to do things that years ago, and then i realized that is not my role to make that determination".

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That’s the exact verbiage I used. Exactly. My youngest graduated public high school, in Essex county, in 2018. Never had a problem, thankfully. So in your court case, dad fought to keep the exemption? Ugh. Fascinating that a MA judge took that stance too.

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Yes, parents never married, and mother retaliated after break up, and mother

said she was going to vax, then the father (my son) said Im taking it to the courts, it was an awful 3 years, and THANK GOD she is not vaxxed. My grand daughter, now 12 years old knows a lot regarding vax, she got a fast education too when covid hit.

We got that exact verbiage from our attorney. Ha, you use it too!! Its fool proof, and really lets the school know that WE KNOW THE LAW!!!

Yes, the Judges decision was a MIRACLE REALLY!!! She was in her 70's and soon to retire, so she knew a lot, i suspect someone in her family got vax injured? who knows?

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Does Mass. still have a religious exemption? Ct. does not so my daughter/husband and kids had to move to maintain the right to body autonomy.

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So far, yes. The legislators have tried very hard to kill it though. People keep fighting back.

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Yes, see my comment above.

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That is the only info you are required to state according to US Supreme Court case precedent. Requests from this particular law school and other schools is unconstitutional! The Constitutional Law professor at that school knows that “only a good faith belief” is required! That professor turned out to be a big disappointment. Also, I know that BC law shamefully created the same canned unconstitutional exemption form and even went as far as contacting priests to confirm! Shameful that law schools facilitated this attack on religious rights. I unfortunately got denied a medical exemption and was retaliated against by a few when I chose not to participate in the narrative. Many lives ruined.

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Yep, same same (sincere religious beliefs) but it was more than 2 decades ago.

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They aren't really trying to kill the exceptions. If they wanted them gone they're be gone. It's all theater for the masses.

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I think the people living in Maine, CT, NY, RI, and CA might disagree with you.

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Might do some more digging on the MMR. Especially for kids.

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Aug 2Liked by Coquin de Chien

Thank you John, and all your commenters,

You have given me courage & conviction as I write my first RE; my HS senior needs the second meningococcal vax required for MA public school. Keep spreading the truth, for such a time is this....

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In times of tyranny speaking the truth is a revolutionary act.

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simply brilliant, though I would have added:

1) all covid genetic shots were made under EUA, DOD, prep act and were NOT legal clinical investigational products (please read Latypova on this, and K. Wattts). They are essentially legal poisons.

2) not a single Child vaxx has EVER BEEN TESTED for efficacy/harm against a placebo, randomised trial (the gold standard) which RFK, Del Bigtree, have stated repeatedly, and therefore no one could reasonable take them either. "Dr" Plotkin, Mr Vaxx himself, recently admitted as such, having lied about this for decades. Please see Arron Siri deposition of Plotkin. Mind numbing.

again, your exemption is a superb template and great of you to have put on line here.

thank you

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This letter is a beautiful statement of fact and faith. I will preserve a copy for future use in case I should find myself in a similar position.

Of course, the problem is essentially one of a conflict between the university's religion (the vaccine cult) and yours. Under these circumstances, a religious exemption is, from their perspective, an irreconcilable contradiction. No wonder they ignored you.

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Thanks, your letter is a great template for my future waiver requests. The logic is unassailable...I can understand why they chose not to fight you or address the letter in a rational way.

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Let’s be precise with our language when exercising bodily autonomy. We are not asking permission, we are declaring our position, our natural human right to be the lone authority regarding any substance going into our bodies or being kept out. If we ask permission, we admit by implication that someone else has authority over our bodies.

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So, they kicked you out.. and then what? Did you ever come back to that law school after mandates were left for all colleges ? Did you take them to court for violating your constitutional rights ?

So sorry and disgusted about this scandalous global covid hysteria! Karma will come for those. Just wait.. All those committing crimes will pay...🙏

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Sued them. It was dismissed on standing. The judge said I did not incur an injury-in-fact. After she found out it was a vax case, she was visibly angry in the oral argument and talked down to my attorney.

But my case has nothing to do with a religious exemption. I sued based on a contract breach. I paid for the first year and kept my grades up. Then they kicked me out after promising I didn't have to take that particular vax before I went a day to the school. Then they reneged on the promise I didn't have to get the vax.

The judge even said, "Well, he got his one year for school for one year of tuition." She misses the part about it being an options contract. Imagine if a school could take your money and let you matriculate for a year and then kick you out without any reason such as discipline or academic performance.

The judge is obviously very biased and the dismissal made no sense at all.

Now its on appeal.

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Aug 2Liked by Coquin de Chien

As scandalous as it was for you to be kicked out of your law school program, i really believe it was for you a blessing in disguise since you escaped from falling into their pressure to get a forced experimental injection like so many people and students fell into in order to keep their jobs or continuing their studies during this mass Covid hysteria, and now are victims of terrible health side effects. I really hope you will be successful on your appeal and will get some financial compensation✌️🤞

Bless your courage to have been able to protect your body 🙏

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Aug 2·edited Aug 2

North Carolinians! Our law is written so that no explanation is required. All public preschools, schools and colleges- any school that accepts federal funds must accept a religious waiver. NCHEAL has a sample on website. There is no form but a document with the law written at the top, followed with student name, address (parent info if minor) then the Name & address of institution is all that is needed to fulfill the paperwork required of the school. I can attest I’ve seen this successfully used at all levels of education. Private institutions are not obligated under this law, unfortunately. *I do think John did a great job.* However, here in NC, less is better given our state statute.

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GREAT RE exemption letter, you just educated the school "professors" and they

dont like that. Thank GOD, we still have RE exemption in Massachusetts, the legislators

have been trying to remove it for around 7 years. We have beat them back 3 times, lets pray they STOP trying to take it away. We have STRONG Health Choice/Freedom groups in MA that watch the legislators and stop them.

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