Thank you for your tireless efforts John. >> John 14:6 “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” 110% Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. May there be peace on earth.

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“The government is not your friend or ally. Protect yourself from government.” = The main takeaway from the C19 Public Health Policy response. Now I can’t stop seeing it. Everywhere. The terrible burden that comes from a loss of naïveté.

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Don't be too hard on yourself. Many of us have had to wake up from the dream sooner or later. It is truly a terrible burden. Be brave, you are not alone.

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I know what you mean... all the shattered trust and the truth of it all just keeps coming, more and more things we never knew about, lies, lies, lies! Consider the terrible burden of having been jabbed, and been maimed, or killed, or someone you love has been killed... WE have to stand up and set things aright. WE SHALL PREVAIL. xo

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I don't see it as a burden but a responsibility. I was blind until 2020 and now I see. I know now what to do. This might lift the mood.

My WordPress site link


or substack


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John...you sound super busy...can I buy you dinner? I know how hard work works! I want you well cared for so you can keep on keeping on. Let me know if I can kofi you some cash for a dinner. I am not an uber eats person. I would bring you a meal if I could (well I can but you know, this sounds creepy!). This is a legit offer.

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No crickets! ;)

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My brother’s armpit lymph nodes swelled up so big after his second jab that it was like he had another 1/2 of a rib cage on his left side. I think about that when I read these reports and I pray. My brother doesn’t want to hear anything vax related, so I just pray.

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If he takes another one, it could kill him. He's primed.

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Thankfully, I think he’s done. But even after that happened to him, he thinks they’re safe and effective and doesn’t want to hear anything to the contrary.

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He's probably terrified, poor guy.

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Thank you very much for your excellent work and the incredible detail graphs and presentation on ‘strokes’.

My healthy well strong 88 year old mother, sadly a Vaccine devotee, suddenly succumbed to an acute pancreatitis recently. Sudden onset, massive abdominal pain, dead within 6 days. I suspect she had some signs, but nothing dramatic. She wasn’t taking any medication. Interestingly, there is lots of new, very public placed signage in hospitals and medical centres and pharmacies for ‘Pancreatic Cancer Support’. I’m curious to know if there is a clear large signal emerging here, and a code for this?

Again, sincere thanks for the gift of your precious time.

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Sorry about your mom. Yes, all kinds of things are happening and I believe it is because the blood must go everywhere. Dysregulation of blood components such as platelets or WBC's of various types can cause clotting, bleeding, autoimmune attacks, cellular inflammation, and if the WBC's are turned off by marrow or lymph, then cancer cells that are always being produced cannot be cleaned out and destroyed. They then build and grow in the absence of an immune defense system. It's all connected to blood. Even dementia and Alzheimer's. Then there are the other neurological issues. It's debatable, and one side will say prion-like spike and others will say that there is damage to capillaries feeding nerve cells and other brain parts. Who knows? No one does for sure. I just show what is happening. I don't really know for sure how it is happening.

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I read a terrific book, HUGELY documented, called "The Invisible Rainbow," by Arthur Firstenberg... Turns out EMF's ALSO affect the blood. This is no fricken picnic, my Soldier for Truth friend!! As you well know. But I hope soon the tidal wave will begin to crest!

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I'm very sorry about your mother. It's hard to give enough pain medication to even take the edge off of pancreatic pain, I understand from friends' experiences.

The signage you've seen is shocking. Wow.

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Thank you. Yes, extremely painful. My mother came from a family of long lived people. She expected more life. She was an athlete then reengaged in half marathons in 50’s-60’s. Never smoked and only an occasional glass of wine. Careful with her diet. Last eye test for her driving license says her eyes were same. Health checks all good… Of some further concern, I’ve been hearing anecdotal reports of younger fit healthy people, with sudden serious gall bladder inflammation issues. It fits my understanding of the insidious ongoing issues that will emerge in time, from the underlying mechanisms of action of the rat poison.

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Condolences for your mom. ❤❤❤

My mom is 88, too. She had one jab, and she's got some cognitive decline going on that wasn't there pre-jab... What a HELL this is.

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Work well. Rest well. Be well. We appreciate You!❤️🙏

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Hey John, I'll bet my house "they looked into" and they didn't like what they saw and they know for sure the sheeple won't like it either!

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Thank you John for all the work you are doing! So appreciated. I know there is mention of an increase in neuromuscular diseases post jab. I am wondering the increase in specifically ALS? Just had a friend diagnosed at 58 .

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Did you see my presentation on G codes? I have a Twitter thread buried in time that's pretty good. I call it my "Strokes" presentation, but it's all about neurological stuff.

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I have also just had a friend diagnosed with ALS. She was perfectly fine until after her third covid injection then developed rapid onset neuromuscular symptoms within a week. I know correlation does not mean causation but at the back of my mind was a talk I listened to about misfolding proteins and the onset of prion disease. I later read a study about there being a potential relationship with Motor Neurone disease and misfolding proteins. The mRNA injections maybe associated with this problem. This is one nightmare of a disease which I have to witness my friend suffering with.

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Could be prions or could be carpet bombing microvasculature of the brain or could be impairment of immune system that would otherwise clean up that mess as it happens.

What you can do is look at the res ipsa loquitur evidence in my "G" code graphs. There's no question that neurological issues shot up after the vax was introduced, especially the boosters.

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My sister and my first cousin both died of ALS. And my mother died of Alzheimer’s. This is one of many reasons I did not get the jab, as I read early on that the spike proteins are prion-like. SO thankful to free speech platforms, where I was able to find this information and have informed NON consent.

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Wise decision Datagal, I was also alerted early on to the potential risks that could happen. I tried to warn my friend who completely trusted our public health although after her first two injections she promised me she was finished. The following week she walked into a vaccine centre for her third injection.

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I, too, recall people who listened and agreed with my warnings but next I saw them, they had succumbed. Mostly so they could travel or because “it’s just easier”. We don’t discuss it now.

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SO SAD! xo xo

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I have a family member who got the third shot (booster) last summer and within a couple months was losing weight and wasting. By fall she couldn't dress herself or feed herself. By this Feb she could no longer swallow food, so it must be pureed for her. She now can't clear the mucus from her throat. Was just diagnosed with ALS. They said she is deteriorating so rapidly that it is the more aggressive form of ALS. She is 59 years old. Very poor prognosis, and doubtful she will make it through the year. Did your sister and cousin get ALS diagnosis a few months after the shots? If so, how long did they live? So sorry you have gone through these losses.

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So sorry about your family member. My cousin died well before covid. His first symptom was his speech (called bulbar onset) and he died within 2 years. My sister also had bulbar onset ALS in early 2020, before the jabs. But she got the jabs and I can’t help but wonder if this accelerated her disease. Kaiser also gave her a flu shit and tetanus shot as she was entering hospice! From first symptom to death was 18 months. She was in home hospice, and close to dying but she did the legal suicide so it wasn’t a natural death.

There are drug trials for ALS. A friend is in a trial at Stanford and has lived over 5 years, can still talk and swallow. She also has bulbar type. So there may be hope. My sister wouldn’t do a trial.

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Big pharma create the problem via the vaccines then offer a solution. They can make a lot of money that way.


All the while there has been a solution for cancer; don't take vaccines or neuro-toxic pharmaceutical drugs, eat, drink and sleep well, boost vit D via the sun (preferably) etc.

Big pharma not keen on telling us that, bad for business.

A very good book by Philip Day ‘Cancer Why We’re Still Dying To Know The Truth’. I refer to it here.


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Sorry for your cousin and sister. ❤❤❤

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As you like to say, John, "The answers lie in the morgue." In this case, of the "lymph node" variety. These jabs are the gift that keeps on giving, that is if you like injury and death. -Tom

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A family friend with probably at least 5 jabs here in MA. Rapid onset Alzheimer's followed by stage 4 bone cancer. Tip of the iceberg indeed.

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Many of those stories go around. I have data to show it. It's real. Such an insidious little death lottery. When you win, you lose ... your life.

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Thank you. 💗

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You have blessed me so much. The Bible verse and the outstanding information, have really made me encouraged that someone who actually can fight back is fighting back. Spiritual warfare is like using a wrecking ball. You think the wall is not falling at all, and suddenly you see it fall because you never stopped swinging the wreaking ball! I plead the Blood of Yahshua Jesus on you and your battles! I have noticed in those vaccinated others, (I am not by YAH's Grace...my Irish grandfather in 1919 used raw garlic against the Spanish Flu! It works against COVID, too!), I encounter seem to have eye problems, body aches, memory problems and ear ringing, mostly. You speak for the dead...I pray the living will be able to link these seemingly non-related issues with the jab and turn to the Savior who will save and heal them! In Yahshua's Jesus' Name and Blood!

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If you have WiFi, I strongly suggest you WIRE UP instead. I mean wire your tech and get rid of the router, keep your phone in a special case to limit EMF's, because your symptoms COULD be EMF poisoning. ❤

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Thank you for your hard work! Any Massachusetts readers please check this out and share it. They are preparing to report to legislators on vac injury as well as coercion and school and job loss:


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My husband has non Hodgkin lymphoma. It was in remission after monoclonal antibodies. Then, against my advice, he got the two Pfizer jabs. Five months later, his cancer came back aggressively. His oncologist was very surprised. Hubby then had to advance to chemo and is now back in remission. But he has chemo induced neuropathy etc. I’m sure he was harmed by the jabs but he won’t agree. But at least he listened enough to avoid all boosters!

There was also a doctor who published his booster-induced lymphoma relapse in a paper. But hubby won’t read it...

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Sometimes it's embarrassment and sometimes it's ego as to why people cannot admit making such an error. No one wants to look like a fool. Sorry about what you two have to go through. That's tough.

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I see dead people.

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Mon cher Coquin,

You were my introduction to Substack, in April '22--I don't remember how I came upon you (though I was in Covid-investigation mode all the time then)--and from you found other wonderful people both as writers and commentors. Your focus on Ma. was compelling to me--my first 27 years were lived in Hampden Cty.

and I have prayed for your son's soul, and for your own healing.

Very grateful for the effort you pour into the work you are doing.

Vere, via veritas vita est. (that was a macron on the final e of vere).

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