The Australian Government hired very expensive Psychologists who classified me as eNTj.

But I blew the whistle on official corruption and the rest is history.

Many, many moons ago.


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eNTJ as well

Although I can be an "i" as well.

I was tested during my 30 year career in sales. I was comfortable around other people.

As I get older, I might be more of an "I".

I'm very J and very T and probably very N as well.

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I'm an INTJ, sometimes ENTJ, sometimes INFJ, sometimes ENFJ depending on the test.

We also change a bit with age as paving the way explained.

Turns out that they're some of the rarest of types.

I would have expected not so rare, but now it explains why society is so ignorant and slow to catch up to reality.


These days, I wonder if that shifted as the COVID scamdemic forced many to wake up and use their brains.

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I am an ENTJ. Formerly ENTP, but that happens as we mature:).

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You’ve explained the problem well! I couldn’t count the number of times I’ve put my phone down in disgust at the infighting that goes on. I see no need for doctors and researchers to be attacking each other rather than the common enemy. It’s wasted energy that could better have been used differently.

President Reagan famously said “the man who agrees with me 80% of the time is my friend.”

Ben Franklin said "we must all hang together or we will all hang separately.”

It’s time to listen to them and bring some unity to our community!

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There are doctors out there that peddle dangerous bullshit, like Peter McCullough.

I see them as sheep herders that are trying to confuse the truth. We see the same with Alex Jones etc.

Dr McCullough:

He hyped up the bird flu scam. He promoted toxic tamiflu as part of his TWC bird flu kit.


He also posted a study claiming that statins reduce Alzheimer's and dementia risk. Despite knowing studies are rigged due to conflicts of interest, he didn't seem to notice the huge list of big pharma in that study.


But I'm not worried these days as one can see in the comments of McCullough's idiotic statins post. People used to need him as a crutch for the truth and now they can "walk" truth on their own without him.

He and other half assed fake opposition are becoming obsolete.

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I have to agree that McCullough has his faults. I follow him but have been reading much less of his stuff as he seems more interested in selling his products than anything else.

I was also shocked when he wrote in favor of statins as I stopped them years ago against my doctor’s wishes after finding out how harmful they can be. Dr. Malhotra has been exposing their dangers for about 10 years!

I will continue following McCullough for the occasional nugget of truth and for the interviews with some other interesting people. I will, as always, filter everything from any doctor who is selling something through my healthy skeptical eyes!

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I see your point Andrew, but remember Benjamin Franklin also said those who sacrifice essential liberty under the guise of safety deserve neither!

In terms of the 80%, I guess it would have to be clear on what exactly we disagree on.

These Covid shots have caused more death an injury than any vaccine in history. There’s no need for further discussion Or data examination , gold standard peer reviewed BS, enough…

Stop the shot. Period

I wholeheartedly agree with John and pray that his strategy, research make a difference in our so-called movement.

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I have to agree on the jab, thankfully neither I, my wife, nor my children and 11 grandchildren have fallen for it.

Stopping the jab is the most important common goal of the day until it’s gone. Those who are trying to accomplish this need to stop trying to one up each other and work together.

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The author makes a distinction between unity and alliance which is salient to his guidance.

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Why isn't your message being pushed much harder by more has been my question since I first watched your initial interviews has always been my concern.

You have incontrovertible evidence and you're attacking at the weakest links(the people with the least system/narrative support.

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"Four (4) years is a long time to keep making the same mistakes. One mistake detailed in the next article in this series is the narrowly tailored message of COVID “vaccine” injury and death. "

There's deep irony calling out years of misinforming the public about "COVID vaccine injury" when these were NEVER vaccines & syringe delivery the sole similarity.

These mRNA jabs are decades old TRANSFECTIONS then commercial lab tool used by all virology, yet Pharma "critics" keep the confusion 5 years later putting quotes around the always misleading incorrect term "vaccine" as if truth can be found when basic terms to accurately understand the problem is buried by "Health Freedom" allies.

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I love the structure but quibble with the identity. You characterize our movement as a freedom alliance and then end the article with John 14: truth. The reason ideas are not being embraced is we have this notion in the West that every person needs to create his own reality, and ideas should never be imposed. Yes, we are not fascists. But we are offering a life saving alternative for humanity. Facebook hid our truth from the public as Zuckerberg admitted in his interview with Rogan yesterday. The government told him to remove medical information, even if it was true. The transhumanists are not anti-freedom. They are anti truth because they want to promote false narratives that enrich and empower them. How about something like the Rediscovering Truth for Health Movement?

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Now you're talking...

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Brilliant! Don’t forget church people.

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I'm learning a lot for your perspectives. Thanks.

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